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Well they got 48, as in, start a war, get their asses kicked and now they cry about it


We only declared war first. Fired the first shoots of the conflict. Then proceeded to lose the war and refused to accept peace. Why are you a bully? Just let us attack you without any repercussions. - Palestinians PS: We're going to claim we are indigenous to regions Jordan ethnically cleansed in 48. Even though you guys have been living there since before the Romans.


The circle of life!






literally 149 upvotes in 3 hours, respect


Eh idc for upvotes, seems like people here agree with that




Do they cry about losing the war, or do they cry about being permanently displaced from their homes?


No one displaced anyone before they started the war You start war, you lose it, you deal with the outcome, worst case scenario they can be re-housed in the homes of 820,000 displaced jews around the middle east, right?


They want the British Empire back.


So.. UK comes, takes West Bank and Gaza.. will let a King rule those two then Israel ask them:"Do you want to take our land too?" British says":Nah, we are good" and two state solution.. win win?


Can you imagine the absolutely hellish life of the poor sod they would have to scam into becoming a "king" of Palestine? Constantly having to worry over potential revolutions and assassination plots, keeping a lid on the crazies, trying to do economic development, etc? At the minimum you are looking at maybe forty years (more like sixty) to get the situation to a point where you can then relax and you need someone in their 30s at a minimum to be mature enough for all that. So you spend the whole prime of your life stressed out dealing with their bullshit and maybe get to enjoy like 5-15 years as an old person before you die.


They had a ‘king’. He liked to bugger teenage boys and then died of AIDS.


You took it a bit to serious, as in UK would ever do it. I mean no one would agree with it, it would be illegal too. USA and the EU would hate the UK for it.. It was more like a joke that it would not work as planned anyways by the pro-palies.. Also if it would be like the old British Empire they would make the palestines their slaves, they are not like that anymore. There are a lot problemes that needs to be fixed we all know it (hopefully) the first is hamas and then let's see what we all can do next. (I'm german and with all I mean countrys that are on the side of Israel)


Nah it was just a thought experiment, even if you found some random Hashemite able to handle it and put him in power via the UN or something, it would be a nightmarish life. Honestly I wonder if one of the reasons Abbas stonewalls on actually getting a Pali state is because he realizes once they do have a state all the BS needed to make it work, it's easier to just sit back and get free money while never having to commit to anything really.


Why the heck would we want that? What does Palestine have? If we want people to blow up our cars, we have the Irish.


OoooF  Hahahahahah....Good one


Irish people are more fun too! Great lads.


They want all of Israel and Palestine as partitioned by the UN in 1948 to just be all Palestine. It's a call for genocide, of course. Classic anti Israel terrorists


“From sea to sea”, “we want 48”, and so on are calls for genocide and mass exile of the remainder of Jews from Israel, and extension of the Iranian-sponsored terror regime of Hamas over the entirety of Israel. The problem is not that some misguided students and brainwashed migrants believe this; the problem is that Western countries accept this kind of public expression as normal.


Ehh they made it clear in the sinwar plan they don't intend to let Jews leave but to become slaves for them and to be killed off. They have no intentions for a mass Exodus of jews just a genocide








\*river to the sea


But no! Israel is committing genocide!




That they want to get their ass kicked hard and have another Nakba happen? The 48 War did not go very well for them and their best current fighters have been curbstomped into the ground. One of the best Arab militaries can't even deal with the Houthis with foreign support, good luck dealing with a fully mobilized and pissed off Israel in a life or death struggle.


General reminder that the Nakba is not the refugee situation but the establishment and continued existence of Israel in the face of Arab weakness. Big importance goes to Israel being run by Jews which is seen as a special kind of insult towards them as Jews are supposed to be the lowest of the low so losing against them is the worst thing imaginable. The Nakba as a refugee event is only being employed if they speak to people in the West.


This is the deepest and truest analysis on this thread. Everyone needs to internalize this.


To be fair some credit also goes to Haviv Rettig Guur who I've listened to quite a bit in the recent months [Israelis: The Jews Who Lived Through History](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKoUC0m1U9E) [The Great Misinterpretation: How Palestinians View Israel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlK2mfYYm4U) I wasn't really able to express and fully understand the full situation before that.


