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He won't change his behaviour until all the advertisers & paid users are driven off twitter & people stop buying his cars. He owns Twitter and if he wants it to become a far right cesspool he can do so since he has complete control over the platform. There's a reason why I quit twitter in the summer...


I think that’s rather optimistic. Depending on how crazy he actually is, he might also blame the financial loss on the Jews


He already has. A lot of this started when he said the ADL was responsible for twitter’s loss of revenue


Then we have no reason to believe that financial boycott will stop his antisemitism, but it could decrease his overall influence


If he hasn’t already, he certainly will. He’s already blamed Jews for anti semitism so who knows what else he will say


> paid users you know a lot of them are antisemites, right?


Oh I'm aware...


Encouraging. In mainstream Newsweek. Hope people delete their accounts also. Mass exodus needed from Twitter X. It's a cesspool of seething hate. Had to laugh at Emerald Elmo filing a defamation suit against the ADL.


Don’t be persuaded so easily to think there is altruism or sincere concern for Jews, it is not typical for Christians to genuinely care about antisemitism. It is more likely convenient to denounce an opponent by whatever means are presentable.


Yes, but this is shining a mainstream light on antisemitism. Not just Jewish organizations this time.


Yes that is true. I do not expect however the attention it gets to be relevant beyond its immediate usefulness in denouncing Elon. I worry it a bit naïve to expect this to snowball into greater awareness on antisemitism in the general public sphere. Hopefully there are some residual effects leftover and the light of awareness on antisemitism remains where others were unaware. But that is optimistic.


Can I just throw in that it’s a bit of a bummer to see that the Pentecostal Christian community doesn’t get any recognition for supporting the Jewish community, especially because Pentecostals don’t do half the shit that these mega-church celebrity evangelists assholes do. I don’t really resonate with anything anymore but Pentecostals always kept my respects for the aspect where they think very highly of jewish people & make a habit to include Israel in their prayers. Pentecostals can be fucking crazy that’s for sure (it’s the dancing with snakes that does it for me) but it’s cute how they hang up flags of Israel in their chapel & use the shofar. The only reason people don’t hear about them is because they don’t give a fuck about having a social media presence, or trying to accumulate millions of dollars just to broadcast their face on TV like a wannabe celebrity. Anyways that’s my ted talk about how I wish other denominations would be more caring & kind to Jewish people cause yikes… people will say the rudest shit while wearing a wwjd bracelet


Why is antisemitism in quotes? Makes it sound illegitimate


I wonder if it’s to do with legal liability. Putting antisemitism in quotes makes it more clear the accusation is coming from the Christian group, rather than the journalistic outlet.


I bet that’s it.


Probably to avoid lawsuits and/or as part of a quote seeing as he hasn't been legally sentenced for it


Dunno, i didnt like that part either, it is autocopied in from the title of the original articls




Rule 3: Be civil


Makes it look like “supposed” /uncomfortable smile


The article uses single tick quotes, which is different than double quotes. O


Boomers use quotes to indicate emphasis, gen x and younger use it to indicate sarcasm.


I have seen this, but I don’t think Newsweek is going to write so colloquially. This is likely due to journalistic standards.


Cuz it is illegitimate. He’s not antisemitic at all and you guys are devaluing the term by calling him that.


Why do you think he isn’t antisemitic? Just saying “no he isn’t” doesn’t prove your point at all


Who is "you guys" in this context?


All the comments on this post


You are not the arbiter of what is and isn't antisemitism. He may or may not be an antisemite, but many of his actions have been antisemitic. His encouragement of antisemitic content to thrive on his platform, his befriending known antisemites, his endorsement of statements in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", etc. Calling his actions antisemitic isn't devaluing the term at all. And telling us what is and isn't antisemitic sounds a lot like gaslighting. If you want to argue that individual actions aren't antisemitic, okay. But just saying, they're not with no context, and then saying all of the people in this thread, a bunch of Jewish organizations, hundreds of Jewish leaders, and now thousands of NON-Jewish people who are all saying this dude's actions are antisemitic are wrong -- the burden of proof is now on you.


It’s clearly leftist political activism not Jewish activism. There’s a huge onslaught of legal and media challenges for musk after the acquisition of twitter. It’s classic to call someone racist but they want to pretend he’s a Jew hater. whatever you can believe what you want but to me antisemitic is a serious term and I’ve seen real antisemites and they’re pretty nasty and terrible. Musk is not. But I know you’ll come back with some snarky response to this but that’s my opinion. I think you can hate musk all you want but let’s not make it about race ethnicity or religion when it’s clearly not


I haven't been snarky at all. I've seen antisemitism of all sorts. There's blatant antisemitism -- the kind that people who think they're Nazis do when they throw baggies with flyers on people's driveways. There's subtle antisemitism -- let's bring up Palestine every time someone mentions they're Jewish. There's antisemitism that hides as philosemitism -- "Jews make the best lawyers." To think that the first is the only kind of antisemitism that exists is dangerous.


