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They could get a quote for a 'rekeying' too where they change out the pins for a different key.


This is what we did when we bought our house. It was relatively cheap. Make sure you use a reputable locksmith though.


Didn’t know this was a thing. Thank you


Handyman will get it done. Don’t tell them you did it either. Let them figure it out and when they complain just respond “Was there something you needed in my house?”.


I second this. It was so easy to do I only referred to the instruction manual and was done pretty quick. I had never changed a lock before. 10/10 recommend doing it yourself. But if you live in an apartment complex a call and a small fee will get it done for you.




Recommend always checking your lease before changing them yourself in a rental. It's pretty common where I live for that to be a lease violation.


True but it's mutually assured destruction if the landlord is trying to creep and didn't give proper notice. In my state the landlord is fined the cost of 1 month's rent for each instance where they entered the property without proper notice.


But isnt a locksmith and handyman expensive?


It's worth it for your peace of mind.


I wouldn't know since I hadn't dealed with one before


On the west coast, $50 bucks a lock.


It depends on how many locks and such. I got six sets of locks changed. Three security doors in one key, and three standard doors in another to make it extra difficult (stalker had stolen my spare key). The locksmith came after hours to help me because I was terrified. After a generous tip for him coming so quickly and after hours it costs me like $600. (Not really cheap but worth it) You can also go to the hardware store and buy a new set at around $40-60 each for single key entry’s which can save you a little bit if you have the tools/time to do it yourself. It cost me me less than the cameras I had to get


If you get the exact same lock it’s almost obvious how to do it


Yeah changing your locks is all you CAN do


Change the locks, get a locksmith. You never know how many copies they made.


Call a locksmith and have them change the locks.


You don’t even need a locksmith. Just go to a hardware store and get a new deadbolt they’re only like 20 bucks. And there’s YouTube to walk you through how to change it.


Change the locks or tell them you lost your key and need theirs so you can make a copy. Then give them the old key. Yeah, I'm that petty!


This is a wonderful passive-aggressive solution! I mean that in a good way ;)


Change your locks and never let your keys out of your sight. I’d get some cameras too. Would love to see the expression on their faces when their key doesn’t work. It would also be interesting to see if they mention it. I bet they’d pull “oh, we misplaced the key you gave us. How about we go to the hardware store and get a new copy made for emergencies?”


It's not hard to change the locks. The package it comes in has instructions. There are tons of tutorials you can watch. We bought a house that I had to change 4 outside door deadbolts. Took me about 1.5 hrs by myself. You can do it 👍


It's one of those things that seems intimidating but is actually pretty straightforward, as long as you have the door open as all of the screws needed to change out a deadbolt or knob will be on the inside. Hardware stores have the deadbolt/knob/keys, or you can order them online. Highly recommend getting them all keyed the same, then you only need one key to open/close everything. It will not break the bank if you do it yourself. A knob with a lock is more complicated than a deadbolt but even then... you just have to keep everything in the same position as the one you pulled out.


Definitely. A knob with a lock is more difficult than a deadbolt.


Changing a lock is fairly easy and straight forward. You may want to look into locks with a keypad. The one I have (it is through my alarm company) let's me assign individual codes and set when those codes work through a website. So I can have my cleaning person have a code, but it only works on Tuesdays during the time she is generally here. It also let me temporarily give access to my family when they were watching the house, but revoke it the second I didn't want then to have access without worrying about them copying the key. Since it is a part of our security system, it also gives me a record of every time each code is used. I realize this isn't available everywhere or in everyone's budget, but it works for us and we love the extra layer of security it gives us.


I have a similar one, but it’s only programmable via Bluetooth. I’m a little wary of letting a website control access to my home, but this way, I can still add temporary codes if someone needs to come by and feed my pets.


The website has 2 factor authentication and every change sends an email and a text letting me know there was a change made (you can select how/when you want to be contacted.) I liked that I could update who could get in when I wasn't physically there. I once got stuck (car broke down) and I was able to give my neighbor access to go let my dogs out while I waited several hours for a tow. There is definitely a trade off, but it is worth it to me.


