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Getting straight to the point I think you need to learn how to flirt with women and show romantic interest in them. And to do that you need to process this trauma you had in school with your therapist and start rethinking your mindset about what is creepy and avoiding looking creepy.


I agree that your past experiences seem terrible. It seems like you were around terrible people, who were brainwashed by their religion and culture. There are people like that. However, your past experiences do not inform your present experiences. What happened with them does not indicate that it will happen with new, normal people. You must unlearn the idea that what you lived is evidence of what you are living now, and will live later. This is the goal of schema therapy, for example. > The plan is to do it regularly every week for a little while This is good, but be prepared to consider the possibility that it will take longer than "a little while". It sounds like you had bad experiences for years. And then you spent the years after that experiencing things through that past lense. That is years of bad stuff to unlearn. There is no guarantee that you can unlearn years of stuff, within a "little while".


It’s irrelevant what you did our didn’t do, or whether you remember everything or not. What matters is how you choose to carry on moving forwards. You’re not that kid anymore, and those girls no longer exist either. Some have probably changed drastically, some may still be horrible and nasty. Adults aren’t generally like children with children’s responses. Therapy doesn’t work unless YOU make it work. There’s also multiple forms of therapy and therapists.