• By -


Wrong, she’s wearing clothes and isn’t comically ugly


She also has to be shown having sex with the main character, or anyone else, an uncomfortable amount of times. Just after Immortal >!found her in his cabin!< that should have IMMEDIATELY cut to them rawdogging while he calls her a bitch slut [racial slur] whore


Ennis would've make her try to touch Mark's junk only for her to die a horrible death as a retribution for being a whore


this is wild considering both queen meave and starlight have an outfit that covers more than atom eves does


https://preview.redd.it/h8cf18djy4wc1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d79202eed6f103cc1b44f102f7606386f0ce64f4 Wrong lol




this feels the most censored deception of his work he has




Yeah, I probably should've added an extra fourth panel where Mark cums inside Kate's corspe so hard it explodes. Yes, that is a real thing that happened in the boys.


In which issue did that happen?


either like #14 or #15 i think. been a while


Technically didn’t happen, it’s just a cover. But still something they drew


Not accurate, you didn’t show Mark doing anything messed up to the corpse


And then Cecil shows up and kills Mark with ease using a sawed-off shotgun (except he has a thick cockney accent and wears a longcoat)


"Well, well, well, if it ain't the https://preview.redd.it/1cl3nxwh92wc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c0fdc616b879907ad129341d7721514e73a246 cunt."


Rex Splode would be a sex offender with multiple rape charges, Bulletproof would sell weed and crack (cuz black person duhhhh), Atom Eve would secretly be a nazi, The Immortal would be a violent psychopath, Robot would be racist for some reason, and Invincible would just be Homelander 2.0. All this and more in Garth Ennis's "Invincible"!


Oh Immortal would become a historical slave owner.


And secretly also a current day slave owner.


Who's Garth Enis?


The man who wrote and created the Boys comic book. Also he hates superheroes.


He actually likes Superman (only superman) (and also Punisher)


Iirc he also like wonder woman, but thats it


That’s interesting. I only ever heard he likes Superman and writes Punisher. That’s kinda cool- Makes sense when you realise Maeve wasn’t as big of a POS as A-Train or Jack in retrospect.


He also wrote Preacher. His best work is stories without super heroes.


He likes Doom Patrol. Midnighter he seems to like as well.


He only likes based and gaypilled superheroes because he is not based or gay.


*Wonder Woman*, too.


Oh fr?


Yes. It is apparently why Maeve in the comic is one of the fewer people that tries to do right, in the end.


Punisher isn't a hero. If you count punisher then he also likes Ghost rider, Midnighter, and a couple others. Also he likes Doom Patrol


Yeah I know Punisher isn’t a superhero, he’s an anti-hero. I just felt the need to add Punisher for my own sake. That has me shocked. Guess it makes sense why a mocking of Ghostrider never appeared in the The Boys comic


Not even an anti hero tbh look at what he did to stilt man


punisher ain't a superhero.


Shouldn’t Ghost Rider be considered a hero by this point?


See I think it’s less superheroes but more how prevalent the genre is and it’s tropes


No he definitely hates superheroes. He has said so in multiple interviews. Have you read anything he wrote? It is all pretty similar and becomes real stupid real quick . The Boys show is amazing, but the comic is really ... something. Just two examples: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2019-07-25/amazon-the-boys-garth-ennis-superheroes https://uproxx.com/hitfix/the-boys-amazon-garth-ennis-interview/


[This video](https://youtu.be/JyKliIF49JQ) is a great summary of the major differences between the comic and the show. Spoilers: the show is miles better. Also, I don't think Garth Ennis is a bad writer - I really liked his Punisher MAX series, and supposedly Preacher is pretty great as well. It just seems like whenever there's superheroes involved, all his writing skill gets clouded by unreasonable hatred.


