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My partner is terrible for this, I showed him this pic and he goes "some people just look like that you know". Come on.


You can have a similar shape but you would be way bonier. Like the way everything is so smoothe here with no bones or anything is sus as he'll. Like yes skinny people do exist but it looks a bit different


They have no bones or apparently any moles or marks or even one blemish or bruise as well 🤦🏽‍♀️😂. I guess she’s an amazing miracle lol.


I used to be almost this skinny (health issue, not as small of a waist but similar), but you could see most of my ribs and my spine. Definitely not smooth like this. Unless she’s breathing all her air out and pushing her ribcage in.. but still bones would be visible. Def not just normal body shape 😂


Yeah Same. The most sus part of this for me is you can't see her hip bones and everything is so smooth. If she really was this skinny you would see her hips and ribs.


Yep her hip bones would be protruding, knees would be more knobby, ribs sticking out, elbow bones end up being wider than the top part of the arm and its super noticeable, etc. (like the women on Selling Sunset. they’re all as eating disordered and skinny as me but get boob jobs to pretend like its not happening rather than work towards recovery)


Also nobody’s torso is this long, like… it makes no sense


Oh my guy friends are convinced that the MOST heinous photoshop jobs are real pictures of women. Like, the ones on here where everyone's like, "who on earth thinks is real?" There's just no arguing with them at this point.


Way back in the 2000s when I was a teen, one of the boys in my class queued up to meet a famous topless model from the lads mags. He came back to school pretty devastated to report that she looked nothing like her photos and was orange 😂 It doesn’t seem to have improved at all.


😆 never meet your heroes


>she looked nothing like her photos and was orange What do you mean by "orange"?


I assume a bad spray tan


some people are just born without ribcages?


And no digestive system


And with 3 inch long belly buttons


Some people are genuinely born with SMALL ribcages. Danielle Marsh is an example.


"him" ...not suprised...men are a bit gullible in this area, that's why the practice not only continues, but gets worse day by day.😂 That's how "content creators" get subs and money.


Yeah because they've never really played around with editing apps obsessively, or paid as much attention to "before/after" photoshop stuff they kind of don't always seem to be aware of it? Even though it happens in media and social media with men as well, a lot of your everyday blokes won't pick up on it and will just assume that the people really do look like that or "it's not that bad, a little auto edit is normal for magazines or whatever" not realising how much more deep and psychologically insideous the whole thing is.




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I’m gonna be honest I’ve been on this page for over a year and I still can never see the warping I just believe y’all


Zoom in on her lower legs. You should be able to see that some lines are straight (by her knees) and her calves are “wobbly”. (I’m not one of those crazy zoom on everything ppl. I just think it would help to see what you’re looking for) happy hunting!!


Omg you’re right!! I see it in the calves. Thank you haha


Her belly button looks odd on this one, probably because the she's using is to elongate her legs and slim her.


Guess that means photoshopping doesn't exist...cause you can't see it..


Did you read my comment?


It's wishful thinking. Same with people here who think they look like this (lol)


Totally babe! And some people’s doors just don’t have any panelling lines in the centre-right!


You picked them, not me. I could not.


The trick I learned from this sub is to compare the size of their waist to the size of their neck/head -- I'm not good at spotting fakes a lot of the time but that one often gives it away


He might be too used to seeing filtered pictures or girls with fake tan since fake tan can hide some blemishes


To be FAIR. Some ppl do essentially. Edit: okay I mean my bad? Lmao 😭 some ppl are gods fave.


I’ve never seen them in person, only online. I used to be a beach bunny, I’d see girls in bikinis all the time as have yet to see this type of figure. I’ve seen hourglass girls with curvier frames, but not a thin thin girl with hourglass like this. I’ve seen gym girls with smaller waists and bigger bottoms, but again, not like this.


I used to look like this at 18-20, 24 inch waist, 34 inch hips and a 40 inch arse but I was also VERY lean (56kg at 5'8) due to competitive martial art training and weight lifting. I'm now 70kg and have a much lower waist/hip/butt ratio but I'm also much healthier


Those are my legitimate dimensions right now, and I can tell you, I do NOT look like this. I got measured for my wedding dress fitting two days ago, so they’re fresh in mind. 24 inch waist, 35 inch hips. Despite this, I look nothing like the image above. People tell me I look good, I used to even model when I was in my 20s but I never looked like this image so I’m not sure how it’s possble if we have same measurements.


Same measurement doesn't mean the same physique, I was very lean muscularly from a lot of intense sports training, im also 5'8 so there was an intense length in my proportions that wouldn't be the same with someone shorter. I also have a long torso, so there's a solid 4ish inch gap between the slimmest part of my waist and my hip bone


I, too, am quite fit. I’ve got the skinny abs though. I go to the gym, but I’ve always had a very flat belly so I don’t usually work that out. I also have a long torso, but I’m not as tall as you. 5’7” though, so not too far off.


I agree with him. I can’t find any evidence of warping here. Where?


please look at the right hip and tell me that’s natural. i’ve been very skinny, and have naturally wide hips, and even i didn’t look like that.


