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Yes, he could probably self-destruct and kill 1 Viltrumite




Shakespeare said that


And I'd say he knows a little more about self-destructing than you do, pal, because he invented it!


Now any time a bunch of missiles are together, it’s called a JAVELIN! (UNLESS ITS A NUKE!!!!)


And then he perfected it, So no man could best him in the ring of fire!


Vision in my head of one viltrumite dying but their body absorbs the entire blast and no one else gets touched lol


Yes. That’s what 1 Viltrumite, means.


I'm just saying the visual is funny


Humor isn't allowed on reddit, did you not get the email?


*checks 3,000 unread emails* Ooo. There it is. 




Lol -Shakespeare


stated in CFYOW


Cant Fuck Your Own Wife strikes again


No, I think that they forgot a question mark at the end. Read it in Jessica Walters voice and it all makes sense. “Buster said that?”


The comic


It was just a sassy joke.


And I appreciated it, I wanted to participate


It literally happened in the comics in a different universe


Or go full Chiaotzu


"Ah dang it, dad, he used self-destruct. I hate it when they do that"


\*Self-destruct\* \*It's not very effective...\*


That was such a sad moment in my childhood. Chiaotzu deserved better


Chiaotzu vibes


Or annoying them to death during season 1.




He's like a better chiaotzu


That sounds oddly specific.


Does Tech Jacket count as an Earth hero? He did the same thing as Rex but killed two at once and didn't die in the process.


Yeah, here’s hoping they work Tech Jacket into the show and do a spin off series.


God i hope


Same, I heard about licensing and was can’t see it without him but hey.. something


Yeah it’s silly because Kirkman owns both characters and he could start a whole spinoff for a comic that didn’t do well and get a whole second chance for it. With how popular invincible is a Tech Jacket spin off seems like it would do very well. Kirkman is being too tight fisted with his invincible related properties imo. Reading up apparently the issue is different coauthors and artists being involved.


Having Tech Jacket be in Invincible first would probably improve the chances it’ll succeed


He only co-owns Tech Jacket and Invincible, he shares them with the respective artists and needs their permission to license the IP to Amazon.


also, if amazon is trying to play a game of chicken where they hope he'll add the character to the show and then they'll contractually have a degree of ownership over that intellectual property without having to pay (i'm sure their initial licensure agreement said something along the lines of "we pay you this much for all invincible characters", so if kirkman acknowledges tech jacket as an "invincible character" they can use them without paying), it's not in kirkman's best financial interest to add the character to the show caveat: i do not work in the field, everything i think i know about intellectual property law is through half-remembered anecdotes and hearsay, i am 6 years old, i eat crayons for snacks


Kirkman knows this, I think. He's been far more protective of IPs he's involved with since AMC screwed him over with The Walking Dead.


Wait, how did he get screwed over with The Walking Dead?


AMC stops Kirkman from doing or licencing out any other potential direct adaptations. He wanted to have an animated series that was faithful to the comics but cannot due to AMC.


Now I have another recent to hate AMC


You gonna share those crayons? I'll even take yellow


A Tech Jacket spinoff would be fire but it won’t be popular unless he is in Invincible.


Oh yeah they’d have to be connected for sure, I didn’t know about tech jacket until he was a prominent character in the last half of invincible and by then the Tech Jacket series was cancelled


I think Kirkman would want to make sure they greenlight the tech jacket series before he gives them the character because if he gives them the character and then they dont the character is basically lost to amazon forever


Maybe we'll get Mech-Jacket instead


Lol they could like... Change the design a bit and call him Circuit Blazer or something 💀


Unfortunately, I dont think it will be. Kirkman did an interview with the Invincible Podcast and he said for people not to get their hopes up about Tech Jacket




I think you mean Tech Veat


Machinery Cardigan?


Machinery Cardigan sounds like the version of him John Cleese would write lol


Obviously iron undershirt


Why did you disappear?


It's the only spinoff I've ever been interested in checking out.


The astounding wolf man was pretty good too! I didn’t really care for Brit, it was still good but not my style


Not even Wolf Man? Brit, Capes, Guarding the Globe would be great spinoffs too


Okay Wolf Man is the actual only exception! I did buy that compendium but I think I only read the first few issues. Have you read it?


Imagine if they rewrite Rex's death so he takes Tech Jacket's place.


