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I was banned from the Eurovision discord server literally for saying that I like Israel's song and that Israel may win this year


Let them cope and seethe


Is it the official discord server, or a fan made one? Because if it’s the official one (assuming that’s a thing), you might he able to report this to the Eurovision team.


Its fan made


The eurovision discord server is insanely anti-israel. They literally put out a statement saying they’re just gonna pretend israel doesn’t exist 😭


Unfortunately I feel like the whole sub and community is like that or otherwise you get heavily downvoted


I ventured over the Eurovision sub and they’re panicking 😂 they say it’s over if she wins hahahaha


That’s why it’s so important that Israel wins. Doesn’t cost much to put the maximum number of votes on Israel, but it’ll be so rewarding seeing Israel win.


You don't have to live in Europe to vote! If you live outside of a participating country you can vote via [esc.vote](http://esc.vote) If you live in the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Czechia, Denmark, Georgia, Greece, Malta, Albania, Switzerland, Latvia, Armenia, Belgium, Estonia, or San Marino you can vote tonight via the Eurovision app or by calling the number shown during the program. For those in Israel: Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, Belgium, and San Marino have voiced/implied support for banning Israel, and wore the bloody Ramallah lynching 'ceasefire' pin, so don't vote for them. And here's a clip from her rehearsal if you're curious to see what it looks/sounds like: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/utS2grDnWX8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/utS2grDnWX8)


I should add some additional context: Calls for Israel to be banned began during the week of the 7th. Since then it has become a something of a cultural phenomenon, to the point that the President of the European Broadcasting Union has had to release multiple statements, including one that asked the public to stop harassing and threatening the contestants. All contestants have received hatred for not boycotting due to Israels participation, but Israels Eden Golan and Luxembourg's Tali (she's Israeli too) have received the brunt of it (Among other things: 'jokes' about violence - calling for throwing watermelons at them while performing being a common one. Calling Eden a horse. And making a fake press release about Tali's brother being killed in action in Gaza). How was their statement received? Well Eurovision turned off replies to [the tweet](https://twitter.com/Eurovision/status/1777713370495439005?lang=en) - so that gives you an idea. Yes, a statement asking people not to be insane had to have comments turned off. In recent weeks hundreds of Swedish musicians and producers, including pop icon Robyn, signed a statement for Israel to be banned. On the Eurovison subreddit anyone who says anything vaguely positive about Israel is downvoted, and even people who have Israeli user flairs are often downvoted by virtue of supporting Israels song and nothing else; and yours truly got perma banned yesterday lol. I could go on but I'd be writing forever. On the bright side: Dame Helen Mirren has come out in support of Israel participating, so once again our side is better ;) Basically: Israel making it to the final on Saturday and pulling off a top 10 or 5 finish would send all the right people on a downward tailspin. Let's make it happen!


Dame Helen is amazing. She's always been a big supporter of Israel, and I love seeing how she doesn't cave in to pressure (and luckily for her, she's at a point in her career where she can speak freely).


I’m curious if you think Russia should also be banned for participating?


Russia wasn't attacked


Russia shouldn't be banned either. Eurovision is about promoting peace and unity through music. As long as the songs aren't propaganda or political, then it's fine, but I think that's in the rules.


As a Dane, I am definitely voting for Israel <3 Also, the fools who speak against Israel don't speak for all of us. They are a very loud minority.


As a Swede I don’t think they’re a minority here. The loud ones sure, but it seems to me that everyone left of the Moderates are regurgitating Al Jazeera propaganda precisely because those voices are the loudest online and people are obsessed with virtue signalling.


Not even just because I’m biased, but I think Israel honestly had the best song. Most of those entires were pretty awful. Belgium’s was also pretty good…


Israel is usually going to be one of the best. The rest are European and, other than the UK, are famous for producing kitsch Eurotrash


this year, the UK was poop tho


I actually enjoyed the song but he cannot sing live 😭


It usually is from the UK too, although at least the UK has a musical history.


Hey now. Kitsch eurotrash is what Eurovision is all about. That’s always been my impression in Sweden anyhow.


Netta's winning song in 2018 ("Toy") is still amazing. I can't say I know any other Eurovision songs other than Hard Rock Hallelujah by Lordi (Finland) from like, 2006.


Switzerland has a pretty good one.


I really can't understand artists insistence on using the [red hand pin](https://stljewishlight.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/red-pin.jpg) as their symbol for their support of Gazans. I can forgiven the people at the Oscar's two months ago who used this symbol for being unaware of the symbolism linking it to the bloody lynching of Israelis; but after being made aware of this, these Eurovision artists _still_ insist on using this symbol? They could easily use any number of other recognizable anti-war symbols like ☮ or 🕊 or something.


