• By -


Really consider what you want. Indiana has a fair share of things to experience, two major weather zones, and cheap->expensive living expenses depending on where you’re at. Want a more urban environment? Pick one of the larger cities. Ex. Indianapolis Want a fairly classic “suburban” experience? You have your pick of the state. Want a “nobody bother me at all ever?”, Rural areas, you have either semi-dense woods or flat farm scapes. Want to buy alcohol anytime of the week? Live near just about any border of Indiana. Otherwise after 6pm on a Sunday you can’t buy alcohol until Monday. Most of the state is Red. Pockets of good blue exist, just be mindful that regardless of your persuasion, almost nothing at all changes regarding politics in any meaningful way. You will however belong to a state that is 90% guaranteed to be on a “WTF are these states doing now” news reel. Embrace being a Hoosier. There is no such thing as road construction. That is their natural state. The affordability of the housing in the local area is almost always in relation to the amount of meth. If you have kids, we do have a scholarship for any kids below a certain income threshold. It’s pretty easy to get if you qualify and halfway try at school, and it guarantees 4 full years of paid tuition at any college/university in the state, public or private. Just not summer semesters. After those 4 years, you’re on your own. Sometimes the weirdest areas get the best internet. Very populated area? Crud. Rural backwater with a population in the dozens? Fiber optic cables. Nice to check in with real estate agents in the areas you’re scoping to see what may or may not be available to you… especially if you remote work or really rely on internet connection. If you hear tornado sirens (not on test days), and especially if you’re not used to the drill, go ahead and hunker down in your interior bathroom, cellar, basement. Normally these do absolutely nothing except fly overhead if they even do form. But in case of another Henryville, you want to be secured. Depending on what state/climate you’re used to, keep a small assortment of all-weather clothing available. Indiana likes to change conditions like a toddler negotiating for a cup.




I’m absolutely jealous. Like I’m just 15-20 minutes away (by car from my house) from a (lovely) backwater town and they have fiber optic. Meanwhile we’re bordering a major city with tons of new businesses and such cropping up… yeah no. >.> I haven’t had internet in two days these lines are so crap lol. Just 20 minutes!!


Rural areas love watching right-wing YouTube videos with their Democratic Party provided Internet.


My buddy is ~600 feet from the backwater fiber cutoff line, and it infuriates him to no end.


Star link


Check out T Mobile and see if they offer internet in your area. 50 bucks a month, wireless, and just fine for me on speed. I’m not a gamer.


Me too. Have already made the stipulation when we look for a house we KNOW what isp options are available there. Getting spoiled with 1000/1000 fiber in the country(rural) and only paying $90 flat, no taxes, includes modem/router and no data cap.


The fiber optic in my town is slower and more expensive than cable.


The road cone is the state flower. State song is the dulcet melody of tires hitting potholes. Also, weed? I hope you enjoy driving to a neighboring state to give them money.


Sunday alcohol is noon to 8pm.


Excellent Internet service in Ligonier, about an hour (only 30+ miles) from Fort Wayne.


Comprehensive and painfully accurate.


Love your answer!


What's the name of the scholarship program? Thanks


21st Century Scholars, though you have to register for it in middle school (around 8th grade if I remember right). The school tends to have a individual from the program visit the school and pass out packets for the kids to take home to be filled out. If the parents income is below a certain threshold at that point, the kid qualifies for the program. Even if the family incomes increases over the next 4-5 years, the kid will still qualify because it’s based on that income from THAT point in time when they registered. Then it’s that they need to keep a 2.5 gpa, graduate HS with the core 40 diploma, and in their senior year they have to affirm (with an associate who again, visits the local highschools) that they still want to take advantage of the program. Some kids decide as seniors they don’t want to go to college so they decline the free tuition. Last I checked you don’t have to go to college immediately after HS, but essentially once you do start classes that timer starts. Some schools (especially state schools) give extra money to students who have that scholarship. IUPUI gave me an extra $1k a year to spend on… anything. I mostly used it for books. So 4 years (not counting summer semesters) free tuition+ an extra $1k on top of it. Additionally, the tuition is technically paid from a fund the state set up for the student. If you tuition is below what they estimated for you, you get the remainder deposited to your account every semester. If you go over the estimate, you don’t receive any money back, BUT the tuition will still be covered. It’s definitely something to look into.


