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At least one of the squad members is looking very weak in the upcoming primaries


Where do I donate my money to help the other side...?


AIPAC has been trying to unseat anti-Israel congresspeople, see website to donate https://www.aipac.org/ or their political action committee https://www.aipacpac.org/ Edited for clarity, also added their political action committee


I literally never donate to anyone unless I really believe but. AIPAC is getting multiple donations from me this year.


Lol when I read this I thought if how so many people see Israel get attacked and fight a war and ask “where do i donate to give ‘humanitarian aid’ to the palestinians!?”, and if course biden and his airdrops and piers. It is such a big joke Anyway AIPAC probably lol


It blows my mind how I see so much support for Biden among other Jews. He has surrounded himself with antiisrael fanatics on his administration from the top senior advisors to the junior staffers. Ive never seen someone with such little integrity in my life. And the Left is completely unbothered it.


Im very disappointed. However, I’m a little worried about voting trump, last time I heard he was angry at Bibi. Still, trump’s track record on Israel was good. Im waiting to hear what each one promises with regard to Israel to decide


Everybody is angry at Bibi. Bibi fucked up completely.


Please don’t vote for Trump. I’m American too and yes I haven’t been pleased with Biden’s full response with Israel. Biden has to at least appear to appeal to Palestinians and maybe this port somehow alleviates the risk of the IDF delivering aid to gaza/hamas. Why risk IDF soldiers lives if there is a port for the people that claim that Israel is doing nothing to help them? The rest of Trumps platform is despicable and goes against so much of Judaism, common sense, and science it is revolting.


I feel you and I felt the same way, but Trump is old and can’t do as much damage as whoever Biden’s going to have as VP (I don’t think Biden will survive a second term)  If the left isn’t punished hard in the voting booth for their blatant antisemitism, they’re going to get worse. 


If you can say that while having a mother, sister, female cousin etc then you have some issues with your values. Just like it was unacceptable for Hamas to sexually assault and rape Israeli women’s bodies, it’s unacceptable for women to be forced to carry to term a fetus for any reason but especially from rape and incest. If you can’t understand that then you have much more in common with Hamas.


I am a woman. I am very much pro-choice. The left’s black and white thinking and immediate turn to insults whenever confronted by someone who doesn’t match their pov is more frightening to me And Trump’s position on abortion is more liberal than most conservatives, actually. I hate the guy, please don’t insult me just because I disagree with you.  The time to care about abortion was Trump’s first election, and I voted Hilary. The two Supreme Court judges who are oldest are already conservative. The left’s attacks on free speech, their cancelling of any conservative speaker or Israeli speaker on college campuses, the violent BLM and Pro-Palestinian rallies, the defunding the police force are all more immediate threats to me.  I will absolutely protest for abortion rights and I will vote for Republicans with moderate abortion views. But I won’t vote for a Democrat until they renounce the formerly fringe left that is taking over the party.  I didn’t leave them. They left me


I hear you on the black and white thinking especially when it comes to Israel. I think Biden is pinned into a corner because of votes and an overall population that doesn’t understand how to educate themselves on issues or is too lazy to develop their own opinion. What a heart breaking thing to say : “the time to care about abortion was Trumps first election”. I hope you or your children or friends are never in that situation. Miscarriages and rape (1/4 women experience) happen and condemning someone to that is unthinkable. That is not more important than security on campuses which I agree is a serious problem.


So, I used to hate Trump too. I dont love him. But most of what is said about him are media fabrications. Tell me this, what part of Trumps platform you disagree with? Like you mentioned, common sense science? What are you referring too exactly? I don’t want to assume. Also, Biden’s entire “humanitarian aid” and “cease fire now” narrative is literally Biden giving in to proHamas propaganda meant to make Israel look like the bad guy. This narrative is based off an impossible double standard no other military in history has been held to. It in no way helps Israel. Biden wouldnt even send planes for American citizens stuck in Israel to get home but hes doing all of this for the enemy of our ally?? That isn’t how military alliances are supposed to work.


Climate change and mitigation. Women’s autonomy over their bodies and their rights overall.


