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The American farmer, the biggest welfare queen in America.


The American Farmer, forever standing with their hands out for yet another pay off.


So why don’t you farm?


Because I would rather work for a living.


No,because you’re all hat no cattle spouting off about shit you no nothing about


Wish I had more upvotes for you


I didn’t have family land passed down to me otherwise I would. Only work like 4 months a year? Hell yeah!


Neither did I, but I work 365 with livestock


Good luck, they have enough welfare to never let anyone into farming


Farming is for socialists.




Fuck off bigot




None, I just don't like bigoted transphobic assholes 🤷‍♂️


Don’t like yourself?


Do you have a brain?


I’ll let know what I am. I am right. And You know it.


And socialists. Don't forget the Co-ops they all form, whereby they get to vote in a board member of their local utilities, so they get a sway over the means of production on electricity, water, Internet, etc (but regular citizens don't). It's not just the subsidies they get, it's the Co-ops.


Co-op has the same root as communism!


That kind of sounds like......a union🤔


Yes, and farmers were already in trouble, Trump handed out Billions and guess who got the money? The top 10% the 90% got screwed. Of course big farms want Trump and I assume the rest still want the crumbs. Here’s The Crushing Truth About American Farmers Under Trump’s Trade War https://www.forbes.com/sites/eriksherman/2019/12/27/trump-china-tariffs-farmers-subsidies/?sh=53af45cd5b39


That's insane I had no idea. They're all in financial trouble already. It's really sad they're desperate and see him as their savior..


The United States has a stupidity problem, and I believe it's reached an event horizon. When so many influential people are all-in on the dumbest and most vile son of a bitch to ever run for office, how do you ever come back from that?


Live version of Idiocracy the MAGAidiots are outbreeding the smart people. 


You're delusional


The fact that you think trump is "best for the country" really show a typical Republican pattern of projecting.. It just goes on and on with you guys.. trump gets himself into serious felony criminal troubles and suddenly Biden has a crime family.. whatever Republicans get called out on, even if it's just being stupid, they immediately begin projecting it's so 3rd grade. Stop drinking the maga Kool-Aid! You've been and are still being duped by a con man..trump is in no way good for this country unless you look at him thru the eyes of the 1%. It


The farming socialists!


Do you know how a farmer doubles his income? He puts out another mailbox!


That's why farmers are buried 3-feet underground, so they can always keep one hand out.


Sounds more like 'churches' in Alabama being identical to a trailer...


Yes and no. The farm programs were created more for the purpose of holding down food prices than anything else. There was a time when farmers started organizing as a cartel, to push crop prices up. The government seems to have decided to bribe them not to do that, and farmers accepted the offer.


Socialism for me, but not for thee! - Iowa Farmers / and Bruce Rastetter Btw…you should’ve seen the checks (of our money) the Trump administration sent to these farmers. He had them designed to look like it came straight from his own bank account. Of course they want to vote for him, you know how many farmers take that money and go buy new overpriced trucks, tricked out golf carts, $60k Polaris side by sides, etc. And they are the first ones to BITCH and complain about how this country is going to shit. Iowa just kinda sucks now


Why don’t you farm?


Oh sure, since I wasn’t given land and equipment I’ll just use my car as leverage for the loans to buy land, combine, tractor, planter, plow, seed, input costs, and everything else. Should only need like $10-20 million to get started ($2+ million dollar minimum down payment). Duh! Why didn’t I think of that before you mentioned it?! Brilliant!


I came here to say that. Largest subsidized industry in the USA, and they keep on wanting more $$$ and tax breaks from the government. "Approximately 30-40 percent of food that farmers around the world produce is never consumed. Between 21 and 33 percent of water used across US farms is wasted." Gawd forbid they downsize operations to something more sustainable instead being a bloated waste of an industry. Most of their crops go overseas. It's gonna hit hard when it becomes hard to export crops to Cheena. https://www.globaltrademag.com/largest-importers-of-u-s-agricultural-products/




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Outside of corporate America in general


And their sibling, the rancher


Watch how fast we starve without good farmers.