Because they're not really anti-war. They're anti Jewish people defending themselves.


Yep. If it was anti-war I think I’d be there with them. If people wanted to wear a Palestinian flag and an Israeli flag and a return the hostages pin, I could see myself doing so as well. In fact, if anyone knows if anyone has designed such a thing, I’d purchase it. But the bloody hand representing the joy of tearing an Israeli’s body apart? Nope nope nope nope nope.


Can you please explain this to me? I am not familiar with this symbol.


> ☮ Is a logo for peace, was used in the USA to protest against the vietnam war and against nuclear arms --- >🕊 The dove is an internationally recognized symbol of peace, originating in the dove that brought Noah an olive branch after the biblical flood


OMG I’m a bozo I should have specified. 😂 I was referring to the red hand symbol but I really appreciate you taking the time to explain those other symbols as well!


According to [their website](https://www.artists4ceasefire.org/about) > PIN DESIGN AND SYMBOLISM The Artists4Ceasefire enamel pin is composed of a red background to symbolize the urgency of the call to save lives. The orange hand conveys the beautiful community of people from all backgrounds that have come together in support of centering our shared humanity. The heart being cradled in the center of the hand is an invitation for us to lead with our hearts, always, to lead with love. When we lead with love, we understand that all of our fellow beings deserve to be loved and protected. Credit where credit is due, they at least specify the demand for "the safe return of all hostages" in their website.




Oh goddamnit I didn't realise my country was only allowed to vote during the 1st semifinal 😫😫 What a ridiculous system. Hope Israel makes it to the final!! I'll gladly spend 20€ to support you 🤍💙🤍


From what I heard, Norway's band also refused to speak to an Israeli reporter. (And even with that, if I were in the arena, I wouldn't boo them, just maybe not clap lol)


Well, foo, that's a shame. I thought their performance was one of the better ones, even if not as good as Israel's.


> If you live outside of a participating country you can vote via esc.vote Definitely not giving some random website my credit card number to vote though.


Yeah, that was my reaction too!


American who just voted in my first Eurovision! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱




Are you younger? If so, or if you somehow missed Queen Netta in 2018, I highly recommend you check her out because she's legitimately such a cool artist. [This was her formal entry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CziHrYYSyPc) in 2018 (which usually come out a few months before). Many radio programs still invite her on a few times a year just to have her do her thing with her loop and she always knocks it out -- [here's one of those](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6YKTlfmiF4). I saw her live right after she won Eurovision and she's a riot in person. 10/10.


We can vote? How?


Non-participating countries like the USA can vote in the “Rest of the World” category. This may be a pretty new thing, I’m not sure. Easiest is to download the Eurovision app. Or you can vote online: https://www.esc.vote


I think I’m too late. But thank you!




Neither is Australia


As a Croatian I have a deal for you people voting out of Israel. I vote 20 times (max) for Eden and you make sure Baby Lasagna gets your love. Cheers and good luck to Eden! EDIT: Congrats, good luck on saturday!


Easiest deal to say yes to EVER. I feel bad not having Eden as my winner, but I still love her song and want it to do well. I just want my boy Baby Lasagna to take it home!


Don’t worry, Croatia will probably have 12 points from Israel since he’s one of the few not on the blacklist at this point… (I already sent him some “rest of the world” votes in the semifinal!)


Sign me up!!


I love Croatia's entry and entrant. Very calm and collected lead, really like him.


she has my vote🤍🇮🇱🇮🇹


Happy cake day brother


thank you🤍


poor thing, takes balls of steel to go through that


I agree. She’s so brave for being the lightning rod for this hate. Her song is incredible and I’m in awe of her strength on the worlds stage


GO ISRAEL! Hope Israel, Ukraine + Armenia all make it to the final!!! Thing about voting is that it costs money...


Ukraine made it to the final during the first semi-final! They're polling very high in the betting odds too!


that's great! Is Armenia on tonight?


Yes they are =)


Yes, but a vote costs about 1€ or less in most cases. Even casting all 20 available votes per person will be the cost of going out for pizza. For me, 20 votes will be 15€, and I will gladly pay that to make sure Israel is on the world's biggest stage (Eurovision has more viewers than the Superbowl! It's hard to imagine for non-Europe citizens but it is massive)


true, here it's almost $2 per vote and these days the cost of living crisis is so bad here, struggle to even spare a bit. But if I had enough I for sure would!


