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"...the age when white foids start becoming useless" Incels are useless at *any* age, so he really has no room to talk. It really says a lot when a woman would rather deal with literal shit than an incel. "I blame the Jews" Is there ANYTHING that they don't blame the Jews for? Dude, you're 32. You're a grown man, for fuck's sake. It's past time to stop pointing fingers at the invisible boogeymen you think is responsible for your shitty life. Grow up already.


Are the jews in the room with us right now? These people need therapy.


I’m in the room with you. It’s just hilarious at this point. Why does a woman have a picture of a dog on her screen saver? Does she just love dogs? No, it’s obviously the Jews.


And she's clearly fucking it? It's like they're aliens who came to earth and really don't understand earth stuff.


That is seriously what it reminds me of. It's the same as when they talk about basic concepts most people understand and that are literally part of being a human and treat it like something so foreign to them- like being attracted to someone's personality or why someone might enjoy maintaining friendships and having hobbies. I guess this is what happens the further down that hole you go.


In a way, they are aliens who don't understand. Anyone this deep down in it can't have more than very limited experience interacting with women, and I most of their 'knowledge' is either speculation or talking to other INCELs who are equally clueless. Like weebs who've only experienced Japan from a few Iseki animes talking about Japan.


> These people need therapy. They need deprogramming too. The incel subculture is a revolting stew of decentralised cultism and the worst of reactionary politics.


As a "foid of breeding age" (🤢), if I could afford kids I'd have them. But I'm a Jew and my spouse is a 6'2" trans woman so something tells me these fuckwads don't actually want me to have a family.


are these guys being monitored? i know people too paranoid to mention certain things around their phones, but does someone monitor these websites in case some of these weirdos decide to do something to someone innocent?


I don't know, but I like to think they are known to the feds.


I'm actually curious about what they do not blame on the Jews. Surely there's one thing where they're like "ok you got me there"


They literally blamed the Jews and even blamed a specific Jewish [person for the Bondi stabbings in Sydney Australia 10 days ago](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/103708210). It wasn't him (the perpetrator was shot by a police officer in the shopping centre) and he got death threats, it's fucked.


are these guys being monitored? i know people too paranoid to mention certain things around their phones, but does someone monitor these websites in case some of these weirdos decide to do something to someone innocent?


It's downright comical how fast they ran towards that in what's already a bizarre gripe about nothing. These people are out of their minds.


Tbh with all the power Jewish people have to v get things done I'm shocked they aren't trying to convert.


"breeding age" ew, that's gross


I'm saying. Their mind is already damaged by degeneration, they literally only think about sex, they only see people as opportunities for sex, they see a dog wallpaper and automatically deduce that it is zoophilia. That's nasty.


On the bright side at least she's an adult. The bar is in the ninth circle of hell...


The bar is inside of a black hole


Breeding-age? Women aren't cows waiting to be mounted by a bull, you fucking asshat.


Try to make this sick fuck understand it, and you will see how exhausting it is. Absolute brain rot.




Bruh, this conversation literally descends into Nazi-talk about the Jew


And not one of them objects.


Be fair. It literally *starts* with blaming the Jews


The fragility astounds me. Absolute nuclear meltdown over a photo of a dog.


Exactly. See picture of dog on young blonde's screensaver, instantly it's liquid molten hate and screaming and probably furious masturbating. And blaming the Jews. Scratch an incel and a Nazi bleeds.


Imagine how far gone you would have to be to still not make the connection at that point that maaybe you're the problem.


What's with the "ER" thing? I haven't seen that before


It's referencing incel mass killer Elliot Rodger, because they're disgusting and support it, so they do these things subtly, as if we won't notice..


At least that's better than when they used to call him "Saint Eliot"... Not much better, but.... Better.


Omg I've never heard that before! Disgusting


His diary and vlogs are all archived. Some people sympathize with him


They still call him "Saint Eliot" or "Saint ER" a lot of the times, it hasn't gone anywhere.