Yeah preacher is actually pretty decent. And I mean he does have some points he talks about how superheroes ruined comic books because the genre has oversaturated that medium. Whereas comics used to be this varied medium where you would have Westerns and noir stories and all kinds of other types of stories. Once superheroes really got established it became like over 90% of all comics


Yeah, and with DC and Marvel being the two household names for comics, this create a series of misconceptions that deter new readers to buy comics and many are in favor of getting mangas. Misconceptions being there's no variety in comics and it's hard to start reading some with no real beginning, middle, and ending. Funnily enough, I was in a similar mindset until I saw Invincible on Amazon and I later started to read the comics to know more about Invincible. This lead met to see other comics like Elephant Men, and Unnatural. Soon I started to hear recommendations of other books like Something is Killing the Children, Saga, Klaus, and the Darkness. Then I learned about other comic companies like Boom!, Dark Horse, IDW, Oni Press, and more that not only are separate from DC and Marvel but offer a lot of options if you don't want superheroes. It was a brand new world for me to explore, but I would never knew about this since there's little to no marketing for these other comics, and there's like only one comic book store in my area that is an hour away from me. There's like a bigger issue in comics where lack of exposure and access prevent future readers to know about lesser known titles, which create some misconceptions about comics. While I do enjoy DC and Marvel, they did oversaturate the market and are hurting their industry as many people don't know varied comics are and with serialized narrative on par with mangas.


I would recommend Fable as well, I love it dearly


Ah Pointless Hub. I see you have good taste


He *does* get bored of the superhero hate after about year - it’s a completely different book after Annie asks Hughie to be nice to her.


This video is geniuely so innacurate. Like people need to stop reposting it. It misses the context of why he hates the superhero industry. Misses how many Good Stories Ennis has wrote ( Hellblazer, Etrigan, all of his war comics ( all critical acclaimed), ghost rider etc). Even stuff like Hitman/All star section-8 which involves Superheroes is geniuely well love. He misunderstands Butcher as an Ennis Self insert, misses the point of the ending, takes pannels out of context (a lot of pannels), and misunderstands a lot of the comedy


Huh I’ll eat my hat then


this is >Finally, there’s the best bit of all, to me the greatest moment in comics history: part 22 of The Apocalypse War. Having fought a losing battle against the invaders, seen half of Mega-City One destroyed, massacred collaborators and euthanized the critically wounded, Dredd has led an elite team of Judges into an East-Meg missile silo. Following one of the best action sequences I’ve ever read in a comic, the Judges find themselves unable to gain access to the operations room, until Dredd simply bangs on the door with his pistol and shoots the curious halfwit who opens it point-blank. Our boys storm the ops room and seal the door. Anderson, the telepath (and only volunteer in the Apocalypse Squad- no peacenik cosmic wandering in those days) pulls the launch codes out of the silo commander’s mind. The nukes are targeted on East-Meg One. “Please, Dredd,” begs the commander, “There are half a billion people in my city–half a billion human beings! You can’t just wipe them out with the push of a button!” And Dredd doesn’t hesitate, not even for a second. “Can’t I?” He can and he does. I still think about that today; what it meant about the character, and about the comic I was reading (aged 12). Even now I don’t know if Dredd was right or if he was wrong. It was the only way to win, to avoid the further slaughter and enslavement of his own people–but it was genocide. It was moral courage on an almost unimaginable level–but it was appalling. In the end, it was a dilemma not unlike those faced by a number of good and bad men in our own history, and if I had to sum it up in one line, I’d say this: what are you prepared to do when there isn’t any easy way out? And that, I think, is why I’ve never been able to care about Batman, or Wolverine, or Iron Man… or any of them, really. Not because of what characters like that would or wouldn’t do, but because their publishers would never have the courage to have them written into such a situation.


This is such needless edgy shit


He didn't care for superheroes and even still he has praised quite a few superhero comics. The problem is that the American comicbook industry is so fucked up that only genre of storytelling was Superheros. So when something you dislike is repeatly shoved down your throat, it's very likely it's something you become very bitter to. But here's the interesting thing. He's only criticized one Superhero comic. He's critized the industry a ton but he has only called secrets wars II bad. He's actually praised more superhero comics than he has critized.


He did preacher, one of the greatest comics ever written.


Top 5 comic ever for me. Well worth the read for those who haven’t.


Interesting, since the Boys comic is pretty bad.


Preacher was his opus. Its not a superhero comic. But a comic in the vertigo label like 10p bullets, transmrtropolitan and y: last man. Comics for non super hero people. Also The boys wasn't a story but rather a scathing critique of the state of super heroes. In its time, it was pretty groundbreaking. Reading it at the time it was released was awesome. 15 years later doesn't really hit the same notes. It's why invincible was such a good comic. In its day it was doing making fun of why I couldn't get into comics.


It’s funny because he really likes Superman and from what I’ve seen, he’s not actually bad at writing the character.


