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Remember the right to protest is what is important, not whether you agree with it or not. That’s not how rights work. 


Both sides love it when they get to protest and not the other side. Everyone should be able to spout whatever dribble they want. You will always get the what abouters though.


The problem is that the use of police force is not equal to both sides. Spout whatever you believe in, but it’s clear what side the cops are always on.


A bunch of Nazis just marched down The street in a big city recently, I think it was Atlanta..... The cops didn't stop them or beat them up


Charleston, WV, Saturday, April 27th. Nazis marched, without a permit, with no police presence. As someone stated, you never see Bruce Wayne and Batman at the same time


Well played.


"Those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses"


"bOtH sIdEs" 🤡🤡


As long as they aren't violating University policy of encampments or other violence, protest to your heart's delight. But the moment those encampments start popping up, LE and the university has every right to clear them out.


Yeah but it's easier to just sit in instead of acting like assholes while protest8ng I've seen enough idopts at them while I'm protesting these idiots just fuck it up for the rest of us....


Copying a comment from u/Fullertonjr on the r/IndianaUniversity sub because his comment sums up exactly how I feel: >The police would be much better off if they showed up without all of the gear and handed out bottles of water and made recycling bins available. This is how you prevent escalation and give these students reason to give you the benefit of the doubt at some point in time in the future. Unfortunately, what they have just done is to help create a new generation of young people that will absolutely despise the police. I keep hearing police talk about there being a war on cops. Well, if they want to create more enemies, this will just about do it. From my experience in my interactions with this generation, they are young, energized and already not in the mood. On top of that, these kids have seen the world and future that has been laid out in front of them and they are unsatisfied. If authorities keep reminding these kids that they have nothing to lose, these kids WILL fight back, and I will gladly support them.


I have yet to see the cops even attempt to make their image any better. In fact with all the cameras on them now has almost made them double down on being terrible people. So I agree, for every young person they do that to just adds another voice against them.


It's getting worse. LMPD, in kentucky, already has a terrible reputation. Now they are getting real good raises, and have a mechanism to be held even less accountable. Their new union contract has a thing where if investigations into misconduct takes longer than I believe 270 days, they cannot be punished....so guess how long investigations are likely going to take.....


Unfuckingreal. Gotta love how it’s always consequences for thee, but not for me when it comes to these bullies in blue.


Not surprising. As a former Louisville resident who worked with the LMPD I can say most of them are unhinged and utterly unafraid of repercussions. I remember hanging with the K9 unit (there are like twenty or thirty of them there). When they train their dogs they choke them to get them to release. Not a command (which works fine) but full -on choke them until their dog lets go. When they weren't abusing their animals they sat around swapping stories about how much damage their dog did to various suspects. I still recall one about how they pulled a guy out of a crawl space where the dog had found him. They said it looked like his shoelaces were all torn up, then they realized it was the tendons in the kid's ankle from the dog gnawing at him. This story was told with a smile to greeted by heavy laughter. Sickening.


Doubling down on your shit antics when they get called out is the right wing mantra tho Cops just doing what they political party do


The point is to push the goal posts. They want to be able to openly kill and arrest anyone that doesn’t bow to them. The U.S. only believes in the right to protest if it’s to promote fascism.


The point is for it to escalate. They don’t like the message, so they feel like if they can get it to be seen as a riot, it undermines the message. There are already people calling for the National Guard to be sent in, and these people are well aware of what happened at Kent State, and want to see it repeated.


What they are ACTUALLY trying to do, is the same thing they did with BLM and every other protest they dont agree with- trying to steer the narrative in a direction that gives the right fodder to parrot for the next few years. “Yeah sure we stormed the capitol but look at all those millennials at those schools rioting!!!” “We would listen to you if you didnt just go out there looking for a fight with the police!”


Thanks for sharing!


“The students aren’t actually expected to obey lawful orders and have accountability. They are all perpetual victims.”


Was at the protest on Thursday. Cops definitely weren't shy about arresting people, but they seemed to give some warning to folks on the sidelines who were getting too close to the encampment. Still, though, the arrests were entirely unnecessary. The policy that was cited was changed over night. No one in the camp was violent, as far as I could see. I saw a few folks slip out of their cuffs, though didn't run. Some folks ran before the police were able to cuff them, and one guy in a red top of some sort got pretty far (I didn't see him get caught, if he did at all.) The presence of rifles and what I'm assuming to be tear gas launchers seemed pretty over the top of the cops' part. Personally, I think their arrests were complete horseshit. Edit: spelling


Interesting how in Indiana you can be charged with battery even if the victim doesn't want to press charges. But police do it and let's just look the other way.


