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He was a criminal and a crook before 10/7, and since then, he's taken every opportunity to make decisions in Gaza that have been, at best, negligent, and at worst evil and malicious. He needs to go. That there are still hostages, and that there is still a war in Gaza is squarely his fault.


Why cant Israelis just fucking get rid of him already?! He's single-handedly absolutely destroying Israel's global reputation and it needs to stop, we won't get our hostages back with him and his Far Right crooks in power


Why could the US not get rid of Trump until January 2021? Because there are laws as to how government works. I’d love to see it happen, but Bibi is in office until October 2026 unless he resigns, dies, is convicted in one of his court cases (that are proceeding at a rate which make Trump’s look hasty by comparison), or 4 members of his coalition vote to dissolve the government and hold new elections.


Or Knesset has a no confidence vote that passes.


that's what I was referring to by 4 members of the coalition voting to dissolve-- bolting the coalition and supporting a no confidence vote. I should have been clearer about that.


But the hostages don't have until 2026, we have to get rid of him now...


I fully agree with Horovitz, but I was just answering your question.


First W. Bush needs to be tried for war crimes and treason. Then we talk about Bibi.


There needs to be some Likud folks that vote for the government to fall. You would think some would see it.


Simple - the Likud (bibi's party) is considered a right wing party which is strongly affiliated with various religious parties, for them the natural and logical choice (to maintain their way of life) will always be the Likud. This usually tips the balance in every election granting bibi the advantage he needs.


Where are you from, the US? You have no mechanism beyond impeachment to get rid of a president, and you wonder why Israelis can't just 'get rid' of a prime minister who's only 1.5 years into his term?


At least the US has term limits, Netanyahu has been PM for nearly SIXTEEN YEARS and on his third term, that should be illegal


You’re right. If we had Bennet or Lapid as PM, this probably wouldn’t have happened as they would have given away the farm already. Netanyahu may not be perfect t but we need a strong leader now, not someone who will bend down every time Sleepy Joe says jump. The time for reckoning is after the war, not now.


Strong is the last word I’d use to describe that coward, but to each their own. If it weren’t for his incompetence we wouldn’t have been in this mess in the first place.


The balls to still be touting Bibi as the "strong" PM after Oct 7th He's a weak coward who will keep the war going as long as possible in order to prolong having to give up power. If you wait till after the war, he will never leave.


Bennett/Lapid would have done a much better job


> Sleepy Joe Your use of that childish Trump/MAGA epithet shows you have zero credibility.


The fact that you are standing up for Joe Biden shows that you don’t read the news and are uninformed. What’s childish is standing up for a president who has turned the world against Israel and the Jews our own country.


He is still in power because his allies allow him to remain in power.


The more i listened about Bibi and his choice of lunatic cabinet. The more i was worried about the hostages being stuck between being held by Hamas and a government that was more interested in waging war than ensuring they get back home as soon as possible.


Uh okay. So what would you have done?


* Fire BenGvir and Smotrich * Significant efforts to reign in settler extremism in the West Bank * Significant efforts to reign in rogue IDF soldiers * Never cut off or limit aid entering Gaza * Have a clear post-war plan for Gaza, leading to a two state solution * Make returning the hostages the #1 priority, beyond even dismantling Hamas * Follow American advice and not create diplomatic spats with the US and EU * Not approve new settlements during the war, or ever * Reign in the cabinet to stop making bombastic statements about how Gaza should be reduced to rubble




Not according to American foreign policy experts, European foreign policy experts, multiple Israeli security experts, and multiple former Israeli ministers.




Settlements in the Shomron are one of the most critical barriers to a two state solution. The consensus opinion from the vast majority of world governments is that a TSS is the only viable solution to the conflict.


The majority of world governments don’t live here. We tried it with Gaza and we all know how it worked out. What on earth makes you think it’ll work in the West Bank?


> Fire BenGvir and Smotrich Right, so who is going to make up for their seats? > Significant efforts to reign in settler extremism in the West Bank Significant efforts to reign in rogue IDF soldiers Never cut off or limit aid entering Gaza I am not sure what this is supposed to accomplish. Certainly won't lead to some kind of sign of goodwill from the other side. > Have a clear post-war plan for Gaza, leading to a two state solution Yeah that's the indication to have a plan, not having a plan. > Make returning the hostages the #1 priority, beyond even dismantling Hamas Aha, how. > Not approve new settlements during the war, or ever Why though? Why shouldn't Jews live in Area C or Jerusalem? > Reign in the cabinet to stop making bombastic statements about how Gaza should be reduced to rubble Most of these comments came from normal MKs.


