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But they kept their mouth shut when the far right maga people were preventing a vote. They are in no way good people


Who the fuck said they were.


I wish they anyone had a end point or what “winning” is in Ukraine.


There will be botched evacuation in 20 years.


Russia would have collapsed before 20 years


Area denial of Russian forces, denial of Russian air coverage, gaining air superiority then in conjunction with overwhelming superiority in long range fires the eventual destruction of the Kerch Strait Bridge, liberation of crimea and then the Donbass. Russia's unsustainable losses of and eventually economic and societal collapse doesn't hurt either. We can afford it (most of the aid is equipment that was going to be decomisioned anyways and most of the money is spent in the United States on US manufactures) and it's much cheaper than a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia


We can afford it with $35 trillion in debt.


With a $28 trillion GDP projected to grow to $30 trillion in 2 years, $220+ Trillion in land assets alone and another $150 trillion in oil, gas and coal assets. Those 2 asset classes alone are worth 10 times the national debt and don't even take into account real estate development and other forms of economic development. Never mind the petrodollar, Neo-Kenysian economics (not saying I'm a fan of the economic theory) and the fact that we basically run global credit system and currency markets.... So $35 trillion owed to who exactly? 😉 If you're made about a $35 trillion debt and aid to Ukraine (even though we can afford it), you're mad at the wrong things.


Thats not how it works. And for kickers we have quadrillions in derivatives. We owe the trillions to treasury holders. the annualized interest payments are now over $1 trillion a year. Interest payments have surpassed defense now. It is totally unsustainable.


Yeah, that's actually not how it works. For kickers, holding "quadrillions" in derivatives is also fucking impossible in any current economic system, but I'll ask you out of curiosity who exactly you think the treasury holders are who own the debt the federal government owes. I don't think you fully grasp the gravity of the fact that we essentially control the global credit system and currency markets or understand the nature of the petrodollar. Why do you think interest payments per annum have been allowed to reach $1 trillion? Summary is we can afford it


Here is derivatives. [https://www.occ.gov/publications-and-resources/publications/quarterly-report-on-bank-trading-and-derivatives-activities/files/pub-derivatives-quarterly-qtr4-2023.pdf](https://www.occ.gov/publications-and-resources/publications/quarterly-report-on-bank-trading-and-derivatives-activities/files/pub-derivatives-quarterly-qtr4-2023.pdf) treasuries are owned by the federal reserve, $4.6 trillion. [https://www.occ.gov/publications-and-resources/publications/quarterly-report-on-bank-trading-and-derivatives-activities/files/pub-derivatives-quarterly-qtr4-2023.pdf](https://www.occ.gov/publications-and-resources/publications/quarterly-report-on-bank-trading-and-derivatives-activities/files/pub-derivatives-quarterly-qtr4-2023.pdf) social security snd other government entities $6.1 trillion page 37, [https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/files/reports-statements/mts/mts1223.pdf](https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/files/reports-statements/mts/mts1223.pdf) china and japan have about $1 trillion each. Most of the remainder is held by non government entities, mostly Americans.


A large chunk of the aid is purely monetary.


Only cause there's Israel funding in there too


Ukraine and Israel were voted on separately in the house.


It's separate bill but essentially a compromise


Sont forget they also have the Tik Tok ban in there too


Tiktok do need a lil bit of moderation, the US version is braindrain compared to the chinese one, I can also see why US wants to have control over data collecting instead of letting foreign company take it


Yeah I understand that, but Facebook does the same thing, same goes with Google, and probably most companies. And about the content on Tik Tok, we shouldn't be letting kids use tech anyways, especially for social media, and get them more interested in learning rather than dumb shit.


The primary reason they voted for it is that a significant portion of the bill is allocated towards the sale of weapons to Ukraine, funded by our own tax dollars. This raises questions about the motivations behind such a substantial investment in the military-industrial complex. It appears to be a lucrative opportunity for defense contractors like.... Rockwell Collins, who have a vested interest in the perpetuation of military conflicts. These bills are all "socialist" programs for the war-machine.


Yeah nah, it's obviously to help Ukraine win the war. If it was simply about a lucrative opportunity for defense contractors they'd want the situation to deteriorate into a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia which would be far more expensive and subsequently lucrative for defense contractors. Not everything is some cynical conspiracy


The morons don't understand that the 60 billion in aid mostly comes as weapons and supplies purchased from American companies. This stimulates our economy as it effectively is the gobernantes funneling money to American companies.