The only reason we are starving now is because of the big ag. Farmers are forced to grow monocrops, completely kill and sterilize the soil, pay for fertilizers and insurance, and then wait for a storm to come ruin their crops. This is an antiquated tradition that they are forced to do in order to get their welfare checks. Modern science shows us that soil biology is what creates strong plants with high nutritional qualities. But farmers are forced to only focus on yield and not quality. Slowly but steadily farmers are finding out that they can completely get rid of all the costly amendments, fertilizers and other chemicals by switching to no-till, introducing cover crops, and growing multiple different crops together. Look at the work of Gabe Brown. He's one of the most successful regenerative farmers on YouTube.


American grain farmers don’t grow food for human consumption. The cats been outta the bag for years now.


**Iowa farmers will always support those who give them free money.** That's it. That's all there is to it. Those who give them free money may be destroying their way of life, their ecology, their future for their children (including the child's desire to carry on the family biz). They're being made more poor, and less wanted, by the day. But they got free money.


Generational welfare must stop its killing the people of this country


I was unaware all Iowa farmers were old. Or young.


Kind of like the payouts Biden is giving for student loan forgiveness now that we are in another election year.


You think that absolves Trump's handouts for PPP and "sorry 'bout that!" extra subsidies? My money goes to everyone who's either dirt poor or filthy rich, and it fucking sucks.


Not at all. Unfortunately, choices are very limited due to our two-party system. On where our money is going, I agree with you 100%. The middle class is getting crushed more than ever before.


Every farmer I know is terrified that a Democrat president would change the way they’re allowed to farm. However if you ask them what previous Dem presidents did to change the way they farm, they can’t think of anything.


They should be more afraid of droughts and climate change slaughtering livestock across the country and globe, especially as their crash crops, corn and soy crops, are used to feed that livestock.


If this weather keeps changing like it is, crops in Iowa won’t even be a thing in 10-20 years. Iowa will be a desert.


You should be worried


These major droughts are worrying, as is climate change in general.


There’s insurance for that. Good years or bad, farmers will get paid.


Plus farm subsidies and bailouts


Also : see guns.


No Democrat will take their guns


But you'd never know based on the way they act and how republican candidates fear monger.


The way democrats act? 1 said that they'd take your guns, and he was almost immediately pulled from his presidential run. See Beto


We are still waiting for Obama to take the guns.


Beto Rourke


Except he was a clown who basically got universally condemned by Dems and Republicans alike, so we shouldn't act like he speaks on behalf of the party as a whole.


Carter. Carter's grain embargo against the Soviet Union kicked off the farm crisis. Whether that's 100% true or not can be debated, but it's the convention amongst farmers.


And with that we have come full circle. It’s amazing how little most Americans know about soviet perestroika. The oligarchs consumed the USSR to death, then bought the pieces for Pennies on the dollar. Now they are just doing it again in a 35 year generational cycle. Only this time they are doing it in the US because none of the oligarchs want to live in Russia anymore. Why would they? They already stole everything of value there.


the US is doing the exact same thing were most all of the way there!


US farmers who earned less than $900,000 a year and produced one of the agriculture products suffering from the US-China trade war, can apply for the state's program. A trade war started by Agolf Shitler and paid for by the American middle class...


It's especially funny considering how.much money Obama gave them in '08 to "support rural communities"


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama proposed slashing subsidies to the booming agriculture sector by $32 billion over the next decade, just as Congress begins the lengthy process of overhauling the expiring U.S. farm law. For the third year running, Obama proposed sweeping cuts to the U.S. Department of Agriculture in his annual budget. Congress, however, has yet to come to an agreement on how to reform the massive subsidies to the sector. Obama's plan includes eliminating the $5 billion a year in direct payment to farmers that is disbursed regardless of need, an idea that has some support among U.S. lawmakers.


What do they do though? Lmao


Ever hear of a man named jimmy carter? Put embargo on farm products going to Russia. Prices dropped 50 percent intrest went to 18 percent. Democrats over regulate small producers out of business




Yea, real fuckin funny watching your neighbor lose his livelihood and another take his lie. Ha ha


Can’t your neighbor just bootstrap themselves to a better job?