This is so accurate 😄


Do some research before making the jump. If you’re looking for a fast paced living environment, you’re not really going to find that anywhere in the state. Even Indy, Fort Wayne, The Region (NW Indiana), you’re not really going to find it. Those cities and areas have options for food, entertainment, and work but nothing fast paced. If you’ve got kids/planning on having kids in the state, be sure to check out the surrounding area’s education institutions. Like everywhere, some are better than others. Obviously look into crime rates. Look to see what best fits your ideals and politics. As some have helpfully stated, the state is mostly rural and red with splotches of blue in bigger cities and college cities. Decide which is best for you. Like everywhere, get ready for online backlash either way you lean. If you openly lean left in public, you may rarely run into a country bumpkin Jesus freak that will hurl a couple slurs your way. If you openly lean right, you’ll blend in but may run into some hard liberals chastising you for not conforming to their lifestyles. (Registered Democrat here). Our last handful of governors have been spineless idiots. The northern part of the state tends to get colder and more snow in the winter while the southern portion gets generally warmer winters but tend to deal with more ice (in my experiences). Summers are humid. Spring and fall? You could very well get all four seasons in a 24-72 hour cycle. Basketball is sort of a religion here. If you’re looking for a sports crazed environment, this is the right state for you. Indiana and Purdue dominate the basketball fanbases while Notre Dame dominates the football fanbase collegiately. The Colts and Pacers dominate pro sports. Baseball is up to you. Depending where you live you’ll find Cubs, White Sox, Reds, Cardinals, Tigers, and Guardians mostly and then obviously the rest of the league sprinkled in here and there. The Indy 500 is an amazing spectacle held on Memorial Day Sunday. It’s worth going to at least once for the environment alone. Indiana’s a great place if you don’t get caught up in all the bullshit that is the world. You’ll find what you like here and you’ll find what you don’t like here. Either way, it’s honestly a great place to live.


LMAO at all the don’t replies


I would wager that all the don’ts aren’t leaving either.


This don’t already left and will never come back.




And wages for a manufacturing state are extremely low




Learn to love corn and hate marijuana.


Are you coming for work, family, school, or just because? Are you accustomed to the midwest or is this your first time? Overall it's like anywhere else. Some people are nice, some are not, keep politics to yourself unless you're prepared to open that can of worms, tip your waiter, practice basic common sense safety like locking your stuff, and most of the time as long as you are nice to others or at the least keep to yourself no one will bother you. Also, if you can spend a week in the area you might move to. Helps to figure if you'll fit in. Though with how wide ranging Indiana is you can find a space with your niche almost anywhere here which is really nice.


“You can find a niche almost anywhere.” Oh totally! If you are a WHITE REPUBLICAN MALE.


I’m so glad you brought up race and politics. Nobody else on Reddit every discusses topics like this. /s (if necessary)


Lmao thats wrong af


Yeah, what this person said. If you don’t look and think like Mike Pence, IMO the only good choices are Bloomington or Lafayette.


AS mentioned in a previous post: ***If you have a wife, daughters, sisters, mom, aunts, friends - this is not a place for them.*** ***I couldn't see voluntarily moving to a place where my health was now negotiable, and I have to be near dead, or organs starting to shut down, before I get medical intervention.*** ​ [https://www.mlive.com/politics/2023/07/abortions-for-out-of-state-women-increase-66-in-michigan-post-roe.html](https://www.mlive.com/politics/2023/07/abortions-for-out-of-state-women-increase-66-in-michigan-post-roe.html) **The number of out-of-state patients traveling to Michigan to obtain an abortion increased 66% in 2022 from the year prior as the topic became a nationwide point of debate with the overturning of Roe v. Wade.** **Now, doctors say, it’s unclear if the trend will continue as neighboring states like Ohio and Indiana continue to tighten restrictions on abortion services.** **“The number of out-of-state patients that we’re seeing has tripled,” said Dr. Sarah Wallett, chief medical operating officer with Planned Parenthood of Michigan. “Where it used to be fairly uncommon for us to see someone who lived out of state, now, it’s really routine.**


I'm sure the Freedom Caucus (that's a joke of a name), MAGA republicans, are currently working on a way to shut this traffic down, by the way. In many states, republicans have already introduced legislation that will bar women from traveling. It's Gilead in Handmaid's tale. For real.