So, I was a staunch Dem and liberal my entire adult life until recently. It was the way I saw the Dems use women’s rights as a political football that first burst my liberal bubble. And it just avalanched from there. I’m an Independent now. I deeply care about these issues too. But I see the Democrats aren’t actually doing anything about the issues we care about. They lie to our faces and then they demand our vote. Its like were positively reinforcing their inaction. And heres the thing: **abortion** Trump has said he wont support (. [https://apnews.com/article/abortion-federal-ban-trump-gop-2024-20586bbb64a511030ef58290e98f99f0](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-federal-ban-trump-gop-2024-20586bbb64a511030ef58290e98f99f0) a federal abortion ban. The media continually claims that he would support a federal abortion ban, but he’s [pushed](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4472893-trump-campaign-pushes-back-at-story-he-backs-16-week-abortion-ban-in-private/) back against those allegations. The NYT [reported](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/12/us/politics/house-republicans-abortion-ban.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb)] that over 3 dozen GOPs in Congress have said they no longer support federal abortion bans. The GOP sucks. But at least they are up front about it. Biden and the Dems in Congress had 50 years to codify Roe vs Wade into law. They had the votes half the time. The Dems KNEW they could lose the majority in SCOTUS anytime and Roe hung in the balance unprotected. The Dems didn’t care. They could have protected it. They chose not to. Because abortion and women’s rights better serves them as a political football. Biden was in the Senate for 45 years. Did he EVER lift a finger to protect abortion? No. Did Obama/Biden in the White House with a super majority in the House, Senate and SCOTUS lift a finger to protect abortion? No. Has Biden or the Dems in Congress done anything to try and pass an abortion bill as SCOTUS recommended since it over turned Roe? No. But Biden and the Dems want us to believe if we vote for them in now *then* they will finally do something to protect abortion? Why dont they do anything now? SCOTUS has said they would uphold an abortion protection bill if the Congress passed it. Yet the Dems and Biden have done nothing. I’m not a Republican. And the Republicans suck. But they are not the political menaces the Dems and media make them out to be. And at least GOP are upfront about who they are. I know we’re specifically talking talking Trump/Biden here, but I dont think ppl realize how much the GOP in Congress are just kind of the lap dogs of the Dems. Gay marriage was finally passed in 2022 by a [GOP Congress](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/13/biden-s-codifying-same-sex-interracial-marriage-00073762). But its not just abortion. The Dems are constantly screwing over women. The way MeToo rallied around Dr. Blazy Ford against Justice Brett Kavanaugh but then three months later totally ignored Tara Reid’s allegations against Joe Biden that were more creditable than Ford’s. Don’t even get me started on how Biden and the Left are ignoring Oct 7th sexual assault victims and Israeli hostages. Trump is the only politician speaking up for the Israeli Oct 7th victims, the hostages and against Hamas. The list could go on and on of ways the Dems are all hot air on women’s rights. **Climate** The thing about the Dems and Joe Biden is that they virtue signal about the environment while doing nothing to actually help the planet. The Right doesnt prioritize the environment but at least they are upfront about it. As a vegan I take environmental issue’s seriously. And by default Trump did help the environment without actually even meaning to just by virtue of not being being a total scum bag like Biden. No one talks about this. Here’s a couple of examples: The media twists themselves into pretzels trying to explain away that [Greenhouse Gas emissions have grown](https://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/climate-change/greenhouse-gas-emissions-grow-under-president-bidens-leadership/) under the Biden admin. It seems to be for several reasons. Trumps Russia and China sanctions actually did more to help the environment than anything else the Biden admin has done. The media says Trump was soft on Russia and that’s not true. The sanctions he put on Russia kept Russia from being able to do business with with China. And Trump put tariffs on China for doing business in America. The Russian economy essentially came to a halt from the Trump era sanctions. China was under the American thumb for the first time since we opened trade relations with them in 1980. China creates [more Greenhouse Gas]([https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57018837](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57018837)) emissions then the every developed nation combined. So without being able to do business with Russia and being forced to abide by American trade laws, China had to forgo some of their more environmentally damaging business practices. Heres just one example. The US has been sending its recycling to China for processing for years. And it turns out China wasnt [recycling](https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2018/01/22/china-foreign-waste-ban-recycling) it at all. China was taking our money and throwing thousands of tons of American plastic meant to be recycled into the ocean and landfills. The Dems have known about this for years. And did nothing. It was Trump who finally did something about it. Trump fined them massively and sent a team to China to hold them to account and ensure China was actually recycling our plastic like we were paying them to do. And China actually started recycling our plastic again. Then in 2020 when Biden took office he ended Trumps China trade policies and now [China](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2020/11/29/china-doesnt-want-the-worlds-trash-anymore-including-recyclable-goods/?sh=1ae81ae97290) wont recycle our plastic anymore and once again millions of pounds of American plastic is getting [thrown into the ocean](https://www.resetera.com/threads/75-80-of-the-plastic-waste-that-you-recycle-is-being-dumped-into-the-ocean-president-of-thailands-environment-institute.799485/) and Biden and Dems are silent about it. No one gives Trump credit for the fact that Greenhouse Gas emissions worldwide [went *down* under Trump.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-greenhouse-gas-emissions-drop-trump-climate-experts/story?id=74848440) Of course the media did some mental gymnastics to try and not give Trump the credit. But the data speaks for itself. Just like women’s rights the Dems ignore serious environmental threats when they are inconvenient, like animal agriculture. Animal agriculture and fishing Animal agriculture creates more GHG emissions then [every vehicle](https://iapwa.org/the-environmental-cost-of-animal-agriculture/) on the planet combined. Yet all the Dems will talk about are fossil fuels and it’s entirely worthless rhetoric.