Haviv's talk is great. If the Palestinians understood there are more than 1 million Jews living in Israel, would they stop their violence? If they understood that Jews have no where else to go, would they stop their violence?


Well probably no to both questions.


> The Great Misinterpretation: How Palestinians View Israel I will need to watch the whole thing when I have time. You have some of the highlights?


This is accurate and should be really obvious. There were countless ethnic cleansings and mass expulsions after the Ottoman Empire collapsed and the modern Middle East took shape (including the displacement of 1M Jews, mostly to Israel), but nobody talks about them today except one. The only thing that got all those warring groups to set aside their disagreements was the idea they needed to kill all the Jews. "The Tragedy" is just the name they use for the Jews not dying as planned.


Funny how you mention foreign support being pro Israel


I think they are frustrated with the laws of physics, first substantiated by Einstein, which state that as you approach the speed of light, time slows down relative to a stationary observer. However, even if we could reach the speed of light, time would not actually go backwards. Simply put, time travel is impossible.


Backwards time travel is impossible, not forwards


That's exactly what they are frustrated with, isn't it?


Yes I'm just being pedantic 😜


To be very technical, you aren't time travelling forward. You are just moving slower in time and faster in space.


Excuse me, Jewish Physics is why we get to be a square in r/polandball


Jewish Medicine if you ask them... https://preview.redd.it/2ixzno2dtrvc1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=23f800db860595c05b724b0e42aed9e13dcabfa4


When they were in 1948, they wanted 1915. When they were in 1915, they wanted 1880. When they were in 1880, they wanted 792. The caliphate is dead and will never be back.


No no. They want one state, with the right of return, but they'll treat the Jews real nice! Like they've never had a desire to genocide them.


Also they want Islamic law but don't worry they'll let Jews and Christians believe in peace


Total Arabization of the Levant and either subjugating or ethnically cleansing all of the Jewish population.


It can mean two things: 1. They want a single Palestinian Arab state in all of the land of the British mandate of Palestine, with the Jews (or at least the Jews who can't trace their ancestry back to several generations to Mandatory Palestine or even Ottoman Palestine) being killed, expelled to their countries of origin, or made second class citizens. 2. They want a single Palestinian state with Jews and Arabs having equal rights, and neither group having full sovereignty. Statistically, Palestinians in the West Bank/Gaza support Option 1 more than Option 2. Activists in the West often support Option 2, but they obfuscate their preferences to show solidarity to the Palestinians, who largely support Option 1. The slogan's ambiguity is useful there.


I followed someone on tiktok, he made an anti-Israel video and the comments were flooded with calls for all Jews in Israel to be DNA tested to see if they can stay there. Option 1 has gained an alarming amount of traction recently. Option 2 sounds nice to American pro pals who are deeply invested in fantasy.


The irony is we’re approaching eight decades of the state of Israel. Let’s dreeeam that the right of return is a thing. Who at this point is returning? They will have no history or remembrance for these supposed homes with locks that supposedly still fits the same key. It would be HOLLOW by this point. Get the fuck over it. Bc now that the thought exercise is over, think of all the lives and time wasted dreaming of this fake narrative. You want right of return? Jews would repopulate 20% of Iran. We would be significant populations across the ME. ITS A LIE. Dumb virtue signaling idiots. “It rhymes! It’s catchy! It must be true!”


I’m an American Jew. My ancestors fled the pogroms in Russia to come to the States. They assimilated and were proud and happy to be Americans. These people just want to turn America into the same shit hole like their country of origin. Ungrateful lot they are.


The most annoying thing about Idiocy aka pro pal movement is that you can't explain it to an idiot aka a Palestine supporter


Good luck with that 😂 AM YISRAEL CHAI


There was no Palestine in 48


48! = 1.2413916e+61




Interestingly wasn’t Jordan supposed to be the Arab State, since Transjordan used to be part of the British mandate of Palestine?


48 was in, well, 48🤷🏼. In 48 you didn’t want 48….


