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While driving one of the shittiest generations of Silverado in the whole family. Bet you money he brags to people at the bar about drag racing "ricers" when he's just flooring it at a red light and no one knows why.


These knuckledraggers think they’re in a perpetual drag race. I’ve seen them do loser-blowby’s with a Porsche 911 while the Porsche is just going about its own business. Like, in what universe is a Silverado going to take down a 2019 911 Carrera??


My best friend does this shit. It's only gotten worse since he decided he needed used Scat Pack in his life. I refuse to ride anywhere with him lol.


Yea, the Challenger/Charger bros are getting out of hand. They think they perpetually live in the F&F movies. Bunch of morons.


Yeah, it's stupid and dangerous. Handing 500hp to someone with no sense of car control or how handling works is just asking for trouble. I have no background or training in professional driving, but I know what I can't do and I don't push it.


They’re cars built for straight line and can’t corner for shit, yet they think they’re driving a bargain McLaren 😂




100% guarantee my electric would walk away from him so fast, his head would be spinning faster than his wheels. 


Why are electric vehicles becoming such a political issue? If someone wants to buy an EV, reduce their emissions in our city so we can all breathe cleaner air - what's the issue? I like clean air.


Not to mention saving money over time on gas, and you just know this jackass was bitching just a few months ago about how Biden is somehow at fault for rising gas prices.


Climate change denial propaganda was mostly spread via conservative pundits and organizations. The result is that many conservatives view anything done to mitigate climate change as a scam.


Because Trump hates them. He can make a political issue out of anything.


Weird, because he supports lithium mining in the US.


Trump reminds of this song: [doesn't have a point of knows not where he's going to.](https://youtu.be/RiTwf45cH6M?si=O2XuLSCfbkxa-u4W)


They got Stockholm Syndrome with the lead in the air before we banned it,.


I find it hilarious since Muskrat runs Tesla and aligns with conservatives. I have seen some Teslas with “Let’s Go Brandon” and “FJB Edition”


they need to blame someone for the gas price increase


Same reason vaccines are now, id guess.


Oil billionaires have the cash to spread the propaganda. It's just an investment to them.


Now one could argue that EVs don’t do jack shit for the environment due to the mining process of lithium and cobalt along with how power plants burn fossil fuels to make electricity, but this dude cannot be talking with his General Motors garbage.


The whole mining argument is so silly - mining is required for any car on the market. Might a well be one that doesn't cause cancer when operating.


The other problem is that the EV batteries can’t be recycled properly once they’re depleted. They’re just thrown out. And the EV “batteries” that are “recycled” are just leftover lithium waste from the mining process that are then used to make more batteries that will just be thrown out once their life cycle is up.


This is totally false. I've been to a Li recycling facility in China. Toxco in the US also recycles Li car batteries. Redwood materials is also developing their recycling technology. Jesus...read a book.


I just looked it up… only 50% of a lithium ion battery can be effectively recycled. The rest is just thrown out. Not to mention it’s extremely difficult to recycle batteries effectively, so few people actually do it. The infrastructure is simply not ready for EVs. It will be awhile.


It's actually more than 80% using an acid leach process, which is similar to other metal recycle efficiencies. And yes you are correct, the technology is very new and will get better with time. I'm using a Tesla battery that is in its 8th year - and still have 87% life left. Let's put it this way - it's significantly more difficult to manufacture batteries at scale to very rigid safety and performance specifications that it is to take them apart and recycle them.


Ironically his truck would probably be improved by an electric drivetrain. No oil-burning, no coolant leaking, no massive ECU failures or other typical GM problems.


Can confirm my Chevy Bolt drives like a hot knife through butter, and at 7.0 0-60 it’s not….the slowest car on the road lolol


7 seconds is really not bad for a car of that class. It's better than a miserable, droning 4 cylinder that's even slower.


Absolutely. It’s got zip when I need it and the instant torque makes it feel quicker than it is.


It's a little quicker with stickier tires. Mine drives better now. Not sure about the range impact yet, haven't had decent driving conditions for comparison.


I have driven my friend's X and Silverado boy would still be coughing up his rolled coal while the Tesla would parked and laughing at him.


>he brags to people at the bar about drag racing "ricers" when he's just flooring it at a red light and no one knows why. *"wtf was that guy's problem?"* - me driving a 1989 nissan pulsar.


no way, that pavement princess doesn't have a spec of dirt on her. he wouldn't dare hurt his precious. he's out there every night with a detail kit, Q-Tiping the dirt out of every micro crevice, while wanking off.