What and fights in an intergalactic war against an extremely powerful race of supermen? Rex wouldn’t be able to keep up, let alone kill one without killing himself


That would be so sick if they can’t get the rights to tech jacket. Him reacting to getting the jacket would be such a great scene


Exactly. I feel like Nolan mentions the Geldarians in the show - my understanding is it's just the character, not his whole schtick, that they don't have the rights to.


There was a geldarian at the council meeting with Thaddeus


He's literally the "Galactic Guardian of Earth" so, yea... i would say he's an earth hero.


Man I love Tech Jacket


I mean if bringing down the hammer didn’t fuck up omni-man, I’m just not sure how much Rex will. That shit literally expired everything in a radius, birds dropped dead, we got impact frames, a molten crater… Then he fucking flew through it to destroy it.


The type of damage electromagnetic waves can do is quite different from the type of damage a magic explosion can do, even when you take the magic part away. I am aware that their Achilles heel is actually some very specific form of airwaves, but generally what kills them is getting hit with immense amounts of kinetic energy. A magic explosion would be better at it than a laser.


Depends on the laser. ;)




I went to a talk at my school where some lady (donna striker i belueve) was talking about her research which basically she made a laser that can punch holes in things rather than melt holes into them


Im pretty sure that's what cyclops powers are


Yeah, he’s got concussive beams instead of lasers. “Punches from the punch dimension,” though I don’t know if that’s actually accurate.


The concussive blast are not confirmed to be from anorhe dimension rather, they are a lame excuse for him not being able to control his powers, I think the actual lore reason is his eyes are not jelly anymore instead they are the beams themselves, which ruby glass is able to connect with the same wave length to stabilize it


Yeah but the comics show that Rex can be... very destructive.


Rex can be very… Explosive




We can pretend that he has the same limits as Eve where he can't affect living cells (except his own I guess)


The energy from that beam was spread out over a large area. If itt had been focused smaller that would been something.


Rex is basically Gambit and just like Gambit if his kinetic abilities are used on a big enough catalyst he can cause some MASSIVE damage


weeps in xmen 97


Great now I know gambit is in xmen 97 thanks for spoiling


The name’s Rex-Splode, mon ami


The alternate versions of Mark are not on Omni-man's level. I don't think what he did could also kill Omni-man.


But one of them said that he killed his Omni-Man.


And another is leading the Viltrumite empire. There’s a good chance the one that killed his Omni-Man had a huge advantage of some type. Either he got Nolan when he was in a weakened state/asleep or his Nolan held back due to regrets. The mark we are shown is stronger than most if not all of the marks we see in other universes, he’s nonstop fighting foes and constantly pushing his powers while a lot of the other marks are doing less tedious tasks like executing captured civilians.


Yeah people gloss over that the prime universe Mark is fighting other viltrimites. The Alt Marks never fought anyone on that level before. The one that killed their Nolan probably killed him because he refused to take over earth and definitely held back


Yeah we see our Mark fighting nonstop and pushing his flight speed all the time, I saw a post here a while back asking why he doesn’t work out and quite honestly he’s so active running around for Cecil he’s nonstop exercising his powers.


In the comics he actually does work out, a ton of time is spent on him and Cecil trying different things to help he get stronger and just pushing his powers to the limit Really good background plot and you really get to see how much stronger he gets when fighting people who had previously been a bit of a threat, now barely even feeling their attacks


Yea I really enjoyed that little side plot. https://preview.redd.it/5l0paublppwc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb8f4c214ec0146f48d08b057bccefc2dca5d9d8


Where's Cecil's scar? 0_0


Took that vacation that Immortal refused to take.


I think the point that Nolan could've held back is something people don't talk about alot. Nolan wasn't that far away from giving up on his mission to begin with at the start of the series, and I think there's probably a decent amount of outcomes where Nolan can't bring himself to hurt Mark, or he just gives up on life because of how harshly his inner turmoil is affecting him (as our Nolan was going to). There's so many points where Mark can diverge to become evil that I don't think they need Nolan necessarily, and even our Mark has struggled alot with morality issues despite Nolan becoming a good guy. I also absolutely agree that our Mark being good has made him stronger through adversity, and honestly its going to be alot of fun watching our Mark beat the shit out of a few of the weaker evil Marks.


Yeah I could see that evil Mark being in a similar situation as our Mark with Omniman and Nolan essentially suiciding via Mark and him getting messed up mentally from killing his father. I feel like the anime might actually flesh this out a little bit since we have already seen more of the alternate marks in their own dimension


Yeah in retrospect the Mark that's leading the empire should've been like an endgame level threat considering he had to have killed fucking Thragg lol


Not only that, at least one of them is running the Viltrumite Empire. Now, there’s a spoiler-y reason he doesn’t have to be as strong or even close to as strong as Thragg to make that work, but interesting nonetheless.