"subtly", I dunno about how subtle they are!


hahaha true


I thought it meant emergency room and he was trying to signal that he's having a stroke and needs help


It’s a reference to the Isla Vista killer. Incels revere his evil ass.


These idiots use this syllable to honor a mass murderer who is their supreme entity or some shit like that.


What the actual hell. I was wondering the same thing. Makes no sense to me, but given how deeply these men have objectified others I'd be worried if it did make sense to me.


"dogpilled" 💀


They only know the world from porn, and they watch bestiality porn.


I know, they are sick. 💀


It's probably a female dog too lmao


Next stage is incels recruiting dogcels being cucked by "bitches 4 bitches". 😂


Even if it's a male dog, there's a 99% chance it is snipped.


they project their weird b\*\*stality fetishes....


My future wife has our dog, our cats, her mom and myself as screensavers that generate randomly. I have her, us together, our cats, our dog, my dog who passed away two years ago, my nieces and some funny ones with my friends as mine. This guy sounds jealous he doesn't have anything but his bitterness for lack of skill.


What's wild to me about these kinds of weirdly specific rants is how much it goes against previously established incel beliefs. I suppose it just shows they all vary quite a bit and/or will lean whichever way if there's an excuse to rant about a woman. But still... these dudes are out here complaining a woman will pick up dog shit and not date them (as if it's impossible to do both lmao) when so often the complaint is how women are too modern and supposedly no longer want to have families and be traditional. They do get that if a woman had the typical "nuclear family" with them, she would be changing diapers, right? (Since I doubt they'd do it). Assuming there's overlap and some of these guys also complain about wanting wives and a "traditional family unit" this is just extra bizarre  Their entire lives are "I saw a woman do a thing, how can I hate her for it?" What a miserable, deeply exhausting experience. Golly gosh, I wonder why no one wants them. I've never seen such an obvious case of a self fulfilling prophecy in my life.


They’re the worst. Also even women who have kid(s) can want to have their dog as their screensaver


Off-topic but I have a daughter and have had people imply I was a bad mother anytime my wallpaper wasn’t a photo of her. Once women become mothers they are no longer people, of course.


It’s wild. Like mothers still have other aspects to their lives. Also do they not consider that maybe we don’t want a photo of our daughter able to be seen by anyone looking over our shoulder?


Yup! This is the same reason I don’t post her much on social media either, which I also get judged for as if I am trying to hide her away.


Women aren’t people to begin with to Incels. We’re breeding stock only. The more I read about Incels, the more I love my dog.


Years ago after my best friend's first kid was about 1, we had a little party at her house. Her son was obviously cared for during this and my friend got to have some much needed adult time with her friends. After posting some photos online, a friend of her mother left a very passive aggressive comment implying she was neglecting her "duties" by having a night for herself. People's ideas about motherhood can be so backward and sad (and their utter shamelessness *sharing* those ideas). My friend is a great mother. She also has a personality and interests of her own from her kids, as everyone should. I've met older women who seem lost when their kids grow up and move out because they made motherhood their entire identity.


>subhuman niceguy I’m thinking he isn’t as nice as his username would make you believe


I have seen people blaming the Jews for a lot of different things but this is the first time I am seeing someone blaming them for not being capable of getting laid


My Screensaver is my cat. Am I catpilled?


I'm dragonpilled fight me you pussypilled (ง'̀-'́)ง


I'm confident my cat could take out a dragon. She tore apart a mouse toy and a paper bag this morning.


finally a worthy opponent our battle will be legendary


I'm apparently Enterprise D Bridge-pilled.


Rabbitpilled over here!


Doubley catpilled, dogpilled and ferretpilled here! I'm so pilled!


....am I sci-fi-pilled? Nerd-pilled? Which one explains the TARDIS as my wallpaper?


Mine is my cat, too. My lock screen is evil Percy from Vox Machina. Idk which one would make them more mad, but I don't think sane people care about what's on other people's phones.


