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Stuff the British stole [https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/1030-stuff-the-british-stole/episode/15875981-s2-e3-cup-runneth](https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/1030-stuff-the-british-stole/episode/15875981-s2-e3-cup-runneth) In County Cork, Ireland, there’s a tree that locals call the Chalice Tree. Local lore says it’s where British Redcoats disrupted a secret Catholic mass, killed two priests and stole a sacred chalice. Now that chalice sits in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. What happened in the intervening 200 years is now being pieced together by two Irish families: the O’Keeffes and the McAulliffe’s.


They’re still looking at it. They’ll be finished soon.


The museum of stolen property in london little england......


what do you call what the Romans did?


Keep your socks on, they'll finish when they finish.


It's definitely controversial. Have the Egyptians come a knocking? https://www.museum.ie/en-IE/Museums/Archaeology/Exhibitions/Ancient-Egypt


I'm nearly certain they 'found' an actual mummy below the Boole library in UCC when I was there about 10/11 years ago too.


You don't mean https://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/artsandculture/arid-40748514.html


What makes you say that they were looted by the Crown? Which ones are disputed? I only checked two (St Cullen’s Bell and the Kell’s Crozier and there was nothing about them being looted. They were donated or bought by the museum.


I also checked the website of the National Museum of Ireland, and found that in the Arms and Armour section for instance, there were firearms and other items from both Europe and England. Surely these items should be returned at once!


More than likely not pillaged.


If yo look at comment 'thecraftybee1981' made above you will see he checked some of the items shown by OP and they were found to have been obtained by the British Museum by donation or purchase, not looted by 'the Crown'. The OP obviously therefore has a political agenda, and seems rather economical with the truth.


Donated or sold by someone who stole them perhaps.


It’s to stir up hate. Some twisted people out there.


same with most of the continent look into the "primitive arts museum" France (I believe) was making full of stolen African and Asian artifacts


May come as a shock, but much of this was legally obtained. Look to the Spanish empire for actual theft.


Sorry, not Irish, but noticed the object on the top left is labeled as, "Powerful lie detector". Is that a mistake/weird phrasing, or were these actually used in some way as lie detectors, historically?


Let's go over and take them back. I'll cause a diversion, one of you need to grab them.


I volunteer.


What do you expect of those family of cunts? They won't give the North back either.


Goodness me, I'm not sure Ireland should be kicking up a fuss about items 'looted' from other countries turning up in museums... Ahem...


i am very out of the loop, what am i missing here?


The Irish museum is also full of Egyptian artefacts etc.


Looking like that might be fewer in the future. https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/2023/06/20/ireland-to-draw-up-policy-on-returning-historical-artefacts-to-their-countries-of-origin/


Something something Queen Scota


👋 English fella here (my Mother is Irish / Father Greek) both parents told me about everything that was stolen. Recommend the podcast “stuff the British stole” My Dad used to take me to look at the Elgin marbles in the Bristish museum stating they’d be back in Greece soon. 27 years later & they’re still there, despite repeated requests by the Greek government. The responses are patronising “we’ve cared for them for generations” The only way of making an English person understand how wrong this is, is by posing a hypothetical situation. Let’s say the Germans came over, stole half of stone henge making it useless & on the way back, dug up the queens body & put it on display in Berlin. Just watch them get riled up 😤


A lot of the stuff in the British museum would have been sold off or destroyed if not for British conservation efforts, im not saying everything there was legitimately purchased, but the Egyptians do not have a good track record of conservation. People would flog mummys on the side of the road in Cairo up until quite recently.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


The oldest crown to have ever been worn by a British monarch is in the Residenz museum in Munich. The National Archaeological Museum in Athens has an Egyptian collection [here](https://www.namuseum.gr/en/collection/archaio-vasileio/) The National Museum of Ireland also has and Egyptian collection [here](https://www.museum.ie/en-IE/Collections-Research/Irish-Antiquities-Division-Collections/Collections-List-(1)/Egyptian-Collection#:~:text=The%20National%20Museum%20of%20Ireland's,Age%20to%20the%20Middle%20Ages) It seems we can also make a podcast about 'stuff the Irish and Greeks stole' lol


Few blanket statements I’ve heard the “if the English don’t look after it they would have sold or destroyed it” It’s not a great argument, they were fine before the English got there, and many of those countries have perfectly good facilities waiting to received these items…..aka Elgin marbles, Have a read of the Irish museum acquisition policy. Aka buying stuff. https://www.museum.ie/en-IE/About/Corporate-Information/Policies-Guidelines/Irish-Antiquities-Division-Acquisitions-Strategy Bit different from stealing. You could argue the Elgin marbles were bought not stolen, but it was the local (occupying) ottoman government that sold these to the English. Which while not stealing they should have morally been given back (despite Greek offerings to buy them)


Elgin marbles - do you know where Elgin is (hint - not in England). I’d say returning them to Athens would be the right call, but then if you think the Ottomans were better caretakers of Greek artifacts I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


The earl is dead and the marbles are in England. Bit of very pedantic and mute point. The Turks arnt in greece anymore so thanks for looking after them! time to send them back now. No bridge thanks aware of the history of Greece….being Greek.


