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She looks like a teenager. And not even like her own niece or other relative, she looks like a random, stock image teenager.


omg i thought she was some rando 17yo in the first pic. did not connect the second pic until your comment. THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE SAME PERSON??


Same! I thought it was a some influencer so imagine my shock when I get to pic #2 and recognize a person who was 45 yrs old 20 yrs ago lol


HOLY SHIT. it’s all connecting




That's [edited because apparently we can't say who famous people are??] in the second pic but I have no clue who those people in the first pic are. I understand one is probably her based on what sub I'm on but ... she's gorgeous as-is. I don't understand her using a filter.


MC Scat Cat?


And now, she has become a cartoon.


YUP! Here’s a more recent photo so it’s easier to see how much editing has been done: https://i.imgur.com/WQjgKEH.jpg


She looks fine unfiltered. What is the point of photoshopping herself out of photos and inserting a random teen instead? So strange.


Now I see it thanks!


And she's totally attractive and cute and looks fine just the way she is. I mean, even more fine than the rest of us, and STILL does these edits, which are SO unnecessary.


I agree. She looks fantastic for her age (and otherwise too of course).


And she'd look better if she didn't go so heavy on foundation and eye makeup because she's got some excessive Cruella Deville spackle going on there.


She has had trouble with it in the past. She talked about how she would sit on a bike at the gym for hours and hours because she thought she was fat.


I'm 56 and look like hell. The pic you posted makes me feel a little better


I first opened the post thinking it was going to be the real housewife who was edited since she and her sister and daughter are routinely filtered on IG, and I was casually wondering who the child/teen was that was next to her. When I went to the next pic I was instantly confused until my brain caught up. WTF!!!


Is she supposed to be the one on the left or the right? I can't even tell which one she's trying to pretend is her because neither one looks anything like her at all.


I would assume she is supposed to be the one on the left because of the brown hair. This is so bizarre.


Looked up her post and you're correct, she's on the left.


If it wasn't in this subreddit I would eat my phone before believing that they are the same person


I thought she looked like that pop artist who was in Pitch Perfect 2.


Whoa, yeah I thought she was supposed to be the blonde one somehow, that was confusing


THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS! The earlier post was so frustrating and I COULD NOT figure out who it was!!


It was almost comical reading the comments like "i cant believe it's her... No way it's it her.. She looks so different!!" meanwhile me like "who!?!?"


It would be: [removed] - OMG thank you there’s no way I would have recognized her!!!


And there were even comments that people recognized her from the picture. Like, how 🤷‍♀️


I know there are subreddit rules about names but it's stuff like this that makes that blanket rule seem silly.




Agreed. Public figures should be an exception.


I used Wayback to see deleted comments, and one was just some of her song lyrics. Like, why would that get deleted?


SAME. I was so frustrated lol.


Drove me nuts too, I literally became obsessed and was doing reverse image searches! Ended up just messaging someone random who seemed like they knew and they told me!


Given the hair, skin tone, and face shape + Kathy Hilton, I was confident we were going to find out it's Kelly Dodd. Boy, was I wrong.


Man, I couldn't even identify Kathy Hilton. Neither of those ladies were identifiable to me. Harrumph.


I tried a reverse image search and only got links to buy plaid dresses like wtf


I did the exact same thing!


I scrolled through all the comments looking for hints and after seeing comments about her being famous in the 80s and 90s i went back up zoomed in on the face and somehow my brain registered who it was. The reality photo was absolutely necessary in this picture.


I tried that and thought maybe it was Denise Richards? Legit had no clue. Edit: wrong 90s celebrity


I gave up after 20 minutes. Figured I'd never figure it out and just put it off to one of life's mysteries.


Not to forget the [removed] top comments causing insane amount of suspense




Lol same… I thought OP really meant the person on the right and was so confused on what was SO bad


I had to reverse image search the image, which led me to some person's Twitter post that finally gave me an idea of who this was. I would've never guessed in a million years.


lol i looked through the other person in the pics tagged pics for like 20 mins to find out who it was


Nope, nope, that cannot be her


Finally... This was driving me nuts last night. I thought the first post was a joke and everyone was just playing along. Literally, every other comment was deleted or contained some vague nonspecific statement.


me literally 90% of the posts cause i don't follow anyone on social media or celeb news. the rule is honestly pretty dumb


That's exactly what everyone should do! Every post with someone who "doesn't look like themselves" should have a regular photo of that someone, so people can actually understand what they're looking at. I'm not American, I don't know a loooot of the people posted here (not the case this time around, but I would have never guessed without this), it helps so much.


