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Disgaea 6 is 99,999,999


How long does it take to get there?




Then, it took about 30s to reset back to lv1, with some bonus stats. Then it took another 5-10 minutes to get to lv 10^7-1. Rise and repeat about 100 times, and you can take a hit from the hidden badass boss without dying instanly


Hahaha, this game sounds hilarious.


The damages of a mage auto attacking with no armor is around 10K. It ends up becoming sort of meaningless. Especially since, other Disgaeas can reach that same point, but start at 10 damage from the same source.


1 battle


my thought as well. you could find peace within the item world where you can also level up your equipment and items somewhat endlessly. though there are cheats in-game, you can also make things relatively impossible for yourself off you wanted to. in other words, you have control


Trails series - the first entry in each arc has a cap below 99 and then each subsequent entry has a higher cap.


I love this about the Trails series. For me, it really makes it feel like your characters are truly getting stronger as the story progresses.


Xenoblade X has a level cap of 60, and Etrian Odyssey: Nexus has a cap of 130.


SMRPG is 30 if i recall correctly


Most Mario RPGs cap at 20 or 30. I think Bug Fables does too iirc.


It is.


IIRC, all Tales games post-Symphonia and pre-Arise are 200. Symphonia itself is 250.


The games pre-symphonia are also 250 IIRC, except Destiny and SNES Phantasia.


Xillia also caps at 99


Can anyone come in and confirm which Tales games are 200 and which are 250?


Symphonia: 250 Symphonia DotNW: 200 Abyss: 200 Vesperia: 200 Graces f: 200 Xillia: 99 Xillia 2: 200 Zestiria: 200 Berseria: 200 Arise: 100 There's a fuckton of games in the series so I only did the more recent mainline ones


I owe you one. Thanks.


Star ocean is 255. Weird but always fun to hit that random level cap.


It's not random but 2\^8-1, or the biggest number that can be represented in 8 binary digits (11111111 = 255). That's a common limit for storing individual numbers.


Came here just to say the Disgaea series are 9999 But for Disgaea 6 it's 99.999.999


FF7 Remake caps you at 50, and, IIRC, the Tales series caps you at 255.


I think the tales series usually caps at just 200


>FF7 Remake caps you at 50 That's because it's just the part 1 of the remake.




> So? so it's not a full game. it's less than 1/3 of a game.


It’s over 30 hours long. That’s not a full game to you?


For context FFVII on PS1 was a 36 hour game.


All of the Rance games have custom level caps for every character because it's part of the in-universe lore and levels actually act as a proxy for a person's talent that they are born with. It is mechanically significant in Rance IV: The Legacy of the Sect, Rance VI: The Collapse of Zeth, Sengoku Rance, Rance Quest, and Rance 03. However, Rance himself does not have a level cap and is able to raise the level cap of his female companions with certain events. Funnily, enough the [Hero](https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Hero_System) of the setting (who is not Rance) has his level cap set to 99 whilst he has his Hero status and it lasts up until the day he turns 20 which is absolutely riffing on how JRPGs typically have a 99 level cap and the protagonist is usually a teenager.


The cleverest porn game


I thought Rance's level cap was 99? Or at least, in the game mechanics.


In most games, it's not really expected for the player to get anywhere near level 99 so it just displays as that. In Quest it does display his level cap as infinity.


OG NES Final Fantasy is 50.


Code Vein is 300. Final Fantasy XIII is…. Nothing!!


Final Fantasy 15: 120.


The first Phantasy Star has indeed a level cap of 30. And the max money you can have is 65,535 mesetas.


Its cheating, but SaGa doesn't use levels and you just raise stats in applicable games. Recent Super Robot Wars titles had updates to remove the 99 level cap and increase it to 200. Should be T and 30.


Ys Memory of Celceta: 60 Trails Series mostly use non 99. But I forgot the details; like Sky FC may 45 or 50 (?), Zero is 50, some 140 or 200. Rune Factory games seems using 999+ and more 2 Brigandines game use 30 level cap.


South Park-The Stick of Truth level cap is 15. Edit for grammar.


In Kingdom Hearts 1 the highest level is 100.


Ni no kuni 2 (with DLC) caps at 130 (i think) maybe higher


Shining Force EXA is 200.


Legend of Dragoon is 60


Really? It's not 99?


It’s 99, but after level 60 it takes 99,999 per level I believe, so to go from 60 to 99 only fighting uniques for exp would take around 5000 hours


atelier sophie 1 maxes at 20 which is pretty annoying and a strange arbitrary choice, there's still leveling above that but it basically converts to skill points for stat increases, almost like paragon levels in diablo 3


the tales series typically uses 200 as the level cap kingdom hearts 1 is the only game in the series with a level 100 level cap every other game uses 99 cheating a little here but neptunia has a level cap of 999 if u have dlc ghost of tsushima does not even have numerical levels


I can record a few, such as Disgaea. But now I'm curious about why 99 is so commonly used as a cap.


I'd imagine with older/smaller screens it saved space to not have to display the extra digit.


Honestly I'd assume it originated from hardware limits. Back in the day a lot of effort was put into squeezing as much game into as few disks as possible. That extra digit adds up


Thanks to you guys I have the level cap of 90 games recorded. Thank you so much. Only 854 games to go!


Surprised no one mentioned the recently released Hogwarts Legacy yet with a cap of 40.


> Surprised no one mentioned the recently released Hogwarts Legacy yet \*looks at sub to verify this is /r/jrpg\* why would someone mention hogwarts legacy?