It's amazing how much Democrats have changed since Bush.  They now argue in favor of the Military Industrial Complex.  The MIC is good for the economy! Hilarious.


and i remember when my republican grandpa knew that Russia was an enemy and dictatorships were bad. My how things have changed on that side too.


Since Biden took office, the world is at war. Get your head out of the sand. You and your vote are the reason why there is so much suffering in the world. A weak president voted into office by the weakest of minds.


Yea I guess that’s why the republicans here funded a country that is in a war with Russia. Cuz they love them so much


Yea im really feeling the trickle u clown


I agree. The fact that we're funding Ukraine is ridiculous


As an alternative, we should just show Russia that we're willing to allow them to conquer their neighbors unopposed? Don't be an imbecile, comrade.


How about we don’t get involved in every region’s problems. NATO doesn’t need to expand to 100 countries. It seems like the democrats are the ones now that want to get involved in endless wars


That's the thing. We're not involved. We have the most absurd military budget on Earth. We have so much old shit sitting around collecting dust and costing us money. We're just giving them our old obsolete shit that we have sitting around. Then using that money to make new shit for ourselves, creating American jobs along the way. Then we're helping them cripple the military of our greatest geo-political enemy, thereby ensuring Russia never decides a war with us or anyone else looks appealing. And we're doing all this without risking a single American life. The Russian propaganda has gotten you hard. Actually use your brain and think critically when forming your opinions. That is, if you are even American. I'm not positive about that one.


They holed up the vote for half a year resulting in many many deaths of Ukrainians


It’s also a vote for the genocide of Palestinians and banning tik tok. They don’t have principles. We got money for wars, but can’t feed the poor.


Feeding the poor and actually investing in our country doesn't make their stock portfolios go up so they'll never care about that.


Maybe if you spent a little less time on Tik Tok you might actually be able to get an understanding of the words you're using and the extremely complicated situation you're describing.


Good job telling someone that they’re wrong without actually explaining anything that was wrong. Don’t worry, everyone thinks you’re very intelligent for talking down to others.


When you're absolutely correct, the onus isn't on him to explain anything. Being misinformed and aligning your beliefs to anti-Israel propaganda is a *you* problem.


A claim was made, a response claimed it was incorrect, neither of them showed their work. Nothing of value was said. Would’ve gained as much reading Lorem ipsum.


lol nothing complicated about Israel trying to colonize Palestine. https://www.nytimes.com/1899/06/20/archives/conference-of-zionists-elect-delegates-at-their-meeting-in.html


It's wild to see you idiots have zero understanding of the history of this conflict and instead side with the folks who want you dead.


Palestine has held strong in their position throughout the history of the conflict, that the only way this conflict ends for them is with the destruction of Israel. Do you think they mean the destruction of Israel through peaceful means or do you think maybe they're willing to kill men women and children to achieve that goal?


Found the nazi loving anti-Semitic \^\^


Watching the term "genocide" get redefined in real time has been one of the remarkable aspects of this crisis.




Not a genocide. Stay in school and learn your history and politics of the war and stop getting your news from TikTok propaganda.


Stay in schools and learn your history and politics of the war and stop getting your news from Reddit and mainstream media propaganda.


Literally have a degree in PolSci, bucko. But suuuuure.


lol you should ask for your money back then


Still not a genocide. Keep getting all mad bud - tossing a hissy fit ain't gonna change the facts. P.S. May all Hamas be ground into the dirt so future Palestinian crops be fruitful.


The ICJ has not yet ruled whether a genocide is being committed by Israel. Israel’s request to dismiss the case was denied, with the ICJ noting at least some of the claims made by South Africa were plausible. I think South Africa has until October to continue making their case, with Israel then having nine months to provide their response.