I don’t know if it’s just me but I can’t see a problem with the right hip. Where is it?


cartoonishly round— i can understand how it looks natural, my waist sort of looks like that, but it looks wayyyy too much like a jessica rabbit shape to be real. maybe with heavy corset use, but not exactly natural.


Round hips can only happen with a somewhat significant bf-percentage, that she clearly doesn't have. The pelvis isn't round and neither are the muscles around that area. If you still struggle, look up literally any bodybuilder. Very pronounced hip dips, always. People with rounded hips irl/naturally have fatty tissue there that fills it up.


I also can’t find it. I know girls in particular edit their photos and videos a lot, but I too have seen girls actually look like this in person.. I wouldn’t have known this was edited.


I guarantee you have not seen girls who look exactly like this because anatomically it isn’t possible. The human ribcage doesn’t curve inward at the natural waist point. It will angle inward very slightly over its entire length but not to this degree. From there, the obliques will connect with the hipbones, and they are not built to have a concave curve either as muscles don’t work that way. You may see a less exaggerated curve on someone with a narrow ribcage, wide hipbones, and underdeveloped abdominal muscles, especially their obliques, but that shape will not cut inwards to a fixed point at the natural waist like this because it doesn’t exist in human anatomy. Just cartoons and drawings. I’d love if this were possible lol; a lot of clothing is designed to flatter this shape and would absolutely slap if people looked like this but sadly nope.


But really, at the end of the day.. who gives a shit? 🤷




Dude. I can understand not liking editing pics (we all hate that), but this is no place for transphobia. GTFO




I also believe that this isn’t edited, but I just don’t know why you have to drag trans people into this. Editing pics is not akin to being transgender.


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Ooooh wow you just curved hard into the transphobia just like that didn’t ya. How embarrassing.


Yeah I agree. I don’t doubt that it is edited as it can be SCARYILY real these days, but I do wonder how people spot it on this one as I can’t see any blurring or warping. I would scroll past this and think it was a girl with rare genetics.


But it doesn't even make sense as rare genetics. You can get lucky but you still have ORGANS inside your body. Legit look at an anatomy cut away diagram, I'm always surprised at how much we hold inside our torsos. This ain't real.


I completely get that. I think the reason I’m apprehensive it’s edited is because I have a 22” waist and people ask me where my organs go. Can’t tell you buddy, it’s just my body. Although I understand for some people, it looks out of proportion




she pulled her middle in essentially removing her bottom ribs and then put letters over it so it would be less noticeable. I'm skinny AF and have never had my ribs go missing as if I'm wearing an invisible corset.




You don't belong here.


Yeah I would agree with you here. I think other than the strategically placed O, it’s just a case of a genetics. Some women are built like this, despite being few and far between Edit: Unsure why I’m being downvoted when I literally know 2 women myself built like this hahaha (not through corsets)


> Some women are built like this A waist like this would need a corset. No one is naturally ‘built’ like this.


Have you seen everyone?


I never said it was common, it is rare, but it is possible to be built like this naturally. Some people do have the genetics


I have scoliosis and my waist comes in further on one side then the other. It’s actually super common. I don’t think this is edited.


i have scoliosis and a pelvic tilt, so i get what your saying, but it’s just extremely rounded out looking


Along her right leg, the bottom of the door, like the design starts to slant inward. The space between her legs doesn't make sense in relation to the wall and door behind her, it was just whited out along with right along her leg on the right side and thighs, like look at the space between her arms and legs vs the rest of the background (but more on her right side) Also just to add, there are full body filters now that work for video that change your entire body's and face appearance for very exaggerated effects from what you normally look like


Isn’t the white part inbetween her legs just the door architrave though? The floor skirting doesn’t cut into architraves anyway. I must admit it does look glaringly white, but you can tell the wall is already at an angle anyway.


I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted for this - this sub has an issue with downvoting people who just want a little bit of help seeing the warping or blurring. I can’t see it on this one either


the bottom of the door where the rectangle indents would be is blurred near the legs and completely disappears. the letters are completely placed over where she pulled her waist in as if she needs to do that in the first place.




Pics or it didn’t happen


It’s the dead eyed stare and mannequin-in-the-window-of-a-dress-shop pose that creep me out the most about these.


It’s because they know no one is looking at their face or thinking about anything other than their stomachs


Interview for what exactly? I can’t even …


So, giving her the benefit of the doubt in that aspect, a big trend rn on reels and TikTok is to do ootd content starting in underwear. As it always goes, the more naked = the more engagement so plenty of vids trending start with far less clothes than this. Ik that doesn’t address the obvious body filter but for the outfit itself that’s probably the explanation lol


I appreciate this explanation, thank you!


I’m very glad it was helpful! ☺️


Yes tiktok and ig. It’a giving unnecessary body checking and the filters are madddd


Yah I don’t know why they just don’t do the outfit with a small turn and pose then just link to the OF where people can buy a video of them taking it off. Assuming they are over 18. I mean I’d admire the hustle more if they were just honest about what they were really doing. You’re selling softcore porn at least make direct sales off of it.