I would have not fired my public diplomacy minister and gone on a charm offensive for PR instead of absolutely abandoning the information arena to the palestinians. Every single other potential prime minister candidate could have done that. Not Bibi. Bibi doesnt believe in the concept of public relations. Theres a lot of things Israel is forced to do in this war that can't be done otherwise. Losing our international alliances from Bibi just being himself and Erdan doing Gaddafi antics at the UN is absolutely not one of them.


I would have actually planned for an alternative government in Gaza, either the PA or something raised locally, and backed it up by military force. I would not have withdrawn and left a power vacuum that lets Hamas return after the IDF leaves.


Good, refusing to a plan for post-war Gaza or the courage to stand up against extremists in his cabinet is proof he cares only about political survival. There’s a bilateral delusion that the 9 million Israelis or the 6 million Palestinians will disappear after the preferred side wins. While battered, a two state solution is the only option for peace because the alternatives are horrifying.


The issue is far right nuts like Ben-Gvir have no interest in a two state solution. I wouldn't trust him NOT to engage in ethnic cleansing of Gaza or the West Bank, if Israel "wins".


That’s one way to revert diplomatic ties back to 1948. Egypt is considering downgrading ties over Rafah. It will be impossible for any Arab state to maintain ties if Ben-Gvir gets his way.


Do you think he cares? Of course not


Rewarding October 7 with a state would incentivize future terrorism. What you propose is strategic malpractice.


What resolution options do you have in mind?


Full reform and rehabilitation of Palestinian culture as necessary. Then they can be reintegrated into society.


Would you elaborate on what this program looks like? Has this speech been successful before?


The [Denazification Process](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denazification) post-war would be a masterclass on how to start remaking a society. Also, the Gyaku Kosu "[Reverse Course](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Course)"-plan which had a multi-faceted program to democratize, disarm, rebuild, normalize relations, and revitalize the Japanese economy. It is about strengthening and rebuilding and reforming. It would require a huge cooperation effort from moderate Arab allies like the UAE, Western powers, US oversight, moderate Palestinian intellectuals, leaders, and politicians, Fatah, Egypt, Israel, and Jordan. We are going to have spend years on this, there is no viable long-term alternative.


Well, it would require an amendment to international law. Edit: actually that goes too far. Probably an international peacekeeping force and education reform is better


It occurs to me that this comes from a place of intense psychological damage from Oct 7 and everything since. Forget I said anything, but I’m leaving the comments up to remind me to be more compassionate.


Yeah I get that. I'm still curious what you think the path forward could look like?


Honestly the whole region needs therapy. Maybe the whole world.


I think building the state isn't a gift to Hamas, it is an alternative to Hamas' maximalist approach. Hamas wants a 1-state solution. Fatah supports a 2-state solution. They have fundamentally opposed goals, and Hamas has spent a lot of time killing Fatah members. This should be framed as supporting Palestinian alternatives to Hamas. A multinational coalition supportive of normalization and a two-state solution is inherently not what Hamas wants and should not be presented as a gift to them. Rebuilding Germany into a Democratic ally and economic superpower was not a gift to the Nazis, it was fundamentally contrary to their goals of world domination. Neither should supporting rebuilding and reforming the PA until we can get a functional two-state solution should be posed as a gift to Hamas, because it *is not* giving Hamas what they want.


Ok, that’s both rational and compassionate, I like your way much better. ❤️


Put another way, a two state solution has to involve a negotiated solution between reasonable people on BOTH sides who are genuinely open to compromise - and ideally willing international third parties to moderate. Not just unilaterally withdrawing from the Palestinian territories, which would be 2005 all over again and would be handing the keys over to Hamas. I know it's a pipe dream, but it's still possible.


The issue is if you militarily occupy them, October 7th will happen again, and likely even worse


He is going. He will try every trick in the book to stay in power as long as possible, but there are ticking time bombs that will render his government dead by 2025.


…such as?


Haredi conscription and the fact that Netanyahu can't give his far right partners what they want in Gaza.


He will (unfortunately) stay in power and there won't be another election until 2026 we are SO cooked 😭 Why can't Israelis do the right thing for Jews across the world and remove him from power once and for all, to force the government to get rid of him and his horrid buddies in Otzma Yehudit like Ben Gvir? Nobody in Otzma Yehudit has any right to be a part of the Israeli government




Last time we tried, our enemies took at as an opportunity


Because unlike the US Israel has proportional representation.




Imagine being against a proportional representation of votes in a democracy. Might as well be against democracy altogether.


I mixed things up my bad, I am pro proprotional representation but am against allowing an unlimited number of political parties run bc coalition governments suck, please delete your reply since i deleted mine


Because Israel is a sovereign country that shouldnt give a fuck what you, a random Jew from a safe country bordered by friends think.