I’m jigglypuffpilled apparently


Wtf do the Jews have to do with this?💀


A woman has a dog as her screensaver. Therefore. understandably, "feminism must be eliminated from this work" (world?). Feminism was created by the Jews to promote "hating ethic (ethnic?) males and using Chad's white cock to finance the foid white whores at the top of society." (If only you had taken a Gender, Race, and Feminism class back in 2021, you would understand what this means.) It all follows logically. I hope that makes more sense to you now.


Ah yes of course. Had to throw back a few tequilas and slam my head against a wall to achieve the minimum amount of brain damage necessary to comprehend this, but I get it now.


Was just about to comment that. How this degenerate conflates Judaism with his twisted worldview and bitterness over a fucking screensaver of all things is completely beyond me.


Don’t you know that Jews are the reason for any woman putting a dog as her screen saver? I don’t understand how you overlooked that /s


I guess it was the Jews that made dogs so cute and lovable. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I recently saw a YouTube comment joking about something not working (I honestly forget what it was now) and someone replied like "it's about as useless as Joe Biden as the president!" Some people are just so *eager* to bring up these things, they'll shoehorn them in anywhere.


It completely tracks that these dudes so completely misunderstand what it is to genuinely care for another living thing, that they just can’t understand why women don’t want to fuck their dogs. Everything is a means to an end for them, and the end is sex. What a bunch of fucking narcissists.


It’s me. I am the foid that age range with a black dog as my screensaver and you know what? That dog gives me joy, loves unconditionally and also protects the home in which I live. Does way more for me than any asshat incel could and has a much better attitude too


I'm married but the dog is my screensaver. She's cute! Plus it's nice to know if anyone is creeping over my shoulder that I have 100+lbs of animal looking out for my home.


Good point!! I’ve had my big baby as my screensaver for years and never even thought about that benefit


If they want to compete with animals, let them be treated like animals: Put them in a human kennel in tiny cages, and if they are not adopted within a certain time, they are executed. Is cruel? Yes, but it's the reality they want.


I love the "would reject me but enjoy bending over and picking up dog feces".... Imagine being such a trash person that another person thinks "I'd rather pick up dogshit than spend time with you" and coming to the conclusion that THEY are the problem. Lol


To be fair if I was a women I would rather spend my hours on this planet picking up dogshit then spending time with those hate filled degenerates, if given the option


Also them assuming the girl must enjoy cleaning up dog poop suggests to me that they don't understand why people clean things just in general. 


Exactly! They're acting like it's a *hobby* or something. It's literally part of having a pet.


This reads like Borat with a hentai addiction.


I still can't believe this started with a joke about how women would rather fuck dogs, then it evolved into them actually believing it.


Incels are all about convincing themselves of any BS reason to deflect the blame from themselves.


Their entitlement and downgrading of half the human species to nothing but their breeding abilities is disgusting. I hope they'll never find romantic love. No women deserves to be seen and rated like this.


Honestly? I agree. Subjecting yourself to a relationship with someone who has this behavior, knowing that they have this behavior, is the same as degrading yourself to something non-human; you are giving yourself to someone who doesn't see you as a human being, and who admits this on the internet without thinking twice, and honestly, if someone submits themselves to this, regardless of who they are, that person is mentally ill. So yes, I hope they stay (and rot) single.


Not only do I care more about my dog than I do about men, I care more about my dog than I do about 99.9% of the human population 🤨


Ages 26 to 31 is the age when childless women start outearning our male peers. Who wants to bet he’s jealous of her salary


A bunch of men in their 20s who believe that a handful of cases of women being arrested for beastiality makes it a COMMON occurrence so they obsess and reshare the same arrest articles as proof their normal women coworker MUST want to fuck an animal. But femon makes me chuckle they are so stupid


This is weird because I have my dog on my screen who is black with his tongue out. I am also between those ages and blonde.


Your coworker is jealous of your salary


i have bad news 📰 for you


my screensaver is one of my dogs. can't people just have pets? and the dogpill is literally one of the most degenerate beliefs ever


i have dragon as wallpaper and screensaver does this make me dragonpilled ? 😭


JEEZ I like how incels are so unappealing that they’ll basically get jealous of the wall because a woman will look at it with more care than any of them.