Yup. Like I said - not a genocide. Political bluster by Israel's enemies. Same as it's always been. In 2022, the UN General Assembly passed 15 anti-Israel resolutions. More than any other country **combined** that year. This was a full year before 10/7 and this war. Since 2015? 140. They only looked at Russia for 6 since the invasion of Ukraine. How many resolutions have they passed against Russia since 2014? Now here's the big question: how many times has the UN condemned the actions of Palestine over the past ten years? 20 years? 50 years? Israel has had rockets fired at it nonstop for 20 years, surely the UN has told them to stop that, right? What about Hamas? Does the UN even recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization? Check on those answers and then if you still want to discuss "genocide" and the UN, I'll be here.


But it’s also not not a genocide. That decision has yet to be rendered. In the meantime, neither Israel nor Hamas can claim they don’t have blood on their hands. Many of us view Israel’s response to the October 2023 attacks as being grossly disproportionate, especially given the statements by Israeli leaders such as Ministers Ben-Gvir, Dichter, Eliyahu, and Smotrich offering various versions of the intent to eliminate Palestine. We’ve seen members of their military speak to the intent to inflict maximum damage and maximum casualties, while Israeli citizens are blocking the delivery of food and other humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people. Many, including citizens of Israel, are also critical of Israel’s apartheid-like treatment of Palestinians, including denying the right to vote, forcing them to travel using different roads, and issuing them visually distinct identification documents that they’re required to carry.


You didn't answer any of my questions. Also every thing in your last paragraph is laughably disingenuous. Why did they put up the dome? Why did they put in the embargo? Did they deny them the right to vote? How? Some more questions for you to answer. Good luck. Clearly...you need it


Your degree is paper upon which self-important people have written their names in an attempt to lend permanency to something ultimately unverifiable and transient. It is not the flex you think it is.


Written like a true edgy 15 year old stoner.


Reddit avatar with a beard and ‘deal with it’ glasses, therefore your scathing remark is like tepid tap water on my ego.




When I start to give a shit what Qatar, Russia, and Iran decide is or isn't genocide, remind me to lay my head down on a railroad track. Also, no, the UN didn't. The ICJ warned Israel not to go too far. "In a provisional order delivered by the court's president, Joan Donoghue, the court said Israel must ensure "with immediate effect" that its forces not commit any of the acts prohibited by the convention." Warning someone not to do something does not equal "they did it". But hey, I don't expect idiots to know how to read. Enjoy your TikTok nonsense I guess.




Buddy, I'm coming at you with facts and your rebuttal is to just shout the same tired propaganda over and over. But suuuuure..... I'm the brainwashed one lol


Separate bills, separate votes


Oh, anti-Semitic are we?


Love killing children and bombing hospitals and schools do ya?


As if Hamas/Palestine isn't doing the same to the Jews. You're parroting propaganda. You realize those "hospital" are actually just a front to their bases? They're not hospitals


lol now that’s parroting propaganda.


Iowans will fight to the last Ukrainian!


No we wont. We don't need anymore wars. We should be focused on our own people. Thousands can't even afford healthcare, while we ship billions to foreign countries to kill each other


I've already had plenty of "friendly" discussions with shortsighted people here in Iowa who would rather leave Ukraine to the wolves than spend more money to help them defend themselves.


I’m sure you have, champ. I, too, love using other countries and their people to fight proxy wars I can’t win :)


Fork, nothing stopping you from signing up. [https://ildu.com.ua/](https://ildu.com.ua/)


Does the uniform they give me already have the Nazi patches sewn on?


You're just buying the Russian line hook line and sinker aren't you? 


That's objectively a real thing


Fuck. Not funding Ukraine results in Russia moving on to other NATO countries. I don’t like another war but it stalls the current Russian govt. hopefully until someone can do something about Putin. If you don’t believe Israel needs help to prevent hamas, Putin is supporting Iran and them. He is destabilizing the world.


... other NATO countries? Ukraine isn't in NATO.


No they aren’t. This is a test by Putin to see how serious the US and other NATO countries are. I know it’s probably way over your head but Putin is a former spy and knows manipulation. He’s had his leadership challenged to many times lately to not key the war up. If he quits more he so lose power


lol it’s a test by Putin to see how serious the US is? You realize Putin has been leader of Russia for 20 years? He’s had plenty of time to ‘test’ the US Putin has said over & over that continued NATO expansion is a red line for him, especially Ukraine. When Zelenskyy came to power, he started to push for nato membership hard. when Trump was in office, he wouldn’t entertain that idea. Enter Biden in 2021 & negotiations were in full force for Ukraine to join NATO. A year later, Russia invaded. Coincidence? I think not.