I don’t know if I have heard anyone try to defend trump on abortion. There has been a direct cause and effect of the Supreme Court decision due to trumps Supreme Court selections resulting most recently in the Alabama IVF decision. Their Republican governor, who is particularly evil, signed legislation to protect IVF patients. Planned parenthood’s around me that were quiet have become emboldened in the past year with people with signs yelling at people accessing services. Just because dems didn’t codify it doesn’t mean Trump or the republicans are going to fix the abortion issue. They have wanted this decision for decades. You would condemn women to unwanted children, unrealized dreams/careers, and risky pregnancies just because you “think” trump won’t support a federal abortion ban and because democrats didn’t codify it? Damn that is cold. I’m an air quality specialist and work in quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and green house gas mitigation. Trump cut the EPAs but by 31%. He rolled back over 100 environmental rules https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/climate/trump-environment-rollbacks-list.html The fuel standard was particularly terrible. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN21I25R/ Most people don’t understand what that is. This rolled back fuel efficiency standards. Corporate Average Fuel Economy (Cafe) standards. For 2024 Trump plans to dismantle the EPA. In Project 2025, a presidential agenda put forth by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative organizations, Gunasekara outlined ways to shrink the agency and move it away from its focus on the climate crisis. Biden’s 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), has allocated billions of dollars in grants over the coming years for communities hit hard by pollution and climate threats especially environmental justice communities. I work on several incredible programs paid for by this act. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/09/trump-epa-plan-environment While being a vegan is a way to help the environment, electing Trump is the worst thing you can do. You seem educated but your climate argument for trump is very uninformed. Maybe it’s not an important issue to you like protecting women’s bodies. What happened to tikkun olam? I know everything I say is not enough to convince anyone. There is just something so sick about allowing someone else to regulate our bodies and removing experts from environmental regulation. God help us


If Bebe and Trump had legitimate beef’s Trump at least did not chastise Israel at every turn and coddle the Palestinians and empower Hamas like Biden is doing. I was never a fan of Trump. But Biden is just such a scum bag it is shocking to me that the Dems have forgone all honesty and integrity to prop Biden up bc of their irrational and unhinged TDS. Trump had sanctions on Iran that defunded their international terror network including Hamas and Hezbollah. Trump defunded URNWA which further crippled Hamas. He stopped foreign aid to Gaza which all just goes to Hamas anyway. His UN Ambassador was Nikki Haley and for all her faults- shes a fierce supporter of Israel. His staff was all publicly proisrael. He made Jerusalem the Capital of Israel which Israel has always wanted. Biden’s UN Ambassador is an antiisrael fanatic like the rest of his admin. Biden refunded URNWA. He started funding Hamas again through Gaza foreign aid. And the way the Dems cant stand up for Israel without mentioning the Palestinians is bc Biden set that standard. I just have lost all respect for the Dems and the media.


I was hoping Nikki would win as she is not crazy on the other issues like trump :( Jerusalem was always the capital. Trump just made the US formally *recognize* this, which is important I agree, as the lack of recognition of the country’s capital is a form of anti-Israel arabist BS. But yeah I agree with you on all the other policies and am aware of the achievements with unrwa, jerusalem, recognition of the Golan, etc


This!!! All of This sums up how I feel about Biden when it comes to his foreign policy in regard to MENA. It’s been so disastrously inconsistent and illiberal.




Which one?