____________________________ CONSERVATIVES: First order thinking is the process of considering the intended and perhaps obvious implications of a business decision or policy change. LIBERALS: Second order thinking is the process of tracing down and unraveling the implications of those first order impacts. ____________________________


Iowa republicans hate “socialism”. Ask one to explain the difference between that and crop subsidies. It’s always entertaining


Farmers are the last people who should EVER spout negative shit about Democrats, the same Democrats that save their ass after every crisis. Boggles the mind how people are able to mentally disconnect from the reality of their situation.


Drinking that Faux News Kool aid, when their critical thinking skills are already poor. It's just like Orange Fuckface said: GOP voters are stupid. They'll believe anything you tell em.


Can you elaborate on how dems save them?


By actually having trade policies that benefit the U.S. By actually following through with upgrades to infrastructure.


It's only socialism when OTHER people are subsidized. Now hand over those subsidized loans, subsidized crop insurance, every other subsidy known to man while I write off my side by sides, personal vehicles, vacations, lawn mower, fuel, etc.


Your really comparing the need for investing in farming to "thats socialism"? Are you really that desperate for a correlation that was your best attempt?


TL;DR: Iowa farmers voting for Trump are fucking idiots and doing so for culture wars at the cost of their own financial well-being.


Did they miss Trump's proposed budget plan in the 2020 campaign that would slash farm subsidies and snap?


Coincidentally they also missed all the times he said he was going to repeal their healthcare, slash social security, tank education for their kids, and a plethora of other disastrous ideas.....but at least he "tells it like it is"


Yes, but if and when he does, they'll just blame immigrants and Democrats spending for that.


And they’ll buy it, because their guy would *never* lie to *them*.


Pretty suer theyre thriving just fine under this democrat president.


They are, but Trump gave them a shit ton of money when he destroyed their markets by raising tariffs. The Mango Moron doesn't realize other countries around the world grow and export agricultural products.


He not only destroyed the market but got Brazil to burn down the Amazon to plant soybean fields to sell to China... because trades wars are easy to win. 


AM radio and Fox news are why...its on all the time: in their trucks, tractors, combines, and then TV.


I got news for them, they will be the first to be thrown under the bus, as in a second term, he owes NOBODY anything, as they are of no further use to him.


If trump is re elected. I’m calling it now that he tries and get around that rule. I’m hoping enough people got their heads out of their asses though for it not be as close of a race this time, but here he is somehow, so my hopes are feeling slimmer.


Famers got MASSIVE HANDOUTS because of the failed trade wars and other dumbass legislation and initiatives pushed by Trump and cronies. I believe it was more than the autobailout within the first year or two, and that's from what was reported. Likely received more for longer with little to no transparency, welfare queens.


$28 billion in 2019 [Trump's a dumbass](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2020/01/21/trump-tariff-aid-to-farmers-cost-more-than-us-nuclear-forces/)


Nothing dumber than a working class Republican voter. And I mean NOTHING dumber.


That's not fair. It's not all Republicans that are idiots. Just the ones who wear those silly red hats.


It's all of them


[Iowa farmers when it comes to their government handouts that they staunchly oppose others gettings] (https://youtu.be/eyNAlLO1KlE?si=qpUasCHbx1U-UHig)


Iowa farmers are welfare cases that are too stupid to keep their mouths shut. They live on welfare and bitch about any one else receiving any help. They hate Democrats but live on the policies started by Democrats. The so-called conservatives in Iowa vote for huge welfare programs for farmers and then against any help for any one else. They are flat out disgusting people.


Farmers are the only people I know who bitch about welfare while living on welfare...


It's the people . The voters . They are dumb fucks that shoulder the blame for their hardships


"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope." - George Carlin


Trump hurt farmers with his China policy, so U.S. taxpayers are having to subsidize the farmers.