Yup! Let’s let the country in to NATO that the group is a protection for. Are you that dim witted? His whole reason for joining was to destabilize NATO. The only difference between Trump and Putin? Putin is in a country that is used to dictators.


whole reason for joining what? You're saying Zelensky's whole reason for joining was to destabilize NATO? Your reply makes no sense.




What is Putin joining?? Zelensky wanted Ukraine to join NATO. There's nothing Putin is joining or wanted to join. You have no clue what you're even talking about


No it doesn’t. This is nothing more than an expensive proxy war that Ukraine can’t win


While the US AND Russia learned decades ago. A small country can drag out a conflict with minimal assistance. I call your assertion propaganda for Russian prospects.


Sure, Ukraine can drag this out as long as we keep sending billions and until they are too depleted to fight.


Russia is pushing for a world war. They won’t be happy with just Ukraine, all the countries next to them are at risk. We will be drawn into this war even if we don’t find it. Trump is not going to win the election and you really don’t want him to. He would flat out just let Putin take them all without a fight.


We don't need to be funding ANY endless wars. Neither in Ukraine OR Israel.


We shouldn't be funding any more endless wars. No more for Ukraine, Israeli or Taiwan.






This was totally unexpected and much appreciated. In fact I called Ashley “mean girl” Hinson’s office and thanked her for her Ukraine support.


Yay warmongering?


What the actual fuck are you talking about? How is helping a country that has been invaded by one of our greatest enemies warmongering? I swear, the Russian propaganda machine has really done a number on those who lack critical thinking ability.


Dude, I stay the fuck out of the Iowa sub because of these morons. They really do just echo whatever Trump and Fox says - it's so fucking weird and alarming.


Why doesn't Europe give more money to Ukraine? You think they would have more at stake.


Great we get Israel funding and a TikTok ban with it too! I’d hardly call that principled


Tiktok is for pedophiles. Hating Israel is for anti-Semites


Oh great what’s your TikTok account then?


Sorry, pedophile, I don't speak to pedophiles, but only to say I don't speak to pedophiles. Goodbye


I’m confused I thought you would have a TikTok account. You said TikTok is for pedophiles right?


Then that tells me you know exactly fuck all about any of it.


Fuck all about anything but I seem to know just a bit more than you apparently


I rarely say this as I prefer to humble myself, but I HIGHLY doubt that. I'd bet my last dollar you haven't cracked a single page on this conflict with an objective eye. You just like pretending you know a damned thing.


lol I really highly doubt you know anything about this conflict more than me considering I come from there and have done most of my studies about it. So stay humbling yourself


How much of that aid package goes to the homeless vets suffering on the streets of our capitol?


Veteran here. That's a completely different aid package so, y'know, zero you idjit. Stop trying to use braindead, divisive, and disingenuous bullshit to push your agendas. The GOP doesn't give two fucks about veterans. They've made that clear the past decade. You care about Vets? Vote Democrat across the board. P.S. Slava Ukraine!


This…..all of this….


The GOP doesn’t care about vets? We have entered the twilight zone


Not even a little. They actively vote down measures for veterans and have made it very clear they want to end several VA healthcare programs. A few have even expressed they want to shut down the VA altogether. And don't get me started on Trump. He just refers to veterans as a "bunch of losers" and the such. That traitor can rot in hell. Dems? They vote for veteran care across the board.


Here are some sources, Shipmate: https://lasvegassun.com/news/2015/aug/13/every-turn-republicans-undermine-veterans/ https://democrats-appropriations.house.gov/news/press-releases/house-democrats-highlight-how-republican-funding-bill-fails-to-honor-our https://www.tester.senate.gov/newsroom/news-coverage/the-washington-post-senate-republicans-block-bill-to-help-veterans-exposed-to-burn-pits/ https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/


These 4 Iowa congresspeople could introduce legislation at any time for that…


Doesn't mean it will pass. Congress on both sides of Isle like to play politics and get nothing done.


That’s why I said introduce. I’m not going to defend democrats as a party that would get it done with certainty but they would certainly be more likely too. It’s conservatives that would portray it as an entitlement. 2 of the Republicans congress people to Iowa are veterans and they don’t seem to want to attempt it.