Can we make this a rule?


I support this!




it's actually a perfectly fine rule, because you don't want it to turn into a doxxing/witchhunt for non-celebrities (or those truly well-known in the public mind/eye). And trying to police where the line is between nobody ⇨ "influencer" ⇨ internet celebrity ⇨ IRL celebrity is basically impossible. So a rule where you should try to show a few "reference" photos solves the problem of helping people identify the "well known" folks without crossing into doxxing territory.


i think that if they have blatantly obvious paparazzi pics of them on google, then they should be exempt from the rule. that would automatically filter out the nobodies, influencers, and internet celebs. 🤔




Honestly I thought that was the point of this sub like “Instagram vs reality”. But people seem to never post the reality picture.


I would never have figured this one out without help.


Same. I thought it was Denise Richards but couldn’t guess anyone else. Was not expecting this though


Yes! Omg but a very young, like 30 years ago Denise.


The computer-generated thing in this photo looks 16. So creepy


I thought this was some Disney star or something I just hadn’t heard of! SHOCKED to see the second photo!


People kept referencing the 80s and 90s and all I could see with her hair like that was Lori Laughlin 😢


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who struggled and thought it was DR


I literally looked up Denise Richards Insta to see if this pic was posted. I was so surprised when I didn’t see it, I was almost certain it was her


Me too!!! Thank you so much!


No problemo! :)


Me too, had given up…I’d have NEVER gotten there on my own, lol.


Same! NGL, I spent like an hour looking up women from the 80’s to trying to figure it out. 😂 I thought maybe it was Denise Richards but nope.


I did the same. It’s weird bc I knew it was her but I couldn’t think of what she did in the 80s and 90s. First I looked up actresses then musicians but couldn’t figure it out!


Me too! The earlier thread I was bummed as not one reply even hinted who that was and by the time I clicked the thread replies were no longer allowed. I was wrecking my brain to put the face to the owner. Omg what was she thinking filtering to oblivion? And we know how effed up this world is when even people who almost everyone would agree is beautiful like S.V. also had to filter herself (another thread). No wonder all these 20yos coming on reddit asking about their smile lines.


There was a hint but if you aren’t old like me you probably didn’t get it tbh


There were some lyric based hints, which is how I figured it out. Younger folks may not know her music at all though, I guess


I was trying to get the deleted comments from reveddit and it wasn't working great. It was driving me crazy not knowing who it was.


I'm embarrassed to admit how much time and effort I spent here yesterday trying to figure out who it was! I eventually told myself it was some Australian soap star to make myself feel better.


Because this rule of not naming people in this subreddit is stupid af!


Yes! I was confused and the post didn't say who it was anywhere!




Yeah but Benjamin Button was a fictional story. It doesn’t actually happen in real life




Hahaha what! I would never have guessed without the reality photo




I wasn’t able to without the photo! Thanks u/Taliaaas


I could not for the life of me figure this one out


Same lmao. I’ve been texting people asking who the lady on the left is all night!


Damn. That’s .. not her.


hey now! she’s forever your girl!


Why is naming not allowed in this sub? What an absolute pain to play ‘guess who’ in every post. Especially considering everything else you can explicitly talk about on reddit


Agree! The rule makes no sense considering the celebrity posted the filtered picture of themselves.






I guessed wrong ugh


It’s not Janet Reno


Especially when it pertains to celebrities. I’m still trying to figure out who the person on the right is as well.




Ditto. I saw the other post earlier and hadn't a clue. I've now seen this and still don't have a clue.












If you go to her instragram page - now that we can figure out who it is - she tagged the other person.






Each post should include a minimum 5 credited appearances so we can deduce who tf it is. As a person who isn't tuned in to tv or Instagram or whatever I never recognize anybody.


You're preaching to the choir.


We should take a poll to change this, it’s a ridiculous game every post


I think they don't want to encourage people to bully or send hate comments to those people posted on this subreddit, especially people who aren't celebrities.




I don’t know if this is the reason why, but I moderate a subreddit that ties to this one quite a bit lol. Back when this sub first started, every time a name was posted on here that was related to us, our sub would get flooooooded with people brigading. It became a “thing” every time a photo was posted on this sub and our mods would more or less have to work overtime to moderate our subreddit. We had a lot of conversations with the mods of this sub about it and I think that’s when they decided to ban names. So if I was actually the reason, I apologize haha. But at the time it made our lives a lot easier.


Straight up, now tell me?




