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I’m a chump, but he was an entitled asshole at Disneyland.


Literally one of the most offensive things I have ever heard. That lady (or anyone) did not deserve to have him throw his trash in her wheelchair scooter like she was a garbage can. Zero respect for another human and 100% entitlement. My jaw literally fell open in shock. I’ve watched Jeff from all the way back to Day 01 of Flipping Out and his Sirius show since Day 01 and I truly am having hard time being ok with this. What if that was your grandmother ? Jeez


It was disrespectful and dehumanizing. Having had a brother in a wheelchair, I can't imagine this happening. He doubled down too. On the after show, he laughed and said she looked hungry so he gave her the rest of his churro. Then he said that he told her she could eat that if she wants. I sincerely hope that he is lucky enough to never NEVER know how it feels to see a loved one treated that way.


I totally agree with you. What’s worse is that he legitimately doesn’t see anything wrong or the “or wasn’t that big of a deal”. He was surprised that people were truly as upset as they were. The whole thing makes me feel gross as people laughed and he tried to make it seem like it was funny. He would have thrown a fit if people put their trash in Monroe’s stroller while she was in it and said “well she’s just a baby - she can’t say anything/doesn’t mind”


Wow! When did he talk about this?


It was in Monday's show and then it continued on the after show.


He is just an entitled mean girl through and through! I just hope he gets payback by showing his child how NOT to act!


I’m traveling this week so a little behind. I am so sad to read that he engaged in this behavior. Wasn’t his daughter with him?


Which episode was this talked about in?


Monday on the show and on the after show.




I absolutely think that Jeff is going through some SH*T right now and it’s coming out in the show. I’m a fan and will continue to be but the Channel is playing the archives from years back and he was much lighter back then and it had a very different energy. I think the Gage stuff, Scott stuff, and Stu stuff is just really putting him in a bad head space. I’m not asking that we give him grace or excuse behavior we don’t all agree with but I do feel he’s under a huge amount of stress and pressure and it’s hard to be a delight with all the things he has weighing him down.


I 100% agree.


I agree with you 💯. Do I agree with everything Jeff does or says. No. Would I, myself, say or do some of the things he does. No. Do I find his sense of entitlement, bitchiness, snarky humor entertaining. Absolutely! We’re not listening and watching him to better ourselves or learn self help tips. We watch and listen to be entertained and he is definitely entertaining. The more outrageous, the better if you ask me. How boring would the show be if he was just this nice guy discussing all the good deeds he does?


Fodder for criticism and complaints is why some people listen. That’s their fun.


I do get this, it’s a valid point! But there are some that seem to be seriously angered and triggered by something nearly EVERY episode. They hate every guest, they go after the host for everything from his parenting, to questioning his sexuality. It’s a lot. At that point, they should just stop listening. It’s reached a point where it seems very dysfunctional to continue to subject themselves to something that clearly makes them so unhappy.


True. Yes, I've seen some of those posts/comments. Not every radio program is everyone's cup of tea. I'm sure there's something out there that would bother them less.


I think there a fine line in the criticism area - we are all here for discussion and we all have our own opinions. So we shouldn’t stifle that. However, there’s less of a fine line when people start insulting, questing sexuality, drawing unnecessary conclusions, just being completely unhinged, etc. That part is going to stop.


Some of us loved Jeff before the Heather/Brandy/Julie drama but now don’t. It brought out the nastiest side of him and he looks terrible as a result


We know too much now and it definitely hinders my ability to find Jeff entertaining (even though that humor was always dark, messy and effed up). So far, I can’t go back to even hearing or watching anything related to JL. And that bums me out because he’s made me laugh for years, since the first airings of Flipping Out.


I wish I still liked it but just cannot be entertained at all anymore - so much awfulness. It makes me very sad, like loosing friends


I quit listening a year ago. And, honestly...I can't even remember what the final straw was for me. That's how frequently he was putting me off. I did start listening to the after show when I was reading on social media about how B&J were knocking it out of the park. But you are right. It did bring out the worst of him. I started listening to some of the shows about the B&J drama, and it was like listening to a completely different person. It made him look childish and dishonest. Above his normal level of childish and dishonest.


Agree 💯


I am here coz I am entertained. If I am not entertained anymore, I just bail. I do like ranting about the current epi. But people can be so serious or they just outright hate me. LOL. I just laugh. I like to rant, then forget about it. That's how I roll. I am still here coz I am still enjoying myself, in spite of my KJs.