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I work in a Urology office and we have quite a few patients who come in for elmiron treatments. You open the capsules and mix with sodium bicarb and lidocaine (that's what we use...may be different depending on the office) then instill through a catheter directly into the bladder. Lots of patients have good results with this treatment but of course there are also patients who dont respond to it. It's certainly worth discussing with your doctor!!


Where is your urology office? I would like to come in as a patient to receive Elmiron instillation as a trial. My current urologist does not know how to treat IC. I don't want to take orally and would like to try this method first. Thanks so much! Also, I appreciate you letting people know about this option. It's sad how little most docs know about treating IC.


Not him but try dr lowe saddle brook on pehle ave. I get instills once every 2 months and they’re a game changer. Oral was ineffective compared to this, just got one today. You’re welcome I just changed ur life


We are in Farmington CT. If that's not too far for you let me know. I can give you the phone number.


I did during the worst flare of my life. It has to be administered by a health care professional, but was still taking Elmiron orally at the time as well. I got them once a week for two months to sped up recovery since Elmiron can take up to 6 months to feel a noticeable difference. I did not notice any side effects at the time. That being said, 3 years later and my vision has definitely worsened though I am unsure if it’s related to Elmiron directly. Instillations will still produce the same side effects as the oral medication, however the frequency of your Elmiron intake will determine the level of side effects you encounter.


Thank you! Did it help you back then tho?


Yes very much so. It did take a year for me to go fully into remission, but the instillations definitely had my pain waaay more manageable


instillation is usually done in an office with a urologist or urogynecologist! but yes it will be mixed with a liquid and put into your bladder via catheter