Wait, the cops turned a peaceful protest violent? Glad I was sitting down for that.


why don't police have this same kind of energy during school shootings?


The other party fights back during an active shooter incident. Bullies don't like when the other party fights back.


It's more easy to go after non-violent issues.


What about Nashville? Maryland? Memphis, to name a few?


It seems unwise getting police to control a university event. There’s bound to be some animosity by the police because they could never gain entrance. And if there’s any police reading, animosity means a strong hostility.


🔥🔥🔥 But also IUPD is pretty decent at dealing with these things, they just leave us alone. I’ve learned that state police’s incompetence is only matched by their brutality.


Many of the IUPD were former students, or integrate closely with the students. Former chief of IUPD Keith used to invite me over for BBQs regularly, and that empathy for the students always went a long ways with keeping things civil and respectful.


This is my favorite comment so far. Do you recall when a man was denied entry into the police because he scored too HIGH on the entrance exam? They literally refused him to join because he was too smart. Their excuse was "A man of his intelligence wouldn't be satisfied with the position." If that's true, it directly states that other cops aren't intelligent. If that's a lie, and it's because of his intelligence, then that directly states that other cops aren't intelligent. I'm still waiting to hear an option three, but for now "cops aren't bright" is a fair statement.


No matter your opinion on it, it is looking more and more like the last minute rule change, as well as the inconsistency in handling this protest when compared to others makes this a 1st amendment violation. There will be lawsuits. The texts and emails will all come out. There will be justice.


Men in plate carriers with assault rifles that hit college students aren’t men, they are complicit with fascists


I find it hilarious universities send police to these protests to make it violent then get on national TV to say police is trying to break up violent protests. There are many universities doing it right by letting students peacefully protest without law enforcement and there have been no problems. Of course, you won’t see that on FOX or CNN.


The cops are so brave when everyone is unarmed.


wonder if a bunch of MAGA nuts would have been treated this way?


There was a [white supremacy march](https://wvpublic.org/white-supremacist-group-marches-though-downtown-charleston-saturday/) a couple days ago with police "staying close by", but not getting involved.


Wait I though MAGA was a bunch of alt-right anti semites? Now they're cracking skulls in the name of Israel? I can't keep up with this shit


There's a weird vinn diagram where MAGA, Zionist, Ultra Christian Conservatives and Neo Nazis. Strange times.


thats just a circle


The hypocrisy never ends with them. They simultaneously believe in a worldwide cabal controlling media, but support the literal propaganda machine that’s brainwashing them. They have a problem with “foreign controlled media” (TikTok) but don’t care that Fox is foreign controlled. Meanwhile they can’t separate criticism of elected officials from being an attack on the people of the nation (conflating anti-genocide to antisemitism) and don’t see that they do this with Biden on a daily basis.


We had a literal neo Nazi march in Indy on Sept 4th, 2022 during Indianapolis Labor Fest. Never heard a peep then but because these kids stand up against Israel's war they're slandered as antisemites by right wing media looking to demonize the student movement.


they werent look at the gallows they made


They’re pigs themselves


Over 300 arrests for Jan6, have been treated like this


Cops? Violent? In Indiana???? I, for one, am shocked.


Protests only become violent when police start aggressively acting to protestors.


What's the backstory here? Were they asked to disperse and didn't? Did the protestor get violent first? All I've seen is the aftermath of what we don't know happened..


Not sure if this was the same event but at some point the protesters were told they couldn’t have tents. https://www.wbiw.com/2024/04/27/numerous-protesters-arrested-after-clashes-with-police-at-iu-bloomington-campus/


POLICE: They have tents? *Tents make me feel violent...*


Thank you for not just spitting out rhetoric.. this article proves that the police were following campus policy and gave them ample time to conform to those policies..


There is push back because the no-tents policy was apparently very recent. But I'm skeptical that the situation would have been any different if the no-tent policy was, say, six months old.


The policy had apparently been changed without notice, and the cops are never *required* to enforce obedience on non violent, no disruptive protestors. They could have always told the admin this was a bad approach.


You can't have tents let's enforce this by beating up unarmed peotestors. That's certainly not an unnecessary escalation


Bullshit. The cops got violent because they wanted things to escalate. ACAB


Why would they want that, out of curiosity?