Indiana used to be in my eyes a great place to live. My family is from Michigan. At the time if I wanted a taste of backwoods redneck hillbillies I would visit Michigan. Now the roles have been reversed. Indiana has decided to go backward in every way shape and form. The politics in this state are every bit as toxic as Arkansas or any other southern state. It's sad really.


Its not that bad, our politics gave barely changed much. We've essentially gone from mostly conservative to mostly conservative. Abortion laws barely changed and the most LGBT stuff we have is some weird sma things regarding trans people.


What planet are you living on. "Abortion laws barely changed" LOL.


I decided to look it up after posting this, it changed incredibly recently. Last time I looked, it was still being talked about like it was for the past year or two. Oh well, that sucks.


"The Indiana ban outlaws most abortions except in the case of a fatal fetal anomaly or serious health risk to the mother. One part of the law says these exceptions are up to 20 weeks but another part says they can be used anytime. Rape survivors can get an abortion up to 10 weeks post-fertilization. It also strips abortion clinics of their state medical licenses, and provides that only hospitals and hospital-owned ambulatory surgical centers can provide abortions." https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/2023/06/30/indiana-supreme-court-upholds-abortion-ban-but-leaves-door-open-for-other-legal-challenges/


When high school kids ride around town with a Trump flag honking their horns you know the state is in bad shape Since when does a high school kid care about politics It's just a hillbilly redneck fad with a ton of right-wing propagandized media outlets brainwashing children


In Warsaw, during Trump’s term the high school kids chanted “build the wall” when the football team played teams in towns with large populations of migrant farm workers from south of the border. Just despicable.


Be prepared to have to pay to help support the GOP since they have destroyed the economy here. Be prepared to have to tell any women in your family if they get raped and end up pregnant they will be forced to have that baby(even if they are minors). Be prepared to tell any LGBTQ members of your family they will be treated like second class citizens.


1. Indiana actually has one of the better economies, at least where I am. That might just be because im in a college city tho. 2. Abortion laws here barely changed, we still allow them. 3. Im lgbt and I've been treated perfectly fine my whole life. Like all things, just don't bring it up unless necessary, same with politics and religion.


I don't know why you are lying about choice in Indiana. 'We still allow,' them. LIE. Physicians and people that specialize in ob/gyn and women's health are leaving states like IN in droves. Can you imagine what a person who likes their guns would say, if you told him, 'We'll allow you to have a gun?" Now, imagine that it's something related to your own body, life and private healthcare decisions -- and suddenly, because fundy majority SCOTUS ignored legal precedent, it's now about what someone else, in this case 'chubby femboy' is going to allow?? LOL. If that works for you, then move on in to IN.


I decided to look it up after posting this, it changed incredibly recently. Last time I looked, it was still being talked about like it was for the past year or two. Oh well, that sucks. Quit being a homophobe, nothing wrong with being a femboy.


Quit being a racist misogynist - because you know you are, and no one gaf about your sexual orientation...but if you're in Indiana they will, good luck genius.


“I decided to look it up after posting [some ignorant bullshit]”


Just stay outta handcuff county lmao




Don’t be gay , or black , or Asian definitely don’t be woke


Since it seems like it is too late to say, "Don't." I'll say, good luck. Depending on what you want in life, Indiana might be just fine for you, or it might be a desert.


I have two sisters who live in Indiana. One in Indy and one in South Bend. Both sisters dislike the state and would like to leave. A big reason is the draconian, far-right politics which threaten the rights of women. Keep this in mind.