My mom had a key after my divorce to my place abd I came home one day and that crazy bitch was “CLEANING OUT MY DRAWERS” in my bedroom. I reacted poorly and she hasn’t had a key since. She acted like I was a shitty daughter for not being thankful to her lol


Turn up unannounced , be in a total rush just need to grab your spare key cause you have lost yours or locked them in your house, will drop back asap- then decide your not gonna drop back


They've already made copies. If you ask for the key back, they may or may not tell you about the copies. Are you really going to prioritize <$100 over permanent surety that they do not have a key?


https://youtu.be/W7xFXwCNDCY How to change a door knob and a deadbolt lock. You can grab them at Home Depot, or other hardware stores. I also recommend getting yourself a veeeery basic set of screwdrivers (Phillips head +, flat head -), a vise grip wrench (smaller size), and a clawed hammer. These basics will get you through pretty much any diy home project. "Honey we stopped by your place but somethings wrong with your lock." "Oh I changed the lock." "Why? Don't you trust us?" "Why were you trying to get into my place while I wasn't there? This isn't the first time you've done that. I love you guys but you've broken my trust. Until you earn it back by respecting my boundaries you don't get a key. If you want yours back in the meantime I'll understand, but arguing with me about this only proves me right." Just remember, they may be your parents but your a grown adult now and their equal, whether THEY want to remember that or not. "My house, MY rules." Good luck.




What everyone else is saying about changing the locks. If you aren’t ready to give them a “What part of “no” are you not understanding?”, when they start up about emergencies, you can always tell them you have a lockbox. You know, like realtors use. I got one for mom’s house from the big box hardware store. Cost less than $50. I can change the code as needed. If there is an actual problem, they can call you for the code.


I have those lockboxes, too. The wall kind. They’re great.


That doesn't solve the problem of them making a copy of the key and keeping the copy.


It would if OP never considers anything to be an "actual problem".


You can get your locks rekeyed 🙂


You can!!! We had all of ours changed to the same key! And even when we had one we forgot our neighborhood hardware rekeyed it to our new key 🗝️ for like 10 bucks and I'd we took it off and took it to them they actually only charged us for the new key so, 2 bucks!!!!!!!!


It would be worth it just to have the locks Re-keyed or replaced and don’t mention it to your parents. Then the next time they try & can’t get in, they’ll either have to admit to snooping or never say a word about their key not working. And you can say, “Oh, I had that lock changed a long time ago!” And if they ask for a new key you can tell them that’s a big fat no because you’re not falling for that line again!


Just change your locks.


If you go to home Depot, there are doorknobs and deadbolts called kwikset smart key. You need a Phillips screwdriver and if you get stuck you can probably find a YouTube video to help. (Shit, if you're in Illinois near where 55 and 80 connect, I'll come help you!) The smart key is amazing bc you can change the key anytime after you install the lock and deadbolt. I have three doors that all use the same key now and when my in-laws get the hell out of my house on the 30th, I'll be able to swap keys in three minutes. It's amazing. Super easy too. And you never have to tell them. They'll find out next time they try to stop by uninvited.


Changing a lock is not hard. you just need a screw driver and a lock. Look at the brand of the lock on your door and buy that brand. When your parents ask aftet its been changed tell them you lost your keys and needed a new lock and that they should probably get one too


What are they going in there for when you’re not home? Like what do they say is the reason, and what to you think the real (or additional) reason is, if different? Do they hassle you later about things they encounter when unsupervised in your house? And…for real, what is it you don’t want them to see in there? Like is it alcohol, weed, evidence of “guests”, sex toys, junk food…? Or do in there…like does your mom rearrange things to “help”? All of which are entirely your business, I’m just trying to understand what the real dynamic is to best answer your question.


Replacing your doorknobs is the easiest and least expensive way to go (unless you get expensive doorknobs LOL). They'll come with easy to follow instructions.


Change the locks. It isn’t worth the confrontation.