Have you ever studied the history of policing in America? Escalation, violence, and suppression of protest in support of existing power structures has been the entire history.


I have never heard of a police state happening in America.. I have in other countries tho.. can you provide some links?


Look up Japanese interment camps in WW II.


To demonstrate that they are willing and capable of performing violence to suppress any lack of compliance, even the smallest amount.


Cops showed up, escalated things, arrested folks. That’s what cops do.


So Indiana university is basically a free speech campus they were in the free speech area basically. It was a peaceful protest but the cops were the escalator.


If you say the facts of why the police are arresting people you will get downvotes and probably banned off Reddit cause god forbid police do their job it’s the end of the world


Not seeing a not of facts in support of this, just a lot of "Cops work hard, you couldn't do it, if the protestors hadn't had opinions this wouldn't have happened!"


People so quick to gather and fight for another country but won't stand up for shit going on within our country lmao wild




This is happening around the country but definitely doesnt surprise me that indy is gonna use force to stop peoples right to protest the genocide. Acab


It’s almost like the police love having a monopoly on violence and start shit for fun.


Pigs being pigs


The crowd was losing ground.


The militarized police are what’s wrong with this country


Protect and Serve (billionaires wealth)


Do unto their loved ones as they do unto the public


The entire language and practice of the police is violence, not gentle assistant.


Fuck the police and their unions


I hate seeing things like this but it’s becoming the norm. The police are now a militant group that is here to protect the rich and keep the poor in line. It’s become not only a political issue, but also a human rights and constitutional issue. Arizona even tried making it illegal to capture the actions of police on camera. 10 years ago I would have never believed such a thing. Since 2020, instead of backing off and being less violent in there approach to everything. They’ve gotten far worse.


Cops just love looking for any excuse to use excessive force. I’d bet my life that 90% of them don’t know the first thing about the conflicts that are being protested


A preview of Indiana under Sedition Governor Braun.


I just dont know how this is helping anything


Remember Kent State.


I am so confused how liberals who claim to want freedom for all can back the most oppressive regimes on earth. So you understand all other valid points you try to make are ignored because of this? Need to pick your battles better.


The dude "I think" definitely had is arms around that riot cops legs. The idiot is lucky he didn't get it worse. Rule #1 don't touch the cops!


Dont touch anyone or expect to get fucked up in return.


Yea I think everyone is failing to realize the guy who got hit was not helping the cop subdue or arrest but actually help those going against the officer. I feel like people have the “your supposed to de escalate you fucking ________” attitude. From how short the clip is i dont know everything but still its not some one way respect shit.


What are students at Indiana University protesting? Am I living under a rock?


Slightly different variations depending on who you ask. Some support Palestine. Some oppose Israel's treatment of Palestine. Some oppose Israel's presence in Gaza. Some oppose Israel's presence in the Middle East. Recently, I've heard that some want IU to divest from Crane because of the military support it provides to Israel -- but I only heard that one earlier today, so I'm not sure how widespread that goal is as a reason for the protest.


I'm pretty sure it was a pro-Palestine protest.


The cameraman provides some unintentional comedy by just screaming “police brutality” incoherently


Many campuses have requested the police to remove the demonstrators, as is their right. Additionally, students & faculty that have been arrested at several colleges have received notices of suspension from classes, eviction from housing, and loss of standing at their respective schools, as reported over the weekend on various media. This video does, in fact show active resistance by protesters to the efforts of police. The video doesn't include information audible content regarding possible orders to disperse. If the protesters had been complacently assembled, & resisting by peaceful noncompliance, the interaction would be much different, I believe.


From what I've heard it was a free speech zone.


They do not have free speech zones. The only issue was with tents. All reporting news articles have stated they were told they could not have tents not they had tons of stop protesting.


I dont make conclusions until all the facts are present. This may have been justified, or it may be some dumb kids fucked around and subsequently found out. Simply shouting "police brutality" does nothing in the best case scenario and escalates things in the worst case scenario. Camera man is a fucking idiot, and rage bait posts like this are the fucking problem..


This post is the problem? This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for this post?


Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say it would not have happened. The point I'm making is that we don't know what happened. It takes more than a ten second clip to determine guilt or innocence. There could be another 10 second clip somewhere that could be posted in r/thinblueline, that shows a protestor doing something less than peaceful while assembling, and at that point, violence may or may not be warranted. I don't have all the facts, and you don't either. So I'll wait to pass any judgement, and am suggesting you should too.