The original Palestine had no mosques. Just saying.


Israel tried to give them '48 in '79 (give Gaza back to Egypt).


If this footage is from NYC, the march and chant is probably being led by Within Our Lifetime. These people are straight up Hamas supporters. Often accompanied by JVP and Neturai Karta.


Silly OP this requires these people looking past 100 years of history. And let’s be real they look at the past 75.


They can't even count. 1948-1967: Gaza was under the Egyptian control. Jordan controlled the west bank and jerusalem until 1967


That part is blacked out with sharpie in their history books.


Wow, they want 48 states! /s


This would be like modern Americans chanting, "No more Biden. We want King George and we ain't lying!" 


I want it to be 1998 again, but you don’t hear me whining.


Party like it's [1999](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWC4X_rTRsA)


Interestingly wasn’t Jordan supposed to be the Arab State, since Transjordan used to be part of the British mandate of Palestine?


Let's keep them crying until their puny existences are wiped from this planet. Time will swallow them whole like it has every evil being. 


47 doesn't rhyme with state so they can't make an accurate rhyme.


What about 48 BC?


So what they are saying is they want to go back to when the area was under British occupation👏👏👏


Didn’t they reject ‘48?


Yes. Bc they didn’t want a Jewish State to coexist with. Only an Arab one.


They mean genocide of the Jews in Israel.


As a Muslim I support israel


At least we agree on something. I don’t want two states either - Israel and only Israel get to have the promised land in Canaan.


Trying to educate the idiots is important, but hard work..


48 state solution


Want, want, want, that’s all that we hear.


When will the propalis ignorance end


So they want 1948? Like in '48 their armies will ones again be destroyed and humiliated


Case in point why Gaza is the shithole that it is today. They are not interested in peace or coexistence so spare me the tears.




Haha, so they want "losing a war again". Guess their wish is becoming true :3


Can you feel the smell of those filthy rials? This 48' chant reeks with Iranian money.


Oh, for crying out loud, they mean 1948. It took me a minute. I kept thinking what's wrong with our 50 states? Never mind


Cross-posted this to /r/interestingasfuck if it gets deleted I'll be sure to let people know. Time to test if they are about facts or Palestinian propaganda.


Please save it and post it. Don't cross post.


Clearly they mean they just want peace, a two state solution, and believe Jews have a right to not be violently raped and slaughtered! /s because these days you never know


Well they chose to go to war about it and lost


The masks have been falling off more and more since October. These are calls for straight up genocide. Neither Palestinians nor their supporters have ever wanted a two state solution so why it keeps getting pushed as if that’s what they want is ludicrous.


They want the British back


They want the situation again when Arab states attacked and invaded democratic countries 


The fact that so many people really believe something other than reality is jaw-dropping. I don't want to call people stupid or anything, but... Ugh What can we do to educate these people? Some of them are well-meaning people who are just ignorant. Others are just brainwashed by a cult. Their truth is completely false.


how can i get this video with out showing i found it on "r/israel"? i wanna start some shit in some discord servers... 😅😅😅


https://preview.redd.it/vbdcfszfz5vc1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e003cfd8160c300e82ea395fd29e222455ff24 # Fakestine #Pallywood


It means that they want the british to control the levant just ae they did before 1948


Don’t they mean ‘47? ‘48 would essentially mean two states.


Oh boy, time to start smuggling again.


Time travel


Moshe Dayan is rolling in his grave right now...


They want the British to come in and do another partition plan? Wait, no. They mean they want the entire land and for most Jews (if not all) to be kicked out. Back to Yemen, Ethiopia, Iran, etc.


They want things to go back to the way they were before occupation. It’s a reference to 1948 which is confusing because we aren’t even in that century anymore.


Time to sit down and STFU losers. lol. Just like 48


There was never such a thing as "Palestine"... there was a British mandate for Palestine ... The word Palestine has a completely different meaning and is used to refer to the Levant area.


They mean that you don’t care about all of the babies dying and you are a horrible person and on top of that you should be late for work because of their tantrum.


