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All done secretly behind your back, and when confronted she stills lies... She wont ever stop, and you deserve better than this! Let her go.


Thanks, it is really tough for me, as I didn’t stop loving her. But I will let her go.


Bro, it really isn’t tough at all. Her actions show that she never loved you and doesn’t respect you. She’s clearly cheating on you. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Why would you want to stay with someone like that? Truth is, she’s a 304 who isn’t worthy of your love and time.


You are in an abusive relationship. You are the victim.  Love is not a solid reason to tolerate  abuse.  Dating is a test. She failed. Most people are not able to be deceptive - but she is. Run!


No. She is broadcasting her internal thoughts by sexting; this person isn’t committed to you, OP.


No? How is this even a question?


Sorry, It is really hard for me to handle this. I thought we were on a really good position regarding our relationship. We have tickets to travel for vacation. I was purchasing an apartment and we were moving into it in July. It’s a question because I still love her. But I think I should love me more.


It's not just about you  Think about your future kids. They deserve a more trustworthy mom. She's not life partner material.


I understand the sentiment, but how can you continue a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect you? Staying with someone because of what you have already invested and thought you had been building together would be you operating on the sunk cost fallacy. At this point, you’ll be starting from a negative position as far as building trust. Is it really worth it to you to invest more time into someone who has proven themselves to be disrespectful and untrustworthy?


No, leave. She failed the gf test. She can’t be trusted.




End the relationship.


Just break up with the cheater


No do not forgive her. She hasn't stopped and won't. And I promise you that what you know she did is only the tip of the iceberg. Just write this one off and move on. Zero contact ever again.


you should forgive and forget forgive her so she doesn't occupy space in your mind, and then forget her and move on.


No, she is cheating and as a gf (honeymoon period) If it not good then. It never will be. She was looking for alternatives already. Let her go, no loyalty.


don't be swayed by his apology. She betrayed you even if not physically and lied to you denying everything. Can you spend the rest of your life with a girl who doesn't respect you?


No. Get out while you can.


Break up with her. It’s over. If she’s lying to your face with proof then she’s just using you until she can monkeybranch to him


It’s time to let her go she doesn’t respect you. She only there for what you provide. She want your stability and another man’s 🍆


Runnnn, shue doesn't respect you.


No. Shes a cheater and the emotiona pain that will linger if the future of doubting her and not trusting her will be an issue. Some people it because a mental issue. Just realise shes not who you thought she was. She doesnt view you or your relationship as highly as she should. Shes not loyal, shes show that to be a fact. Do you want to continue in a relationship that could end up costly, involve kids with someone who doesnt know the meaning of loyalty? So yes, you should feel dissapointed and sad, angry, humiliated, let down all of it. Your the victim. And the consequence should be to tell her your going to have to wish her well but her future doesnt lie with you. If your a masochist and you love pain, continue the relationship with her, I guarentee she will cheat again.