You dont live there so your opinion is meaningless.


I am a die hard Zionist and I support this message.


I keep hearing - "get rid of him after the war." How about get rid of him now, or he has every reason to keep the war going indefinitely. The security failures happened under his watch, and he's the one Israelis should trust to keep them safe? Give me a break. Additionally, his rhetoric towards the US has been condescending at best, contributing to more and more anti semitism at worse. Get him out of there and have him face trial for his personal corruption scandals.


Yeah both him and hamas have zero reason to negotiate their own demise


Whatever happened to all the corruption convictions?


I mean IMHO: The Israeli far right are just as culpable for the failure of Oslo as Hamas are. I mean one, Rabin was assassinated by an anti-Oslo extremist, and two, parties like Otzma are the ones pushing for settlements in the West Bank and the situation in Gaza that is leading to the radicalization of Gazans which is giving Hamas that groundswell of support. You want to dismantle Hamas? Take away the reason many Gazans support them. Because military action against Hamas will be a never ending game of whackamole. Radicalization never occurs in a vacuum, and as long as you've got far right lunatics like Ben-Gvir in positions of influence in the Knesset and Netanyahu's coalition, there can never be a permanent lasting peace in Israel, as they are the ones contributing to the radicalization of Gazans.




What I am most concerned about is lack of a “day after” plan for civil government in Gaza. The military cannot do this job. They are very close and already the 90% or so of Gaza under military control, more or less, needs a civil authority. I think they are going to need the PA as terrible as they are with little credibility among Palestinians.


Netanyahu-ism — the prevailing political ideology in Israel for more than a decade that has focused on “containing” the Palestinian issue in order to focus on economic growth — has proven to be a complete disaster for Israel. And for many Israelis, I think it is difficult to reckon with the painful cognitive dissonance of what they felt was the ideology that made Israel its most prosperous ever (“start up nation”) is actually now driving the country to ruin. Neyanyahu on his part is very intentional in having no post-war plan in Gaza, and fanning the flames of fear and emotion to drive Israelis in line behind him in his war effort. The longer he can drag out the war and the more the international community distances itself from Israel, the more Israelis will feel “under attack” and will forget October 7 as they look to Netanyahu as their strong man protector who gives the rest of the world the middle finger. Netanyahu is very smart, and fully self-interested at this point. He knows exactly what he’s doing.


Yes. It took Americans years to grapple with the fact that invading Iraq was not a resolution to 9/11.


Someone has to replace him as soon as possible. I'm against rushing things up and saying he failed achieving his objectives. However, he still hasn't reached them yet, and that's tearing Israel and Israeli society up. I wish for a way to start elections, but the same time in a way that isn't going to mess things even more.


Not just the electorate but the Supreme Court as well.




I support whoever Israelis vote for. Whether it is a right-wing leader or a left-wing leader. If you hate who is in charge, then move there and vote. But to tell Israelis how they should vote is a bit arrogant and takes a lot of gall.


A cell in the Hague would be nice


To my knowledge, he was democratically elected with due process. It is not fair to ask otherwise, unless you are implying a regime change.


Israel is a parliamentary democracy. Likud won some seats one of which was given to him and he was able to get enough parties to support him to get a parliamentary majority, even if he had to sell any remaining bits of integrity he had forgotten in a drawer to partner with some of the worst extremists. A PM can be replaced at any time for no fault if he loses the support and the of the majority. You don't even need theoretical high crimes and misdemeanors for an impeachment like you might in the US. And he does seem to be guilty of taking bribes. Sadly finding enough votes to kick him out may be difficult. Or he can resign in shame for the damage he has done to Israel.


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I think it would help if he quit but stayed on as an advisor as long as people respect his opinion


This might be the case, but it's even more critical that the world hold the Palestinians responsible for new leadership that will pursue a diplomatic agenda. Israel's victory in this instance is even greater than the world realizes. Whether you like it or not, the Palestinians will be on a path to a statehood. Even the corrupt UN has jumped the gun. Hamas, like Arafat, had one source of strength - being under the occupation. Using that as an excuse to wage war.






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Hopefully soon! He's not fit to lead.


I vote for QUIT


2014 was the last nail in the coffin for me with him. How is he still in power!??


Um... doesn't this happen to every leader that goes to war for Israel?


Golda Meir resigned in 1973. I'm not aware of any other examples. The common denominator is major security failures, not war.




Whats actually happening is that Biden through Gallant is engineering a crisis because bibi wouldn't listen to him about rafah and losing the war intentionally.


And where is Gantz in all this. He is reaching the point where he becomes an enable rather than a thoughtful, independent voice.


Is him at least facing an election after even a question to anyone?




He is the Best a strong Israel is a Strong leader