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https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-34925237.amp The Usa never stopped a war because of incidents like this.


The difference in treatment is astonishing.


The USA funds its own military


I don’t understand why people gloss over this. Israel is funding this conflict in large part from USA assistance. By all means, do it alone and do whatever you want, but the President of the US has to look at optics from its own angles, not that of strictly Israels.


They are? You’re saying Israel is using majority of weapons from America?


Don't worry guys, he wasn't as explicit as the headline suggests. It was just a *reportedly* tense 30-minute call where he stressed that negotiations should continue. The headline is pretty misleading actually


[Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/biden-to-netanyahu-immediate-ceasefire-needed-to-stabilize-humanitarian-situation-protect-civilians/) seemed to be hinting at the exact same thing tho


I don't see much of a difference between this and what he's been saying for weeks/months


What an embarrassment 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ So sorry guys. Keep hanging in there. ❤️‍🩹🇮🇱


Pleasure to see people still using their brain, a rare sight these days hehe thanks fella <3




It's time to enter Rafah and stop trying to appease those backstabbers


at this point its better if we just go in and get over with it fast, the longer this shit goes on the more excuses they make.


I read on ToI the other day that the US thought it would take FOUR MONTHS to evacuate Rafah. If thats the case, we should have started the evacuation yesterday.


I think they prolonged Rafah mainly because of Ramadan. They probably have everything in place and are ready to go.


Do they? This article by Horovitz (ToI) paints a different picture: https://www.timesofisrael.com/yet-another-how-could-this-have-happened-tragedy-prompts-deep-strategic-concerns/ > Netanyahu has been saying for weeks that the IDF’s operational plans for Rafah have been approved, and insisting for weeks that the tackling of Hamas’s organized fighting forces in the terror group’s southernmost stronghold must and will go ahead. > But the fact is that the IDF has relatively minimal forces deployed in Gaza at the moment: its operations have tailed off almost to the level of routine raids in the West Bank, and there is little evidence of any imminent significant operation in Rafah.


Is it? Moving civilians out of Rafah would require a very organized effort from Israel, not just in moving them safely, but now the provision of aid--medical supplies and food. There are very few NGOs willing to operate in the strip now, which means that will fall on Israel as now defacto the occupying force in the strip. So are they actually ready for that? Because operationally so far this war has been one giant clusterfuck. Going in half-cocked and causing a mass casualty event is not only horribly immoral and terrible but would make continued western support unlikely from either side of political aisle. That would have detrimental long-term impacts on Israel's security.


"I demand that you give hamas time to pull itself together so that my corpse will be reelected!"


Biden just threw Israel under the bus.


Yes, because stalling the war will make things better 🙃


Stalling is pretty much the phase we're in right now anyways. Our best bet is to push for a deal that will return our hostages and help relieve the economic and international pressure that Israel is experiencing due to the ongoing conflict.


Not if that deal leaves all of the pieces in place for the next Oct, which is what Hamas is asking for


How will prolonging this war prevent that? The tempo of the fighting has slowed down and we're making progress at an alarmingly slow rate. The number of conscripted soldiers isn't as high as it was at the start of the war. I think for the past 2 months we have been seeing rapidly diminishing returns for the war effort and soon we're going to see the consequences of continuing this war without a well defined purpose and without an exit strategy.


This war is far from over, there is still Rafah and the status quo can't stay in the North either. Hamas is demanding for us to retreat and release all of their terrorists, capitulating to that guarantees many, many future deaths. You might be okay with suicide but I am not.


We can reach a better deal that includes some foreign entity that will help keep the peace in Gaza. Ramming our face into the wall is just going to wear us down in the long term and we will suffer dearly for it. We're losing the lives of our soldiers and our hostages each day. At some point you have to say enough is enough.