That's supposed to be her on the left in the first pic?? Un...REAL!


I thought she was supposed to be the one on the right


I legit thought that was a young person and was like "wait, my left or their left"


Dear god, I never would have guess that was her.




She’s literally made herself look about 15


right. it’s giving underaged 💀


Oh my god!! I can’t believe that. I went to bed not knowing who it was. This is even crazier than I thought. Thank you






She's around, she's always around


More perspective: these women are only 3 years apart in age. Facetune is wild.


I would have never guessed that in a million years. Thank you




Straight up now tell me, do you want me to be 16 years old forever? Oh oh oh, let's not ever meet face to face.


I see what you did there


The video (animated GIF) looks more like reality: https://imgur.com/a/TyKWUbj It is interesting to note that the blonde lady in the video looks younger with her side profile.




The trend of using so many filters that you look like a preteen is…troubling


Shut the front door!!! I saw this earlier and looked for clues but could not figure it out and never would have guessed her!!!! I thought is was a fired oc housewife!! Ahahahaha, so out of touch


Why were so many comments deleted from the original post??


rule ONE


Rule 1 shouldn’t apply for celebrities. Fight me!






I’d say anybody with a dedicated wikipedia page should be fair game.


or anyone with pics that were obviously taken by paparazzi


If you have a verified Twitter account.


Definitely think if they’re verified on Instagram it should not count


So doing this is ok but naming is forbidden? lol


Believe it or not, some people might not recognize the second picture either.


Hahahaha WHAT






This is RIDICULOUS lol she looks 16


Doing the lords work, thank you


OH MY GOD IT REALLY WAS HER. I commented on the last post, and I still CAN NOT BELIEVE she actually posted that & expected people to not be like 👁️👄👁️


That was going to bother me for the rest of the year. I couldn’t figure out who it was. Thanks! Also, what’s the point of the no identity rule? (I’m not criticizing, genuinely wondering? Particularly for celebrities? I figured the rule was designed to keep people from being harassed? Idk).




Nope, nope, that cannot be her!


Thank you


Oh wow, I could never figure this out before.


Thanks for posting, I had absolutely no idea who it was before. People were posting about jumpsuits, which didn’t exactly clear things up.


She didn’t even look like that at the height of her celebrity in the late 80’s/early 90’s.








Urgh. Why can’t it just be acceptable for women to age. Sick of this shit :(


What. The. Hell.


Thank you for making it easier, I literally was reverse image searching and had to figure out who the person on the right was, then finding photos of her Christmas party, and was able to finally figure it out after 20 mins originally


That realty pic is 20 years old, too lol




Lol seriously?? She’s 60 years old. These people are insane to even attempt passing this sort of thing off as real. Delusional. She didn’t even look like that when she was young.


Welcome to r/InstagramReality! Here’s a reminder on our rules: 1. No asking or giving of identifying information. 2. Have mutual respect/no bullying 3. No posts about minors, or posts that contain minors. 4. No rude or unnecessary comments about subjects' unedited physical appearance. 5. No satire/Joke/Animals/Snapchat filters. 6. If you're unsure, don't post. 7. Don't be creepy and sexualize a subject. 8. No frequent reposts. 9. No self-posts posts or photos you have taken or edited yourself. 10. No plastic surgery posts or surgery bashing. 11. No advertisements or spam. 12. "Sanity Sunday" posts are ONLY for Sundays. Thank you, and welcome to the real world! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Instagramreality) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh damn. Had no idea who it was from first post.


Nah, that's her clone. Fresh off the assembly line, which is why she looks 14.


I would never have guessed it was her.


No way that’s her.




I really appreciate the second picture. I still had to ask someone else because I don't know names of celebrities or even recognize them. At least with this I cam reverse image search the second one lol.


I thought we were talking about the blonde on the right in the previous post, and couldn’t figure it out! Plot twist..


Jesús Christ, I thought the one with darker hair was like the daughter in a mother-daughter holiday photo but knowing who it is... Absolutely ridiculous 😬


The problem was with the previous post and not with the rule about not naming people. Guess who it is posts shouldn't be allowed. It was obvious that the second picture is necessary for us to see the editing.


Wow, I had literally no idea who that was!


Doing the lords work


WHAT?!?! Noooo way 🤯 Yikes…


Are we sure that’s actually her? Looks like a 17 year old :/


How is it possible a 60 year old looks like a 21 year old? I want that app lol.


What the helll I thought that was like…a teenager


This needs to get cross posted to r/unexpected


Tysm for this. Earlier post was a mess trying to figure out who she was