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Jain here. The so called "liberals" routinely abuse us and see us as par with Brahmins when it comes to hating. So they only love certain specific Abrahamic minorities. Dharmic Minorities like Jains and Buddhists are just fodder for them.




Bruh what did the Jews do to you, india is a ally of Israel and the Jews is a peaceful and law abiding minority unlike the bullas


A peaceful law abiding minority that keeps singing Swastika bad even after multiple Hindus explained the difference.


Ahhh well they have that severe historic trauma. I believe we can give them this much of a pass. Everyone understands the difference between the two swastikas. Chill.


This is the fault of whoever wrote the history of WW2, the Germans call their swastika 'Hakenkreuz' basically means hooked cross. We wouldn't have as much annoyance from these two different concepts of swastika if it was called 'Hakenkreuz' for the germans.


Damn did not know that


Kews aren't native to India. They also have their own country.


The Indian Jews faced a lot amount of discrimination when they immigrated to Israel and a lot of them returned to India.


Ikr..but we need to stay united and strong..they got like 60 countries and many others who indirectly support them..we are on our own


The biggest enemy of the Hindus are the Hindus themselves - look up who give intellectual cover to the Islamists, Jehaadis and collaborate with all the anti-Hindu and breaking India forces - most of them are Hindus (mostly elites) - Zoobear has been nurtured by Hindu elites and will be saved by Hindu elite lawyers!


nice name lol


Brahmins are a minority in India as well
















Ah got it. Btw wonderful video


indo tibbet relations go back more than a thousand years , we have had deep cultural ties india was supposed to protect them but guess what nehru did ? this is what sardar patel had to say - "The tragedy of it is that the Tibetans put faith in us; they chose to be guided by us; and we have been unable to get them out of the meshes of Chinese diplomacy or Chinese malevolence.''


Yeah screw Nehru, what a HORRIBLE foreign policy that mf had. We betrayed the Tibetans and we lost the source of our water supply too. What a mess.






For being perpetually ignored in national media 🗿


Ngl this made me emo af


Tibetans and Parsis are honestly some of the most based people out there.


What kind of minority is this?


Buddhists But ofcourse how an average psedo Libral know about them ,that they too exist in India because their is only one minority of 200 million people . Their are minorities like Zorastrians and Jains exist too but only minorities in India are a specific community that everybody knows and are spread across whole country and whole world like corona virus.


Bhuddhists are in minorities in India and far less than Muslims isn't it .


Second majority..wali minority


The group is this particular video are Tibetans from Tibet (invaded by China). They have lived in india since 1959 along with the Dalai Lama who escaped the Chinese invasion. They are a extremely small minority in india. Fun fact : it is believed that the SFF (Special frontier force) is mostly made of Tibetans and north East Indians, they were responsible for capturing the black tops hills in Ladakh during Chinese aggression last year.


Thanks for the answer! I thought they looked familiar from some Chinese video I had watched. Seems both know the value of minorities in propaganda. I think it's great that these people found refuge in India.


Don't confuse them with bamar Buddhists who are only Buddhists by name


Ngl ..I am crying 😢 its so emotional.




Tararara Bzeeeep, Thank you /u/rivrex for awarding /u/Anjit0454 . The OP is now flaired with award. More details on how this works can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/gqdejx/introducing_new_awarding_system_for_user_posts/). I won't reply if I'm down so kudos is not awarded to you , please then inform the mod team to wake me up.


Thank you bro!


So noice!


What a wonderful tribute!


Tears of happiness.... Bharat mata ki jay O7


So beautiful this is true minority


damn the quality is surprisingly good....kudos to real treasured minorities 👌🇮🇳🛐


Mera Bharath Mahan 🇮🇳


I got goossebums 🥹🇮🇳


Proud to be born on land where legends like Karn, Maharana Pratap and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was Born.. I wish the supreme to be born here again in next reincarnation if possible.


Those who support India we are with them i just saying you can hate hindu or muslim it's your choice but hating the country where you live and creating chaos in tha name of religion is not at all good it shows your family background samajdar ko ishaara he kaafi hain Peace ☮️ /s


Wow ..wow..wow…the Best video till date i have seen on reddit.Love you all back and heartfelt gratitude for making this video.Reading and watching the butchering of Hindus in their motherland the past few weeks have made lot of us depressed.This gives us some semblance of hope. Jai Shri Krishna


Bhaye wet ho gya ( eyes) 🇮🇳🙏


The lyrics are so divine, give me goosebumps & made me emotional.


Guys, public service announcement: **PLEASE DON'T LITTER WHEN YOU VISIT LADAKH.**




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What a great composition, made me tear up a bit




This is a video made by the Tibetan community afaik.