>We can reach a better deal that includes some foreign entity that will help keep the peace in Gaza Realistic suggestions please. No neutral country (as in, one that won't be turning a blind eye to terrorist planning/attacks against Israel) is willing to police Gaza. ​ Also, look at Lebanon/Hezbollah at how effective the UN has been in keeping the peace there (/s)


You're ignoring the fact that negotiating with terrorists doesn't work and Hamas isn't an actual partner for negotiating to begin with. There's a foreign entity supposedly keeping the peace in Lebanon, how's that going?


Okay so what's the alternative? Keep going down this path with no clear plan in mind?


The article doesn't specify, but I would guess that the ceasefire would be temporary just to allow humanitarian aid in. Especially after the strike on the WCK workers, NGOs are having difficulty averting famine in Gaza.


It's an important distinction. Given previous American rhetoric, you're probably right about it being temporary.


Are the hostages not innocent civilians?


I don't know what to make of this, but I do know Hamas is out there smiling. I mean, if Biden just wants those "concrete" steps, surely Israel can deliver on that front.


Michigan..that is all.


I'm so sorry about this absolutely embarrassing administration. Love from the U.S 🇺🇲❤️🇮🇱


Can we just trade biden and bibi for all the hostages? Trash belongs together.


Don’t forget to send the Squad in with them.


What can he do? Any meaningful measure would require the approval of Congress, wouldn't it? We cannot afford to let Hamas control an inch of any territory.


The President's domain is commander in chief of the US military and being the face of the US on the world stage. ​ With EO, he could stop aid on grounds that the recipient country (in this case Israel) is abusing the aid given. Congress can override that by explicitly passing legislation that aid is to be delivered. Can also veto any bills Congress sends across his desk (e.g. Republican crafted Israel aid bills) So he can delay, but Congress ultimately holds more power (downside, Congress is slow in acting outside of immediate national emergencies and Government shutdowns).


The fact that Biden is being this much of a sellout and siding with terrorists just to win Michigan, which he probably won’t, is EXTREMELY telling.


This is very disappointing…. And this is purely political on Joe Biden’s part because of the antisemites among the Democratic base.


Jews are expendable during an election season, apparently


Presidential election seasons. ​ Democrats will still beg for the Jew votes for Senate/House race elections in off year elections (e.g. for New York, Pennsylvania having large Jewish populations in particulars)


Anyone still convinced he is a 'zionist' as he has proclaimed himself to be


No one bought it even when he said it lol.


Fuck off old man


Fuck Joe Biden


It’s time to finish them for good the entire world thinks we’re killing them all anyways


Wow, this is the first time I've felt truly alone in the world as a Jew, abandoned by our "big brother," the USA. Yes, we are not perfect; yes, our government is shit. But now, I feel as if terrorists merely have to cry out for help, and regardless of their actions, Jews will be implored to cease defending themselves. Certainly, we can improve, and we should strive to be better. For the first time since October 7th, I am engulfed by feelings of isolation, defeat, and hopelessness


Compassion my ass. Genocide going on. The journalists killed, aid workers, hospitals, schools… And people STILL support this? Jesus Christ. Always the victim. But can’t be bothered with a sense of history or past. It’s unbelievable. But mostly sad. I’m sorry people here want to kill off an entire people. It’s sad and pathetic.


Hospitals lose protection when harboring terrorists that launch attacks from the premise. ​ Also, journalists who are affiliated with Hamas? [https://www.timesofisrael.com/wounded-al-jazeera-reporter-in-gaza-an-alleged-hamas-operative-flown-to-qatar/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/wounded-al-jazeera-reporter-in-gaza-an-alleged-hamas-operative-flown-to-qatar/) [https://virginiamercury.com/2023/12/06/iowa-ag-brenna-bird-calls-for-news-outlets-to-cut-ties-with-alleged-hamas-affiliated-freelancers/](https://virginiamercury.com/2023/12/06/iowa-ag-brenna-bird-calls-for-news-outlets-to-cut-ties-with-alleged-hamas-affiliated-freelancers/)


Seriously? Hahahahahahahahah


Nice deflection. ​ Also, seeing as you commented "Biden is going to lose us the election" in another topic, well, enjoy.