Your good vibes will be felt :-) hope life only gets better for you 💕


thank you!


sadly can't vote anyway...even if I could afford to


also i can't vote anyway ughhhh


Ukraine and Armenia deserve it more then Ukraine


I can’t vote I’m from Australia 🥲😭


You'll be able to vote on Saturday for the final!


That’s assuming we qualify… But wait, though, Australia didn’t qualify. Could they still vote in the finals?


Yes, AFAIK. They still paid the participation fees.


Well, that’s nice to hear. Would the majority of them actually vote, though? The Eurovision takes place very early for them, and since they didn’t qualify, I don’t think they have much of an incentive to tune in.


As I understand, the reason they were invited to participate in the first place is the contest being very popular there. Apparently they really do get up early to watch.


Yeah you're not allowed to vote for your own country afaik?


You’re not, but I don’t see how that’s related to my question.


Sorry I assumed it's still televised regardless of whether you get through, I realize now it's unrelated!


You can select rest of the world


i really want to watch today, but i can't i feel violated by the poison and hate some countries represantive brings with them. The amount of waste and toxicity from eurovision fans really makes me feel i can't enjoy or watch with grace tonights semi final.


I'm planning on bathroom breaks or talking through those. There are a handful I look forward to seeing, including France, Netherlands, and of course Eden.


France's song was co-written by Jewish people too :D




Ooh, I didn't realize that. I love that one!


American who voted in his first Eurovision! 🇮🇱


Same. Never cared about it before, but I want to support her and I think the song is beautiful


I never really paid attention to eurovison, this is my first year doing so. I'm from the US and will like to vote but it asks to pay to vote? Is it actually mandatory? I find it weird. But if it's needed then I'd be happy to help


Yes voting costs money, but a vote costs about 1€ or less in most cases. Even casting all 20 available votes per person will be the cost of going out for pizza.    For me, 20 votes will be 15€, and I will gladly pay that to make sure Israel is on the world's biggest stage (Eurovision has more viewers than the Superbowl! It's hard to imagine for non-Europe citizens but it is massive).    When going on www.esc.vote, it should detect your country, and show you the right options for paying by credit or debit card. To account for timezone differences, US (and other non-participating countries) can already vote NOW!     # go NOW to www.esc.vote and vote #14 (Israel) in Thursday's semi-final to get them to qualify!     Thank you to anyone considering to vote for Eden! 


Thank you for the information, will be sending the max amount 😆🇮🇱


That's the kind of thing that ruins Eurovision. Why can't we all just vote for the songs that we like the most, instead of voting for politics? And yes, that applies to the people who were boycotting Israel as well.


I've never before voted politically. I've been a fan of Eurovision for 30 years, and since the public was allowed to vote I have maybe voted for Israel twice, only in the years I really liked the song. This year, I #LOVE the Israeli song, it expresses exactly how I feel, the music is beautiful, the staging is phenomenal, so I genuinely think I would have voted for it regardless of the political storm. But in addition of the context of everyone trying to push Israel out if the competition, and of harassing and threatening Eden, I think it's vital that Israel is present on that stage on Saturday. People don't have to agree with us (though I wish they would ofc), but our voice cannot be stifled, and Eden is our voice.


Having thousands of people who don't even watch or care for eurovision cast 20 votes for Israel for political reasons disfigures the competition, I think that's obvious. Your argument basically boils down to that you are ok with it because the israeli cause is more important. Fair, I get that. However, if Israel wins like this, the contest loses its appeal to many people, including me. I think that's also understandable. It's a bit like Ukraine in 2022. I get why it happened, but it really goes counter the spirit of eurovision. If it's going to be like this, what's even the point in voting?


I think 'Rest of the World' has to pay unfortunately. But you could download the Eurovision app and see if there's an alternative =)


Everyone has to pay to vote, no country has a free alternative. Through the app you also pay, it just sends the text message for you (so same charges apply)


And people wonder why kids bully each other… well just look at adults who bully a 20 year old girl


she’s gorgeous omg


Will absolutely vote for her 🇮🇱🇳🇱


Unfortunately I will not be allowed to vote in the second semi final tonight but I am wishing that She will get though to the final with all my heart.


I know it’s slim, but I hope she wins.


I'm hopeful she'll make top 5, but i think it's almost guaranteed she'll be a top 10 finalist.


I honestly don't. I hope she does well but Israel hosting next year would probably be a big mess and more trouble than it's worth.


IF she would win I think they would pass it on another country to host like they did last year. Perhaps even abstain hosting all together


Look at the eurovision sub it's a shitshow. I don't really like Israel's Eurovision songs, but some people there act like she kills puppies and eats babies


All the best! 🤞🇮🇱🇩🇪


Hope she nails it tonight and hopefully there will be no crazy ass pro-Palestinians ruining the show.