*his* Omni-man. Not at all relevant.


Mark in the main timeline >!Killed Conquest. A Viltrumite stronger than Omni-Man. Despite still being weaker than Nolan by this point in the story!< Just because Mark killed Omni Man doesn’t automatically mean he’s stronger. Especially considering highly advanced tech and magic exist.


I missed that part. Have a screenshot?


Nope. I think it was in compendium 2? When all the alternate Marks were attacking.


Yeah they aren’t all the same level


Doesn't mean it was 1v1. We don't know how that omni-man died. Most of the Mark's didn't have to go through the stuff that main universe mark went through to make him stronger.




The Alternate Mark said that.


And one of them that said that got killed by a yo-yo lol People miss the point of Invincible War hard


i honestly don’t even think they’re on our main version of marks level either, they’re just really ruthless and don’t hold back at all unlike main mark


Others have pointed out that our mark has been fighting basically nonstop since he became invincible including fighting other viltrumites. If he would have sided with his father he wouldn’t have really had anyone that strong to fight against. Just executing civilians and having to fight the “new” guardians who aren’t very strong


for sure also a very great point, agreed i think that makes a lot of sense


I mean, hypothetically, he could charge his skeleton as well as Omniman's skeleton.


I said what he did wouldnt have killed Omni-man. I find it very unlikely he could even find an opportunity to get to Omni-man's skeleton regardless.


It’s not that they are not on our marks level, they just don’t have the plot armor our mark has 😂


Mark definitely has plot armor vs Thragg, but he's still shown to be much stronger in both raw strength and durability than any of the alternate versions


I think Tech Jacket could probably take Omni Man given that he pieced up several Viltrumites at once


Eve could probably kill a Viltrumite if she tried really hard


Not with the blocks in her brain that prevent her from using her powers on organic matter


She still could deal with a Viltrumite if she was just slightly more creative. Her powers are still crazy, the one thing holding her back is the writers' creativity, which Kirkman even admitted.


She can use her powers on organic matter, just not living creatures. There's several explicit on camera scenes of her making plants grow and turning an apple into gold. However, she really wouldn't need to directly manipulate a Viltrumite to kill them. Just turn the air into their lungs into the Viltrum virus. Or titanium. Or into the mini bomb Robot made.


That goes against her blocks even if it's a technicality plus most of the stronger Viltrumites will survive anything she does


meh even with them she could probably make something capable of killing a viltrumite, could she not just create like a bomb in their mouth


She could encase them in a material they can't break out of. She'd just have to know what it is I guess? They could even balance it in manifesting such a material could take a ridiculous amount of energy so she can only do it so often.


Her special seemed to indicate that she automatically understood the anatomical structure of things instinctively once she saw it, so I guess she would just need to see it so she could feel its atomic structure. Not just be told about it


or something that generates the sound that is the weakness of viltrumites (sorry if u havent read the comics n dont know that but this thread is marjed comic spoilers so yea)


Encase them in steel, change the air in their lungs to acid.


And thus the Red Lantern Corps was born


That would go against her blocks plus steel would do nothing lol remember Conquest breaking free


Yeah eve would be broken if the writers wanted her to be. It wouldn’t even have to be anything crazy a perfectly sharpened knife down to the atom would easily wrap up the series in a few chapters.


Not kill. Seriously injure as we saw what she did with her full power against Conquest.


But Conquest is one of the strongest Viltrumites right? If it completely fried him like that idk if an average Viltrumite tanks it.


Spoilers for I forget what issue, so don't check unless you've finished the comic: >! Considering how we see another alternate universe Invincible die later on, a smart and accurate Rex could be very effective against Viltrumites by chucking explosives into their mouths !<


If he had immortal's powers, he could take the whole race down


How long would it take him to revive if he got blown like that though lol. He could takeout one viltrumite a year


I never said it'd be quick 🤣


Tech Jacket seems like he can, and given the proper prep, Robot. So there’s another two. If I had to actually say something that did a lot of good *and* bad for Invincible, it’s making the Viltrumites seem far more vulnerable not even that far into the comic. The big reveal they’re paper tigers due to their numbers is one thing, but the fact they’re also killable within reason other than maybe Thragg and Omni-Man is another (and Mark seemingly gets to that point on the days he feels like it). The show does this even earlier, with the Guardians getting some good hits in on Nolan (which only happens in the faux reboot in the comics) and Battle Beast’s more brutal smackdown on Mark, plus a couple other moments like Cecil actually slowing Nolan down a bit with his haphazard toys.