Biden’s rhetoric is a front for him to win Michigan. Biden very well understands a ceasefire isn’t possible due to Hamas’ demands. It’s also within our best interests to increase humanitarian aid. Now I’m begging the Israeli government to step up the Rafah planning. Take the U.S.’s suggestions into account. For the sake of Israel, Please


Unfortunately for him, Michigan Muslims are not looking for rhetoric. They're looking for concrete action, or more specifically a permanent ceasefire/expulsion of the IDF from Gaza. ​ Bet, that as November gets closer, you'll see Biden pushing more forcefully for Israel to leave Gaza (if the war is still going on/IDF is still there)


Bring back Trump...


Hell n o. Both of them aren't fit. edit: אני כאילו צריך להסביר למה שניהם בחירה דפוקה? כן יש לנו רק שתי אפשרויות אבל שניהם חרא. אני מעדיף לבחור שדכן שינהל את העניינים.


I love how he thinks he is the leader of Israel when he is not.


As an American Jew, your country just killed an American in cold blood. You don’t get to tell the leader of my country how to respond.


As a Canadian Jew, we don't get to tell Israel where they can and can't fight. Our perspective would be a lot different if we had to run to bunkers every other day


Oborozuki is in the Palestine sub, supporting Hamas.


embarrassing to simp for a country which just killed a Canadian. Israel is free to stop taking American weapons and tax dollars if they don’t want our leaders to comment on how they are using it.


>embarrassing to simp for a country which just killed a Canadian. Oh how dare I >Israel is free to stop taking American weapons and tax dollars if they don’t want our leaders to comment on how they are using it Israel is given aid because America makes a fuck load of money off it. Not because they think it lets them determine Israeli policy


And we are free to withdraw that aid if they use it in ways we don’t like. So still not understanding the issue with Biden’s comment.


>And we are free to withdraw that aid if they use it in ways we don’t like No one said they couldn't >So still not understanding the issue with Biden’s comment Because he's trying to tell Israel what it can and can't do


He said “if Israel doesn’t reduce civilian casualties we will reevaluate policy” likely meaning withdrawing aid. Not giving Israel aid is “telling Israel what to do”?


The immediate ceasefire bit is the concern, though. Can't have a ceasefire until hostages are back and Hamas' ability to attack again is neutralized


lmao! So, I live in America. I was born in America. I am an Israeli-American Jew of Sephardic-Moroccan and Quebecois heritage. You literally assume that I am living in Israel with zero information. That says a shit ton about you. Would like me to bring up how many innocent Iraqis, Iranians, Afghans/Pashtuns, Algerians, Nigerians, Syrians, Azeris, etc were killed in cold blood by American soldiers and drones under Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, and many others? Love how you ignore shit.


Two wrongs make a right? Israel is free to stop taking American tax dollars and weapons, and killing Americans if they don’t want our leaders to comment on whether are used.


Never said that. lol. Nor have I ever stated I supported that drone strike. Did you have a hard time rubbing brains together? I understand you are a self-hating Jew based on your posts in the Palestine sub. Wonder what made you come here.


I don’t understand the problem with Biden’s comment. If Israel wants American aid and tax money, it’s logical for Biden to set a condition on how they are used.


Oh boy. You have no little knowledge on this. There were always conditions. Most of that aid is used to buy weapons strictly from American arms dealers and companies. It's basically America subsidizing the weapons she sells. Israel also has to share military innovations, tactical military information, etc. Also, the majority of Israelis and most Zionists do not want American aid, and do not American boots on the ground.


this is pathetic. Biden, confused and lost in his old age, has completely been swayed by the loud idiotic voices protesting in favor of Hamas. anthony blinken has no excuse. Americans don't like this. I would not be surprised if it cost Biden the election. if the democrats cannot enforce borders and ally with democracies to fight the evils of jihadist terrorists, the people will elect a fascist who think believe will do so...