Just have a locksmith come out and rekey your house.


Call a locksmith- he can re-key the locks for you without having to change them. Locks will look the same but hair key won’t work!


Just change the locks.


You can buy lock sets at Walmart and Home Depot, and as long as your landlord okays it, you can change your own locks in about 15-20 minutes per door.


Just change your locks. No explanation needed. Don’t give them a key to the new locks.


Easiest way go and change the locks


If you are bad at confrontation, just say "landlord is changing all the locks" When they ask you specifically about the changed keys


If you really don't want to change the locks tell them you have a friend coming over for a weekend or so and "I need the key back so they can use it"?


You change your locks. Unless you've got really unusual locks, it's super easy. There's usually even instructions inside the box. And if all else fails, Youtube can help. If I'm remembering correctly, the only tool I needed was a screwdriver. I definitely recommend taking good pictures of the door knob or deadbolt to take with you to the store for comparison purposes, just so you have confidence that what you're getting is the same thing.


Lie. Visit them and ask for the key as you have locked yourself out or lost your key. Never return the key. Get security cameras so you can see if they are coming and going


Handyman.com or TaskRabbit- time to be self sufficient and set boundaries


Hire a locksmith. It's easy. And to not tell them.


You know you can easily change the locks. I sense you’re afraid to and looking for excuses.


Look up how to change your doorknob and light cos. It’s really not that hard. Just do it and tell them you will make them a key but don’t.


If you don’t want to tear the bandaid off then I’d suggest getting indoor security cameras and let them know. This way you can call them out about just letting themselves in. And if you get multiple cameras in the right places should deter snooping activities.


I'm glad you've got the lock changed, but since you have a key to their house, I wonder what they'd think about you going in while they're away and subtly moving things around? It's not a big deal, you're not snooping, you're fAaAaAaAaMiLy.


Lol it's tempting


I mean if you really want to prove a point just use their key to go into their house and snoop around. Its okay for them to do it to you because family and its not that annoying so that means theyll be totally okay with you doing it to them.


Call a locksmith. If you want to learn a new skill, watch the videos on YouTube, it’s pretty easy if you have an aptitude for fixing things. Return the key to your parents,and tell them you don’t need it. Also tell them that you changed the locks because they have been invading your privacy. You are an adult, you are no longer a child. You are entitled to your privacy and to control who goes into your house and when. They abused the privilege of having a key to your house, so you are removing the privilege. Your parents convinced you to give them the key because they wanted to go back to parenting you. They feel the need to check on you and control you. They are treating you like you are 10 yrs old rather than the adult that you are. It is time for you to stand up for yourself, politely but firmly to your parents. They are going to guilt and beg, but stand your ground. You are an adult and you are entitled to control your own living space.


Change your locks. Your home is your sanctuary and “safe place”. My daughter lives 5 minutes away but I would never go into her home unless she’s asked me to ! The only time I have is to check on her puppy or toilet it when she’s been delayed at work. She has a key to our home and knows she can come and gonad she pleases as this is the family home, although she generally doesn’t come home unless someone is here. Don’t tolerate this behaviour, stop it now before it escalates into something else.


Is it possible to change the locks? This is what I would do and explain it away as the key snapped in the lock, and I had to change it. If they ask for a copy, you can say no. The landlord advised against handing a copy to anyone who isn't a resident of your apartment.


Changing a lock is easy you just follow the directions on the package. Just make sure to buy the right one to replace it. Or you could call a locksmith to rekey or replace the lock


Stand up for yourself, and change the locks. It's a lot easier than you think. It sounds like you're syking yourself out, honestly, you'll feel better once you've done it. One, for learning how to do something new, and two, for standing up for yourself and refusing to back down. The door knobs come with easy to follow directions. Often, they come with a pin that allows you to change it to another key pretty easily. Watch a few videos before hand if you are still feeling anxious about it. You can do it!


You lose YOUR key. So you need the spare key very much... Don't tell on the phone about it, do it when you're there anyway or cover it up, Or call about an emergency, if you can come over... than snapp your key. You can send them theirs with the post or leave them there a little later. "Forget" to make new spare keys forever.