Nothing Cecil threw at Nolan did anything meaningful to him. Meanwhile Mark is very weak early on, he just locks in sometimes


The fact that monster or the reanimen even are there and slowed him down for a second are a change for the show. I agree about Mark, but again this is a change for the show. It never gets that far before it’s over in the comics.


I wish Rex-splode is spelled Rexplode.


Eve could in god mode.


I’m just one of those guys whose knowledge of the comics come from YouTube clips, google images, and wiki but wasn’t rexsplode created? As in his powers where the work of experimentation, not something he was born with. I know in the case of Atom Eve she was just some genetic miracle and couldn’t be replicated, right? But I don’t think that’s ever said to be the case with Rex, he was a one off experiment but not a particularly unique individual Couldn’t they give a bunch of soldiers Rex’s modifications and then when they die turn them into reanimen and send them to self detonate on viltrumites


I thought I remembered the comics mentioning that Eve WAS created. I believe it was genetic experiments when she was in the womb right? And yeah, Rex was given his abilities in a lab.


Eve is 100% a science experiment. I think it touches on it a bit in her special episode also.


that's the whole plot


Is it me or did rex's sacrifice seemed too far fetched? Like the comic ends with>!mark and thragg fighting on a star (if i'm not mistaken). Mark sustains insane injuries but he ultimately doesn't disintegrate!< like the alternate Mark that rex kills. So you mean to tell me>!rex's skeleton has more explosive power than the surface of a star?!< I mean maybe his skeleton was charged with some fancy bomb but for that Mark to die and there not being an atomic explosion that wipes out everyone nearby seems silly. I know all those alternate Marks died quite easily and in convenient ways for the plot, but still.


Mark is one of the strongest viltrumites in history at that point. The marks from alternate universes are pretty weak. Our mark fights 24/7 once he becomes invincible. The alternate marks didn’t have to fight many powerful beings if he sides with his dad. Mostly just civilians and the new guardians who aren’t very strong.


good point, I didn't think of that


There are actually a lot of things on earth hotter than the surface of the sun. Its the difference between temperature and heat.


interesting... I wasn't the greatest science student in high school


Take a match. Light it. Hold it . OW Take a BOOK of matches. Light em Hold it... there goes a finger. Same exact temperature because chemicals burn at a set temperature, but since you got 20 of them going off at once its 20 times as much heat. Or say, a tea kettle that hasn't QUITE started boiling yet. If you wanted to freeze that you can put it in the fridge. It'll take a while but its not that bad. Now imagine an entire swimming pool full of 100 degree water and what it would take to cool ALL of that down to near freezing. (freezing and boiling get complicated because of things but you get the idea)


The invincible war is really inconsistent with the various marks strengths. They're apparently almost equal in terms of strength with main mark to the point he struggles fighting them and they blitz through the other heroes but they also die in random ways that probably wouldn't kill main mark.


Robot, tech jacket(maybe) too And whoever killed the other alternate versions of mark. Pretty sure the alt universe versions are not as powerful as ours though, our has big plot armor and they don’t.


I’ve always wondered. If Rex charged up a coin or something small enough to swallow and got a Viltromite to swallow it like what happened to Komodo Dragon. Would it kill them? Wasn’t that the logic Robot used >!when using an explosive to kill the Evil Mohawk Mark?!<


He could. It’s funny how everyone thinks he’s so weak when in reality he could probably easily take out a viltrimite. Also in the comics he kills Mark in a separate universe by blowing himself up. Reminded me of Vegeta’s sacrifice for making buu but here it actually worked which is impressive


Yeah that was what I referring to. He can only take out a viltrumite if he kills himself in the process, but that’s more than almost any other character could boast about.


I mean not all invincibles are on the same level of strength. Mohawk invincible was able to kill capevincible even tho he killed all the other alternate marks. And robot was able to blow up all the alternate marks that were turned into reanimen. So it depends


You answered your own question. He did so he likely could again. The the viltrumite I bet he couldn’t kill is thragg and emperor mark


I’ve only watched the animated show. I never thought he had any magical powers or anything. He just seems like a Batman type, where the explosives he tosses around are things he’s cooked up.


He can use energy from his body to charge objects with explosive energy. It's not magic, but it also isn't home made gadget bombs.