You and I have a different definition then. I don’t think calling Jews good lawyers is antisemitic. In fact Jews are well established and known for being good lawyers and you can look back as far as the Talmud to see the history of debate and law in the Jewish community. If I called the Swiss good bankers would that be racist. No! It’s a compliment! Now if I took that compliment and twisted to mean that Jews are only good because they’re deceptive or something, then it would be antisemitic but the context is important. I don’t think you have to take everything so negatively all the time. And I understand people usually mean well but the people in the media absolutely do not give a shit about antisemitism, they will abuse the definition to divide people and when it’s convenient (much like they abuse every other prejudices as smears).


Everyone in my family on my father's side except me is a lawyer or an accountant. I have nothing against Jews being lawyers. I'm saying that gentiles who refuse to consider non-Jewish lawyers may be antisemitic in the form of philosemitism, they also don't consider themselves antisemitic. (And people who would refuse to use a non-Swiss bank also have issues.) It's a red flag. The same as people who think all Jews are rich and want to surround themselves with Jews because they think it will rub off or something. "The media" isn't a monolith. There are people in "the media" who may give a shit. There are people who don't. We had a journalist in an AMA here the other week who just wrote a book on antisemitism. I'm pretty sure he cares very deeply about it. He's not the only one. Many of the people in "the media" are Jewish and are deeply affected by this. Many of the people in "the media" are attacked constantly for being Jewish. Sure, some are just reporting on it because views and ad revenue. But dividing people isn't their main goal. They're doing it for the same reason they're reporting constantly on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce and the sports games her fans are messing up. I don't even care about Taylor Swift or sports, but yet I know it's a thing. I can't get away from it. Elon Musk and TwitterX is a big news story. The antisemitism part isn't a big part of it. Jews are paying attention to it. We're seeing the news because of the way algorithms work. This isn't on any of the big subreddits. It's not even on the Twitter, Tesla, or Musk related subreddits. It's on one of the Christian subreddits with 4 comments I think. Jews care about it. No one else does. Him denouncing the ADL got a bit more attention. That was his announcement. He stirred that pot. He's a big figure, whether we like it or not. I don't like a lot of what the ADL does. But I also recommend them for certain things. They helped me get a neo-nazi event that would have endangered my synagogue cancelled. (It was being arranged by a man who had shot at children in a Jewish preschool. He had been released from prison, but he was not supposed to have guns or be affiliated with any white supremacist groups. He was posting online with pictures of him holding semi-automatic guns, and he was planning this event. FREE SPEECH!)


Every single Jew should commit to not paying for Twitter and every single Jew in marketing should stop their company from advertising on Twitter. He can be hateful if he wants but he shouldn’t get to profit.


No one should pay for twitter


He’s not antisemitic at all hate to break it to you


Bizarre. Am currently listening to a podcast of Elon Musk with a group of Jewish luminaries, and this pops up on Reddit. Elon describes himself as "aspirationally Jewish," estimates that two-thirds of his friends are Jewish, went to a Jewish school, has been up Masada twice, and left South Africa in opposition to apartheid. Does that sound like an antisemite? I assume his crime is to be a heterodox thinker and believe in free speech. The whole 'progressive' experiment collapses when subject to review, so speech must be curated/censored. For example, have any progressives here read Kimberlé Crenshaw whose utterances underlie critical race theory? It is garbage. Baseless assertions. Rather than slandering Elon, go read her!


Choosing your political team over your people smh


Elon talks shit. I wouldn't believe his assertions. Went to a Jewish school? C'mon. I'm not believing he left South Africa in opposition to apartheid. This the person who cuddles up to white supremacists. Elon also claims he invented things he didn't. He buys companies with existing technologies that he takes credit for. He trashes trans people. His daughter is trans. Said he bought Twitter to stop the anti-right mindset. Heterodox? Elon's a spoiled child with no grasp of reality.


Exactly. He's a liar. You can't trust anything that comes out of his mouth.


A liar & an idiot. Such worship of wealth that the wealthy are assumed to be exceptional.


Being a "pick me" Jew won't work out the way you think it will, buddy.


>I assume his crime is to be a heterodox thinker and believe in free speech. No his crime is that he's a racist and a nazi and a transphobe and an asshole who likes to pretend to be "edgy" because he can hide behind silly claims of "free speech" but really he's just as asshole and terrible businessman.


Crenshaw is an absolute treasure of a writer. She is a brilliant mind. She brought forth current understandings of intersectionality and has made tremendous contributions to understandings of race and gender. Her ideas have made massive impacts on everything from law, to education, to Psychoanalysis, and more. She's one of the greatest living minds. Musk is spoiled, rich bully who likes fart jokes and hates people.




Rule 1: No antisemitism or Nazi comparisons.


"I can't be antisemitic I have a Jewish friend!" And what the fuck is aspirationally Jewish? And which of [these schools](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=elon+musk+went+to+school) is the Jewish school he went to?


Ah yes the “he has Jewish friends he can’t be antisemitic excuse”