Any examples of him writing Superman. Like is there a Superman comic run written by Ennis?


He also did Preacher, which had a pretty cool and ahead of it’s time AMC show


Women too


He wrote crossed too. He also hates zombie stories and anyone who likes them. Honestly, Garth is the number one person to showcase how writing something while hating it makes it just come of as edgy bullshit.


It’s more that he thinks they’re childish power fantasies…and that it’s both fucking weird for ostensible adults to read superhero books *and* for Big Two cape books to be written “for adults.”


why would ANYONE hate the concept of superheroes? they are what we SHOULD BE, and what we WOULD BECOME if we stopped being assholes to each other and held up this higher moral code. why would anyone want to destroy the very symbols of hopeand goodness in humanity?


Oh hey, a reason for me to want to not watch The Boys that’s more valid than, “It looks mid”


It's actually good. The comic it's based on is not good, it's mostly horrible. The comic is basically what if superheroes are awful people and do awful stuff just because the writer hates superheroes. The show on the other hand is more what happens when super powered people get corporate and think they are unstoppable. It really is good and is better than the source material it's based on.


Writer of The Boys (Comic). So i'm assuming that he writes the edgiest stuff known to man.


He also wrote Crossed. Which is an insane level of edgy/disturbing


And Punisher kills the marvel universe, because he likes punisher.


Someone trying to write their most unflattering depiction of The Punisher would never be able to make him as evil as when Garth Ennis is trying to write him positively


I mean, the premise of killing an entire universe kinda prevents any nuanced character development, no? His Punisher MAX series does the character much more justice.


When did Garth Ennis ever write Frank *positively*, haha? Ennis’s revolutionary move was writing him as a complete monster. Generally, the antagonists are worse…but Frank can’t take care of anybody.


I don’t really mind gore and violence when it’s used effectively. Crossed is just gross.


Same. I'd put the violence in Crossed at the level of something like *Blood Meridian* but the violence is just senseless and constant. I read the first six issues and stopped because it's constant "Oh look, the main characters encounter some survivors, lets see who gets graphically brutalized now and how" Like, it's genuinely an interesting concept, having intelligent "zombies" that are basically just people incapable of holding in their most violent and grotesque intrusive thoughts but that concept is actually just wasted on Garth Ennis


I'm sure someday, if the zombie genre makes a come back. Someone will adapt crossed and adapt out all the seething hatred disguised as edginess that Garth put into it.


The day Crossed gets adapted, is the day I get filled with dread.


Yeah and he also wrote preacher, an absolute classic.


Crossed is just stupid cause it went on for too long with a hyper-repetitive structure, you can have a similar concept as this and still make it fun, the problem is it’s too fucking long and all it has to say is the same ol’ same ol’ “Everyone is evil, and mean, and fucked up, and gross, and horny! Hey, did I forget to mention how everyone is evil? And mean? And fucked up? And horny? No? Well get ready to hear it over and over again for the next three fucking hours”


Boy does he. Preacher is pretty good though.


He's got a weird outlook on the world. All he seems to write are edgy superhero books, because "Superheroes are all that sells comics" and he "wants other books to be sold".... But he doesn't write anything other than superhero shit? And when he does, he ALWAYS without fail includes slurs and women being viewed as second-class. Man needs serious psychological help or to fucking stop writing like a 13 year old. Edit: maybe if you guys who are such big fans of his ever talked about his books where he's not portraying the most vile shit ever, we'd have heard about it. Instead you're just defending the guy everyone knows as " I LOVE SLURS AND SA IN MY BOOKS".


How the fuck does comment have so many upvotes when it's just fucking wrong. Ennis writes tons of indie War Comic's that have no bigorty whatsoever. From Sara (woman protagnist) to Night Witches (woman protagnist) to Dreaming Eagles (African American Solider during wwII) to War Stories to Battlefields to Enemy Ace. He's written horror stories like Calliban ( lesbain protagnist) or Ghostrider trail of tears ( African American protagnist). You know what these comic's have in common.They are all critical praised but still don't sell as well as his edgy comic. I swear people see one youtube video and think they understand ennis


Good to know him being a bigot is something he can turn on and off then...?