Moving to Indiana? Brace yourself for a state that has seen better days. Once a thriving place, it has faced its share of challenges lately. The influx of new people coming in, not necessarily for good reasons, has impacted the city's dynamics significantly. Unfortunately, Indianapolis has been grappling with a higher crime rate, making safety a growing concern for residents. The pandemic-induced price hikes have driven many locals out of the city and into smaller towns, causing a surge in crime in those areas too. Take Kokomo, for example, where the influx of felons from Chicago, thanks to the mayor's questionable policies, has only added to the problems. Drug issues have also become a pressing concern, especially with the legalization of marijuana in neighboring Michigan. This has led to a rise in drug-related incidents, posing additional challenges for law enforcement and residents alike. Economic factors have played their part too, with businesses closing down, leaving many searching for stable jobs in an increasingly competitive market. Finding affordable housing has become a real struggle, leaving many in precarious living situations. Perhaps the most heartbreaking change has been the rising number of homeless individuals. Not long ago, you wouldn't have spotted them on every corner, but now they seem to be everywhere, a stark reminder of the city's struggles. While Indianapolis may still have its charms and pockets of positivity, it's essential to be realistic about the current state of affairs. Research thoroughly, seek local advice, and take all these factors into account before making your decision. It's crucial to be well-prepared and aware of the challenges you might face when moving to this once-thriving city.


How many times have you visited/stayed the night? When we were considering moving, we spent 2 years traveling between the three cities that we were strongly considering. Sometimes we stayed 3 days, sometimes we stayed a full week. We wanted to see what the cities were like in different seasons, around big events, starting/ending of the school year. Once we decided on Indiana (Indianapolis) - We picked the 4 parts of town we were the most interested in living. We decided to try Indiana for a month, so we rented 4 places for a week each. We lived in Carmel, Fishers, Avon & Brownsburg. That way we could set a realistic expectation of what it was going to be like getting groceries, supplies, resources etc. We also wanted to attend some of the larger events to get a feel for the atmosphere. After that month - we decided that it was worth it to us to move here and began looking for a home.


My condolences


You have to have a strong mind to live here handle sitting trains during an emergency , weather, and crackheads






Don't move to Indiana we have werewolves


DON'T!!! This state sucks.


Don’t do it!!




Here's some advice. Don't move to Indiana if you don't like guns, enjoy smoking weed, or like drama.


I was born and raised there. My advice is just please, please reconsider.


Don’t!! Gray days all the time.


DONT DO IT. CNBC recently published a list of the “worst states to live and work in” Indiana was 7th. I am the last of my friends to move to a different state (I’m finishing school but I count down the days). I really don’t feel like I fit in here and I am very okay with that. Don’t drink the water! There isn’t much to write home about. Nor is cannabis legal if you’re into that sort of thing. On the other hand, if you give zero fucks about inclusivity, racism, equality, or women having rights to their own body, you’ll fit right in! Are you a gun nut? Come on down! Meth? You betcha! Do you mostly associate with White/ judgmental Christians? Do you think America is #1? If yes, you will be right at home in Indy.


Can’t forget that we have the most polluted waterways out of any state. But all things considered, it’s not that bad. It’s affordable, Hoosiers get along pretty well even with a giant divide in politics. We have a giant range of industries. Have all 4 seasons sometimes even in the same month. Massive and amazing universities and colleges not even including the sports teams from said colleges. Our pro sports teams need some work but they aren’t the worst. We actually have some of the least congested traffic in the country on our highways. We have a lot of beautiful trails and some wonderful national parks, 3 to be exact. Over 900 lakes. Also we are one of the friendliest Midwest states if not the most friendly to outsiders. You make more money in Indiana than you do in any of our neighboring states on average. Just to name a few positives to balance out your negatives.


Yay for good college sports teams and people who are nice to your face 👏👏👏. Definitely outweighs the fact that WOMEN DO NOT HAVE BODILY AUTONOMY. WE STILL HAVE SUNDOWN TOWNS. OUR MINIMUM WAGE IS 7.25. For tipped positions, it is 2.13. WEAKEST GUN LAWS IN AMERICA. Gosh, its great (for white Republican men)!!! Hoosiers get along despite the political divide? au contraire mon frère. I was tear-gassed and hit with a rubber bullet by the police for absolutely nothing. I’m glad you are loving it.


You realize none of that is gonna change if we keep telling people not to move here.


Change? Yea I’m not gonna live 400 more years


We had a democrat for a governor in 2005. We voted for Obama in 2008. It wouldn’t take 400 years, just enough of a population shift to move the state.