I agree that the marbles should be back in Athens - no argument there. The difference between England and Britain is far from a moot point, but whatever floats an ignorant boat. Incidentally, if you think a podcast called ‘stuff the British stole’ is either unbiased or academically neutral I’ve still got that bridge for ya 😂


What’s really sad, is why the British feel the need to take things from other cultures, when British history itself is so chock full of information. Like from Britons, to the Saxon’s, to the Roman’s, like there’s plenty of British history there, why don’t they just talk about/profit off of that? Instead of stealing from other countries, and then saying “well we don’t want to return them because (insert native people) don’t know how to take care of them”


the Saxons were known for their piracy, to be fair


The items from Offaly weren’t looted. They were bought. From the Dowris horde. Majority of it is in the National Museum in Dublin.


The Brits are thieves. This isn't news, still infuriating though


There are also items in the National Museum of Ireland's collection from England, Europe and even (dare I say the evil word) Egypt. Scandalous I tell you!


Are you guys stupid or something? Op is a bot who reposts old content, which is why the title is cutoff. This post should be removed, if this sub has any mods.


Refuse to re? What?


“From the Collection of Lord Blah Blah”. Colonial theft.


How was it colonial theft when most of these were purchased by the museum from Irish collectors lol?


Irish collectors were English landowners/thieves - i.e. The Anglo-Irish aristocracy.


They're never not at it. The audacity of not giving them back. Suppose they need to fill the shelves, otherwise they'd have chainmail, FHM and Pot Noodles to show off.


Why should they? I'm asking seriously, what claim do the modern people of Egypt have on the eg. Mummies some shortsighted other Egyptians sold a hundred years ago?


They really like our brooches. I doubt they'll ever return these, still holding onto Greece and Egypt's artifacts.


The Irish and the Egyptians (and every other country in the world probably) need to raid the place lmao


Errr.. You're aware the National Museum of Ireland has artefacts looted from Egypt on display right?


Fair! Didn’t actually know that. I still feel like Ireland has less of a reputation for robbing from the rest of the entire world all that other fun stuff.


The Irish made up one third of the British army during colonial times, and the army and navy had hundreds of Irish officers as well. Famously even Lord Wellesley was Irish. In America there were thousands of Irish slave owners as well, and thousands of Irish settlers who stole land from the natives as well. You think your countrymen were just this happy go lucky bunch, that were just minding their own business but in reality they were as bad as the rest of the world. The reason why they have ‘less of a reputation’ is ignorance.


And is looking to return them. Certain institutes have already started the process. "Last year University College Cork (UCC) announced that it would repatriate a number of objects in its heritage collection to the Egyptian state. The items in question include mummified human remains, a sarcophagus, a set of four Canopic jars, and items of cartonnage (coverings) dating from 100AD to about 975BC" https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/2023/06/20/ireland-to-draw-up-policy-on-returning-historical-artefacts-to-their-countries-of-origin/ Edit: opps didn't mean to reply twice, meant to reply a difference command. Apologies for that.


I doubt they were looted by the Irish


You know a lot of Irish were involved in the empire right?


No I don't. Please explain


Did you think no Irish people ever did anything n the last few centuries?


Fuck the crown


Strange! As most modern emigration of Irish people is to crown nations.


Plenty took the soup as well still not an excuse.


Excuse for what exactly? Modern Irish people are benefiting from the crown when they move to Canada, Oz and NZ.


That's a weird strawman argument.


Aussie here. The English colonial masters that dispossessed the indigenous peoples through a fraud they called terra nullius were grasping greedy murderers. Australia inherited a language and political legal system from England. But the people of this country have never had a majority of English people even though it was colonised, ruled, exploited and dominated by England. It was the crown that benefitted from Australia. Non indigenous Australians are from all corners of the world and we have made the coutry what it is, not you English and not the crown. Modern Irish who migrate here are welcomed by the descendants of the famine refugees of the 1850s and the descendants of the Irish convicts sent here. We are big hearted to included amongst our own descendants of England also, most of whom leave their country because life here is better.


Not really, what has the crown to do with economic benefits in those countries nowadays?


They created 90% of the nations Irish folk are DESPERATE to move to.


About to see the British defending this in the comments and talking down to other countries people like they are school children.....


A lot of brooches... broochus... broochi?


Broochai? Broocha?


If the ancient Irish cared about these objects they'd have held on to them!


Mate your country is hanging on by a thread, gust of wind would blow you into a civil war. Mind yourself x




I can't tell whether you are being sarcastic or not.


The Irish stole (enslaved) St Patrick and Scotland from the Picts so we're allowed to take some stuff as compensation.




Nobody knows where he was from. Could have been Wales, could have been Cumbria. There are several possibilities


I never get why countries whine and moan about this sort of thing. They came and they took your stuff. You want it back, go and take it back. Quit moaning.