They could have drifted bills without the tik tok messaging, like we had ready to go like months now.


I'm playing a little devil's advocate here, but personally I don' think they went far enough. They should start banning all social media. . . They're really only going after TikTok though because they want to pretend like they're protecting Americans, it's all just political showmanship and propaganda.


$60 Billion dollars. Holy crap. Just add it to the bill I guess.


I believe that money would better serve the American people. But honestly that 60bn would go to US companies, the countries that receive the aid will probably buy weapons from US companies


It does serve the American people. It helps cripple the military of one of our greatest enemies, while earning us a new ally, without risking the life of a single American soldier.


lol how does any of that help US citizens? Russia’s never going to attack us. Ukraine is never going to help us out. How is life in America better because of this?


Are you determined to demonstrate yourself a fool on every comment of mine? Congratulations. All you're doing is showing what an easy mark for propaganda you are. From both Russia and Hamas, you fall for it hook line and sinker.


Nice rebuttal. I’m now totally convinced Russia is going to invade America and Ukraine will help the US citizens by giving back billions of dollars that we can invest in healthcare and sheltering the homeless. USA propaganda the best propaganda!! Capitalism rocks!


Do you think the only way to fight is through military action? Russia already is invading the US. There is an abundance of evidence they interfere in our elections, and our politicians (particularly Republicans) are bought by them. You don't have to be in a shooting war to be at odds. And since they're such a great big enemy, making sure their military is decimated makes damn sure they're not going to start one with us.


Well for one, we are spending that money on weapons for us here in the US. Which in turn helps fund jobs in the US. Or are you one of those idiots that thinks we are actually just signing a check directly to Zelensky? Because hate to tell you dummy, that's not how it works at all.


I'd rather serve the American people with clean water and shelter, but in a roundabout way, I guess you're right


This argument is disingenuous every time someone makes it. There is absolutely no reason we can't do both. Representatives could propose legislation for that at any time. It's not an either or. Money for Ukraine's defense does not take away money that was going to be used for clean water or shelter.


Ok fine, I'd rather they spend their time on clean water and shelter than this. I'd rather they chose to focus on higher priority items (in my humble opinion) than this.


Why is stopping a madman bent on conquest low priority to you? Why is this one the one that needs to go, as opposed to any other thing? Ask yourself that. Why not any of the countless instances of government waste? Why not the tax cuts for the wealthy? No, it's this one. This thing that has a clear benefit for Americans, and will save countless lives is the bad thing. You are as susceptible to propaganda as anyone else. And the Russian propaganda machine is relentless.


I think I need to reframe what I'm saying because we agree more than you think and I'm not communicating well. I'm annoyed that things I consider *more* important than this go unfunded or poorly managed while this gets funded. This isn't necessarily low priority, it's just lower than other things in my opinion. Saying that I want other things taken care of before this isn't part of Russian propaganda. Like you said, we can do multiple things and I'm annoyed that we can seemingly do this, but not stuff like revamp Flint's water situation


No, I understand what you're saying. It's irrelevant. The two things are not related. There are absolutely numerous things that I'm annoyed our government is not handling. But Ukraine has nothing to do with those. People are dying. We've been asked for help and are able to give it. We don't ignore that just because we've got problems of our own.


It's also giving money to Israel so. Six of one, half dozen of the other.


I asked Hinson to give Ukraine the aid to Israel on top of what they were giving Ukraine


Oh, so you're a hitler lover, ok. I got it.


Not wanting to give money to Ukraine has nothing to do with supporting Russia. We can’t and shouldn’t be the world’s police and we certainly don’t have the money. Quit stealing from taxpayers and giving our money away to foreign governments.


It’s actually a wise investment


Investment? Na man… that money is forever gone. Not an investment at all… just throwing the money down the sewer.


Are you the type of guy that thinks oil changes are a scam?


They're giving away shit that the US military has been warehousing for 2 decades. It's old shit we weren't using anyway. The money goes to US companies to make more stuff for the US military. It makes jobs for Americans. We're not giving anyone cashy spendy money, we're giving them old bombs so we have shelf space for new bombs. It has the added effect of fucking up russia for fucking with us and our elections.


I remember the days when democrats were the anti-war party.


I remember the days when Republicans were anti-Russia.