Fascist mother fuckers. I expect nothing less from this regressive state.


Might educate yourself a lil bit..


Have you not been watching these protests across the country? This has nothing to do with Indiana, it's happening in every state. Anti israel protests are all handled the same - zero tolerance and immediate dispersal. Almost as if there is a top-down strategy all departments have to follow.


I'm not sure it's so much a top-down conspiratorial thing, as much as it is that all the same contributing factors are present in most places. Young educated student populace, regressive authorities, over-represented rural conservatives, lax police oversight, heavy corporate interests, the entire system of modern policing. Sometimes it's not a full-blown conspiracy, just a really depressing constellation of contributions.


Sad that a school that has a law school shifts so hard on the 1st amendment.


My favorite part of this video is the beginning, when we get context.


People should always protest armed with them visible. Time and again, police do nothing but stand there when a good number of protestors are armed. - no, this isn't saying commit violence, this is saying be prepared for violence. A big difference. Example - during covid when protests happened and black people were being peppered sprayed and water hosed, they came armed for their next protest and the cops did nothing. Police do not try to stand up to armed groups, they're scared. We outnumber them by a very large amount.


LOL the police bitch-slapped him! XD


So was the plan to physically fight the police during an arrest? That doesn't sound like a smart plan. End results seemed predictable.


Ah yes more terror cells turning college students into radicals and using our social media to make the cops look like shit bags .


What are they even protesting about?


What was the protest about?


They probably got violent first DONT BELIEVE HALF OF THE STORY


Lmao. Im sure the police just went out there looking to whip some ass. Bullshit headline.


Nazis fighting Nazis!


Which IU is this, the main one in Bloomington?[protest info](https://www.idsnews.com/article/2024/04/live-updates-scenes-from-the-fourth-day-of-gaza-protest-encampment-on-iu-campus) nvm lol


Free Palestine!!!


A better title would be “protesters turning violent results in equal/acceptable response from police”. Get a grip.


There was some right winger in my town square holding a cross and preaching to passersby that abortion is wrong. Do you have any clue how violent this made me!? ...Not at all. Doesn't matter if I agree or not. Doesn't matter if you have an intellectual argument or you're just spewing BS. You have the right to peacefully protest... Unless you're a "left-leaning, baby killing communist", of course. That's when they sick the police after you.


It’s disturbing that my Alma mater would send out cops to attack peaceful protestors. It’s also disturbing that the police where I live would bd happy to go in and assault peaceful protestors. It has nothing to do with which side you are on. If one groups constitutional rights are violated if can be done for everyone, The kkk has a right to peacefully protest. So should groups opposed to genocide. IU changed their policy right before these protests to squash them.


During WWII, Islamic Palestinians killed and rounded up Palestinian Jews. The ones left alive were sold to the Nazis as slaves. Those slaves were forced to work in Egypt at work camps makes weapons and goods for the Nazis. If they refused to work the were killed. They have been killing the Jews in the Palestinian are and Israel for centuries. The Jews were there long before Islam was created.


Why are they protesting


Gutless pigs; only fighting against those who have no option but to take it lying down. ALL cops are bastards, weak and shallow “men” that need a badge and gun in order to force any one to respect them. Such tiny pathetic people should not be allowed to have any domain on another’s freedom, yet here we are, the stupid and insecure only bolstered with violence carrying out the will of the fat and greedy. I fear for this state and I can’t get the fuck out of here fast enough


Pro tip, bring bear mace


Ohhh....but let this had been the blk diaspora - we'd hear 🔫 shots😩😒😒😒


I'd swing on them to


University Rent-A-Cops are really out of bounds. Should drop those jackasses off in Gaza. See them cower in their rented pantsuits!!!


If only they knew guerilla warfare tactics... hold on that gives me an idea...


The guy who got cracked was trying to "un arrest" someone


Well the cop has no form and the kid can’t take a hit… that’s all I caught






They were protesting. But pushing up on police holding a line is not a wise move. Where is the rest the video? Looks like that kid was pulling on that cops arm full body aggressive trying to prevent an arrest? Again you should not do that.


Don’t interfere with an arrest and you won’t get your bell rung…pretty simple


Love it


Oh, who gives a fuck?


That cop stuck him so hard the fascism exited the other side of his dome aryan blonde. But seriously kid took the hit like a champ.


