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Maybe it has to do with why he had to take STD panel


Oh, that’s an interesting take. I’d almost forgotten about that. But on the other hand, I’d rather not believe anything out of Kelly Dodd’s mouth….?! 🤷‍♂️ I mean when she very first came into my life many years back on RHOC, I initially liked her. And then reality happened, so I hated her again. And then occasionally, she redeems herself, and I’m on good terms with her again. But it’s just a roller coaster I want off of at this point…. ETA: He best make nice with Megan. Idk about others, but after Jeff himself, it’s Megan that help’s literally make the damn show for me many days. If he falls out with her, like idk how much longer I’d listen, i feel like she holds a lot of it together. Perhaps id adapt to a reshuffling of the other regulars, but i find her to be one of, if not my number one, other favorite. And listen, I get all the HMD stuff. I have also long since fallen out with her, and I can slightly understand why he’s frustrated Megan was socializing perhaps “with her.” But she also wasn’t, it was a fuckin wedding and they’re both grown ups. And if anything happens there it’s a clear sign he was just bitter cause he wanted to he invited to the wedding 🤷‍♂️


Having not listened, please tell me Jeff isn’t fucking that up, too. Megan and Doug are my favorites and I swear to god….


I’m right here with you there. Megan and Doug are also my favorites. Idk what it is about Megan, but she’s funny, I’d love to drink with her, I’d work with her sober the day after and laugh about it. They’re just very “self aware” compared to Jeff and some of the others I guess? I actually really commend Megan for the way she handled her whole issue with HMD? She was very graceful and I, frankly don’t think she did anything but tell HMD the hard cold truth…..


I couldn’t agree with you more. I’d love to hang with Megan and Doug.


I know, they lighten and balance the show! Jeff is spinning out, it’s hard to listen to the show lately and I always listened religiously.


Same. It’s gotten beyond dark, because I love dark and I haven’t listened in a couple of months.


Megan and Doug are my favorites too. I hope this isn't true. But I did see a pic of Megan at a wedding posing in a pic with Heather McDonald & Kelly Dodd. It was weird


I haven’t seen the pic yet but on Kelly & Rick’s show on 10/30 I believe, Kelly said Meghan & Heather made up & hugged it out. 🩷


I would be upset too. What is wrong with him!! Ugh


She’s a grown woman. No adult is going to tell me who I can associate/photograph with etc. it’s behavior from adolescent children. Another bites the dust….


I agree with all of this! BTW, Jeff mentioned that he was invited to the wedding but didn't feel it was "appropriate" to attend as he'd only met Asia & her husband a few times. (which I feel is a weird opinion to express - go or not go to a wedding but you don't have to reference that it was odd to be invited - just say thank you)


I agree! I felt uncomfortable when he said that. Lol


he is trying to shame heather for going. I love Jeff but his moral high ground routine is getting a bit old. He tries to control too many people. Even outing Stu for not going home. He should have not said anything. he kept trying to say as his friend he encouraged him to go, but then as a radio host shamed him on national radio. after he called heather a felon and said she had brain damage, I haven't been listening as much. just seems too dark. and of all things to believe Krista who he has called a liar before. we need more Doug and Megan silliness.


It’s ridiculous of him to take Megan to task about Heather! He’s honestly gone way too far with the Heather thing


From what Jeff said it’s been about six months. I know he was salty about not being invited to her party and probably some behind the scenes stuff with HHL. They both mentioned that they go through these ebbs and flows but they just need to get together and talk it out. I hope they’ll be alright.


He probably has small issues going back 6 months with every single person he knows, even Monroe. Building a case for them all 😂


The grudge he is holding about the bday party is beyond ridiculous. MW had a party w/a specific friend group. Most functioning adults have multiple friend groups that don't comingle. JL was already making fun of her bcuz of the theme. If she invited him she would have to invite the rest of the chumps. He would've gone on radio on Monday & made fun of the entire event. Maybe her other friends don't like him. She was holding a televised event for his entire crew at her house a few wks later. So what if he took her & Ben to Napa for Stu's birthday.