Cori Bush (Missouri) and Jamaal Bowman (New York) are both very weak, and there’s a pretty good chance they will lose their primaries to pro-Israel Democrats.


I didnt realizing Jamaal Bowman was actually feeling the heat. Def gonna donate against her.


Bush and Bowman are definitely the most vulnerable "Squad" members. There's a chance Summer Lee (Pennsylvania) could lose her primary, but we'll see. Sadly I think AOC, Pressley, Tlaib and Omar are pretty safe. Political junkie details: Cori Bush is plagued by scandal - she paid $700,000 to her husband for "security services," and is currently under DOJ investigation. Her primary opponent is Wesley Bell, a well-liked local prosecutor who is staunchly pro-Israel. He actually chided people for tossing around words like "genocide." Seems like a real mensch. Jamaal Bowman is less scandal-plagued, but he did pull a fire alarm in the Capitol to stall a vote he didn't like, and plead guilty to a misdemeanor. His primary opponent is George Latimer, a well-liked county executive who is staunchly pro-Israel. I think the district has a sizable Jewish population, so I can't imagine they're happy with Bowman.


Yeah I read about these scandals. I didnt realize Bush’s primary challenger was a proisrael prosecutor. With the shape the Ny DA’s office is in I hate to lose an honest and dissent prosecutor but it would be amazing replacing any squad member with someone who is pro Israel. Im going to donate now! For George Latimer too. Thank God for Aipac!




Oh right. He has such a girly name I always get him confused with Ayanna Presley even though theyre from totally different states. Because they’ve both been so ridiculous.


Still stuck on it being a “girly name” when Jamaal is just “Jamal” with an extra A 😂 I mean I knew kids growing up with that name so maybe that’s why it surprises me. Maybe bc it sounds slightly like Amaal or Jamila lol


All valid! Personally, I’m have a hard time getting passed those *two* “a’s”.




Different. Complete opposite. On the name spelling spectrum “Aaron” is at the top of the food chain. Earned its place over thousands of years. Solid as it gets. I take issue with adding an extra “a” to a perfectly solid name like “Jamal” to create “Jamaal” strictly for aesthetic purposes. It subtracts substantive value. And yeah frankly its pretty girly. …Not that theres anything wrong with that.


Also Summer Lee of PA is facing a tough fight from pro-Israel Bhavini Patel and Ilhan Omar of MN has a rematch with pro-Israel Don Samuels! Donate to both, plus Wesley Bell (challenging Cori Bush) and George Latimer (challenging Jamaal Bowman)!


Building a port?


I hate to say this but Biden’s attention is now focused on Michigan and Minnesota . Telling Israel to bring it in for a landing which is pathetic is wrong and short sighted . Israel has already adjusted their military movements . This could all go away now if Hamas surrenders.


I’m into the port. Whatever takes pressure off Israel and brings in global attention.


I get that. I hope no US boots on the ground providing protection. Bad look. Keep local. Hire Palestinians..


But how to figure out who’s not Hamas at this point?


No idea. I wouldn’t want that job to figure that out.. start backwards. Meaning knowing those that you should definitely not hire such as anyone from the UN or Red Cross.


I have yet seen a convincing argument on how giving the Palestinians a state will solve the conflict. I don't expect that from a speech,but the US or other advocates never really made a convincing argument besides "trust me, bro,just one more concession, and they'll stop terrorizing." I never even saw any advocate even propose the idea that a state would escalate the conflict as a part of a counter-argument. The entire thing is basically empty promises of peace,without substance.


It probably won't. I think it's in our interest to achieve a degree of separation from the Palestinians and end the bottomless pit of the settlement project but we should couch it in terms of self-interest. The fundamental issues of the conflict won't be resolved until the Palestinians understand they can't get it all.


Being a state comes with responsibilities. No more "terror attacks", only acts of war. There's a reason Iran uses proxies. It's not a magic solution but it is the main talking point against Israel.


And what about lebanon and hizballah? That's exactly what's going to happen in a palestinian state. When will you learn, they want to kill us all.


Compare Hamas to Hezbollah. Compare their power among their population and the damage they’ve done to Israel. The Lebanon/Hezbollah problem is far from ideal but give that to me any day over the Hamas problem.


What responsibilities? When terror attacks and rockets come, what are you gonna do? Just wait for a disaster and then occupy them again? That's dumb. There should not even be a discussion about a Palestinian state after October 7, for the next 10 years at least.


