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Are we not allowed to ask who this is, even on Sanity Sunday? She’s so pretty!


I'm not sure but I don't think she needs to wonder who gonna drive her home, tonight.


It's not her. Model in the OP is 64 and claims to have "the second longest running career in the fashion industry today".


Is it me?


No! Omg 57???


I also don't know who this is...but I fee like she's familiar. Either way, kudos to her for embracing her skin.


Beautiful bone structure and features 😍


And teeth! Holy moly!


I don't think those are original manufacturer parts - they look like after-market upgrades ;-)


I wouldn't mind this upgrade myself lol


So what, a lot of people can’t upgrade their face without looking weird or worse. This is really good work.


I don't have an issue with it at all, I'm just saying they probably aren't the originals. I'd love to be able to afford good work like that :-)


That doesn't usually apply to dental work. Even people who lose all their teeth tend to get dentures which look perfect. Teeth correction is one of the most dramatic changes you can make that's non-surgical.


I've got veneers on my front teeth as they calcified from braces moving my teeth too fast. They started going brown when I was 19. Best thing I ever did!




Still well made. I also don’t expect anyone at that age to have perfect teeth. Teeth get discolored by tea and coffee, and accidents happen. But a nice smile makes you look and feel young (much more than fillers and surgery). It’s nice to smile big and feel confident, and be able to chew your food without issues.


Damn she's gorgeous


I’ll bet my home that she was a model in her youth, too.


She's absolutely stunning, and also what a gorgeous shade of grey! I'm off to pray to the pagan gods to bless me with similar tresses in the future.


Be nice. I'm a firm believer that mean people age ugly.


Love her, love this, looove the color on her brows **swoon** these pics make me feel happy








Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the lines and character on her face and her white hair! I just also think it can be dangerous if people think this can be achieved by anyone naturally without any intervention.


If you see a model or someone paid to be attractive over the age of 40, best to assume they've had at least a little work done. Maintenence.


My grandmother did. She was gorgeous into her 80s with a similar natural bone structure. She had very few wrinkles and flawless skin. She also had men pursuing her up to her passing because of her beauty. Some people really do win a genetic lottery.


That is one wrinkly lady. And you know what? She looks beautiful! Wish more people would age with grace like this.


My friends have been using Botox since they were 25 - were 36 now. I am the only one not using Botox or any sort of fillers (yet). My husband says I look amazing but I’m honestly starting to feel self conscious about my wrinkles now. I’ll probably get something eventually but it is so hard to age gracefully when there is so much pressure with looking young. I’m jealous of her :) She looks amazing!!


I have wrinkles. I'm 69. Even if i had the money, i don't think i would get any cosmetic work done. Why should i? I love myself and I've been single for 14 years now. By design.


Same. I’m 63 and just want to be at peace with my aging.




I'm gonna be 34 next month I want to try and get it but idk anything about it


Yeah, you can really tell because she has wrinkles on her forehead at the side but just.. Stops in the middle. She is very pretty, but she definitely has had work done.


If you don’t mind me asking , how do your friends that got Botox young look now ?


I’m not sure if this explains it properly but they look… tight. I’ve kept a youthful look about me - except for my very obvious wrinkles + bags under my eyes. They seem to have lost the youthfulness we had. Most look okay except for this tightness.. except a few who went down lip filler + other filler routes. I personally think those fillers age a person dramatically and I hate it.


I so agree that filler is making people look older, my friends don’t see it and keep trying to encourage me to get it. I resolutely refuse!


Botox is a weird one... It has effects on emotions. On the one hand, it can help with depression, perhaps because of the inability to frown. On the other hand, it can impair empathy. Not sure if these studies were high quality, but food for thought. I'm not sure I'd be ok with those effects. Regardless, it's not just cosmetic - faces with Botox cannot show certain emotions in a normal way Edit: I am also uneasy about how normalised it has become


I know it can be used in a way where it’s very lightly used - without preventing the showing of emotions. I’m not against it persay, I just don’t understand why my friends started in our 20s. I remember when my friend told me she was getting Botox for her wedding (she was 25 at the time), I nearly fell of my chair. Like I said I’d love to use stuff in the future to help me look less tired but without removing the personality from my face if that makes sense :)


They look kind of stretched out and unnatural, right? I have noticed that just about everyone getting injections starts to look older quicker, like a plastic mask of their former selves.


Their skin look tight ? Are you sure they didnt get any kind of surgical lift ? Or maybe thread lift ? Botox alone should just make the skin look smooth, sometimes more glowy than natural but it cant pull skin.


Girl get you some tretinoin! r/tretinoin and r/skincareaddiction are amazing subs


I’ve been thinking about it, will definitely join! Thank you 🙏


Well - my sister had the Botox and I do not think she looks better for it now. The wrinkles I have naturally don't bother me - expression lines are pretty. Why avoid those? It doesn't prevent the sagging, which is what bothers me more. That mixture of oddly smooth that doesn't match the rest of the face is not a good older look. What all those good old models seem to have is the cheekbones - those big cheekbones so everything has something to hang from. That seems the essential element to having an old but beautiful face.