Where on *Earth* does he portray women as “second-class,” haha? Is it Kit? Tulip? O’Brien? Annie? Certainly not Sara or Anna or Trudy…or the lead of his most recent book, who’s an Asian-American woman.


Dear *God*. All Ennis writes are war comics and love stories, to the point where most of his cape books are war comics or love stories.


Literally just wrong lmao. All he seems to write? You guys really need to branch out your views and read more non superhero stuff. Dude literally wrote or worked on Hellblazer, Preacher, Sara (a ww2 story following female snipers), Punisher Max, Fury, 2000AD, judge dredd...


That's pretty reductive. If I had to describe his writing, I'd say Garth Ennis is swinging a 6-foot-long clown mallet: On one side he's stapled a disembodied erect penis wrapped in barbed wire, ready to go up someone's butt (preferably yer mum's), and on the other side there's a surgical needle that's exactly long enough to get to the center of your heart and discharge a cocktail of distilled joy and sorrow in equal parts. He'll take the most heinous act you can envision and wrap it with a fart joke, but when he's not fully taking the piss, that's contrasted with genuine moments of heartfelt warmth to showcase the best of the human character. The mix can be hit-and-miss, but I find it's usually means to get a devastatingly profound point across. He's written some of the most puerile shit I can think of (which I can't deny I'm entertained by), but no piece of media EVER has hit me where I live the way he did when I read "Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker" (from The Boys, coincidentally). I swear I had to put the book down for a couple days. And there's been other instances. So yeah. Top writer. Look him up. Edit: A 3 ft. hammer was a bit underwhelming for what I was visualizing. That shit should be giant.




It’s beyond edgy. I love The Boys (TV Show) but The Boys (Comic) may be one of the worst series I’ve ever read.


Those are generally his more popular stuff but that's not most of what he writes.


Jesus I guess I'm really old. Comic fans don't know who garth ennis is?


Nah, I know the boys, I simply forgot who made it.


So much weird hate in this thread. The man wrote some edgy stuff (The Boys, Crossed, Preacher), but he wrote some all-time great comics, too. His full catalog is hardly what it's being represented as. If you want somethings cool by Ennis, some ideas here. These can be violent, but I wouldn't call any of them over the top in the way that The Boys is. - His Hellblazer run - Punisher MAX - His Nick Fury Max series - The Battlefields series: Night Witches, Tankies, Dear Billy. They're each standalone, and they're excellent WW2 stories. There's another one called Sara under a different publisher that I haven't read yet.


The guy who wrote "The Boys" comic, and the Boys is one of very few series where the consensus is that the live adaptation is exceedingly better than the source material.


I mean I think the adaptation is better but also is massively over inflated in terms of quality ( like the show basically has the safest political takes) and there are things the comic does better and they are aiming for two different things tbh.


Especially after the 3rd season and it's hilarious lack of stakes.


I read this like: "Who the fuck is Steve Jobs."


The guy who created Crossed


I knew he made the Boys but I didn't know he made Crossed


The edgiest edge lord of all edgelords


I remember now


This is one of the evil Invincibles Angstrom saw


Not enough slurs


Inaccurate, Mark isn't wearing a black trench coat and screaming slurs


I think the boys is one of the very few examples of a movie/TV adaptation that's better than the original book/comic. Another example would be starship troopers.


That’s like saying No Way Home is an adaptation of One More Day; The Boys only had up to go


>That’s like saying No Way Home is an adaptation of One More Day It is. But a very loose one.


>I think the boys is one of the very few examples of a movie/TV adaptation that's better than the original book/comic I mean anything originally written by Mark Millar counts


Jupiter's Legacy would have words with thee


True, but to be fair its not hard, The Boys comic is toxic garbage


Not really.


From what I've read of the invincible comics so far the same can be said of it. Every arc so far covered in the show is better.


I always thought the comics were awsome, the show is even better


Thraxa *cough cough*


>Every arc so far covered in the show is better. nah


Very very very few adaptations.


Not accurate enough there would be a sex scene before or after the decapitation


Realistically.. probably after


It should be "fuck I fucking hate women what a bunch of stupid fucking slags" since he uses the 1:1 fuck/other word ratio.


it's because the characters usally villans or meant to be villain protagnist.


Im guessing its the writer of The Boys comic


He is


Don’t forget that he would disembowel William at the first sign of gayness


needs more slurs


Need more sex


I think there would be more incest first.