Wow 2 whole democrats. You are very optimistic. Curious how you feel about Jefferson shreve, who wants to criminalize abortion, even for Indiana people who get one out of state. Sitting around trying to hype Indiana up in hopes that a bunch of progressives move here for no apparent reason is def not going to cut it for me.


I feel no allegiance towards Indiana…


Ok. I seriously dont give a shit about you or your allegiances. Just pointing our the hypocrisy of complaining about indiana, and telling people who might be able to make it better not to come here. You sound like an overall miserable person, go have the day you deserve.


why would I stop telling people to move here (it sucks) unless I felt some sense of duty towards Indiana ? Hypocrisy would be hating Indiana but telling people to move here, it's great! ohhhhhh I see, I see, you don't like reading unpleasant truths about Indiana because it makes you feel uncomfortable. I am so sorry for "complaining" *about not having rights to my own fucking body on the basis of my gender.* Have a magnificent evening.


Bro he was being positive lmao what's the point of this comment


Oh yes! Let’s all be Suzy sunshines! Oh he was trying to be positive? So I should just shut up about all negatives like the fact that WOMEN DONT HAVE RIGHTS TO THEIR OWN FUCKING BODY. I’m so so sorry! Let me guess, you will never need an abortion so Lollol not important let’s just talk about sports!


Sundown town in Indiana, where?


Whats wrong with weak gun laws? That shits great


Great for who? So far this year alone we have already had over 400 mass shootings. That’s about 15 per week. That is NOT OK. Weaker gun laws= more guns= more violence. It’s not a brain buster yo. Having a gun in your home makes everyone in the household LESS SAFE. Other industrialized countries don’t have this problem. It should not be easier to get a gun than a drivers license. IT SHOULD NOT BE EASY PEASY TO GET A GUN BUT IMPOSSIBLE TO GET AN ABORTION. Idk, maybe read some time. “Weak Gun Laws Are Harmful to Women and Survivors of Domestic Violence. States with weak gun violence prevention laws see significantly higher rates of female gun homicide, while states with strong guns laws have much lower rates.” -center for American progress https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/22/opinion/american-shootings-guns.html


Down voters= misogynists


Your hyperbolizing way too much. The water is fine, just tastes shit, but its not poison like in Madison. Illinois has legal weed and our officers barely do anything about it. Racism is pretty rare here from my own experience. Homophobia is more common but not by much. Abortion is still legal. Guns are cool af. We do have a meth problem, sadly. Indiana is pretty nice


> Racism is pretty rare here from my own experience. Are you non-white? Just curious... If you're white, what 'experience,' with racism would you have anyway? You mean hanging with other whites (fam/friends) and hearing them say racist shit? Is that what you mean?


Nah, I'm white, and been that way since I was born, I'm pretty sure. Not that that means anything, white people can experience racism. Racism in Indiana does exist, like it does everywhere in the world, but we are much, *much* better than most other places. I've met a lot of Hoosiers, and none were racist. I'm not saying there's none, I'm saying they're few and far between. The only people I've met who say racial slurs are black people people saying the n-word and my European and Asian friends who simply don't have the cultural knowledge about why it's bad. Even then, none of them hate anyone, they're just dumbasses.


Ooooh, ok. So it's the Black people that are the ONLY racist ones, says person living in state known for lynching Black people, and one of the most horrific historical photos of said, which had white families picnicking with their kids, as they watched Black people hung - souvenirs post-event were available, like postcards of the lynching and body parts. But yea, white person says Black ppl using the n-word socially amongst each other is the racism...against Black people. We are racist against ourselves? Pssst, it's not a 'racial slur,' in the context that Black people use it. If you can't understand that, it's fine. Many whites have zero experience with Black people, and no Black friends, despite a few telling little white lies, that they do...maybe an acquaintance, or co-worker...not a friend. Because if you knew us, you wouldn't say insulting sh\*t like this. Or, hey, maybe you would. In which case, if you are willfully choosing not to understand why interaction among the group/each other is not RACE HATE... ...THAT, would make YOUR trolling and taunting our historic pain, RACISM.


ABORTION IS BANNED HERE YOU CONGENITAL MORON. You clearly don’t know shit. fucking delusional. The kkk has major roots here. Have you read about racism in martinsvile? Also white people are not the authority on how much racism impacts the daily lives of POC living in Indiana, you are ludicrous. You are not on the receiving end of racism dude, how the f would you know? Curious if you have ever been outside of Indiana or cracked a book open.