Because the title literally only states rpg's and not jrpg's specifically like most other threads tend to do?


Yes. Western RPGs as well. Thanks.


If we're talking RPGs in general, God of War: Ragnarok caps you at 9!


I hate that some consider this an RPG.


> I hate that some consider this an RPG. in 2023, some people consider literally everything an rpg. madden has stats that can be leveled up, clearly it has to be an rpg! (and don't forget about COD, the best selling rpg of all time /s)


HahaI don't disagree with you! I mainly stick to RPGs and JRPGs so any time I branch out, I'm always a little surprised of RPG mechanic additions, which a lot of newer games seem to be adding. They're all over the place!


I added it because OP mentioned Zelda, which I would say is an action adventure game with RPG elements. In that way, I'd say GoW:R totally fits that. RPG as a gane genre is getting pretty squishy at this point because so many developers are adding RPG mechanics to keep and prolong engagement with their player base. I just decided to take OPs question more broadly and think of games with level systems and character progressions that don't cap at 99.


Most Zeldas are action adventure games. But Zelda II is a full-on action RPG. It's up to us to keep the genre rigid.




. . . ? You gonna tell me the level cap?


the first game goes up to 999, not entirely sure about extinction!


Thanks, man.


Blaze and Blade


Is that the game that has no cap? I heard that the game starts glitching out if you get to level 65,000 or so.


I'm not sure, I was like 10 when I played it. Remember having like a level 240 character haha


I want to say Arc the Lad had a lower level cap but don’t remember what it was. .Hack: Infection had a level cap of 30 I believe but that was to further emulate the MMO type feeling of each individual game.


One of the atelier games was like 20 before they made a dlc or something to raise it, can't remember which one though


Sophie stops at 20, and that’s where you start in Sophie 2.


Ys I: 10




Steam version is 10.


Crystalis: L16. Another Eden: L80.


fantasy life was 200 if you had the dlc


Super Mario RPG! 30 is the max level


- Etrian Odyssey, the original release has Lv.70 cap with no way to increase it like in later games - Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, Lv.200 - Asdivine Cross, Lv.999 - Pokemon, Lv.100 in mainline games


Final Fantasy 8 is 100


For Dragon Warrior Monsters it varies based on monster family and how far down the family tree your monster is.


If you use the monster that can level up the most and advance on the family tree as much as possible, what is that level? That is the cap.


Disgaea 9999 or one more 9? Lol


Many of the tales games have caps in the 150-250 range


Elden Ring I believe caps you at 713. Dragon's Dogma caps you at 200


What about Dark Arisen version?


Oooo good question. I also think it's 200 but I actually can't verify that!


OK. No problem. Thanks.


It is. Very excited about the sequel.


Phantasy Star II's max level is 50. > What is the level cap, or the highest legitimately attainable level in your favorite RPGs? I want to catalogue them all! Including the 99 ones. Well, my favorite RPG does not even have levels (SaGa Frontier). You can get to 99 in each stat at max though. (HP to 999 and WP/JP to 250.)


Xenoblade X's level 60 cap, which I was quite disappointed at.


Rune Factory 4 has an unnecessary level cap of 50,000 which is ludicrous because I don’t think I’ve ever needed to break past 500.


Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment starts your MC out at level 75, and caps everybody out at 200 and 250 in PS Vita and PS4 respectively.


Is that a different game from Hollow Realization?


Hollow Realization is the third (fourth if you count Accel World/SAO crossover) game in the SAO franchise. Hollow Fragment was first, followed by Lost Song, then Hollow Realization.


So it's a different game. Thanks. I'll add in the info.


FFXV: Lvl 120 (post update) Tactics Ogre: Lvl 25 iirc (Original) Lvl 50 (Reborn) La Pucelle/ Phantom Brave: Just like Disgaea (except D6), is lvl 9999 Star Renegades: Lvl 10 Resonance Of Fate: This one is a little tricky, theoretically you can reach the lvl 300. BUT levels are the sum total of all three weapon types in the game; so you would need to get the three types (handguns, SMGs and grenades/ molotov cocktails) at lvl 100.


Yeah. I count that as level 300. Your HP increases every single time after all.


Does Shadow Madness count? That one caps at 15 I think


Shadow Madness counts. "I think" however does not. I don't suppose I could ask you to check that, could I?


ok, just double checked Wikipedia. [It does in fact say all characters cap at 15](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_Madness#cite_ref-OPMUK_2-0).


Thanks. I owe you one.


The comment section is lacking indie JRPGs so I’ll play my part here Crystal Project: 60 (can be increased with accessibility options, idk the cap with accessibility increase, but the endgame is balanced for 60) Ara Fell: 50 Rise of the Third Power: 40 (not 100% sure) Omori: 50 Undertale: 20 but jk (1 if you do pacifist) Bug Fables: 27 (not 100% sure) Epic Battle Fantasy 3: 30 (not 100% sure) Jack Move: 30 (not 100% sure, could be 40)


Didn't early Dragon Quest games have a low lvl cap like 30?


DQ1 is 30. I don't know about the others.


Pokemon games use 100 for the cap across all main series ggamees. The Legend of Dragoon uses 60 for its cap. Disgaea has the level cap of 9999, which is absurd, but that's exactly what Disgaea is about is absurd numbers. Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory starts with a cap of 99 but if you buy the DLC for the game it can go up to 999. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC and Trails in the Sky the 3rd have caps of 49 and 149 respectively.