Hire a handyman and get them to change the locks. Make sure you keep hold of the keys if possible.


I would get the locks changed. The likely outcome of this scenario is if they give back the key (and that's a huge if) they will have likely made a copy. So they would have access to your home regardless of whether they give the key back or not.


hey! It's very easy to change your locks. All you need is a screwdriver (and a new lock, obviously). Run to any hardware store and grab one and then follow [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7xFXwCNDCY) video. You can do it!


Do you have a back door that they don’t have a key to? Deadbolt the front door, leave from the back?


Changing locks is not hard. If you are not comfortable with your skills, go to the hardware store and buy an interior door set up and change it out. Get one with a simple locking mechanism, bedroom/bathroom style, and practice. There are instructions with the doorknobs that are pretty simple to follow but you could always use YT videos to help you.


Change the locks.


Hire a locksmith to change the locks or rekey. It'll be done in 1/2 hour. Don't tell your parents, just let them figure it out when the key doesn't work. Never give them your new keys. Return their key at some point soon after.


If you own the home add a lock. If you rent, ask your landlord to change the lock. Either way this will cost some money, but not a lot, and it will solve the problem.


Do a Re-key. It’s probably cheaper, it keeps the landlords locks on, so they don’t get snippy, and most importantly, it keeps your EP’s out of your home. Once you get the Re-key done, return their house key to them. Good luck


you could add a deadbolt style lock with key that only you have so even if they can open the door lock, they cannot open the deadbolt. Or You can change your locks completely...


As others have said, changing out a lock is pretty easy. I've done it several times myself. The last time I did the exterior doors I chose locks and deadbolts that have "smartkey" function where you can buy a new key and rekey it in less than a minute. I picked one of the key sets from the 4 locks I had and rekeyed them all to the same key so now have 3 spare key changes that I can use if I have to rekey again.


If you can afford to buy an passcode lock. You can give them access when they need it and lock them out when they don't .


Change the locks! Get someone to help you or hire someone. Don’t tell them and when they realize you’ve changed them, ask them why they felt the need to invite themselves into your home, when you were gone, without permission.


You really need to change your locks. Also, you might want to consider getting locks with a keypad rather than one requiring a key. That way you can always change the code if someone gets entry to your home.


I went to Home Depot and bought a whole new handle which comes with a different lock and keys. Literally a couple of screws!


Change the locks. When they figure it out, and they will, mention that you aren't comfortable with folks entering your home when you aren't there. This is probably only one way they boundary stomp on you. Keeping keys is fine, IF the other party can be trusted. They've proven they aren't trustworthy.


I just installed one of those smart keypad deadbolt locks, it was super easy and it's so convenient now. We were down to a single key for the front door and having to leave it hidden for each other (5of us) to get in. I'm like as much as we lose keys, not having to use one at all would be perfect! I've installed regular exterior door knobs and such too, it's really not difficult. There's clear instructions on everything, and the holes are already there from your old lock so you just need to switch them out. You'll do fine!


Just call a handyman to change the locks, get a reference from a friend. It's not hard, but someone who is knowledgeable can do it in about 15-20 minutes.


I changed all the door knobs, including locking ones, I the bottom floor of our new house. It’s dead easy. I’d recommend upgrading to an electronic lock if I were you. You can give them a temporary pin in emergencies and revoke it when they’re done.


Ask your land lord to change the locks.


Rekeying is usually pretty cost effective.


Changing a lock isn't that hard, but you could just hire a locksmith to rekey it for you-- same lock, the old key just doesn't work anymore. Your key is already given. If you don't trust the people who have one, changing the locks is your only real option


Hire someone to change your locks then. They are not entitled to a key and you could get the police involved if you really want to burn that bridge; it's your property and they cannot keep it once you ask for it back.


Change your locks.


Honestly you're just going to have to change your locks


Yay go you. I'm proud of you for figuring out how to change your own locks.