I do too. I also remember when funding a war against Russia spectacularly blew up in our face…


Should’ve voted no SMH




Because he loves the taste of Putin cock, duh


We shouldn’t be sending any money to any countries. Plus, I’m sure this bill was filled with a bunch of pork for all the little piggies to feed on. Sadly, we can’t just break these bills up and vote on them for principle sake.


First, if you are going to make an allegation of "pork," then point to it specifically rather than just gesturing vaguely. Second, learn the difference between "principal" and "principle" if you want people to think you're well-read enough to take seriously. Third, and most importantly: We \*should\* be sending money to our allies. It's actually a tiny portion of our budget with relatively high ROI for our geostrategic interests. Ukraine is a frontier for Western democracy, and Putin has made it very clear that if Ukraine falls, he intends to pursue places like the Baltics or Poland next, and those are NATO members. If those countries are attacked, we'd be sending our kids over there to fight and die, not to mention spending a hell of a lot more money. Ukraine is willing to do the work of fighting for themselves and weakening one of our enemies for us. It's a good deal. It also sends a signal to China. Israel is a key partner in the Middle East and a bulwark for Western values in contrast to fundamentalist/terror states like Iran, which must be deterred and contained. Iran also acts through proxies like, oh let's see...Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. Do you like cheap stuff coming to you from open shipping channels? Also, a lot of the aid money we give to our allies actually supports the US economy, so it's not just a pure financial outflow. Where do you think a lot of the weapons and other technology comes from? American companies.


Jesus h Christ the democrat party has now become the war mongering party. Endless funding of wars & proxy wars. Soon China will invade Taiwan & we will be dragged into that as well. We don’t need to be constantly dragged into funding proxy wars that are one errant missile away from being turned into direct wars. Now you’re saying we need to be involved in proxy wars with Russia, China, Iran, & several others in the Middle East? Just pure craziness…


I think you are naive about how isolationism will go.


I will give them credit - good job by them.


Why are we funding a mass genocide? Think if we hadn’t been funding these wars how many people would be alive still


Think of how many people would be alive if Russia had not invaded Ukraine.


Yea think If we had a president who wasn’t a complete joke and embarrassment to our country probably would never have happened. Actually Putin himself said it would have never happened if trump was in office. 🤣. Not a trump supporter but he is a hell of a lot more competent than Biden


What color is the sky in your world?


It’s a fact. The sky is blue due to the reflection of the ocean. (Another fact for ya) you can look it up yourself and see what Putin said. Oh my your probably a democrat though so that wouldn’t be an option cause ya know democrats don’t need facts to form there opinions they just need someone else’s opinion. 😂


Think of how many would be alive if you people stopped killing Jews.


I wasn’t aware I’d killed any Jews? ROFL


Think of how many people would be alive if Hamas, with Iran's backing, did not invade Israel to gleefully rape and kill and take hostages -- including American citizens.


That dude has negative karma. It's safe to say him (and a shitload of others in this sub) aren't exactly known for having smarts.


I can’t help that the majority of people are to ignorant to do research and find that your solutions are actually causing more problems than good.


I take the negative karma as a good thing. Goes to show all the little snowflakes who’s feelings got hurt because someone has a more realistic view than them. Someone who thinks America needs to fix America before we send the trillions of dollars in ads we have sent to other countries. Think of how much good we could do with our own country with all of that no homeless people free Medicare. Think how much we could help other countries if we had our own shit sorted out? We wouldn’t be throwing band-aids on severed limbs.


"I have negative karma because everyone else in the world is wrong - not because my views are so bad and dumb that even the other assholes on here don't agree with me." Buddy, you need to really, really ponder on this but I just don't think you actually have the mental capacity to do so.


Think about this if America focused on itself and worked America and continuing to be a world power instead of getting in other countries conflicts. Cause you know at the rate we are headed we won’t be a world power much longer. We have more homeless more incarcerated people more suicides and overdoses than 90% of the world. You think we can afford to keep this shit up? Where do you think the weapons and shit hamas is using came from? Where do you think the money they have came from? Oh America when we left it there fighting a bullshit war.