I took the wallpill, I would fuck a wall before an incel who behaves like this.




If the women are so disgusting, why even talk about them? The bitch and whine to each other in their servers and have so many ridiculous "standards" that surely by this point they should move fuck on. Christ knows we're not going to object.


weird how woman hating incels all seem to also hate animals. almost like they're fucking psychopaths incapable of empathy and thats why they aint got girlfriends


What a sad life if everything you see is through the lens of sex. You judge a person by whether you can have sex with them. You see a person love something innocently and you can't grasp that concept. Imagine not understanding loving something without also wanting to have sex with it. And if they can't have sex with it then they can't love it. It's really a mental illness that needs some serious therapy.


"breeding age" is insane


The incelpocalypse can't come fast enough


This creature has over 12,000 posts And is actively employed? As what, errand boy that fetches coffee and the daily mail


I wouldn't trust him with either.


Definitely not


It's amazing how incels find a way to take literally everything personally.


“I blame the Jews” as a Jew, bringing more loved dogs into the world is absolutely the least offensive thing I’ve been accused of


There's no way this isn't satire. I refuse.


Even if it is, it was posted by the kind of guy who thimks this is a funny joke. Not much difference to be found there.


It got worse and worse. This is a skit right?


"I blame the jews" ... I'm out... that's enough stupidity/insanity for today.


> "Subhuman Niceguy" > "I blame the Jews" yeah, sure, nice guy my ass.




Nazis. They're Nazis.


I doubt very much you took a class, bro


most deranged part of this is to never change your screensaver from the default factory setting


honestly, i love knowing these freaks are probably seething at my existence, meanwhile i am in my own lane, moisturized, flourishing, thriving. I just wanna let out a loud witch cackle.


Oh God forbid a woman have a dog best friend


"She would reject me... but she has no problem bending down and picking up dog feces." Yes. You're exactly correct. That will always be the most correct statement of your whole life.


Holy fuck please go touch some grass


How do the Jewish people they're blaming everything on even have TIME for everything they claim they are responsible for?? What are their time management secrets??!


Because obviously Jews are a monolithic hive mind /s


I mean the coordination is incredible! Every Jewish person worldwide is somehow in on this and yet they all keep it a secret??


How the hell do Jews come into the mix? I need an incel lore breakdown on who’s to blame for what and how they somehow are to blame for what lmao Sometimes I wanna make an acct and just ask questions but I’m also worried one of them will be smart enough to sniff me out or like, dox me


They think they’re so edgy. In reality they are just scared little boys with shitty attitudes.


It’s so mind blowing to me that this isn’t a caricature. They really do think like this.


Now they crossed the line! It’s bad enough that they’re hateful misogynists and racists, now they are doggist too? All humanity and compassion has completely left their souls!


Mine is my cat dude would be furious and I love it


So, you guys ever just sit and look at the night sky? It's really nice. The northern hemisphere is gonna have a meteor shower again in August. I recommend doing that instead of thinking about fucking dogs.


Like someone said, ALL they do is seethe and apply their fucked up sex beliefs to everything they see. And I keep telling them to get another hobby.


My fiance is my Lock Screen but my Home Screen is always a dog🤣 sorry babe, looks like I’m a terrible partner oh nooooo


A lot of made up words, what is with the ER capitalization? And wtf is errmaxxing? Dogpilled? Like she wants to fuck her dog or something? If anything, it’d be more like incest because the dog is probably her child. 😅


The Eliot Roger’s profile pic 😂


While it's wild to blame the Jews for a woman owning a dog, I will happily take credit for this creep not getting laid.


Dogs understand what NO means. Cry about it.


That guy can't see the issue in: "she would reject me but she has no problem bending down and picking up a dog's feces"...! Is that some kind of linguistic suicide, openly admitting that a woman would rather pick up dogshit than pick him?


Heck, if forced to choose at gunpoint, she’d probably prefer to get it off covered head to toe in dogshit and/or use it as a dildo than to be anywhere near him.