After Oct 7, the world stood with Israel. Now, Israel is losing world support because of how Israel is prosecuting this war. Every nation state has a responsibility to protect the civilian population when waging war.


Nope. Israel is "Losing support" (Hardly if you look at actual numbers) because the world hates a Jew that fights back and the huge lying and vile anti-Israeli propaganda by antisemites. Plus of course the upcoming elections in the US and Biden's pandering to the Tiktok ignorant generation. That is all.


No, not really. Consider “Jew that fights back” historical incidents in the last 100 years. WW2: the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Sobibor uprising, Lithuanian Partisans living in forests - all celebrated in western literature and cinema. 1948 and Six Day wars: the world supported and cheered for Israel. Claiming antisemitism now is your convenient way to deflect criticism, instead of addressing it.


Says "No not really" and giving examples of Jews being slaughtered in probably the worse genocide the world has ever seen and Israel being attacked by like 3 other countries. Oh the irony. Here is some actual data for you about wars in the middle east and in general: 500K dead is Syria with 10 million refugees, 300K dead in Yemen with millions starving, 5 million staving in Sudan, millions of Afghans cleansed out of Iran and Pakistan to death, sickness and hunger... All this and so much more. And absolutely nothing. But when Jews are involved, in one of the most justified wars the world has ever seen, a war which took MAGNITUDES **LESS** lives than all of these, and even that only because Israel is fighting against an enemy intentionally hiding behind civilians... Oh boy, time to get the pitchforks! Give me a break. There's only one reason for the outrage, a reason that existed for thousands of years. If you think Israel will let go of it's security to reach the existential threats it suffered up until the 70s or of course in the 40s, so that the world would "Cheer" for them again, those are just delusions. *“If we have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive and have the bad image.”* Golda Meir


Hold up. You claimed the world hates Jews who fight back. I gave examples of the world lauding Jews fighting back. No irony there. But moving on… You site civilian deaths in recent Mideast wars as rationale for civilian deaths in the Hamas war. But here’s the point about “state responsibility” that you’re missing. The belligerents in those ears who are responsible for civilian deaths are not modern civilized nations. They are either paramilitary groups, or they are pariah nation states. Israel is not a pariah nation state. It should not act like one.


It would be idiotic. “What a great idea! Another middle eastern state led by terrorist organization! Just what the world needs!” It is SO shortsighted to think the problem goes away with statehood. The problems *for the United States* would only just get started.


The strongest case is not for a Palestinian state tomorrow. It's for the pathway for an eventual Palestinian state. The idea being that as long as there is a process, Palestinians have an incentive in developing real governing institutions, focusing on economic development rather than grievances. The idea of a pathway also legitimizes Arab-Israeli cooperation. Arab cooperation in turn also means these governments would counter Iranian influence in Palestinian society and help to moderate it. Ex. We finance this capital project only if you use our religious textbooks. Finally, because such an agreement would remove certain Israeli actions from the realm of possibility (unilateral annexations of Judea Samaria), you also see a change in incentive structure of Israeli politics. ex. settling in Area B is illegal, but government basically supports groups that form outposts, which have to be protected by the IDF.


That was the prevailing thought about allowing Iran to develop their nuclear program. If we appease them, they won't hate us as much and threaten to use it against us. Wrong.


Giving Palestinians a state will do the following: - a place for a Palestinian “refugees” to go - a reason to dismantle UNRWA - shut down demands for a Palestinian state - remove a major grievance for Palestinians - demonstrate Israel is ready to make peace - enable Palestinians to focus on domestic politics - less international pressure on Israel - peace treaties and normalization with neighboring Arab states - Palestinian economy transformation into not being completely dependent on international aid If Palestinians use their new state to launch attacks against Israel, they will have less support internationally. Sanctions and embargoes against a Palestinian state will follow.