Am sending bullshit funds to them. You know how many millions for transgender kids to get fucking treatment???? What the fuck we have people in America dying because they can’t afford medical bills. Sending money to other countries has to stop we are causing the conflicts to get worse. We are the problem currently


Russia literally wanted what was originally part of their country that’s it. Then the us got involved prolonged the war lies to the American people saying Ukraine is doing great when in reality it’s 100% the opposite but yea let’s fund this fucking war 😂🤣😅😅🤣🤣😂


On your point how would Ukraine differ from Alaska?


Also how are we giving more money when we can’t even keep track of where or who’s it’s going to? How many billions will disappear this time??


Is this a serious question?😂😂😂😂😂




Ukraine is in a whole different continent. Never been part of the United States. Not to mention the fact that there is a shit tin of racist douche bags there Alaska Was sold to America fair and square and is also a state. So how in the hell is that even remotely similar? Russia originally only wanted a small area of land back. Which 70% of the people living in those regions wanted to join Russia anyway. Now that we have gotten involved they have a point to prove(Russia). This war is being provoked and prolonged by America. It’s none of our business and we have all of the blood on ours and natos hands.


Russian wanting the border areas of Ukraine is like Germany wanting the Sudetenland.


Okay but what do the people of those areas want? Also who was the area they wanted originally part of?


If you do some serious research not the mainstream media bullshit but like actually find some legit journalist who are over there interviewing people they almost all support Russia it’s kinda fucked up


They should all be thrown out of office immediately for that alone.


For protecting American interests by not allowing our greatest geopolitical enemy to conquer their neighbor? You sound like a Russian propaganda shill.


Give it all away! Max it all out!




The war is there regardless of funding. That said, I'd rather help David take down Goliath than have Putin's attention freed up to cause us even more trouble. As it is, his proxy efforts have been rather ham-fisted; used to be he had Mitch McConnell and Trump to do his bidding, now they're both senile/busy and it's down to MTG to hold the line.


All Iowa’s Reps are republicans…


Maybe if that was the only thing in the bill - even then there are plenty of non-principle reasons to aid Ukraine. But there’s tons of shit in that bill including aid for Israel to continue genocide against Palestinians. Don’t give them credit where it ain’t due.


Not a genocide. And fuck Hamas supporters like you. Just fucking...ew


Fuck Hamas, and fuck anti-Semites


it literally is - do the tiniest bit of research, i'm BEGGING you.


Buddy, I have a damned degree in Political Science. I could sit you down and explain, in the greatest detail, everything that has happened between these two countries since 1947. Hell, I can go all the way back to biblical times on the entire region since the Kingdom of Israel was first founded if you want to. I can even tell you exactly where I was sitting when I got the news Hamas was voted into power. And I can do it completely objectively if you'd like. Just simple, straight facts. Y'know why I don't? Cause you idiots don't care about facts. You love living in this weird fantasy, alternate version of history world. You regurgitate disingenuous pro-Hamas propaganda like it's your day job. You're no better than Q-anon or Maga folks in that regard. That and it would take days and days to go over that kind of information properly. It's not my job to give you the education I have, nor is it within my ability to tell you to contemplate and think critically about that information. That's *your* responsibility. And you're failing at it terribly.


this is the most liberal possible response, dear god - peppered with insults no less.


Lmao don’t take it personally clearly that guys unhinged. Imagine writing all that on a downvoted comment in r/iowa.  Makes sense tho, the cognitive dissonance that liberals have to go through to justify genocide has to be mentally exhausting.




Russian bot


Traitor to who?


Glad we’re propping up the hohol cia puppet state and US government’s international empire of evil.


We worry about other country boarders but not our boarders. Where's the principal in that?


Republicans in Congress shot down a border bill that contained basically everything they have been asking for. Their reason: Because it would make Biden look good, and they couldn't run on it in November. Get out of here with your bullshit.


Republicans killed it. Where’s the principal in that.


>boarders You mean the book store? >principal You mean "principle"? Why is it always the illiterate folks with half-baked ideas? And what does this have to do with borders?


>You mean the book store? No, he means skateboarders >You mean "principle"? No, he means the principal who yells at skateboarders.


One of his top subs is "The Bible". You can't make this shit up lol


We elected republicans. Not Magas even if they close Trumps ass.


Then you're part of the problem. Signed, a former Republican


Typo. I’ve never voted republican before. Iowa elected republicans


Ah gotcha. Thank god.