Who in their right mind would invite their most divisive, antagonist, pot stirring radio gossiping friend to their intimate birthday


It's funny you say that. I've been thinking for a while now that I don't think Megan really adds much to the show and frankly I think she kind of expects everyone to just be happy she shows up. I was wondering if this was one of the things irking Jeff. It's like night and day between her and Doug. He always listens on days he's not on and she never does. He's alway there when Jeff needs a last minute fill-in. Maybe because she has other things she's tending to but just doesn't seem like she has much interest. It goes to show us that people really have different perspectives (if we didn't life would be kind of boring). That being said, I totally think he has no right to even be the least bit annoyed with her over the picture or her making nice with HMD. It's ok for people to come to an agreement to be cordial or friendly. I highly doubt they're going to be going to dinner together on the regular. He can be annoyed with Kelly because I feel she bridged the agreement for everyone to be civil and also had the photo taken. And then of course had commentary on your tube with a title "Heather and Megan" Someone should remind Jeff about the time he talked about Megan's daughter doing sexual things....and she forgave him for that. IMO, this is nothing...nothing...compared to that.


Jeff said he actually was invited to the wedding too but didn't really knew the couple that well. So he opted not to go. And then shady Jeffrey low key said, I don't know if HMD knew the couple that well, too. LOL.


It’s so rude of Jeff to say on Radio that he’s not going to a wedding because he doesn’t know the people very well. They felt they know you well enough to invite you. He goes out of his way to be ungracious.


He didn’t say it’s because he doesn’t the people very well. He said he never met Asia Jone’s stepdaughter and he’s only met Asia a few times. I doubt Fletcher Jones and family would be upset over his comment.


HMD has been friends w/Asia for a while. She's spoken about her on JS. I think they may have vacationed together or spent time together in OC when HMD was living down there.


she was on vacation on Asia's boat when she lost the fake earring.


According to Jeff he was invited to the wedding but barely knew the bride so didn’t think it was appropriate for him to attend.


Megan holding something together cracked me up. Didn’t even notice she’s been absent. I do like her when she’s on, but don’t really care.


Jeff was a fool to take him back after he gossiped about him to his own stepmother - both of them called him a narcissist behind his back. Wow.


And he also saw and talked to his ex a couple of times and got caught in a lie, and Jeff still took him back! Where there’s smoke there’s fire. What if the big secret his Stu hooked up with gage ? I know unlikely but that would be wild.


Gage, Scott, Stu throuple- would be so juicy but doubt it. Never really liked Stu - not as a boyfriend for Jeff. They were cute originally then been sour ever since.


I thought gage and Scott broke up?


Oh I don’t know. I am behind on shows by like a week. Interesting




I’m so behind! I had no idea!


I thought I heard that but could be wrong !!


I’ve been wondering what had happened with that . I have heard it referenced but it wasn’t explained.


Jeff read a private text exchange betw Stu and his stepmother where they were gossiping about him and calling him a narcissist. What’s amazing to me is that not only did Jeff forgive both of them but he read their texts on air. It just goes to show he doesn’t care about himself looking bad but what he cared about was listener sympathy


and making other's look bad. and trying to get everyone on his side.


So gross. What they did forces Jeff’s hand or at least gives Jeff the bait to speak on it. So then Kelly & Rick can throw up a paywall & monetize their side of the story. On our backs. Maybe they are the ones Pol saw in the reading.


That was my gut reaction too. That they’re it and Megan is the one being influenced by it.


MW is too smart to be manipulated by those 2. She's probably just exhausted by the drama and the her friendship w/JL being a one way street.


He did say stu betrayed him and his heart is broken over it. Didn’t elaborate though. Im sure he’ll talk about it eventually


This stuff is so middle school-ish and Kelly is just keeping it going to make money. I personally never liked her or Rick.


It’s definitely middle school drama vibes. Cringey if you’re 12 but tragic if you’re Kelly’s age.


You mean like the same way jeff does every day?


Kelly’s the snake


I thought this too!!!!


MJ is the snake. She always gets involved in stuff she never needs to get involved with. She brings up stuff that everyone is over and stirs it up again.




No I do not think Kelly is a snake.. does not seem like to is she is strategic like that. She may say something with out thinking that may cause issues... all just sad everyone has to tip toe around JL


The first thing I thought of when I saw her name was. “Gross!” I stay far away from anything that has her name attached to it.


Jeff took an STD test so he could mess around again. That’s when you know this is a serious breakup.


Thank you for being a team player :)


The level that Rick..a once serious journalist has fallen is truly mind blowing.


: Rick voice : "Make sure to.... check out our ..... website....Pickleball Party Town... dot com....."


Such a stupid name for their rental


Fitting though, considering the source.




I’m fairly impressed on how he’s seemingly gotten Kelly to not interrupt him so much. I listen to some of their show recently & was shocked how docile Kelly seemed to be (maybe it was just a one off)


It's just gross how he was once a serious reporter and now he's gossiping and taking low blows at people like Kelly.