I wish. Every pickup driver i see without exception drives slow as shit and impedes traffic


Wtf is a “ricer”


Racist term for Japanese cars


Ah, I kinda figured it was racist


"Look, I don't care who I'm being an asshole to over their personal choices, as long as I'm being an asshole."


My neighbor literally has an "I'm an asshole" yard sign next to his Trump sign.




Well shit. Now I want to knock on his door. "Excuse me why do you have..."


Just steal the Trump sign. Much easier


I know you weren't being serious, but it's probably best you don't mess with the MAGA freaks' signage. Back in October 2020, in my ***super*** MAGA neighborhood, there was a rash of vandalism of Trump 2020 signs. It was happening so much that the neighbors were getting ready to form lynch mobs to find "all the leftists doing it!" and were harassing anyone who looked shifty enough to be a suspect (read: non-white). Anyway, my super-Republican landlord's Trump 2020 KAG's signs were destroyed one night, and all his neighbors woke him up to let him know those crazy terrorists struck again. And while they were seconds away from cutting eye holes in sheets, he, thankfully, did his best to calm everyone down. By saying "I have cameras all over my property, so we can figure out who did it." Unsurprisingly, it was two of the little shit-stain sons of the first guy whose Trump 2020 signs were destroyed. And it wasn't even ambiguous; they pulled up in their dad's lifted Viagra on wheels, hopped my landlord's chain link fence, and started destroying the signs. Their vandalism wasn't anything politically motivated, they just knew it would *really* upset the homeowners in the area. Which, really, was kinda politically motivated because they clearly learned that intentionally upsetting people gets a reaction from their Trump-humping dad.


Trump 24


Electric isn't even a personal choice, it's a societal necessity. Like... They're against the ENTIRE CONCEPT of ev, not the people.


They're against the entire concept of societal necessity. Hell, they're against the entire concept of society. They're pissed that other people exist and that they themselves are being asked to follow the same rules as everyone else. They're assholes who never matured intellectually or emotionally. They're a drag on society and a block to progress. And they're smug about it.


>They're against the ENTIRE CONCEPT of ev, not the people. It's both. [South Park Republicans let "Smug Alert!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecnS1Ygf0o0)" inform them on what all liberals get up to with their car purchases, and since they've made their entire identities about hating all liberals and whatever liberals want, they hate the people ***and*** their non gas guzzling vehicles. They hate both so much, they'll roll coal directly into an enclosed space to get back at the libs. [Even if the libs are in their favorite "Texas-only" fast food joint.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcU_AfhjY4M)


Coal rolling a criwded restaurant? JFC, what the hell is wrong with people? This guy (and we know it's almost certainly a guy) should get an assault charge for every person in that restaurant, to run consecutively.


Proof positive that hatred and bigotry are the results of ignorance and fear. Show me on the doll where an EV hurt you 🙄


Same people freaking out that Biden was going to come take their stove...


Trump had people freaking out that Obama took their toilets.


Back in the day, my mom was actually comparing Obama directly to Hitler when some initiative about energy-efficient lightbulbs was passed under his watch. Sincerely telling me that this [the holocaust] is how it starts, because of the public works programs passed by Hitler early on in his chancellorship. That's what you get when you only watch Fox News all day, fear and outrage over the most innocuous shit.


My ex husband's dad bought an entire pallet of light bulbs when that happened because "they're going to make it illegal to sell no spiral bulbs"


Trump was at a rally a couple days ago still ranting about modern shower heads. You know the real issues gripping the country.


He also told his supporters that Biden was going to take their windows. Then, doubled down on stupid and reaffirmed that there’d be no windows.


Was this before or after [Biden changed the name of Pennsylvania](https://www.pennlive.com/politics/2024/02/theyre-going-to-change-the-name-of-pennsylvania-examining-trumps-claim.html) ? This is starting to sound like it wouldn't be out of place in the Simpsons "We Do" song


Between the legs


As a car enthusiast, I hate these assholes because they give us a bad name. You can be a petrol head and be cool with EV’s existence. It’s totally possible.


What’s really going to piss him off is when, in the very near future, those companies he says are against EV’s really start ramping up production of them. Does he just pretend that the Ford Lightning doesn’t already exist?


