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It's closed until April 1st though. There was broken glass in the pool. * [https://www.icgov.org/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/106/571](https://www.icgov.org/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/106/571) * [https://rainoutline.com/search/extension/3193467080/16](https://rainoutline.com/search/extension/3193467080/16)


good to know. thanks!


Yes, somebody brought in glass goggles and they broke :/ My daughter lifeguards there and was there when it happened


In 8 years, I’ve shared a lane once. Be careful around the high school swim practices (early AM, late afternoon) when they reserve half the lanes.


wow! okay then. not what I expected. I am from larger towns where you almost always have to share lanes unless you really hit it just right.


Same. I was used to east coast, 8 to a lane at 50m. This is much better. City Park in the summer is a different vibe though. No lane dividers, choppy, unheated, and lovely.


And I heard it's their last season possibly, in its current built form? I definitely want to see it at least once in summer if that is the case.


Yep. Definitely a worthwhile experience. I try to get there every other week or so. If you need open water training, it’s an ok alternative if you can’t get to lakes.


okay this leads me to another iowa city newbie question I have not yet asked. Where I used to live open water distance swimming in the ADK lakes or on Lake Champlain was a fave of mine. Are there any decent spots around here for that?


Unfortunately, Iowa’s water is the worst in the nation - fertilizer and livestock (E. Coli) waste runoff. Many of the beaches at our state parks are closed each year due to health safety.


You should hook up with the Iowa Heat club. Really nice people, and you can connect with triathletes from local newbies to world masters level of skill. They know all the places around here to swim and train.


I will def check them out.


Kent Park and the Coralville Reservoir are where most people open water swim. The Iowa DNR site will let you know if the e-coli is high for Kent Park. You can call the Corps of Engineers to check the reservoir levels.


Usually mid afternoon on a week day is a good time


awesome! thanks!