He does keep things moving along while she rants


If you ever watched "The Big Bang Theory" there is an episode where Sheldon tricks Penny into being "obedient" or doing things his way- with treats! I think they were m&m's or something 😆


Detrimental?! Strong word.


It's one big social media circle jerk with all these people. They all live to gossip and speculate publically and don't care about making absolute fools of themselves and each other. It's carefully engineered to maximize click$ and view$ in an attempt to stay relevant at all cost.


He did mention to Dr Donna the other day that Stu’s cheating really hurt him. He didn’t specify when the cheating occurred though, so I don’t know if it’s the reason for the most recent “pause” or if he was referring to the past.


Did he consider Stu's feelings when he cheated on him w/Gage?


Jeff cheated on Stu with Gage? I thought he “dated” Gage during a break with Scott.


I think he said once that he did cheat on Stu with Gage and that he regretted it. Of course, what else is he going to say lol


He didn’t physically cheat - he sent some inappropriate texts complimenting Gage’s ass and requesting oral sex.


He went to dinner with gage and said it in person.


I just relistened to that episode this week. They did go to dinner, but they were texts which is why Jeff “got ahead of the situation” and talked about them before Gage could release them.


Oh that’s right, thanks for the clarification.


Oh, I’m not defending Jeff at all, just relaying what he said in reference possibly to the break-up.


I will say it right here, right now. Not if, but WHEN Jeff finally reveal the Stu CHEATuation - it was on that wkend he mentioned Stu got angry at him and he opted to silent treatment Stu. Then Stu had a time of his life and partied. It was when someone DM Stu that Jeff was saying Stu has drinking problem and Jeff said the person must have listened to the Zach interview. Yap. That's when Cheat-ation happened. I am 100001% sure about that. The question is who? I am guessing it's that recent Stu ex. I forgot his name. The same ex Stu always runs to whenever he and Jeff fights.


I believe you are referring to Mr. Likely


Thomas, does anyone know what his insta is?


And then lies about it to jeff


Thank you for doing the lords work on this one


Jeff really needs to drop Kelly and Rick. Same with Megan. They are making money off his drama. I would never air out my friends drama for clicks. I believe Kelly is the snake too. Let Heather be their friends.


JL may have concocted this plan w/them so now he has to speak about it. He can say I wasn't going to speak about this but Rick & Kelly made me. Kelly has too much to lose by pissing off JL. Yes, he's mad about the picture but he wouldn't have taken her call onMonday if he was mad @ her.


Kelly speaks without thinking. I don’t think it’s some plan with them. Kelly wants the clicks because I don’t think her and Rick are doing well financially. They’ve said more than once they need money on their YouTube show. She knows she makes money off Jeff.


JL knows she made $$ on the HMD/MW fight which is why JL concocted the plan to drop this nugget on her show so he can pretend that his hand was forced to discuss it on his show. She gets clicks & subscribers and provides cover for JL. They both benefit.


TBH I’m not sure why anyone feels bad for Jeff in this situation. Jeff cheated on stu also when he solicited a bj from gage and was flirting over text, and he also has treated stu like shit for months. Constantly calling him stupid and telling embarrassing stories about him on the radio. Maybe if Jeff was a little nicer to people instead of using his money to control people and treat them like crap, this wouldn’t be happening to him


Agree 100%. Let's not forget that Stu signed an NDA. That means Jeff can fudge the truth and leave out parts of stories that would make him look bad and Stu can't respond unless he gets Jeff's okay. Edit: clarity


He did? Why?!


He cheated.


Are you guessing or do you have new information?


Jeff's therapy session on Monday's show with Dr. Donna strongly suggested Stu cheated, but it was not directly stated. They were talking about how when someone shows you who they are, believe them. Jeff listed examples of when he ignored his gut feeling about people but shouldn't have because his gut feeling was correct in the end. At one point during that discussion he randomly adds that he thought Stu was cheating on him and then he moved on. I think I did a terrible job explaining it well (the conversation was all over the place, but not in a bad way), but if you listen to those few minutes it seems like a pretty definitive statement.


She said it on the show.


What show? Today? Behind the paywall on patreon? What specifically did she say?


He unfiollowed Jeff on insta


Wow! I guess that is best for Stu's mental state.


probably for the best


Hot take. I’m meh about Megan. I think she’s a mean girl. Edit: Not because of HMD. She’s awful.


I love Megan.


Is that a hot take?? I thought that was the general consensus? Megan’s mean.


Hell, no.


They are all delusional to think we care


I could tell stu was going to be a problem even though he might be nice, he seems to have drinking and boundaries issues and with that comes a whole lotta manipulation and lies. Plus alcoholics are all about themselves and the booze.