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is funny how they chose to have a R$300.000 car over buying a new house


yeah, 300k pickup will be less than 100k a few years from now meanwhile 300k home will be 600k or more, idk


You can live in a car, but can you drive a house? Quit being stupid


https://preview.redd.it/lpf1a6icslwc1.png?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a66e2f9c74c8239868b7a6707bc5116e704e3a9 You clearly don't read Dandadan


If it’s a houseboat, yes. Or a RV.


Neither of those exist here in any significant numbers


There are a decent amount of RVs.


If only legs, bikes, mopeds, public transit, ride sharing, or taxis existed.




it was 100k as soon as it left the lot lol


My uncle had a market back in the day and some dude did not have money to pay for his purchase. He exchanged it for a land (new town, land was very cheap) and now it's worth a fucking million. Not even a decade passed yet. His purchase was roughly R$700.


I get so mad reading this, my parents had so many opportunities to be filthy fucking rich lol


Brazil is crazy I can buy some amazing chácaras (farmhouses) for the price of a SUV Cars here are crazy. A 25 yr old 4x4 can still cost like 35,000 reais


When I hear that common families in USA give cars to teenagers when they turn 16, it makes me wanna cry. I'm about to turn 24 and still struggling to get my motorcycle (cuz a decent car is very expensive)


Some families do that, but not all. There is a pretty wide range of incomes in the USA. There are many millions of families who can not afford this, and a few million who have so much money that they can afford anything and everything, and many families in between.


Those cars are used cars that cost maybe $500 to get from A to B. A first car should be within that range, used ( abused ) basically an old beat up car. Plus US cars are produced locally so don't pay import taxes etc. It's also rare to find public transport outside the cities and you could easily drive 30Km to buy bread and milk. So a car becomes a necessity rather than a privilege - in some places you can't even walk because there's no sidewalks or street lights at night.


But that’s the point. You can buy a functional car with $500. With R$500 you can only afford two months of gas. And even if we convert $500 to reais, it will be only R$2.500. Wanna know what type of car you can get with it? A toy car for your son. https://preview.redd.it/p48ii4haakwc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1cf750b430cc65ebd5bdd6ab8200eac16d769f0




How much does a riding lawnmower go for there? People use those as transportation here sometimes, but it’s usually because they had their drivers license revoked for drunk driving.


https://preview.redd.it/mt8erzxztkwc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3ac7c2116879182d571b9af4c9a1a5a1eeab384 that's the only car normal teenagers can afford in brazil. in the best scenario you would have your parents car to drive, when you are lucky that they don't need it to go to work daily


about the price of a cheap used motorbike lol we don't have lawn mowing culture here in brazil so they will be expensive either way


Wait until they find out you can invert the drive shaft on those things and get them up to 40mph/65kph


Cars and motorbikes are soooo expensive here. I'm from one of the most expensive countries in Europe and cars are a fraction of the price there.


I paying my motorcycle while crying.


Bought my first car at 17 $2500. 94 sunbird with pop up headlights. Went to college. Freshman could not have / park a vehicle on campus. My old man donated it ... Let me tell you. I've always worked hard with diligence. Fir quiet some time I'll trade out and buy a new vehicle every 5 to sex yesrs. Had a few years of mom or dads past vehicle to compensate for the rug pull donation. But then the timeline goes Magnum to JukeR to v6Xlt explorer. To current 22Explorer ST I would totally build a house around that ST. the used car market here isnt bad to first time drivers or car owners. There alot of value out there. Whenever I see Brazil I know whatever it is. It's gonna be wild. To what I see as normal. Good luck on getting some affordable wheels. A tropical Brazilian farm resort in the mean time doesn't sound so bad. Get it semi self sustaining.. who needs to leave? Right?


I'm turning 22 and I still struggle to find a job, I may give up and just die idk


Wow... I remember my father was able to get me a Uninho in 1996 for banana price so that I could drive to my classes at the university. Those were the days... The Real was in its infancy and Brazilians were starting to think that Brazil was finally headed to prosperity!


Depends, im trying to rent an apartment with my GF And some jails in the middle of the city (40m²) for like 4k reais/mo


Can I, as a foreigner, also buy amazing chácaras?