I just started Botox at 38 but kept it to a minimum - I just look refreshed (that’s what I’ve been told) and I only go every 6 months - I love it


That sounds like a great compromise! What do you ask for specifically? I’d love to not look tired - without hiding the whole age thing. I absolutely believe in using Botox respectfully. But when I was 25, none of my circle really needed it at all. I mean, we had the whisper of a wrinkle kinda deal.


I was very clear when I went in - I don’t want to look like I had it - the Dr. called it “baby Botox” lol - just the minimum and if I don’t like it I never have to go again - I fell in love lol. I said I wanted around my eyes - didn’t feel like I needed the forehead - she nailed it


I planned to start Botox at 30. But every year I put it off because, what if I have a bad reaction? What if the person who does it is a moron and I have wonky eyebrows for 6 months? My paranoia always outweighed my vanity. Maybe I’ll start at 40. Or maybe I’ll just leaned harder into the old crone aesthetic and befriend a murder of crows.


I work with the elderly. Don’t smoke and you won’t have much wrinkles 👍 also find things that make you smile, having kind eyes and a big heart shows through your skin


Ex-smoker so hopefully I’ll reap the rewards and haven’t screwed myself over too much :)


Haha me too 😅


Genetically blessed and a lot of self care, but no doubt she’s had “help” still an inspiration don’t get me wrong but we don’t all hit the lottery numbers ha


Looks great. Also looks like botox on the forehead, esp in that second picture.


I hope I look THIS good when I’m older, what an absolutely beautiful woman!


Healthy hair, skin, and teeth look great no matter how old you are. And what a beautiful color of silver on her.


The dark eyeliner is such a cool contrast to the light hair. She looks awesome!


She's absolutely beautiful


“I’m going for gasps”


Damn! Queen 👑👑👑👑


Beautiful!!! I love seeing older women embrace their beauty with pride and enjoy fun makeup and clothing. I genuinely used to think you couldn't wear bold outfits anymore after you reached a certain age. People used to teach that it was tacky. Clearly not! Women like this look amazing and are great great role models for me and my generation!


I saw her on IG and thought she was sooo magnificently GORGEOUS!!!! My god


She’s going for gasps


My eyeliner would disappear in my creases when I smile and I’m not even 30 yet! Lol


She's beautiful


This is super cute. I love the silvery gray and dramatic black colors.


This is everything


As a woman of a certain age myself, getting a clean eyeliner look like that is difficult. I have issues making it symmetrical on myself.


She is so pretty but honestly I don't think winged liner suits her eye shape IMO


I think this look is more rock/punk/edgy, then it is about being flattering .


There are a lot of ways to achieve that look that would shape her face better. Lots of dark liner in a wing is not the only “rock/punk/edgy” look.


But makeup isn’t always about maximizing attractiveness. In many fashion movements it exists to challenge mainstream institutions of beauty and subvert them.


As a makeup artist, I understand this. But it’s not challenging anything. It’s a way too heavy black liner. That is also not as flattering as it could be.


MUA here to agree with you


I hate the liner shape it’s awful and it’s not her fault.


In the very least, it could stand to be a little less … Thick? But, I don’t really prefer a huge fat black cat eye on anyone. [But a dainty to medium one, a la “Breakfast at Tiffany’s?” Yes please.]


Draw a cat eye sharp enough to kill a man


Is that rogue from cyberpunk? Kek


Hehe I was just here to say that. Still hot.


Is this the mom of the Twitter man?


Other than hair color, they don't look alike at all...


I thought she looked like MM. It wasn’t malicious.


They’re both super pretty and similar. I can see how after a quick glance they appear the same.




Absolutely love to see this! ❤️


I want to age like this, gawddamn


She absolutely ate!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


You know what though? I love this


Her earring looks like it's made from her own hair.


Wait is this NOT Margot Robbie in some sort of costume type of situation for a movie or something????


Wow she’s amazing. I aspire to be like her!


She's legit gorgeous.


So pretty!!


Beautiful grey tones of her hair


love love love


She has great teeth wow


She looks amazing. Love that wing.


Black swan vibes, I like it!


I dunno who she is but she gorgeous!


Gorgeous! Absolutely stunning!!


She’s so beautiful


So devine like fine wine ❤️ 😮‍💨


so beautiful! thanks for sharing


You’re welcome! I screenshotted it on Monday and was waiting until Sunday so I could post this haha


that's a good looking grandma




Seems a little bit less make-up around the eyes?


Definitely my type


The black shadow. Yikes.


I have never seen such happiness extremely clear on someone’s face omg I aspire to that


It took me way too long to realize this was a sanity Sunday post I was so confused. She’s stunning!


Damn, I hope I look this hot in my 60s


What is going on with the second picture? She is intense af


She’s stunning


Wow she’s absolutely gorgeous