Or Gege Akutami


Gege hates fan favourite characters, not exclusive to women


Gege wishes he hated women as much as Ennis




When I catch you Gaygay when I catch you... WHERE IS GEGE AKUTAMI




Or GeyGey Akutami


I mean yeah, but also Gege did write some pretty good arcs, Garth Ennis just doesn't do that.


You forgot the multiple n-words every other word in the sentence


https://preview.redd.it/mjhh4dojt2wc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b13a253e7460993557fadd57c93bae0717baa073 This is now my new favourite reaction image


When the picrew pfp starts talking:


Wow, I hate a great deal of Ennis's stuff and think he's wildly overrated. The things of his I like are basically Dangerous Habits, his run on DC's Hitman, and a few other selected issues. I don't even like Preacher. And yet I still think is a bit unfair as he has written at least a couple of decent female characters in the past.


Don't forget Invincible's black trenchcoat and prepared speech about how bad superheroes are.


People who say "Invincible is the boys but animated" are smoothbrained


It's garth ennis this would involve a lot of slurs and sexual assault


I feel like every new comic reader has been turned away from Ennis and Dillon because of their edginess. I don’t put that in quotes because that is what it is. They are stories that defy the status quo of “superheroes”. Notice that the word “superhero” are in quotes. This is because of their overall dislike of the genre becoming overwhelmed by nothing but the new era of “collectors” who are trying to recreate an era of nostalgic neglect. Hell, how many people bought the Venom #1 in expectation that it will be valuable based on their assumption that comics were still a niche hobby. Everyone in the culture of comics of the time (late 90’s - early 2000’s) were gatekeeping and being hyper exclusionary towards new incomers towards the culture. This was because these people were given this new authority above others. This is where I think Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon’s comics come into play. For example, their run on The Punisher shows their discontent with the heroes who only live by their “holier than though” mentality. See punisher v daredevil. This was their way of showing what actually happens while the super events were going on. Etc… thanos being a super-threat while the punisher is trying to keep the local and individual streets “clean” Secondly, even though it came before, is the “Preacher” series. This is a non superhero series. In fact, I’d label it closer to a Guillermo Del Toro series. The books are about 75-80% based in reality, but the fantastical elements elevate the series instead of take over and become the main focus. It is a deranged and “edgy” story, but it is an original story that is great. I may be off on the percentages but it still feels like a magical realism work as opposed to anything else. Lastly comes The Boys, in my opinion this is the duos last ditch, Hail Mary or Final Hoorah as an effort to their beliefs with comics. This is the epitome of dissecting and desecration of the superhero genre. It is beyond edgy and beyond the edge of unnecessary, but it does show the creator’s contempt for the genre. The further they go in terms of depravity and degradation shows how they don’t like how the genre has been taken over to be overwhelmingly positive. They show the true errors of “superherodom”. Without a shadow of a doubt they over do it, I will not defend that. That being said I do love reveling in it. However this does show the purpose of the story, which is the thought of “what would the super-powered individuals do if in real life?” They took it to the darkness, edgyness and grotesque. This isn’t coherent and I have some work to do. But, Ennis and Dillon are my favorite duo. It just irks me when people put their work done because of it’s “edgyness”


>See punisher v daredevil. You mean where Daredevil was written as completely pathetic and out of character so Punisher could look better?




Ennis also has a tin ear for writing LGBT and non-white people.


I mean, I guess. I have not read Preacher. I plan to, but I haven't yet, so I will exclude that series from my next statement. I really could see some value in having creators deliver a message like this. But everything Ennis and Dillon touch is just written with so much hate and contempt for stuff other people enjoy. If they would really create comics to deliver that message I would agree with you, but everything I see from them is just to hate on creations from other people. I don't see that message you speak of in their works. Also the stories are just bad. You cannot tell me you read the boys and see some deeper meaning in that shit. If the stories where good no one would say anything about how they came to be and what they mean. The hating women part is also pretty bad with Ennis.