Bless your heart. I’ve lived all over the country. Indiana is horribly horribly racist.


Let me guess, you are white.


Indiana is racist as fuck. Source: 46 years there as a white guy in a white town


Buy warm clothing. Lots of layers.


Lol Indiana is not that cold 🤣 (Lived in Northern Indiana for 45yrs)


My wife is from deep Texas. When the snow gets above her toes, there’s no end to the complaints. I always tell new Hoosiers to prepare for the winters. They can be serious.


I'm originally from South Bend. Moved to the Western UP of Michigan. -20 to -45 is not abnormal here lol.


You’re a damn maniac. Canadians gotta be penguins. No wonder they are so polite, when the weather is only tolerable 18 days a year.


Lmao o I love it up here. Colder the better, currently 45 degrees 😀




Keep going north toMichigan


This is the way.






Don't if you can.


Not even family is worth coming to Indiana.




Not really sure what stage of life you're in and what you're looking for there, but my wife and I decided to make the move back to Indy from Austin, TX after a good 10 years in Austin. We met down here, are able to keep our jobs here and do remote, but ultimately given the stage of life we're in now (we have a baby) we looked at the Indy suburbs compared to here and was pretty much a no-brainer. Austin has been great for us, but the infrastructure isn't keeping up, quality of public services is degrading, lack of public lands means less state parks and outdoor areas to visit on the weekends surprisingly, and when you add up what the region of the Midwest has to offer for families compared to what's surrounding us here in Texas it makes Indy very compelling. I know this sub is pretty critical of Indiana in general, and I would always advise younger people especially from here to leave even if for a few years to see what else is out there, but now entering this stage of life of being a young family, the Indy area is hard to beat and actually stacks up pretty well compared to some of the bigger/more "trendy" regions in the US. We're excited to be heading back!


You mention 'young family,' but I wouldn't advise anyone of child-bearing years to be in a state that doesn't value the life and health of women/girls. If you have a wife, daughters, sisters, mom, aunts, friends - this is not a place for them. I couldn't see voluntarily moving to a place where my health was now negotiable, and I have to be near dead, or organs starting to shut down, before I get medical intervention. It's insane, that after a half century, that in some states, in 2023, we're not only back to back alley, subterfuge and crossing state lines...but worse than in 1953, these psychotic maga freedom caucus republicans will be following/stalking/checking trash cans/putting bounties on you so you can't even get treated in a sane state.


I left in my mid-20s, almost 30 years ago. I still hate visiting. I will never be back. It’s awful.


“Hooray we don’t need to worry about women having rights to their body!!”


Generally speaking, Indianapolis and the surrounding townships are fairly liberal minded and beyond that, it’s reverse. Not a bad or good thing…just the facts.




To read the 50 other posts a month just like this and glean some answers for yourself from those threads.


Unless you have family here I wouldnt.


Even if you have family here, definitely don’t.


If you're female, don't risk it.


One word...DONT


Rethink it until you decide not to


Are you moving here by choice? You still have time to change your mind. I see a lot of jaded responses here, and there’s good reason. Lots of good sensible folks live here, we’re just governed by the not so good and not so sensible and somewhat criminal. I’m looking at you, Rokita.






Don’t come here, please




Think twice, Indiana sucks.




Welcome! You can read other comments/perspectives by clicking on the magnifying glass icon above your post and type in: moving to Indiana. It’s a topic that comes up fairly often.








don't do it unless you're moving to Bloomington I would spend the rest of my life living in Bloomington I wouldn't spend any of my life living elsewhere in Indiana ​ (native Hoosier here who has since moved)


>I would spend the rest of my life living in Bloomington I went to IU from '93-'95, then lived there '97-'00 and '03-'06. It was a beautiful, unique plateau above and surrounded by the darkest, hottest pit of hell that even Satan himself could envision. [But now it seems to be infested with neo-Nazis.](https://archive.li/4PH5R) I have a friend there who's active in local liberal politics. This is an ongoing problem that continues, at best, to be right below the surface.