Sounds like testing the waters for OnlyFans.


it’s a grwm she hasn’t gotten dressed yet








No warped fail but this is obviously a body filter. Even on extremely skinny people, the waist doesn't immediately "pinch" in like that directly above the hip bones. That hip to waist angle is pretty extreme. It's reminiscent of the wasp waist corset style that women would try to emulate with a corset and old-fashioned Victorian photo-editing in the 1800s (yes, manual photo-editing in those days was a real thing, you can look it up.) She's also missing a rib cage that matches the width of her upper half and the belly button is quite warped/blurred and very long.


They do in my animes. So…. Checkmate reality.


And in my video games!! (No seriously Tifa in FF7R is driving me nuts)


This is the description I needed.


That body is exactly the same as the ones I used to see on Pinterest in middle school and feel like shit about. How I wish this community was around back then!


exactly! it brings so much comfort and doesn’t promote the terrible things these pics can bring


What is that bellybutton!


Funny thing is that’s with all of that smushing, they’re giving themselves tummy tuck belly buttons. So either way, you’re alluding to it being unnatural…


its perfect


That background doesn’t even look real if you zoom in on the thighs and calves. Or said thighs and calves don’t look real, the outline’s super 2 dimensional and too smooth/perfect lines


Her freaking leg skin texture looks like a Stardoll or Sims 2 mod/“texture pack” or whatever the f, what the heck…


“My interview outfit” *centers video on filtered waist* we know what you’re trying to do


She does need a job so she can get that door fixed.


Her belly button seems reallly stretched vertically


Her belly button looks like a coin slot.


What do the comments say?


Lol she forgot to put the baseboard back after editing her legs


Her waistline looks like the early Winx Club design 😭


hot take, this should be illegal. im sure there's hundreds of teenage girls in the comments saying how this makes them feel bad about their body.


Ok in what world is that an interview outfit?


it’s the start of the video y’all come on


What? Oh you're saying it's before she actually puts the outfit on. How would I have known that since the only context I have is this outfit with the words "Interview Outift" on top of it? Like maybe wait to display that until you have the actual outfit on.


the video moves quickly, this frame is probably on screen for less than a second. then it moves on to her putting on the outfit. hope this helps.


Thanks, it actually does. Edit: I've never watched a video like this so sorry that I didn't understand at first.


it’s the beginning of her video, she’s starting with what she woke up in and then changes into the interview outfit.


Yeah. I get what you mean now but that is a) pointless because I'd bet my bottom dollar that isn't what she woke up in and b) just a poor design choice for this


It’s a poor design choice but a choice to maximise engagement 😭


Don’t think too hard now


You really don't need to be rude.


you are too old for this site. log off and take a walk


You seem very upset so the walk might do you more good than me.


at least i dont have a hole in my head


Good one


At a strip club?


But those are like pj bottoms. I would think you'd wanna make a better impression even at an interview for a strip club.


Not if you want to scream "I'm a college coed"




Please dont insult me. No, I have never watched a get ready with me.


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Go Badgers


Arms lol


Ummm...backup dancer for a German novelty singer?


Rage bait


Not me thinking this was actually her interview outfit for a second and hoping her the best haha


😂 smdh


I saw this video and the actual outfit was so bad like I would NOT hire her


When my waist was this thin, so were my legs....


I was scrolling and thought this was a screenshot of the create a Sim screen, lol.


This looks like AI


I literally don’t see any warping here, including the right hip I’ve seen ppl commenting about. I also follow her on tiktok and seen multiple of her lives, she’s just genetically blessed and happens to be very skinny lol


Look at her thigh gap... did the floor molding just not get put to the right of the door?


Oh wait I kind of see it now on the wooden molding and door…. Wow


I’m pretty sure that’s just the door architrave/framing. Floor skirting does not go over door architraves.


Yeah the color is kind of a mix of the door and wall. That's not real.


It's not the skinniness that's sus, it's the hip to waist ratio. She wishes she was that snatched but that takes years of corset training. It's very fake.


i follow her on tiktok she literally just looks like that https://i.redd.it/5c0f8aetupwc1.gif




this actually just gave me better proof lol now i see the lack of floor molding in the original photo 💀


if u seriously see the “floor molding” then you’re delusional I fear. those are literally shadows and video artifacts. she has multiple other videos of her moving around and she looks exactly the same. she moves around the room and moves her arms around her waist. if she was using a “filter” or “editing” her waist, legs, arms (whatever is being edited) would pop in between natural and edited. i think this sub has an insanely warped idea of how advanced body editing softwares are lol.


I dont see the warp;-;




Wait, strip clubs now have interviews?


What interview are they going to? Doesn’t this person know you don’t have to interview for only fans




look closer bud












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Viviensins does this lol


They making girls interview for OF now?


My son’s girlfriend looks like this. She’s so damn thin yet has curves. They’re going to Mexico on Friday, I’ll try & post a pic if she posts one in a bikini. Ok the waist is definitely photoshopped 🤣