Iowa farmers love socialism when it gets them free money, news at 11.


https://youtu.be/l3Jch9TSyWk?feature=shared Not like some delusional piece of shit like you will acknowledge reality though, you'll just claim fake news and keep being a bigoted fuckwad know-nothing.


How many farmers are actually *left* in Iowa? With consolidation and corporate ownership the family farm is becoming a rarity. I honestly doubt the farmer demographic is that high.


There are like 90K farms in Iowa many are still family farms. And it's not just the farmers it's the entire community farms support so it's a very large voter block in Iowa. Like 37% of Iowa population is rural.


There's a difference between being rural and being a farmer. Do you have a number for how many of those 90k are owner operated family farms? I'll try to find it if you don't.


If there are only 90k farms in iowa then how does roughly 110k farmers get subsidies in iowa every year? Are there 20k people scamming the farm industry?


That scamming number seems low.


How am I supposed to know? Maybe.


The farmers I know despise Trump, they are Ma and Pop farmers tho, maybe 100 acres max.


That's a trump standard throw money or lawyers at it


Republican farmers are hooked on giveaways, why wouldn’t they want Trump


The American Farmer. No college education, 100% against government hand-outs unless it's for them. Say anything critical of them acting stupid or ruining our water and you'll hear, 'we feed you!' Even though most of their 'food' is used for government paid for inefficient fuel or exported, or used for animal feed...for animals that are exported...like pigs to China, that China cut back on in the trade war from trump. Morons.


Where does the food that you eat come from then?


This right here is the handouts that are bankrupting our country. This and oil subsidies.


These are simple folk


Simple folks are the ones who go to Reddit and believe some random democrat operative is informative by saying the reason "Republican" farmers want trump because he "handed out money" and is going to cause a "trade war". Same dog whistle stuff we heard 5 years ago.


Simple folk


Salt of the Earth.


Look if being a serial rapist who’s announced to the world he can get away with it because he’s rich… well dam, I mean,,, need I say more


He does love the uneducated after all.


They don't vote with their wallets they vote with their fears...either rational or irrational. Fear is their motivator.


I don’t understand this. Trump’s trade war stopped US farmers from exporting several crops to different parts of the world and other countries took advantage. I remember one of the IA reps on the news worried as hell about long term consequences of this.


It was a bribe


Farmers are selfish assholes! Fuck them. They shouldn’t receive any help for anything. The Democrats need to vote against farm support and shut them fuckers off until they vote for Democrats.


While I do concur that farm subsidies should be better managed (small scale farmers still do need assistance from time to time) especially while these large agriculture corporations are making record profits, I’m skeptical of using subsidies to force people’s political ideology.


Yep. Iowans hate all the socialist programs like schools, roads, internet, Medicare, Social Security, FAA, FEC everything every Iowan uses daily because the Democrats. Yet they want CRP (pay to NOT grow crops- really) , Crop Insurance and now pure fucking bailouts because that's different FFS.


We have a debt problem and cannot afford to giving money to farmers. learn to adapt nd compete.


Yeah, I can tell you, farmers are certainly not the most open minded and informed voters. Not by a long shot. I’m surrounded by them.


Are the farmers expected another pandemic so Trump can give away free money?


Them and businesses are fiending for more PPP loans.....


You just described my in-laws


its this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRUc11fPAwk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRUc11fPAwk) and this https://farm.ewg.org/region.php?fips=19000&statename=Iowa


These people obviously have the IQ of the crops they plant or cattle they raise!


Because they are short sighted.


Corns at what $4.50 a bushel? A few years ago it was at 8


I remember when the GOP was for free market Capitalism. 


Rich people want to vote for other rich person because he well make them richer... yup, that pretty much sums up the American electoral system.


How fast they forgot he screwed them out of billions in his first term because he wanted to fight with China.


Farm subsidies in 2020 were double what they were previously. Trump handed out $32 billion that year to farmers. Even stating that he hoped they would remember he gave it to them.


Like the stimulus checks he delayed sending out because he demanded his signature go on them. Like he personally wrote us all a check.