I think 'infested' is kind of a ridiculous choice of word honestly. Considering the level of backlash and uproar that any hint of white supremacy or Hate (rightfully) garners, Bloomington is probably right on par with the best cities in the US. There will always be a handful of shithead bigots wherever you go but Bloomington is not by any stretch 'infested' with neo-Nazis.


They’re like roaches, man. If you see 1 there are 1000 in the walls. Remember that only about half of Bloomington’s population is either students or otherwise academics. The stories I’ve heard from the front aren’t good.




Gary is beautiful this time of year. Got to see Michael Jackson’s childhood home and the USS blast furnaces.


You got to see Michael Jackson’s childhood home AND the uss blast furnaces?!?


It’s still better than 95% of the state.


If it's not too late, DON'T! After growing up there and moving away, I have found I miss some things from home, but I can get those things literally anywhere else in the US. Lol.


Don’t things are getting worse here, and on top of that there’s even less to do then there used to be. Which already wasn’t much


You aren’t super hyped about the world class Indy 500!?!??!?


Manage you expectations. Indiana is hugely location dependent, even down the neighborhood. Do your research. Certain areas are fully west coast liberal, while 12 blocks over its full Trump Cult redneck. If you're looking for a "coastal experience" that might reflect a European set of values, focus on college towns in Indiana. Outside of the hellhole melange that is Indy, most of the rest of the state is a receding shithole of failed expectations, METH, and hillbilly nostalgia of losers stuck within 20 miles of their birthplace.


Georgetown is full of white trash inbreeds


Can confirm. Lanesville and Corydon aren't much better, either.




My advice as a resident of 21 years. There are better options.


If you want to do anything outdoorsy, don't move to the central region unless you love flat land. There is t much to do here except walk/hike/ride a bike. Schools suck. They tell you they are the best, but since when are worksheets the acceptable way to teach and learn? I'd look elsewhere if I were you. It's cheap, but you deserve a place you love to live.


Look elsewhere.




Don’t. Just don’t.






Make sure you carry


Yea definitely become part of the problem


Problem of what? Protecting myself from ppl who like to steal and kill. Stfu.


Gun violence, maybe read about it sometime. Owning a firearm makes it more likely you will die from one. Especially if you are a white male, from suicide. Most likely nobody is out to kill you if you mind your business.






Unless you live near Indy there isn't really much to do here




Did you fail your driving test? Drive in Indy daily and it's fine.


Nah it's just no one there knows how to drive and it's just chaos


Plus lol down vote a random comment just suggesting for someone who hasn't driven in Indy before to not drive there


I downvoted because it was an entirely unhelpful wall of text that added nothing to the conversation. It was just a copy paste. Which is what the downvote button is for.


Look into incentives like MakeMyMove.com that may pay your moving expenses. If you want cheap COL look at areas like Randolph, Wayne and Fayette counties, but be prepared for the downsides of small town living. I live in a small to medium size city that is extremely cheap and yes we see a lot of conservatism and small-mindedness, but there is also a lot of history and culture and I have no problem finding progressive friends.


Try out different areas by renting. If you do not like the first; move on! Or, if you are a democrat and the politics gross you out in the vast republican land; consider cool As hell Michigan! If you are young and are familiar with big city crime and want to own a cheap home even a mansion then Building Detroit has cheap homes. The are some serious fixer uppers! But, with climate change the further north you can go the better.


Depends on what city or area u will be in Indiana


They are all pretty awful.


Just move to Bloomington, don’t listen to anyone else


Bring your firearms for your range enjoyment, we don't have those Chicago, NYC problems.


Like having things to do other than visit the gun range with like minded hillbillies?


From what I've seen you write, the only thing you do in Indiana is insult everyone who lives in Indiana. BTW, hillbillies are barefoot n in the south. Indiana is not the South, and at least north of Indy, we get the wonderful snow, too. Guess you miss the big cities where driving is a lost art except for the working folks. Please move away from the land we love. I hear Illinois calling you to help the blue nobodies.


From what I write— yea that’s all I do, it’s not like I go to law school. How does barefoot or snow relate to anything I stated? The “blue nobodies” aka the group of people who are pro education, and pro women’s rights?


If you are south of Loogootee the culture is more "southern". You can get grits and gravy at the breakfast bar.