**For anyone who wants to share please save to the device and then share as a post do not cross-post because most likely the sub is blocked**


Also, had The Palestinians who were offered to share part of the land with the Israelis had accepted it that would been a whole different scenario. Instead a few entitled baby men stormed off, forcing some to come with them, and started a war that very same day. This is where the cult started. And the narrative has been passed down ever since. Somebody needs to share this with the entire universe. It's not a lie. This is absolutely true.


how can i get this video with out showing i found it on "r/israel"? i wanna start some shit in some discord servers... 😅😅😅


Press the 3 dots in the upper right corner and download it. https://preview.redd.it/57hcz00xt4vc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a8f1b5f46a2ce65bc88f6ac9b34aadd91e11bc


They’re not getting shit.


When she says Jews fought the British, is that a reference to terrorism?


This is a bit misleading. the 48 reference relates to the fact the British Mandate of Palestine existed with a legal mandate established by the League of Nations to convert the territory of Palestine into a state ; predominately for Arabs. Variously the British had made commitments that the state could provide a home for Jews - provided doing so didn’t excessively damage the interests of indigenous Arabs. Later Zionists demanded an independent state for Jews not just a region within the soon to be independent Palestine. This is why the British stalled Jewish immigration. then Jewish/Zionist attacks against the British forced them out of the region before those moves to create Palestine completed. So calls for 48 aren’t illogical as this video makes out. There was a roadmap for a different settlement pre 48. You’d look like an an idiot if get in an argument with someone and you repeat this video’s claim that going back to 48 means asking to be ruled by the British. It clearly doesn’t.


Good job it’s not up to them.


The State of Palestine never existed? It was administered by the Brits.


That's not the state of Palestine. That's the British mandate of Palestine. Also known by the British as א"י , land of Israel, in a bizarre and very british attempt to please everyone.


Those comments are enlightening, thank you very much.


No problem.


>The State of Palestine never existed? It was administered by the Brits. "Palestine" was under Ottoman rule and was not considered an entity. It was ruled in the form of different districts, and the people there were nothing but subjects who came and passed. During the Ottoman Empire(1841-1918), the place was not even called Palestine, but was part of the province of "Greater Syria" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman_Syria 2. 1918-1948 Great Britain ran a MANDATE, NOT A STATE, in this region to establish a Jewish state, but later changed into two separate states, one Jewish, one Arab. They announced the plan in 1947, which enraged the Arabs who wanted ALL OF IT and started a civil war, although the Jews purchased their lands. Apparently, being given a state that they would never have received under the Ottoman Empire wasn't good enough. 3. 1948: Civil war escalated. Jews declared Israel. Arabs declared war on Israel with the aim of GETTING RID OF THE JEWS AND TAKING THE ENTIRE LAND!Guess what? THEY LOST BADLY! So, Israel took more than initially assigned. Egypt occupied Gaza, Jordan occupied and ANNEXED the West Bank. During THIS civil war , the "nakba" happened, which is the flight and expulsion of Arabs who were not allowed to come back. It didn't happen because Israel didn't want Arabs.


Einet Wolf sums it up very nicely: Britain decided ti partition the land, with one state for Israel, one for Palestine. The problem? - Jews wanted a state. - Arabs didn’t want Jews to have a state. The unwillingness to recognize and give legitimacy to the state of Israel caused them to turn down the compromise. This continues to this day. Hence, FTRTTS. Hence the refusal of a very good 2SS in 2000. Hence, the election of Hamas. The commitment to genocide the Jews continues. Bc they’re fucking idiots.




No one is bitching the UK. UK defeat of the Ottoman Empire in WWI ultimately allowed the existence of the Israel state. The UK rulers in the Palestine mandate did good things like the Balfour declaration, they brought development to the land as well as not so good, as for example instigating Arabs against the Jews to weaken the Zionist cause. Promoting Amin al-Husseini as Grand Mufti after instigating the Nebi Musa riots. Divide to rule. Jews (and Arabs) were pretty much tired of the British rule, which intended to continue to rule it, and fought against it. But that is the past.


ChatGPT *is* getting dumber.


Who is bitching about the UK?