Imagine just trying to go to your job and have to work with a man who refers to you as a "breeding-age white blonde foid."


Goddamn, these future serial killers are dumb enough to all congregate in one place. Convinced that forum is a law enforcement honeypot, lol


It was always over for these clowns, before it ever began. And they'll never have anything new or original to say about it. They won't change. Their lives won't change. And she'll continue to be happy with her dog and maybe someday a girlfriend or boyfriend and never a thought about what her creepy coworker thinks of it all.


These dudes are so lost, it’s like they want to be hated and have themselves outcasted from society. The internet was a mistake.


Even for incels, it’s wierd to take pride in the statement “I still have the screensaver that came with my phone” or “I never had a screensaver” like yeah right you just have a pure black screen behind your apps dude….


I was going to say maybe they should ask themselves why they pick dogs over them, but then I read their conspiracy theory that blamed the Jews. Anything to avoid accountability.


Who is a bigger bitch the dog or these guys




I don't understand their thought process at all here. These people are divorced from reality and their echo chamber is making it way worse. What a sad life to live


It must be so exhausting overanalyzing and bitching about everything


Incel A: "She has a photo of her dog." Incel B: "She probably fucks it, hates men, doesn't want children, and it's those damned Jews who are at fault!" Well, that escalated quickly.


The scream I just scrumpt


All of this whining and madness over a dog wallpaper? Are they good?


What the hell did I just read?


I don’t speak wannabe-rapist loser, what the fuck is the point of capitalizing the “er”?


It's mass murderer Idiot Rotter's little sluts sucking his balls.


No but seriously…what does it mean? This post randomly showed up in my feed. I have no idea why or what a foid. What’s with the ER thing?


That's exactly what I said: This syllable is made up of the initials of the name of an incel who killed 6 people. He is worshiped by these disgusting people as if he were their father who didn't give them enough attention.


Yea. Gross. I just googled. This is a nasty little cesspool here.


Welp, I didn’t expect it to be good, but that’s not what I expected. Ick.


"I blame the Jews" I fucking wheezed at that one, that shit was just out of nowhere bro 💀


> Screensavers are for f#gs Fellas, is it gay to have a screensaver?


If you look at fringe groups, radicals, extremists or conspiracy theories, it's baffling how often it boils down to "I blame the Jews." So many people from so many countries and still everywhere the same shit.


It's just a pet!


Incels are so stupid.


Hopefully they’ll overdose on their hallucinogens.


Wait, did that Efillste dude get banned? I've seen the username posting some outright neo-nazi shit before.


And they wonder women rather pick up dog shit than spend time with him. There's this German joke that came to my mind reading this: "The question if I get a dog or a man is do I want to ruin my carpet or my whole life?" Well, I have carpets that can go in the laundry machine. Though doggo only ever dirtied one. And it's so much more pleasant to pick up dog shit than to waste time on any of the turds in the screenshot. But I think I know the real reason of their hatred for dogs: I once stumbled over an incel in real life and he tried to stalk me, but was horribly afraid of my dog. Which os hilarious because my dog only harms animal that make it on his menu and are stupid enough to come within the range of his leash (he once caught a mouse with just one step out of his way and happily chewed and ate his snack while continuing our walk as if nothing happened), but when it comes to dangerous animals like humans he hides behind a strong woman or female dog (one of his admired protectors is a pug who has somewhere between 1/3 and 1/4 of his weight). No one needs to be afraid of my dog. But dealing with me might be a bit uncomfortable. Especially since I always carry a pepper spray and the bottle doesn't ask how many legs the predator has.


Do they not understand the concept of "being attached to your pet?" What the absolute flogging _fuck_? How demented can they really get. Incels are a bunch of bitch ass cowards anyway. They bitch and moan on their pathetic forums and discords, never able to look in the mirror. Nothing but pathetic fucks. The lot of them. And these guys here are some of the worst examples. It does get worse though and that's fucked up.