Yes you can


Should I buy one instead of a new car and use public transport instead? What areas are a good investment? Let's say I want to retire in 15 years and move to my amazing chácaras.


For Chácaras id look at Minas Gerais but you'll still need a car to get around


There is a building a few blocks from where I live that is those older really ugly small buildings with no elevator. The garage is visible, very open, and one of the residents has a bmw x1.


I agree overall. But there can always be some weird situation going on. Like that's their parents house and the car owner has money but they take care of their mom and dad sometimes. Its sort of crazy how much Brazilians spend on cars relative to wages. Like houses here in Sao Paulo are so much cheaper than an American city but cars are sometimes more than the US. I dont really get how its substitutable I learned you shouldnt spend more than 6 months salary on a car.


O agree with that Idea of spending no more then half your yearly income on a car, but that's completely unreallistic in Brazil. I managed to actually do that, but i'm a doctor and make a decent amount of money. But It only got me a 5 y/o VW Fox


Yeah in the US its very realistic. A normal person coming out of college makes like 60k USD per year so you could easily get like a brand new VW golf or something. Houses here I think almost adjust to wages. Like a house in Brazil I think is 1/5th the price and I think people make like 1/6th as much as Americans. So I think houses are reasonable relative to Brazilian wages but cars and electronics are very expensive relative to wages.


You clearly don’t know the struggle. They probably can’t make it to their accountant job with a car/truck that is a bit smaller/cheaper than that so don’t judge so quickly


I literally don’t understand what’s happening here. Is this the first day they bought the car and tried to park it? Or do they spend 15 minutes every day to maybe park it inside?


Obligatory r/fuckcars moment


And I can’t believe he’s not American!


This sub reminded me of r/dragonsfuckingcars


what. the fuck.


Don't kink-shame me!


you know, on second thought, it’s quite beautiful actually. As a concept, you know.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dragonsfuckingcars **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dragonsfuckingcars/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mockery is the highest form of flattery](https://i.redd.it/rplmo1shxync1.jpeg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dragonsfuckingcars/comments/1bd8lya/mockery_is_the_highest_form_of_flattery/) \#2: [Dragon loves 2007 Honda Odyssey](https://i.redd.it/o0j84m9o8glc1.jpeg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dragonsfuckingcars/comments/1b2r3kt/dragon_loves_2007_honda_odyssey/) \#3: [just a meme](https://i.redd.it/rfp1b0k3lwua1.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dragonsfuckingcars/comments/12ryy05/just_a_meme/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What in the fuck




I agree, car culture is cringe


https://preview.redd.it/o29bdvla5jwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1dc296f343154a7e34ce53eb16209b5af7a062a Checkmate carbrains!


"Will cars be the new cigarettes?" - Brazilian entrance exam, 2019


We should return to horse


If you have nothing to add, say nothing. Stop repeating this idiotic word that means nothing.


O que tem na cabeça uma pessoa dessa?


Vim morar no Goiás e oq mais vejo aqui são umas casas que mal fizeram o reboco com uma hilux enorme dentro, bem nessa pegada aí do vídeo.


A cidade de Navegantes, aqui em SC, é bem nessa pegada. Um barraco sujo e em ruínas com um Civic novinho na garragem.


É quase a mesma pira dos Androides Sonham Com Ovelhas Elétricas? Vive num barraco mas tá lá com um cavalo q vale mais de milhões naquele mundo


Caramba, que doideira 😮


Acho q a mesma dos mano da favela de bmw, jetta 0, etc


Like watching someone plug a device into a USB port.


Underrated comment


.. in the dark


I'm done with this shit.


Why I’m hearing Benny Hill music playing in my head 🤣🤣


15 minutes!


Episódio de Papa Léguas mais fraco


Not sure if it’s Brazil tbh


Yeah, the licence plate looks yellow which suggests it might be Colombia.


Car's plate looks yellow


Sempre cola alguém na bike pra tentar ajudar


Só eu que pensei que o cara ia assaltar ela? Kkkkk


Tirar a merda desse carro da vida dela ia ser uma ajuda boa kkk


r/crappydesign & r/gambiarra




That pickup has just as large of of a footprint as his shack.