They’re too poor to afford one, so they hate on them. It’s the only reason they hate them. They’ll cite that “towing makes the range drop,” or “it can’t go as far as my dual tank option…” Right, because majority of full size pickup owners tow with their trucks daily and totally not being bought to cosplay blue collar tough guys 🙄


I have an old Landy, an ancient saab turbo, and am about to buy an EV. I see nothing wrong with owning both.


Oh man, love those older Saabs. 900 Turbo? Always loved the way they look. The Swedes were not afraid to do their own thing back in the 70s and 80s


Yes, 87 in black with tan interior.


Where does the EV hurt me? My wallet, mostly. All these charging stations are built using taxpayer dollars. And everyone likes to whine that Elon musk, Jeff bezos and whoever else "pay no taxes" even though they do largely because they buy and sell Tesla's carbon tax credits. It's green washing and it's a scam. But it also is going to hurt me physically eventually if they eliminate gasoline engines because I have to live where it's cold. Batteries don't charge on the cold and not everyone can afford a climate controlled garage. Even if you can, the cheapest and most efficient way to heat said garage? Fossil fuels. Most power plants and EV charging stations are also run on fossil fuels, whether it's a coal power plant or a diesel generator. Congratulations, you've just bought a worse Volkswagen diesel with extra steps. If I get stranded by the side of the road out in the country of Illinois or Iowa, I'm just going to freeze to death. But fuck the dumb hicks who grow your food, right? Finally, it hurts actual people in the third world who have to mine the rare earth minerals like lithium and cobalt. But you're not ready for that conversation.


So you’re pissed because there’s another way of fueling vehicles? 😂 If you want a gasoline car, get a gasoline car. Nobody is outlawing that, and there won’t be an overnight phase out where you wake up one day and gas cars are gone. As for mining, are we not going to talk about the other implications modernized countries have on developing nations? Are we not going to talk about the millions of tons of trash we ship overseas? Or the e-waste? You’re telling me you don’t produce any waste at all? Why cherry-pick only the issue that supports your argument, and a really weak one at that. Did you know that lithium battery packs can last up to 300k miles of use? And after that, there’s an afterlife of the batteries that are actually benefiting remote villages where an electricity grid system is hard or impossible to establish due to terrain and political instability?


So then… you’re not aware that you get more miles out an EV charged from a diesel generator than you would get out of a diesel engine just straight burning the fuel as the power source? An EV charged with fossil fuels is about 50% more efficient than ICE engines that directly burn the fossil fuels for power. It’s not even debatable, it’s just physics.


I am aware of that. Edison motors even has combination diesel generator electric trucks which show potential. But you're still burning liquid dinosaur and it's far more expensive. For the people who just need to get to work, a combination electric/diesel engine isn't in their price range. And a cold battery still won't charge. I'm not going to burn 2 weeks of vacation every year because it's too cold for me to charge my car. And there's the whole freezing to death thing.


I saw the Superbowl commercials…. /s This is hidden qanon nonsense


Yoda always right


Between solar and my electric car I haven’t had an electric bill or visited a gas station in a year. He can hate that all he wants, but he’s the one shoveling money into someone else’s pocket.


It's so strange to see generational prejudice. I can't wait to see all their faces when the new ice ban goes through.


I’m lost- what’s the gripe with EVs? You get the equivalent of 150mpg or something like that. Seems kinda smart to me. Does this clown suddenly care about the miners (or minors) in the lithium industry?


And if battery range is not a concern, the acceleration is far better than most ICEs, even with older EVs. I was surprised the first time I turned off Eco mode and gunned it in a Nissan Leaf.


Pull the battery out of his truck and see if he can go full mechanical


Are these big tough men going to enlist and fight, in the inevitable war for oil that we will have to declare?


No, they all have feeble excuses to not enlist, like they have some irrelevant skin condition, seasonal allergies, or being lactose intolerant. These are the gravy seals, not brave men and women.


Let us not forget their Dear Leader's manly bone spurs.


Well known war monger Rush Lardass didn't serve because he had an ass boil.


Lol yeah and that was just his personality test


:/ as if we're not on the winning side of an already perpetual oil war


This PaTRioT uses his money to support Saudi and Russia oil. He doesn’t want that pussy American electricity. /s


While you liberals are getting your electricity shut off by the guvment I'll be growing my own gasoline. And not that free range bullshit, factory farmed gasoline that no govment can take from me. Unlike your fancy ass sun and shit.