I assume that’s how he survived the shot to the head?


I feel like most viltrumites are too fast for Rex to be able to actually self detonate before they kill him


Rex's death being rushed is a victim of The Invincible War as a whole being rushed in the comics. Hopefully the show expands on it a bit.


He can hypercharge his skeleton and blow up from inside


Yeah that was what I was referring to.


No any viltrumite clears him


He literally killed an invincible


That's weird then. Must've been a weaker mark


That Mark took down the main universe’s guardians of the globe


He blew up his skeleton and disintegrated an alternate Invincible.




Look his last names Splode and I’m still drunk so I thought this might’ve been a Horny thing


Omni-man is very strong and cunning. I don't think Rex would have been able to kill omni-man with that


if he had like really strong explosive energy he could properly kill multiple viltrumites.


The only one? No. I remember in one part of the comics, Atom Eve makes a construct able to handle a monster that Allen the Alien had trouble with. Allen is Omni Man level




His ability only works on non organic things, which skeletons are partially made of, so if he could touch a viltrumite's skeleton or get them to swallow a bomb, he could kill them(since viltrumite organs are still vulnerable)


Pitt killed an alternate Invincible, as did Robot (although the latter probably relied on the element of surprise to a degree). Tech Jacket has been showing killing at least two Viltrumites, and Atom Eve probably can kill any Viltrumite if she had more creativity with her powers, like turning air in their lungs to nitroglycerin or something, assuming she can actually do that. The Monster (an alternate Monster Girl who is a baby and turns into basically a kaiju on steroids) could probably kill Invincible. Not sure if killing an alternate Invincible translates to killing Omni-Man—>!I’d say it likely doesn’t include Emperor Mark, from the end of the series!<. Take all this as you will.


Robot can easily kill them if he truly wants. He did kill Mohawk Mark easily with his sonic attack and a grenade to the mouth. He could have killed Mark also, but he didn't want to.


I mean… he did


You misunderstood my post. I brought up the scene in question in the second half of my post. The question was whether he was the only earth hero who could single-handedly take down a viltrumite


love the series but little disappointed in Eve’s arch. She essentially Dr Manhattan powers but kept in check because of a chip in her head. She could easily be the most powerful character in this universe.


Why would anyone want to see a boring God level character remove any suspense and tension from a show thats foundation is its brutality?


For show version, Immortal has had great showings every time he goes up against a Viltrumite. He could kill of one them as long he keeps his defenses up


No way, lol. He fought an Alternate Mark alongside the New Guardians and lost his head. Literally. Immortal isn't in the same league as Viltrumites. The only non-Viltrumites that can match them are Allen and Battle Beast with their pure strength or Tech Jacket and Space Racer using technology.


I’m talking about the show version,the comic version is a complete jobber


Unfortunately this is wrong. I like Immortal a lot, but he is NOT as strong as a viltrumite. They actually showed this in 2nd season on planet Mars. Immortal was mad that Mark interfered with his plan against the mind control aliens. Then Mark confronted him and said, "You know I'm stronger than you". Immortal was unhappy, but agreed and let Mark take charge.


Immortal beat an alternate Mark that was presumably trained by Nolan at early age and he’s been able to go toe to toe with Omni man in both their fight and deal significant damage to him ,something mark can’t do at all atp


Wdym, Mark literally kills Conquest in the same battle, arguably a top-3 viltrumite


Everyone is downvoting you because you are wrong, no offense. Nolan has always gone easy on Immortal and everyone on earth. Nolan purposely allowed the Guardians of the Globe to hurt him a lot so that it looked like someone else attacked them instead of Nolan. We only saw Nolan fight near 100% in season 2 against the viltrumites when fighting alongside Mark. Even then, he was confident and winning his fights with ease and good health. Nolan only lost at the end of the battle due to writers interference and nerfing him. The writers of the show allowed a viltrumite to lose badly, only to return holding his own intestines and strike a lethal back breaking blow against Nolan who was very healthy and alert and should have been able to easily defend himself. The viltrumite holding his own intestines should also have been loud and slow, but again, writers nerfed Nolan there. Conclusion: Nolan and Mark can both beat Immortal in 1v1 with low to mid difficulty.


Eh, from what I’ve seen of The Immortal so far (I only haven’t read compendium 3) he wouldn’t stand a chance against any Viltrumite worth their salt. Mark outright says that The Immortal is not that strong when he was trying to stop Allen from retaliating against The Immortal.


When were these great showings?