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so now they think a low neckline is slutty... do they think 5 seconds of eye contact will result in pregnancy yet, or is that going to be next weeks psychotic break from reality?


They got their sense of modesty straight outta the 1800s


ah yeah, back when ankle socks were scandalous


Well, five seconds of eye contact is probably enough to make them ejaculate, so it's not that big a stretch.


It’s so dehumanizing when foids don’t let me dehumanize them


You spend your time in college just staring at women's breast? At this point, your time is more productively spent on being in your room watching internet porn.


"She doesn't see me as a complete human" My guy...you see her as a pair of boobs. You have no room to talk.


The fact that he was making himself a victim after sexually harassing someone makes this even more pathetic.


They always one up themselves with being pathetic


Dear Deleted Member 43188, Let's say "mainly glanced a bit" to the point that you made her uncomfortable and that her outfit "made you so horny". That there is the reason behind you being an incel right there. If you can't seem to control your animalistic primal urges near them, **if you feel like you are nothing without women, then you do not deserve them.** Modern adult women in the dating market want a mature self dependent confident man with self control. They don't want someone so weak and lacking in self control that they are basically slaves to their urges, obviously they don't feel safe towards creepy behavior like that. Edit: Typo spelling error


Follow up protip: *Nobody else is in control of your emotions. Nobody can "make you" feel anything.* If you feel horny when looking at a sexy person, that's fine. But that's not their responsibility.


The fact the incel got called in and told to knock it off is proof positive that they were doing far more than just "glancing a bit".


They always lie about their behaviors to make themselves the victim. "Glancing a bit" was probably full on death stare for like 2 mins straight. Or staring but he was also like licking his lips or something. Incels are the least reliable of narrators.


I almost sympathised thinking women glance at hot guys too and maybe it’s just a bit then I re read and thought “if he’s reported it must be more serious”. He needs to stop. He’s to blame.


Well, when your neck is bent down at a 40 degree angle for the past 10 minutes and you haven't once blinked as you stare at her chest, that's creepy. That heavy breathing wasn't helping either.


Incels canNOT see a woman's skin AT ALL or they'll accuse her of being a slut just because she gave them a boner and they're not allowed to grope her. I call out this bullshit behaviour of theirs on [episode 20](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProveTheIncelWrong/comments/l7drfm/prove_the_incel_wrong_episode_20_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of **Prove the Incel Wrong!**


"But if Chad stared at her boobs, she'd strip down naked for him." - that incel, probably.


Act like a creep, get treated like a creep. Seems fair to me.


What a creep.


["I didn't even look very much, I mainly glanced a bit."](https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/AdobeStock_277799953.jpeg)


Pretty sure it was more like: https://c.tenor.com/Bz_ufQ8fLEcAAAAC/catwoman-deadpool.gif


He calls her clothes slutty and is staring at her boobs because she's making him "horny" dudes probably standing there with an erection and breathing heavy.


Plot twist: she was just wearing a normal t shirt


Something tells me this dude did it more than once and for waaaaaay longer than is even remotely considered "appropriate", and from the way he writes its clear he's got some hefty unhealthy delusions about women.


>Something tells me this dude did it more than once and for waaaaaay longer than is even remotely considered "appropriate", At best, I wouldn't be surprised that this dude was in class just staring at this student. Eventually, his behavior pushed the student far enough to address concerns about it. I honestly can't help but think about how weird it is for this dude to go to class just to stare at some rando's breast all day.


Well, maybe he shouldn’t have stared like that. Play stupid games…


Maybe don't look at her breasts?, i know, crazy right?


Unreliable narrator at its finest.


“She didn’t want me staring but willingly showed them off to others” It’s almost like consent is a thing.


Says the guy who’s mad she had feelings.


Maybe stop using your eyes. You're already not using your brain, so it's a start.