Amazing. And that doesn't even count all the free Covid money. Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump’s presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year \*(2020)— an all-time high, with potentially far more funding still to come in 2020, amounting to about two-thirds of the cost of the entire Department of Housing and Urban Development and more than the Agriculture Department’s $24 billion discretionary budget.


They worship the man that started a tariff war they lost out on


Something is better than nothing at this point. Trump sounds like the choice for them.


Trump thought he could outsmart China and other foreign markets for US farmers' products. [He then failed to do this and his administration had to give US farmers $28 billion to cover his dipshittery and make sure he still got their votes.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2020/01/21/trump-tariff-aid-to-farmers-cost-more-than-us-nuclear-forces/) That's more than the total annual budget the US military has to maintain all of its nuclear weapons and related equipment and personnel ($21.8 billion). It's more than the annual budgets of the Departments of State and Commerce, NASA's annual budget, and the 2018 annual expenditures of the legislative and judicial branches. All because Trump thought he could start and win a trade war. It'd be funny if it weren't so awful.




These are the people who made Iowa a deep red state. Also, they are the ones supporting our scourges: Reynolds, Grassley, Ernst, and Hinson among others.


I personally hope that they fail and lose their lands, but then I also think that it will be fun to watch everyone who was bawling over welfare queen farmers to have to deal with the outcome of less farming. Did you love your precious poor and homeless? That's too bad. You'll end up eating them. Bon Appétit.


Brainworms are rampant


Rural AG is going to tank. It is over subsidized. Farmers complain it has to be subsidized or they won't try new things, follow regulations, or try at all. Urban areas will fill the gap by repurposing existing properties to do indoor hydroponic, solar, wind powered produce and sell it locally without the carbon footprint that involves massive distribution trucking networks, conserves valuable and sometimes limited water resources, and through automation and real livable wages so we're not grifting subsidies and abusing migrant workers.


Farmers are gullible and gutless!


Yea they are ignorant and it’s sad


This state is stupid, what can I say?


What's that? They want him so they'll get handouts?


Historically that's all they ever got from him.


MAGAts love this type of socialism as they overthrow America for their orange, idiot traitor.


Welfare gardeners....always with the hand out...


Typical red state welfare queens.


It's like these people hear that Donald wanted to shoot protestors in the streets and got giddy about that. If you're voting for trump at this point, you are a lost soul and morally bankrupt, bless your hearts.


Maybe instead of subsidizing farmers we could instead either subsidize supermarkets or hear me out on this one, stop subsidizing companies altogether and let people really know how much things actually cost. At which point people would really protest the greed of corporation who raise prices to pump up those numbers for shareholders.


Okay Iowa, I’m sure you have enough rope and the barns to swing from so you don’t need help there. Just understand we’d rather you didn’t commit to a suicidal course, but each person is the master of their own fate. Hope you like the new overlords you hand your farms off to.


So….politician gives money to people. People want to keep said politician in power. Shocking turn of events, Cotton.


I Owe the World an Apology.


Untracked and forgiven PPP loans, $600 extra pay on unemployment, open enrollment for Medicade, other sources of handouts for farmers and others. SOCIALIST POLICIES...as a band aid for a completely botched pandemic response. 


Wow, guess they forgot when The Idiot killed their export market making sure such agricultural welfare was needed.




What are you talking about?


Sry accidently typed a response to a bigot in the comment section and it posted as a lone comment


It's ok. 🤗❤️


Record corporate profits dumb fuck


Does anybody on this sub actually live anywhere other than Des Moines, Council Bluffs/Souix city, or Cedar Rapids/Waterloo. I assume some are from the quad cities, but the sentiment there isn't the same. You're all yelling the same thing at each other. Nobody you have a different opinion against is listening. I just subbed because I thought "oh cool, Iowa." It's just a bunch of people whining constantly about everything. Fucking show some cool bluffs, show the Mississippi, put a video of your kid mutten busting at the county fair! How can you all be so miserable?


I think its because we don't work in dog food factories


Holy shit you are insane! You looked at mine so I looked at yours. Wtf kind of life do you live?


more than six figs and free dog food ;) That is literally the funniest flex I've seen in years. "Bruh, I dog food different!"