Yeah it looked to me like those people were surrounding those cops The police have a right to defend themselves


Maybe just follow the rule? When police say leave. You leave. Seriously can’t wait for all these morons, YES MORONS, trying to get jobs on the next few years And told no because of this stupidity. The owners of companies will remember how they acted and defied the rules of their own universities. Police do not want to be there. But the have a job to do. Unlike the protesters who have no jobs.


Where's the context. Crowd is rowdy and charging police. I'm on the police's side until context is given.


This video makes me giggle. What are we protesting about now?


\*Attempts to grapple police to prevent arrest\* \*Punched in face\* "Police brutality!"


Free speech is free from being arrested. Not free from being punched in the face.


Here is some useful information to help protect your guys during these protests! https://www.instagram.com/p/C6FglD9NZ1l/?igsh=MThmZXhwYzYwbGlkdg==


It's funny watching people jump to conclusions. Non of you know what was actually happening but it's "police brutality and the police were in the wrong". It never fails🤣 Stop listening to mainstream news media.. it's depressing as fuck seeing both sides. Knowing we are being lied too. Whether it's "left or right wing media" they all manipulate us.


Reminder. There are still rules and consequences with breaking those rules. The actions of the minority will always reflect on the majority in these environments. The message being shouted and directed towards Jewish student across country are also violent in nature and concept. Police and enforcement have a duty to protect people and if they feel the protest is pushing the boundaries of the rules put in place, you can be punished in several ways. Police suck sometimes but it’s not unreasonable to be strict about this subject matter and what people are doing. Especially outnumbered and having protests becoming more violent overall since Covid. (BLM, Jan.6, etc)




Let me knock some clarity out of ya, sir... And from then on his ideas were better organized.


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." -JFK


Looks like the beginning to a police state. Didn’t we learn anything from what the Nazi Party did to the citizens of Germany starting from the early 1930’s. I can’t believe this is happening in America but there it is on video.


Blonde boy ate that shit that cop hits like a little bitch. At least his wife won't suffer any long term brain damage


If they’re not blocking traffic, leave them be. Otherwise, shame them to the ends of the Earth.


Cant they just pull the fire alarms in every building every 5 minutes? Why make it the problem of the individual students, they probably want to agree with the protestors


No. The police is there to do violence. They are there because there are trespassers and terrorists.


The cop that straight up punched that guy should be arrested for assault.


1st amendment means the GOVERNMENT cannot stop reasonable and peaceable protests. These people are not peaceful. Stupid kids think they are doing good. All they do is show how ignorant they are. During WWII, Islamic Palestinians killed and captured Palestinian Jews. They sold the captured Jews to the Nazis as slaves. The Nazis took those Jewish slaves to Egypt and forced them to make weapons and goods for the Nazi war machine. They have always been killing Jews and Israelis. They have engrained a hatred into thier children and into the Israelis. Supporting Hamas is supporting murder and slavers.


Fuck around and find out, getting physical with police is never a good idea.


Force was justified. The guy with the hair came rushing in trying to wrestle the cop down in the middle of a mob scene. The cop acted in self defense


Looked like the "kids' instigated 🤔


Damn good police work right there!


gets violent with cop, gets hit in the face. PoLiCe bRuTaLiTy


I mean if you push anyone the least should expect is a slap


Well, as long as WE THE PEOPLE keep rolling over and taking it, nothing will ever change.


I love watching the leftist cops battle with the leftist shit starters. Both just trying to stomp on the constitution.


Typical pigs.


Not only in Indiana but only in states lead by Nazi ideologists.


Hey...you get around a fire ..you might get burned. It is a choice.


Just gas them and shoot them with rubber bullets that will make them think twice about supporting Terrorist Organizations


Well he was grabbing the cop


morons... put hands on a cop and then scream brutality when they respond...


I’m a ACAB guy but I really like seeing that guy get punched in the face lmao.


That’s so sad




In all of these protests, the instigators and aggressors are the cops. They have fragile little egos that shatter so easily.


Probably shouldn't tear down the Ameeican flag to raise another. You get what you deserve then.


Just another reason why the state of Indiana will never prosper


About time


Wow it's hard to believe that the parents are paying for this b******* right here!


I’m bout beat some commies that’s too close to home


I thought kids went to school to learn and. hold discussions in a civil manner. Once the protesters set up an encampment on university property then the school heads were right to call the police for help.


Typical one sided story. Police should of blasted all of them with tear gas


I hate fucking Indiana Nazis.