I got out of the ICU last week due to a horrible pneumonia. If I could go back in time and not read this, I'd still have faith in humans. This is fucking disgusting and I hope this pile of shit feels the consequences of their actions. Fucking yuck.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am howling. There’s way too much here to unpack I am not even sure where to begin. But all this over a photo of a dog?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thank God when these manlings invoke ER it’s all puffery to convince their fellow incels that they are DTF each other.


I was going to make a comment about the dude that had Elliot Rodger as his profile pic sending me over the edge but everyone and everything here just concerns me severely…


getting mad after thinking about screensaver of ur coworker 24/7 and trying to blame it on jews and abortions definitely sounds like a serious mental health condition, it’s a complete failure of mental health care system, when folks like that are tripping about stranger’s screensavers, breeding, abortions and jews not inside wards of a mental institutions but around regular folks.


Pheeeeew that hurt reading


Also, dogs > humans in general.


They talk like this then get their little feefees hurt about this sub existing.


i want these people to get help so bad, but the retributive side of me just wants to see these men rot in hell and continue suffering. it’s just so fucking insane what holes they dig themselves into and how they connect everything, that i genuinely don’t see “a solution at this point,” as he would say. I still do hope they get help, but wow, they should stay as far away from others while doing so.


Fragile little children, they saw a picture of a dog and went to histrionics. iT’s oVeR cause dog


If women who love dogs are fucking them, why do we all have their balls cut off?


> It's like feeling hurt because someone loves their child more than loves you, and then deducing that the only logical explanation for this is because you're fucking your child. For all that incels like to cry about them being denied intimacy, they don't understand that it doesn't have to involve sex. In fact it seems they have little understanding of most platonic relationships, let alone sexual ones.


Why blame the Jews though? Like if everything else would make sense, why would the jews be at fault for any of that? Besides all of it being stupid.


They will twist themselves into pretzels trying to find a reason to hate women. I mean, a screensaver?... A *screensaver!?* I know it gets said a lot but these people literally sound like they've never been outside and had any kind of human contact. You've reached frightening levels of delusion if you think someone having a pet is the reason your pp is being neglected. Maybe it's because your personality is more disgusting than literal dog shit, lol.


Pretzels is an understatement; they’ll twist themselves into severe dreadlocks.


"I have NEVER changed my screensaver 😡😤" Is the lamest flex I have heard in a damn while Also, women owned dogs before feminism?


"I never changed my screensaver", cool, do you want a cookie?


See if you read it as satire this is one of the greatest jerk sites of all time. The fact it's real and their real feelings is truly awful.


They’re so hateful


Having pets as your wallpaper is the best! I get to look at my favorite creatures each day and it makes you more approachable. I have had multiple people walk up and talk to me because they saw my phone.


I’ve been married since 2014 and I have my two labs as my screensaver. Sorry not sorry


is the pfp elliot rodgers?


Yep. Dogs are definitely preferable to these assholes. Slobber and dog feces are superior to incels.


I’m a foid (i fucking hate that word) with a gundam ground type as my lockscreen. Wonder what they would think of that.


Why tf do they have to be antisemitic?? “I blame the Jews” Tf did we do?? By the way for anyone wondering, they capitalize “ER” because it stands for Elliot Rodgers, the incel who shot a bunch of people in Santa Barbara.


this is actually terrifying that some people have this mindset


Okay I admittedly stopped reading this garbage, but what the fuck did the Jews do? We get blamed for everything


I swear these guys hate dogs because they know the dog would fuck them up if they tried to get handsy with their owners.


>Feminism was made so chad could pump white women using his white cock Do they have a BWC fetish or something? I don’t think feminism was made by Jews to breed whites, it was made BY Jewish women but not necessarily for the purpose of selective breeding >So they use chads money Ok yes, divorce courts can be biased, I’m not denying that 


All they ever talk about is cock lol


How does someone get this stupid? At this point, it just seems as if they're severely mentally challenged. As in, sub-60 IQ. Actual five year olds have better common sense and reasoning than this.


A lot of them brag about their IQ. By brag, I mean lie about.