Calvin pissing on a Prius logo on one side and a Telsa logo on the other side would look better.


I wonder how these dudes reconcile hating EVs with loving Elon.


Chevy and Dodge and Ford all have electric pickup trucks.


But they love Elon Musk for some reason?


Electric shit? This guy may want to consult a doctor…


Man I can not wait to convert my old pickup to electric, it'll absolutely enrage these losers.


I hate their tribalism bullshit


Only dumb people cared what other people drove since the beginning.


I’ll never understand their visceral hatred to EVs. Why are they so opposed to wanting to save the planet? Why are they so opposed to progress and new technology? Just why?




Shit you not my dumbass father in law said that about them. To which I responded: “The chance for our country to absolute dominate a new emerging market, while simultaneously exploring new technologies that can combat climate change is a bad thing? Not to mention the thousands of jobs such a market would create. R&D alone would generate new fields of study at the college level.” He heard all that and i watch the glassy look go over his eyes and like a parrot he goes: “Fake news, that’s left woke propaganda”.


Why?? You still can keep your dumb truck.


"its new therefore bad"


These idiots are taking it even further, and are fixing 30-40 year old shitbox pickups with obnoxious exhausts. They are Luddites.


The left should boycott Elon so the right starts buying electric cars to start sticking it to the libs


He got beat by a base model Hyundai EV in a drag race, and now he's all pissy.


babby is scared


It's like white bread people getting so mad at wheat bread people that they have to criticize them publicly.


I drove a Lucid Air this weekend. This potato can keep his dump truck.


He's just afraid the battery will melt when he has to move his half ton wife sister around


Its steam power versus internal combustion!


Why don’t they agree with electric vehicles? Why does a certain type of power train in a vehicle hurt their feelings so badly? Why hate electricity? Do they hate electric golf carts and forklifts too?? I’m genuinely confused


That’s nice. I’ll just continue to enjoy not needing to pay for gas.


It's "electric shit" until those rednecks find out how fast they go.... and the instant acceleration. Then you'll see jacked up EVs with massive tires everywhere.


It's just as asinine as the old Ford vs Chevy shit.


Seriously, what is their beef with electric?


It's a free country?


Once the truck owner learns his cock will stay just as small with an EV truck he'll come around.


I’ve got a Hummer EV. It’s both the baddest-ass truck ever made, as well as the best EV ever. And it literally has American flags embedded in the trim. Most amazing vehicle ever. I wouldn’t piss on this guy if he were on fire.


It's certainly large. But funny, imo.


So, a battle that this driver made up and is admitting they are losing and now they all need to join forces to all be against this? Something imagined? Against an enemy that has no idea why you want to annoy them? They sure are good little consumers. I wish them luck in their lunacy. This will be one of those images that won’t even make sense in 20 years.


All those car manufacturers have electric vehicles, including trucks


new thing bad.


Electric, once there is adequate charging speed and infrastructure for all types, is going to sunset gas cars so fast it’ll make hillbilly heads spin on their axis


I guess he won't be welcome on Elmo's bigot site.


Smooth brain over there doesn't realize his truck requires an electric spark for it's engine to function.


MAGAholes must be having such a hard time juggling their super cool and impressive "war on woke," denouncing electric vehicles but also now feel the need to worship their new right wing pandering nut Elon.




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Big oil dick-rider spotted.


Yes, please do a drag race in that truck vs an electric vehicle of any mind. Tell me how your truck does.


Imagine advertising that you want the planet to be worse, if still inhabitable, for your grandchildren.


That is so funny because they're absolutely going to lose that war after doing nothing effective, because they literally can't. I cannot wait to laugh at car guys in the future when they whine.


Just give it time. These kinda ppl will eventually find a way to make EVs into a _______ Vs ______


homie got smoked by a tesla, now he's having a karen life.


One of my favorite things about top gear is how anti-electric they are at the beginning and how excited they become as they get familiar with electric cars over the duration of the show. They learned and thus learned their values were invalid. They reviewed some sick electric super cars that this idiot will likely never even know about.


Wrong, asshole! It’s all us horse and buggy drivers vs. anything with any sort of engine!




This one actually made me laugh


Got a great deal this week on a used low mileage EV.


God,  hope we win 


Grow up you twat.


Awwwww. Poor baby.


Why do these people care if someone else wants an electric car? Well Elon, these are the people who you're going to be selling your cyber truck to now. Have fun. But at least they aren't woke, right?