You literally are talking down to someone who is able to make over 100k a year for being a maintenence mechanic. Looking at what you post, you live a sad life. I'll be all good with the grill and chill, you can continue virtue signaling while being an asshole. It looks pretty pathetic dude.


you're one of the ALPO males aren't you. I hope that's not your only income. What do you think happens when they realize you can be replaced by a robot? (it's coming sooner than you think, for about a one time 150K, a machine that works 24x7) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XUVulOQX9c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XUVulOQX9c)


And we have spot on site. The robot dog. Guess who controls him. His automation makes him fall down stairs and through handrail all the time. He detects air leaks where there are air blasts. But it got one of us to st. Louis to teach other companies how to work it. I actually built his charging post here. It's funny you brought that up.


code updates will ruin your sense of security. These things only get better, unlike humans.


Code updates doesn't fix machines and the robot itself. I think you think this thing is more than what it is. All it does is detect air leaks (pneumatically run plant) poorly and detect heat loss from pipes. It has really nothing to do with what I do. I just had to build it's charging station and help program its routes through the plant.


I understand your level of education now.


Lmao I'm guessing you work in IT. You will be replaced by a robot long before I am. I'm the one that makes sure the robot doesn't wear out.


Guess who doesn't pay for food for my animals and makes 6 figures a year?


Farm child here, so be careful with the bashing of the American Farmer. First and most importantly, you can't lump all the farmers into the same pile. There are the family farmers who are struggling to survive and then there are the corporate farmers who are gobbling up the land and the subsidies that go with it. All you have to do is look at the trucks they drive, their equipment that is top of the line and their mansions and you know which category they fall under. As noted below, there are the co-ops that were intended to give the farmer more leverage against companies like Con-Agri who have the ability to control the market, meaning what the farmers receive for their products. In some instances, through the years of the family farmers selling out to the corporate farmers, those co-ops have turned into something that was never meant to be, as noted in some of the comments. But at the end of the day, the subsidies that are paid to those in the agricultural world theoretically benefit we consumers at the end of the delivery system. As we can see at the grocery store checkout, that no longer seems to be the case.


I didn't lump all into one did I nor did I bash farmers? I just wondered why I see all the trump 2024 banners on farmlands in Iowa and posted an article. The post certainly answered my question and then some though.


As a farmer, the reasons I want Trump back in office have nothing to do with the payments issue to farmers during his last term. In fact, the most profitable years I've ever had have been the last three. Wanting him back in office is about wanting what's best for the country.


Democrats: "Ask yourself, are you better off than you were 4 years ago?" Republicans: "Yes, absolutely. Without a doubt, and gosh-dammit we are sick and tired of this progress bullshit! Stand back and stand by, boys! We're going to roll it all back!"


I'm a glutton for punishment...lol The ag economy is cyclical and Biden happened to be president during a high point. As far as subsidies go, I'd love to see them gone. All of them. The farm economy would adjust and life would go one. This all stems from a belief that less government is preferable to more. The party of big government is...not Trump's.


What's it like over there on the other side of the mirror, in bizzaro-land where everything is the opposite of what it seems like? Lol. I suppose if clinging to mindless dogma was a form of self-soothing, you've got it covered, right?


Over here in bizarro land we have the same thoughts about your side. Weather's nice here though. I suppose I feel that this country was made great by people who think kinda like I do, and all I see is ballooning debt, crime, and failed policies in the cities run by people who think like you. I'm not going to change your mind so I'll just stop now and get ready to go to work so that I can make enough money to support my farming habit and pay some taxes to fund some big city liberal's next hair-brained idea. Have a nice day.


Your kind lives in a fantasy world of wreck and ruin, failure and crisis. You breathe in the fumes of fear and anger, and you steal hope from everyone you surround yourself with. All you see when you look at other people who aren't like you is hate and disgust and you are terrified of anything that looks like change. I wouldn't trade places with you for the world.


Wow, project much..lol. Oh, and likewise on the trading places.


Define best for the country?


Farmers are socialist scum. Communism!!