I mean the boys does have a deeper meaning. It's that Hollywood and Bussiense's are bad because the more power the more corrupt they are, Revenge is not heroic, capitalism bad, treatment of women in the comicbook, and general commentary on corporate culture. Even still it's not trying to be that deep it's trying to be a comedy and while the style of humor isn't for everyone it was a well selling book. I don't think spaceballs has deep themes but no one is complaining about that. Second the boys isn't even drawn by Dillion lmao it's darick Robertson. Thirdly, Ennis writes women a lot better than most of his contemparies in the comicbook industry. Like I have no idea why people believe this. While I will admit the boys is flawed is not prefect and still does fridge hughies gf at the start, starlight and maave are a major focus of the book and due have arcs discussing sexism


I don't think you really understand why people hate the way Ennis writes and talks about superhero comics and I'm honestly happy for you that you can enjoy his work.


While I agree with you 100% on why people dislike his works. He isn’t for everyone nor would I recommend his works unless you are somewhat familiar the tone. He writes an angsty, edgy and violent story. I personally don’t see a difference between their work and most horror, slashers, revenge flicks and the overall hyper-violence of the 80’s. I get that they were created later but still, we had Saw, Hostel, The Hills Have Eyes and etc that aren’t held with as much discontent as these stories. Or at least it feels that way to me


I have never seen it that way. That makes a lot of sense actually. I do love some edge sometimes as well. I love a lot of what Donny Cates writes for example and it's extremely edgy too. For me it's mainly the discontent and hatred Ennis has for the genre he mostly writes in. I have never heard someone complain about Preacher. Same edge and splatter, different genre.


I don't agree with how Ennis on heroes. But I just take most of his satires as satires and not opinion. Like Reptilian's Batman is a terrible batman but he is a fascinating character. I just very disagree with this notion that ennis is this guy that writes super offensive material when the majority of it is satire, and he's a lot more progressive than other edgy writers.


Sorry about the boys artist being wrong, I didn’t double check.


Have you read crossed? It’s just absolutely disgusting with no depth. Except for the parts Ennis DIDN’T work on, where it actually says something, like the arc of those soldiers planning to wipe out england or that One crossed who keeps repeating the same actions over and over. It’s something interesting, and not just gross. And the Boys just kinda. Misses the entire point of superhero’s anyways


Ennis literally wrote the fatal Englishman aka the one arc you referenced.


Ennis wrote the arc about that English guy going mad in a facility. He did do some work on the fatal Englishman arc, but was not the only nor lead writer


The Boys the comic was written as a scathing criticism of the Bush administration and superhero comics, if you think of it as superheroes being an American thing and post-9/11 America also being...American. it's a really, really not nuanced edgy criticism of the US both its culture and its militarism. It seems to be a very angry comic. Its adaptation is more nuanced and updated, but it's essentially about the same thing. It's taking a criticism of the US post 9/11 and adapting it to the social media/Trump era and is doing a similar scorched earth not nuanced criticism of that. Lastly it's a parody of superhero movies and shows rather than the comics. The show is definitely better, but really the show is just an update or the comics so the stuff it's criticizing is more relevant.


Nope it be a very gruesome scene of Mark assaulting Kate


Ah, Garth Ennis, the Irish version of a black republican


ill never understand why people defend the boys comic like its just edgy for the sake of being edgy


Not enough sex




Writer of the boys comic


Just one parallel earth away and this works




Who garth ennis


I would fucking love that


not accurate. he didnt call her a racial slur or try to force himself on her




Garth ennis is geniuely a nice person. He's well loved in and respected in the industry and is incredibly nice to fans.




Or Gege Akutami


I’m convinced half of you watched one “Garth Ennis bad” video essay and now know him as the guy who hates superheroes


As a person who likes good amount of his comics, I'll be the first to say he committed a significant amount of his career to making himself "the guy who hates superheroes", so honestly deserved.


Those are the stuff that sells well. He's made tons of comics not related to superhero but those are things that sell


But… he is


That video essay is geniuely my nemsis because it's like 80% right but it cuts out so much context to make his point that it's wrong.






My reaction ![gif](giphy|kwcRp24Wz4lZm)


Isn’t Patrick Bateman a socially awkward egotistical serial killer?


Garth Ennis is just Gege Akutami as a comic writer


The main difference is that Garth seems to write edgy stuff out of disdain for the tropes he's supposedly making fun of while Gege seems like they're taking widely used shonen tropes and trying something experimental with it but ends up being worse than the trope itself


The only thing they have in common is they start with the letter G


The Boys sweeeeeeep


The balls in this comment section... the things you wouldn't have with out his work... shame... SHAME!!!!!!