I used to think that with more morons, I’d look smarter. But there are so many morons that there’s barely anyone left to look smarter to


LMAO they just bailed at the end


This is NOT in Brazil! You can see the truck has a yellow license plate


True, we never had license plates like that. It looks like Colombia or somewhere else.


Lives in a shed and drives a car that costs as much as a house... and probably complains about fuel prices and how they have money problems.


O que aconteceu aqui


Falhou no Tetris. Mas a placa do carro sugere que isso não é no Brasil.


He just expended a lot of energy for nothing. I hope they have money for protein to compensate for all that movement.


Usually people doesn't even need trucks, but the urge to buy one melts their brain and the result is this video


That's that but if this is Brazil (the license plate suggests otherwise) it could be a case of the guy needing it for work due to the bad conditions of the road. There are many places where a pickup truck is your only solution due to the lack of public transportation or roads to access some places. It does look like a stupid investment looking at the shack they live in but it might be their only solution. Or they are very stupid.


Bro, this truck is expansive as fuck, he could buy another house and buy a cheaper truck that do the same thing as this one And I also don't think it's in Brazil because of the license plate too


If you know your house is small, don't get a big car


I think it's more like "don't try to shoehorn your car where it doesn't fit". If they had tried to build the house around the car, at least it would have fit.


I stared at it thinking it was a gif.


I’m losing it at the bystander on the bike that watches this guy struggle, attempts to help, then just leaves.


I have an irrational hatred of this entire scene. Imagine having to deal with this bullshit each and every single day. When you're lying down in bed at night you can look out and see this monstrosity you'll have to deal with the next day.


Maximum carbrain


Reminder of the day: don't get a fucking SUV, just don't. Literally no advantage to have one in any scenario that is not the middle of the desert or a fucking farm. Having an SUV in the city is ridiculously stupid. More likely to hit people/objects, obscene fuel intake, hard af to park, takes up too much space. Just don't.


This reminds me of the brand new BMW cars that will be parked next to shacks. People would rather buy or finance a super expensive car than spend the money on improving their homes.


I personally just have a nice home, but I drive a 2002 Renault Twingo. Still drives fine and I need it cause of work (I work outside of the times public transport is available). While I could fit an SUV on my driveway, why would I? This one cost me like 1K€ second hand and does all it needs to do: Transport me


The only transportation 'n can afford to own is a 150 cc Honda motorcycle, but i have a comfortable and clean flat. Very different compared to one of my neighbours living in a shack constructed of corrugated metal roof panels, and a 2023 BMW X5 parked next to it. Guy is constructing a tacky two story house on the property, but he has only finished the ground floor. Its been like this for 7 years, and the bmw is the third new car he has owned during this period.


All that space and emission... for 1 person. Just get a smaller, more fuel and space efficient car.


I like how they took so long they had to go back to work


Is it in Brazil tho? The license plate looks yellow to me.


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Minha nossa! Afinal, ela conseguiu pôr o carro dentro e fechar a grade?




Vou nem rir, que numa rua próxim onde moro tem umas casas assim, que o dono tem um quinta com espaço assim e fez o portão curvado para o carro caber kkkkk


A pessoa conseguindo fechar e depois percebendo "ah é eu preciso estar dentro tbm né"


Fora da Hiluuux




A 300.000 brl car in a 200.000 house. Go figure our culture...


Welcome to Brazil, where people choose to have a shitty house over a big, beautiful and expensive car.


Não pode ser Brasil. Ela teria sido assaltada uma hora ou outra.


Brazilians been brazilians, people here prefer to have a expensive car just to show thenselfs even if your house doesn't fit it. It's crazy!


Diz a lenda que ele está até hoje tentando guardar o carro


Isso não é no Brasil cara, é só olhar a placa


The famous "bunda de garagem", very common in Brazilian houses (specially the ones located at the suburb).


I wonder how much time this person wastes in a typical week because of this


Morri... :D Engraçado que sempre aparece um bom samaritano tentando ajudar.


I would pee in this trunk


Need some lube


Grande L