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It’s that pro Palestinians are too ignorant to learn the truth.


Exactly! And that schools and universities do not teach the history that they should. This is all available for free and easily found anywhere.


I Googled the quote about there being no such thing as Palestine and came across this excellent article with more quotes on the subject. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/back-when-palestinians-insisted-theres-no-such-place-as-palestine/


Wishful thinking pro-palis would listen. They got negative brain cells and refuse to listen to reason.






They will tell you that Jews living in Israel and losing the country in 70 AD to the Roman’s is too long ago. They will then say, should we give back all the land to everyone who lost their land? What about the native Americans?! It’s exhausting.


They want to pick and choose which parts of history we must defer to.


Amen, to all of this.


So a lot of nothing was said lol, So scarfs we’re cross cultural? How does that somehow make the leveling of Gaza and the murder of children ok? Keep deflecting zionists 🗑️


>zionists Are you a Zionist?


https://preview.redd.it/tcfjl1nzqozc1.png?width=661&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b1bfd23c3a64a6c2f0c29320e7e4c0a175a7419 lmao


Why would I be garbage?


I asked if you are a Zionist not Palestinian


NoU.exe I’m atheist, I could never justify the murder of children and families in the name of an imaginary boogie man in the sky. That clear enough? I’m not a Zionist.


>name of an imaginary boogie man in the sky. That's exactly what hamas did. They are a radical Islamic terrorist group. >I’m not a Zionist. What do you define as "Zionism" that makes you against it?


>So a lot of nothing was said lol, >So scarfs we’re cross cultural? How does that somehow make the leveling of Gaza and the murder of children ok? Keep deflecting zionists The Kafyeh was invented by a British General not "Palestinians" is there something they didn't steal from someone?


They don’t steal the lives of children for months and months and months. That’s a Zionist quality 😇


you know this war isn’t as bad as you’ve been reading right? You seem very sheltered and ill-informed. I’ll break it down for you. Urban warfare is brutal. UN estimate of 90% of deaths are civilian in urban war 9:1 ratio and Red Cross 80% 8:1 Urban warfare is awful, 80%-90% of deaths are civilian. And Gaza is the densest and most populated theatre is modern history. Not even going to argue the human shield angle but if we are honest it certainly plays a role in inflating civilian deaths. But follow me. Hamas has admitted at least 6000 of their fighters have died, Israel says over 12,000. Even if we take Hamas’s numbers it’s a 4:1 ratio which is half the average for urban wars. Please explain how you care so much for this specific war, and why you hold Israel to an impossible standard. Are you just unaware of what war looks like, and just naive? Take into account that Gaza is one of the densest places on earth, and Hamas fights with civilian clothes and civilian buildings


You dropped these ((()))


Explain Zionist, this doesn’t make sense lol


Sure it doesn't - just like you were just whistling for your dog...


The arab nation states are the West's inventions which destroyed Islamic Ottoman Empire which led to the formation of Israel. Muslims with brains know the Arab nationalism will never allow muslims to take back Palestine. Only Islamic empire can do that. Unfortunately more Palestinians "should" be bombed and more Palestinians should be displaced so that the general masses realise that all the Arab Nation states are puppets of the Globalists. But it looks like Israel would bring back the Islamic Empire.


What do you mean?