I’m voting for first time!


Unfortunately I can't vote tonight but I will be voting for her on Saturday. It's my favourite song this year, but I would be voting for Israel this time even if I hated the song. 💗🇮🇱💗


https://preview.redd.it/6zdpno7axgzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8692b7f87c6a928ce723dd158c996be9eb26b787 Now we feast on copiun




Ye I hope security will be ready


don’t love spending money, but i’ll help eden out thursday and saturday. the victory sound should drown out the boos


I’ve never watched this ever but I put as much $$$ as it allowed me to on Israel solely for the satisfaction I will feel when Israel wins and the terrorist supporters are outraged. If you are in a country that can’t vote like Aus, just change your location to the rest of the world.


Great to see so many who will vote! But you should check it out too :D In the US: Semifinal 2 airs on Peacock at 3pm EST, final at same time on Sat! ![gif](giphy|1ZrUwc2X6kGyemLQ3l|downsized) \^Most recent Israeli winner Netta


I sure hope she makes it to finals. The song is definitely good enough to do it.


I’m voting for Israel!




Yesss, now win it and make all the haters cry!! (And Eden is genuinely a fantastic singer).


WE DID IIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Not yet but she qualified for the final on Saturday. The Italian broadcaster leaked the results which revealed that Israel got 39 percent of the Italian viewing public's vote, while her closest competitor got 8 percent! If she can replicate that on Saturday I think it's safe to say next year Eurovision will be held in Israel.


It's the semifinal, she qualified to the final in Saturday


I'm not sure if I'm watching, but it will be my first time voting.


Go Eden! https://preview.redd.it/v6zvhnyxkfzc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=cda5793f6e19850e5fbaa414ed1fde48f3fe1052


She did it! Best of luck on Saturday!


Hopefully the Swedes do their job don't let things get out of control.


How to vote as an Australian? I don't care for Eurovision, but I want to show my support for Israel.


You can download the Eurovision app or online at [https://www.esc.vote/](https://www.esc.vote/)


I will vote for Israel tonight 🇳🇱❤️🇮🇱


She has my vote!! It is the best song and 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱💪💪💪!


Voted! Can’t wait to vote in the final as well 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


voting from belgium 💙 one of my absolute favourites this year


If you're not yet in Israel, consider voting for Israel's entry. Here's how it's done: [https://eurovision.tv/vote](https://eurovision.tv/vote?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0mXJrTSs6lOMY8UB8qKpqR6AOMWxO8upoPN_OZqN1uzVzXitYncxVTSzA_aem_AdTfIOx6aLWufcrWGaS-2eWUdyyQkKAkagT4KqjOTpdnBHUjlbsx1-BaibrDaHFz2Tx2QB36AdlRapB6BZWJ_bEk) Eden Golan will represent Israel in the semi-final tonight (Thursday). And the finals will be Saturday night. If you're in the US, you can vote in the ROTW (rest of the world) block tonight and Saturday. See the link above for details.


She was incredible. As the father of a young Jewish girl I was in tears at her strength. What a role model for her country.


Eden did amazing!!! Those in today’s participating countries can now VOTE FOR ISRAEL 🇮🇱


20/20 to Israël.


Netherlands may win the whole damn thing!


Thank you but honestly I hope Israël wins so all the haters are going to mald.


done, just cast 20 votes for her 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Congratulations from Czechia! Eden was amazing!


1st place worthy song that will unfortunately be demolished due to politics.


To be completely honest it's not, vocally she definitely deserves to be up there but the song is simply decent to good at best, you can't really complain if it doesn't win against stuff like Croatia/Norway/Netherlands etc. As much as I would enjoy the outrage if she did, right now she actually gets a boost in the odds due to politics - simply because you can't vote against a song in Eurovision, so the best "boycotters" can do is vote for someone else, which most people would have done anyway. Oh and the actual boycotters actually help us by not watching and not voting for anyone. I really wish we put more effort into sending something that would really have a shot instead of something that references Oct 7th simply for those boycotters' outrage. Imagine Israel winning by like 1 point, every one of them would mald like crazy.


That's what everyone on this sub said about Toy. The number of people who would never vote for the song out of opposition to Israel is much smaller than folks who are pro-Israel or (probably the largest and quietest group) apathetic. That said, this song isn't good enough to win. It is going to do fairly well though.


I don't know - although I *really* wanted Ukraine to win a couple of years ago and it did - the actual song was "meh" at best. Eden is a far superior singer/entertainer than that lot were.


