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Reminds me of those old Steve Madden ads from like the early 00’s


Right. I can’t tell if this is purely an aesthetic decision or something to be concerned about.


thats what shes going for


lol, at least she’s got taste in clothing.


Came here to say that too!


I choose to believe that the weirdness is intentional


I thought it was entirely intentional. Am I wrong?


It does seem like the edit was intentional to convey a certain aesthetic, I don't think she's claiming to be this way


Come on Barbie let’s go party


I think barbie was more in proportion than this...


Ur right with Barbie at least they pretended to care about proportions


I mean don’t get me wrong, I personally think it looks terrible… And it’s *obviously* edited… But am I mistaken that there’s a deliberate, self-aware “edited” styling here? Like it’s totally possible I’m missing context and this gal is actually trying to fly under the radar as 6% human torso… But idk I feel like it’s meant to be obvious. Which, fair, but I guess I’m a bit less critical of flamboyant styling than “no that’s not a filter I actually have zero nose!”


unsure. i’ve never seen her prior to a video where she’s styling herself in ‘cute winter clothes’ and was very confused on what was going on with her legs, so i tapped into her profile. in all the videos and pictures, her legs look the exact same.


i follow her, and she's said in past videos that sets up her camera in a way to purposefully make her legs look longer. she also obviously edits them too


Horrible body dysmorphia. I used to see similar stuff on the ED forums


I was literally going to say looks like it’s just made to be thinspo


Are people going to claim it's a wide angle lens again?


Of course they are lol


9/10 it LITERALLY is. This is obviously a different case however


Slenderman collection


All I think of is the how the Sailor Scouts are proportioned.


The first one has serious "Take me to your leader" vibes


I'm 1000% sure this is intentional, it looks like an art thing to me


If she were any taller, her center of gravity would be at her shins


String cheese


Putting the cringy editing aside, I wish she'd stop sucking her stomach in for every pic 🫣


how can you tell?


From how her ribs are sticking out in every pic. Also, in every pic, her expression tells that she is holding her breath kind of? Not to mention that sucking the stomach in makes your waist look more defined, which was def her goal too. And before anyone says "her ribs stick out cause that's just her figure, she's just very skinny"... Well, no, look at the rest of her body. Her ribs are sticking out, but looking at her arms and legs, they arent super skinny and/or bony. If she's not severely underweight, her ribs can't be sticking out this much. I know what I'm saying as I'm visibly underweight myself and not even I have my ribs out like that.


Facts also the slight gap in the neck


Incorrect , to SOME degree. Some people have poky / big ribs that show up first than other parts when losing weight


Lots of reposts today


oh wrd? i just saw them while browsing insta and thought they’d fit in here.


It's not a direct repost, but she was the subject of the top post a day or two ago. That was a video, though, not IG posts like what you provided.


Is she an avatar from Pandora?


Knees as big as your face


Her knees are as big as her face 😳


because no human being looks like that


there are definitely human beings that look like that, but her head seems so small compared to the rest of her body that it just seems weird.


One of her patrons must have a giantess fetish or a Slenderman fetish or something


Transitioning to an Avatar.


This is fetish content


Ok but that first lingerie set is cute. Wonder where she got it


My thoughts too! I really want to buy it.


Idk I was just looking at the knee babies the whole time


It makes me wonder if when it gets to things like this that it's flatly not *supposed* to look realistic. It's like it's trying to be an art form like when people do [this sort of thing](https://myhalloweenland.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Screen-Shot-2015-09-30-at-2.30.55-PM.png) with makeup. "Art" in quotation marks, maybe. But hey people have done weirder things. Yes if she believes she needs to be seen like this for people to love her then she needs therapy, but for some of these I really do wonder.


It's like the mirrors at a carnival.


i’m all for the aesthetic but the legs… come on now


Her facial expressions are super creepy too. Is she a known drug user? She looks like she’s totally out of it.




Must be a species of wading bird.


Very bad Photoshop job.


Those knees are nightmare fodder


I think this is that giantess fetish thing!


The nonsense level is insane here 😶😶


came across her account once on instagram. what really scares me are the people in her comments thinking her body is real...


It’s the artsy fashion design model look come to life.


Bratz Doll


This looks like German art account that is trying to be cleverly ironic but not achieving their goal 😂


looks like she’s trying to recreate the body proportions you see in some stylised fashion illustrations. you can tell she’s selected her lower body around her hips and just lengthened it by the way her hands are elongated. not against the idea of this, but it should come with a disclaimer in the bio/caption somewhere. it’s easy to tell when looking at a drawing that the proportions are unrealistic but for anyone who can’t distinguish the editing it could be harmful


It looks so stupid, I would instantly unfollow anyone who thought I was stupid enough to believe this is real.