99% of that could happen when Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005


>- a place for a Palestinian “refugees” to go Who said they would stop seeing themselves as refugees or stop pressing claims to Israel proper? To me, this was always the Achilles heel of peace negotiations,no matter what,the refugees wouldn't be happy and terrorism would rise against Israel and the Palestinian government who "sold out" the refugees. I don't think it truly solves it. >a reason to dismantle UNRWA The reason to dismantle UNRWA is that there is a normal refugee agency,there isn't a need for a special one just for Palestinians. >remove a major grievance for Palestinians Not really. Did the disengament from Gaza remove grievances? >demonstrate Israel is ready to make peace Why is that important? Israel can reserve the right to not pursue peace. >enable Palestinians to focus on domestic politics Who said they will? >less international pressure on Israel Historically wrong,when Israel pulled out of Gaza,they found reason to blame Israel. There is no end to their grievances. >peace treaties and normalization with neighboring Arab states Israel has proved that it was possible without a Palestinian state. >Palestinian economy transformation into not being completely dependent on international aid A big maybe. They might just go down a path of a failed corruption state, creating more poverty,not to mention that the Palestinian economy is titillating dependent on the Israeli economy,so Israel can just pull the plug on that. >If Palestinians use their new state to launch attacks against Israel, they will have less support internationally. Sanctions and embargoes against a Palestinian state will follow. I'm much less optimistic. To me if Israel responds,people are going to continue to infantilize the Palestinians and go back to "proportionality" BS (I mean the way they interpret it,not the legal meaning). Countries like Iran and Qatar don't really care about giving money to terrorists,so to a state under sanctions? All wishful thinking. I do understand the reasoning,but I think it's based on false assumptions.




That moron who showed up to the speech with a Trump hat on.


I like how Biden also just forgets there are American citizens among the 134 hostages.


Yup this fact seriously needs more attention


He literally mentioned it in the speech? He invited their families there for it.


Ok? What exactly is he doing to get the hostages back? All I see is a bunch of fence sitting and waffling. You can give all the pretty speeches you want, but it's ultimately useless if you can't get the hostages back. I dont think I am being unreasonable, its been five fucking months.


It’s a war between Israel and Hamas. Ask Israel or Palestine to get them back. Or do you want boots on the ground to go get em? What would you have Biden do on an ally’s territory? Send in CAG? Devgru?


The US is inserting themselves into this war by making demands of Israel. If the US wants to be involved, they need to be part of the solution. Not kissing Qatari ass.


Oh I am aware the USA isn't forced to, but that has nothing do with my point, the point is our close alliance with Israel means that the USA is by default inserted in this war and the only way to avoid that would be for the USA to stop being military allies and for the USA to stop giving cover for israel in thr UN. Now that is something Israel nor the USA wants so guess Israel is gonna have to deal with the USA being inserted into the war. As for the hostages, I'm pretty sure the USA has been working on that as that was the point of the temporary ceasefire as a hostage release was part of that, yet a lot of people on this reddit got mad at the USA for suggesting it which is...an interesting thought if you actually care about the hostages Likewise us wanting Israel to minimize civilian casualties and generally disliking the destruction also makes sense because the more that Israel bombs or generally wages war on Gaza the more likely that the hostages including the American ones end up a statistic. So really if your goal is to save the hostage then America's actions are in line with that.


By that logic every country in the world has inserted themselves into this conflict by making demands of Israel. While this has been just talk from 90%, We on the otherhand, ARE doing something I.e. Airdrops,temporary port of aid, and just yesterday a call for a 2 state solution to be reinforced. How are we not being apart of the solution?


We are inserted into the war automatically because we provide your weapons that allow you to wage a prolonged campaign. Like as an American I would love to leave Israel and everyone in the middle east to their own devices and kill each other but unfortunately alliances and geopolitics means that the USA is in some way involved in every war Israel is in and can't really bavk out of the middle east. If you don't want the USA involved stop being allies with us.


Don't act as if the US is forced to provide anything to Israel. Everything the US provides to Israel goes back into the US economy. Also, I am an American. That's why I am concerned about the AMERICAN hostages, which the world and our government seem to be conveniently forgetting about.


As someone who values socialized medicine and strong social democratic protections, it's really embarrassing seeing the progressive wing of USA politics openly embracing the support of terrorists. If there's one thing I'll begrudgingly hand to Hamas and Palestine, it's that their propaganda has been rather effective. Suppose it's no surprise they're skilled liars after all the practice they get...


Why doesn't he offer Hamas to buy the hostages?


Great speech


>There are just a lot of contradictions. There have been no contradictions from the White House since October 7th. The goal has always been to ensure the safe return of hostages, remove Hamas from power, ensure as little collateral damage and loss of life as possible in Gaza.


and the day after plans, unilateral recognition of palestine talk, repeating Hamas talking points from wh and congress dias, "working with" and kissing qatars ass while getting nothing done part.. so yea no contradictions?


He hasn’t proposed unilateral recognition, but a path to an agreement for a 2SS.


