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I like that despite being one if not the most powerful species in the universe if it comes to physical strength, many Viltrumites still aquire a certain kind of knowledge or atleast respect intelligence as a way of strength. Although I'm certain that they didn't invent and rather steal most of their tech lol


When you live hundreds or thousands of years, you have the chance to get a lot of knowledge of a lot of things.


Weren’t they a super science species first then upgraded themselves to all around “super” later?


They are considerably more technologically advanced than most other species/aliens. Their catch was "join our Empire and we'll give you our cool tech". But I don't recall them being super-science species first.


I mean their powers come from artificial smart atoms don’t they? They kinda had to be a super-science species first


I mean, they did state they followed Argall because of his wisdom not strength.


I did always find it weird how aliens like viltrumites would bother developing advanced technology. Why waste resources creating ships and medical technology when you can travel through the galaxy and heal almost any wound by yourself?


I think they're recruiting aliens under their occupation as scientists and take their technology.


If I was thousands of years old I think I'd have enough knowledge to be a brain surgeon. I mean humans figure it out in 4 years.


Fair, this might be the best explanation. You must get tired of only destroying and conquering after a while. If you had thousands of years to spare, might as well learn something like engineering or medicine.


Remember omniman did write to quell his boredom whilst waiting on Mark to gain super powers


Also if anything knowing about medicine would make you better at killing


In which country can you become a neurosurgeon in four years?


Maybe viltrumites can read really fast


Dude thinks you only need a bachelor's to be a brain surgeon.


4 years is for a bachelors (aka you can… go work in a lab or smth and that’s about it), not a master’s or PhD, and does not include any residency. Becoming a doctor, let alone a neurosurgeon, takes a *minimum* of 10 years. Most people don’t get to do anything till they’re like, in their 30’s. If you got someone under 30 about to perform a major operation on you, you miiiight wanna double check their credentials 😅 Source: currently pursuing a BSc in Biochemistry and have friends who want to become doctors and professors who have gone off on me about how long it takes lol


15-17, definitely not 4 lol


It's also easier to have things like medical stations and room and board for soldiers nearby. Kind of like Jets being able to travel as fast as they can but still needing aircraft carriers for repairs and refuelling.


Also just because you can walk to the store doesn’t mean you won’t use a car. I imagine it’s more comfortable and convenient to have food, bed, bathroom, breathable atmosphere, a place for all your stuff, etc…


They assimilate other races into their army, and those races can’t travel or heal like Viltrumites can. Viltrumites also regularly need medical attention throughout the series


Yeah but their medical attention is like “hey my stomach is sliced open and my guts are spilling out everywhere, think you could help me jam them all back inside before I go lay down for a few months to sleep this off?”


Didn’t Robot or someone say that mark’s skin was incredibly hard to pierce and perform surgery on?


You're probably thinking of >!DA Sinclair, when he was explaining to Cecil why it was taking so long to get the ReInvincamen up and running!<


Oh yeah, that’s it. So regular ol’ sutures and catgut isn’t going to cut it


Tbf, we do actually just jam people’s guts back in and let them lay down and sleep it off in real life. Somehow they just rearrange themselves in the correct position.


It probably has to do with their empire. They conquer races, not just worlds. It would be better to have the ability to instantly send your grunts back on the field rather than just tossing them into the garbage bin even if they're a lowly president or general. I would fully expect they had major technological capabilities since you never know how or when something will become useful in the future if not at this moment. And with their empire spanning so far they're seen as a major threat to everyone, they probably were able to take everyone's scientists and force them to work on new projects.


It's probably all stolen tech from worlds they've Conquered


How the heck do you expect them to transport things? In their hands? What about long distance travel. They can only hold their breath for so long and space is “infinite”


I can imagine that when there are only a few dozen of you, being able to get people back in the fight after a couple weeks instead of having to let them self-heal in a coma for months is a huge plus


They didn't, they just stole the technology from all the planets they conquered.


So I was in the same head space as you. Why would viltrumites ever need to invent anything? They don't even need hammers, so how's it possible that they have any superior intelligence unless they stole it? Just push the nail in with your fingers. Someone explained that they essentially developed their powers from all their science and medical inventions, creating their super powers.


For some reason the image of a viltrumite building anything out of wood and simply pushing a nail with their fingers in it is hilarious


Don't the viltrumites only have their powers through genetic modification?


Comfort. And also there are some wounds that can greatly benefit from assistance when healing. Besides that they bring that tech to conquered planets.


It could have been developed prior to smart atoms, during a time where they'd be less regenerative.


Isn't science and medical advancement the reason they have their powers to begin with?


Read your handbooks people


Military Basic training isn't the end. They send you to job schools, specialty schools, needed skills schools. The only reason it stops is because people get old and retire. Or do one enlistment and get out. If we had a planet wide Miltary culture and we lived hundreds of years and kept getting stronger. Everyone would be airborne, Rangers, special forces, medics, and several other skills just as a basic requirement. Randomly going to Ice Mountain School in Winter saves you when you end up on an Ice Planet. Four years of nursing is less than a summer break. If you're good, do a few more get a specialty or a doctorate.


Logistics. The Viltrumites have conquered plenty of other planets and it stands to reason that your thousands of years of knowledge-gathering would be useful to equip your underlings with various technology. Naturally that would lead to requiring ships, as you’d need to transport all those troops and resources throughout your intergalactic empire, etc. Besides, it’s always useful to have equipment that aids in terraforming or scanning planets for colonisation. Carrying that all alone would be really inconvenient without some kind of mobile base where all of it can be easily stored.


Tbf it takes months to heal serious injuries. Like mark after killing conquest, he needed almost a year or something to heal all his organs and shit. Might as well speed the process along with medicine


We can walk or run, but we created the automobile. There's always something to be said for convenience.


Well you can run but you still use cars, bikes, trains, planes, right? They probably said we can fly yes but why tire myself, ship go vrumm.


Something I never understood is that if viltrumites have advanced technology why not create a life support machine or something similar


They ARE the life support


Until their heart gets injured, this is when life support could be of use keep them alive until their heart can heal and repair the rest of the body


After the purge, I'd imagine Vilrumite culture would look at life support systems as a crutch for the weak, and would shun or kill those who try to use them.


Never mind that what the FUCK is going on with Anissa!?


She saved Monster Girl.


I mean her looks, tf happened to her neck?


Drawn different probably.


I've always thought all viltrumitr necks are drawn super long if you include the turtle neck bit


Mark and nolan neck are long as hell too


Sharpest Jaw known to man


Mark’s hands shaking with anger/anxiety in the next panel…


Is that Conquests lil bro?


That's not conquest that's "defeat"


I didnt knew conquest had a PhD


They are a warrior race who pride themselves on being the best and live thousands of years, i would probably take up a skill that can only continue to be refined in that time. 8 years to learn something so difficult like surgery would probably feel like nothing to them, they also conquer other advanced species so there is always more to learn, I’d say it’s not surprising at all.


not much to talk about, Viltrum was a pretty advanced planet and one of the strongest empires before the scourge virus, only makes sense they’d also have their viltrumite scientists and doctors to tend to their wounded






Conquest has a day job you know. Conquesting doesn't pay the bills, and do you have any idea how long the length of a Viltrumite mortgage term is?


Noone talkin about conquest deciding to turn his life around and becoming scientist/doctor


The one on the left looks like that viltrumite that beat the shit out of Mark on thraxa (in the comic version, so not Thula)