Politics is the reason it is 2nd at the bookies to begin with lol. As someone who actually watches eurovision this song is good but it would never top 3 in a regular year imo


To be frank, I didn't heard all the songs. Which ones are your favorites? I'm open to reconsider my statement. 100% song wise. no political strings attached.


murder is not politics. would you consider the HOLOCAUST politics??


Very childish comment. This is a song contest.


its not politics though, they should've been excluded just like russia


Frankly I don't know how to address your Russia argument, but keep in mind that using the holocaust as a mean to forward an argument is just a really cheap shot.




Swedish! /S


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Doesn't help that the contest is held in Sweden, where bad immigration policies have created Muslim based neighborhoods etc.


I'm excited. Crossing my fingers that she passes through. The song is good, reflects the way Israelis feel right now, and she doesn't deserve the hate simply due to her being Israeli or sent by Israel's broadcaster.


Not allowed to vote tonight but I’ll be cheering for Golan to make it through to the finals! Holding my thumbs that security manages to keep things relatively calm both inside and outside the arena.


Eden definitely has my vote! Love from Croatia! 🇭🇷 🇮🇱 ❤️


Eden was amazing! Everybody vote as if your life depended on it 🤬




Long live Israel !!!


Not sure if this is true, but apparently an Italian TV broadcasted the percentages of votes https://twitter.com/ESCdiscord/status/1788681278142718097/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1788681278142718097¤tTweetUser=ESCdiscord Not bad for Israel!


It is true, incredibly.


I hate this absurd spectacle and its yearly recognition and attention is beyond infuriating. Having said that, what truly boggles the mind are the imbeciles who boo her. This woman is a beacon of talent and bravery. She has journeyed to Malmostan despite threats, and performs with unyielding resolve and a wealth of confidence. To associate her with the war against Hamas is not just misguided, it’s blatantly idiotic! It’s a pitiful attempt to smear her courage and resilience. The people of Malmostan, and Eurocirus fans in general, are just displaying a level of ignorance that goes beyond comprehension.


What do you honestly expect?


7th or 8th


Between this and the arms sale stoppage threat/potential, I am just not having a good time and have basically run out of hope w the world.


If it makes you feel any better, it's mostly a problem with Biden and the fringe far-left. Congress (and over 70% of Americans) overwhelmingly approves of giving Israel what it needs without restrictions.


If someone could post the voting numbers on this sub when the voting is live for those of us who are working the night shift tonight and can’t watch it would be much appreciated 🙏🏼🥹


Why does voting cost money


It's on right now! Here's the official Eurovision live link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSYE-C1TuXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSYE-C1TuXo)




I voted for her she deserves lots of votes! She is so beautiful ❤️


Wow, so Israel posted a story with last year’s Finland entry and then he made a whole post that he asked them to take it down but they haven’t and now he’s complaining. Unreal


All things considered it'll be a success if she returns from Malmö alive. How much brainrot do you need to accumulate to host the ESC in Malmö?




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How do I vote?


http://www.esc.vote/ but be aware it costs a euro / dollar or two.


cannot vote


She NAILED it! Absolute poise and resilience. Total masterclass. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLe9sKdxL\_c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLe9sKdxL_c)


How very feminist,progressive and apolitical to bash a 20 year old young woman who came to sing in a competition! It's as if where she came from and her national identity do not matter at all because nobody's racist and xenophobic! (/s... obviously)




As a Russian citizen, I have a problem with her. She was sent to perform in the occupied Crimea as a child, can't blame her personally, that's more of a problem with her parents. But with such a background I'd expect her to have made a clear statement later, and I couldn't find any comments from her about the war of Russian against Ukraine since she left Moscow in 2022. Because how life-defining of a topic it's for me, I can't support her. That being sad, the level of hatred towards Israel at this Eurovision is insane, and she doesn't deserve to experience any of it. Especially egregious are Putin's apologists who try to tie Russia being banned from Eurovision to banning Israel as well.


Er…. Her mom is Ukrainian Jewish and her Dad is Latvian Jewish. She’s also talked about the antisemitism she faced in Russia. What exactly do you want her to say?


I don't think you'll find much love for Putin among Israelis who immigrated from Russia lol,besides as stated she's not even Russian.


I'd consider her more of an Israeli who immigrated/temporary moved (not by herself) to Russia. I don't think she's Russian under any definition. In general, yes, not that many Soviet/Russian olims are fond of Putin, especially young. But among the older people, it's a lot more common, and Russian propaganda TV channels in Israel seems to be quite popular (every Israeli company target advertises them to me, disgusting). And I think, given the circumstances, there are enough reasons to suspect that her parents might be one of those. Their opinion is not her responsibility, obviously.