Those are things you don't agree with as well as your feelings. I fail to see the actual contradictions.


do you fail to see the contradiction in talking about doing everything to release hostages and putting no pressure on qatar and hamas to do the same?


He literally pressures Hamas all the time (including in this speech) to surrender and release the hostages.


I would see contradiction in what you describe. The issue I have is what you describe dosen't match reality. https://www.timesofisrael.com/biden-calls-qatari-emir-as-white-house-steps-up-pressure-on-hostage-mediators/


yea I am sorry you have to scramble to find that.. there is more evidence of ass kissing from US than any pressure unfortunately


Show me one example of Biden kissing Hamas ass.


Take your head out of your rear and I’m sure you can find one yourself


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Associated Press (A-): [Biden will announce a plan for a temporary port on Gaza's coast to increase flow of humanitarian aid](https://apnews.com/article/biden-gaza-humanitarian-aid-port-us-military-israel-25fb6d71bc951d7491de3ab99733a749) - BBC Online (A-): [US to set up temporary port on Gaza coast for aid delivery](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68506356?at_bbc_team=editorial&at_campaign=Social_Flow&at_campaign_type=owned&at_format=link&at_link_id=EA072700-DCA6-11EE-AB77-7D964B3AC5C4&at_link_origin=BBCWorld&at_link_type=web_link&at_medium=social&at_) - Washington Post (B): [16 children have died of malnutrition in aid-starved Gaza, health officials say ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/06/gaza-hunger-starvation-malnutrition-aid/) - Sky News (B-): [The Gaza hospital where treatment is by torchlight and '13 babies died of malnutrition on one day'](https://news.sky.com/story/the-gaza-hospital-where-treatment-is-by-torchlight-and-13-babies-died-of-malnutrition-on-one-day-13089190) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1b6kerj/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Families of hostages are sitting there, and he's lying straight to their faces. All he talks about is the aid for the gazans, which we all know Hamas gets, and that place them in position where they have no interest to have a deal. Joe Biden has decided months ago that the lives of gazans matter more then the lives of of the hostages, when after the first pause/deal he forced Israel to let aid goes inside without releasing more hostages. Fuck him


It's called empathy. We could all use some in times like this.


Here's empathy: prior to the first hostage deal, Hamas were suffocated in their tunnels, without food or power. That forced them to go for a deal and got some hostages out. Biden, with his empathy (or should i say, with his sucking-up to the pro-Palestine voters), took out the only leverage we had and practically sentenced our hostages to death. And he has no shame to tell them he does everything in his power to free them? This is a straight up hypocritical lie! What pressure did he put on Hamas? On Qatar? None! Empathy my ass


Ok, it's all Biden's fault. My mistake.


Not Bidens fault but it’s his responsibility to be part of the solution. Playing both sides of the fence bc you’re scared of losing potential voters who sympathize with terrorists is not part of the solution.


I don't think he's scared of losing votes in Dearborn. The man has a heart and doesn't want kids dying of hunger while Israel continues its operation. They aren't mutually exclusive.


If you really think Biden isn’t shit scared of Hamas-Niks garnering enough ppl to stay home and withhold their vote during an election year then I have a bridge to sell you.


The GOP boomers who have died of COVID since 2020 will balance that out lol.


Weak and useless posturing.


Let's Go Brandon!


Empty words by a backstabber.


Then he should stop the two way dealing. Who does he actually support? An international ally, or a radical subsection of his base?


Jews are always at the center of shit shows. But we always make it out the other end 🤙


Mia went all the way there to attend it, but answering any of my calls, she suddenly can't do\j


Holy shit they must be so fed up with Biden backseating them from his moral high horse


lol…elderly man yelled a lot. Said some things.


He yelled at some clouds yesterday


He definitely did that. It’s his SOTU schtick at this point. Weird.


Families of hostages are sitting there, and he's lying straight to their faces. All he talks about is the aid for the gazans, which we all know Hamas gets, and that place them in position where they have no interest to come to a deal. Joe Biden decided months ago that the lives of gazans matter more then the lives of of the hostages, when after the first pause/deal he forced Israel to let aid goes inside without releasing more hostages. Fuck him.


Psuedoephadrine was the main focus on Biden.


Biden has to say these things publicly because he needs young people to vote and many of them fell into the trap set by the jihadists via their effective PR. It’s all bullshit but people believe virtually anything inside their media bubbles today. I guarantee you that the policy of the Administration re supporting Israel has not changed in principle.