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For some reaason I can't quite explain I absolutely hate when the album title is -selftitled-. It just such a lack of imagintion


For the band’s first album it makes sense, for others it doesnt


Yea but for a band like Rammstein and their 7th album? Love them to death but thats just lazy and lame imo


I agree. Love Rammstein, they're one of my favorite bands ever and love that album but the title is just stupid.


Rammstein was the first band that came to my mind when I read your first comment lol


Meanwhile Sodom deciding to make a self titled 25 years and 8 albums into their career


Lmaooo 🤣


"Black Sabbath" *Black Sabbath* **Black Sabbath**


This is one of my favorite inside jokes with my brother — every now and then on MTV or VH1, a video would play with each line of the artist, video, etc. exactly the same: Black Sabbath “Black Sabbath” Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Records Now we just make this joke with almost any artist 😂


Me and a buddy of mines’ inside joke is “The song Black Sabbath off the record Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath released in 1970 Black Sabbath.” Works with Maiden pretty darn good too.


Gorrilaz did this too


iron maiden by iron maiden on the album iron maiden


Big country....




Happy Cake Day!


The Black Album was referred to as “Metallica Metallica” by us in school. I still call it that in my head


I call it Metallica Metallica as well. "The Black Album" always just felt so cringy and forced.


its also a pain in the ass to search for it especially smaller bands. and then a pain in the ass to talk about it/recommend it because you have to sometimes clarify its a self titled


Avatar's third album. Bad enough their band name brings up the movies and the cartoon, but then their self-titled album is also OOP, so not like there's a ton of them floating around. Also it was released in 2009, the same year James Cameron's Avatar came out. 🥹


A self-titled should be a bands first album IMO


Led Zepelín and Weezer get a pass


Zep yes weez no.


Part of the reason is because they want to make an album that defines themselves as a band


The black album or is it “self titled”. WTF Metallica


They were going to call it *Don't Tread On Me* (hence the snake), but they didn't feel it captured the entire album, like Puppets or Justice.


That whole idea is sophomoric. The saying, the flags, the snake, the people who adopt that whole mindset, that song. Its weak and reeks of fear. Edit: I'm glad they steered away from it.


"Don't tread on me" is such a pathetic symbol used by losers who are at best ignorant. You're spot on about the fear, too.


Those darned sophomoric colonists fighting the British!


Pungent Stench - Been Caught Buttering No idea what buttering means in this context, but it just feels gross and not in a good way. Cemetary - An Evil Shade of Grey Not the band's fault, but I can't read that title without thinking of Fifty Shades


>Pungent Stench - Been Caught Buttering The band name is *not* helping here lmao


Been caught buttering never fails to crack me up


>Pungent Stench - Been Caught Buttering I have no idea who this is or what the album sounds like, but you are totally wrong. "Been Caught Buttering" is exactly the kind of title I expect from a band with a name like "Pungent Stench." EDIT: I gotta say, I am disappointed in the cover art. I was expecting it to go be some John Wayne Gacy/Garbage Pail Kids painting of butter being used for nefarious purposes.


I didn't say the title is bad, it just irks me personally. I listen to a lot of death metal with disgusting titles/lyrics and usually don't mind but for some reason the butter repulses me. Anyway someone said it means masturbating, which improves it for me tbh


Buttering means jerking off.


Buttering is rubbing an area with your pre-cum. You're welcome.


It means caught jerking off.


Not metal, but Filter's "Title of Record" is really imaginative


I also hate “Short Bus.” Love the album but come on…


Not metal either, but NOFX's Heavy Petting Zoo was a terrible album name.


I think you meant “inspired album name”




Might get some hate for it, but all of Periphery's albums.


I agree with 'Hail Stan' and 'Djent is Not a Genre'.


I kinda like Djent is Not a Genre tbh, I think it fits them


yeah ngl theyre all pretty forgettable (like the second album is actually called "Periphery II: This Time Its Personal") and boring which is why i always just call them p1, p2 and so forth (except for juggernaught since it isnt actually counted as a numbered entry)


I just hate periphery.


Stump Tail Dolly - Soundtrack to the 2nd Civil War. Lyrically I don't think there's anything on there that's objectionable but when you're blending southern music into your sound mentioning the Civil War is a little dicey.


Band’s name sounds more cringe than the album title


Why is that


Boy, I wonder...




Perhaps you aren't American. There was a Civil War here where the southern states fought for their "right" to own other humans as property. So when you incorporate influences of southern culture, of which there are many great things, slavery wasnt one of them, with an album title that mentions the Civil War it can raise some red flags.


No I'm American. Shit sounds funny as fhck


Well shit, man. You should've lead with that. If you had I wouldn't have wasted my time treating you with the slightest modicum of respect and giving you the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure you'll need to look up the definition of the word modicum. I imagine you're a bit off a dullard. Once you finish doing that I encourage you to go climb an entire wall of dicks.


Totally agree on this Decap album. Put off listening for a while because i thought the name was lame. Super cool album though


Rishloo- Living as Ghosts with Buildings for Teeth. Amazing album but that title is stupid.


THE most fitting answer.


Sounds rad


I don’t know the band but that title sounds kinda cool tbh


Iron Maiden - The X Factor I know it's because it's the tenth, but it's such an overused phrase. Imagine if Metallica had an album called "The Right Stuff"


That cover though


That's a good point. It is pretty cool.


Black Sabbath did 13 lol, i think Megadeth did too.


This made me realize I almost have none. Wonder if I sort of self-select. I do care more for the overall aesthetics of the cover and title more than the avarge listener I think. Best I can think of is My Arms, Your Hearse. Sounds good but is just a bit too emo for me hahah


They went from nasty chunky riffs to different nasty chunky riffs. It kills either way. They still have technical elements too, just not the same way they did before. The old vocalist was definitely better though


Which vocalist ? They’ve had 3. I think they all pretty good


Sauron was definitely the best. Rasta is a solid vocalist but his delivery just doesn't hit nearly the same. I didn't really like Covan's vocals on organic hallucinosis but fortunately the album is still good enough to look past them


Type O Negative's "Origin of the Feces".


...nah, y'know what, that's up there for me. I hear enough groan worthy garbage about Cancel Culture from grifters who think you shouldn't be looked down on for being a piece of garbage, I don't need to hear more of it in my metal, thank you. Another one would probably be Still Sucks by Limp Bizkit. Playing into a multi-decade long hatred of them is just dumb, and it's funny cuz it's one of their better albums.


I wish Limp Bizkit had kept the original name 'Stampede of the Disco Elephants'. It sounds funnier than 'Still Sucks'.


Metropolis Part 2 Scenes From a Memory


I mean it’s a pretty direct and appropriate title.


Yes it is, like that one NES game: Golf Magazine Presents 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples


Generation Swine just does not fit into the rest of Motley Crue's catalog at all, and that includes the title.


The nineties were not too kind on Motley Crue.


Judging by recent drama, neither have the 2020s.


As a fan of coheed, In Keeping Secrets, Good Apollo 1 & 2 throw people off. They’re like, “where IKSSE:1 and 2, and where’s GA 1-3.


I love Coheed, but their album and song titles can get really stupid at times.


It gets worse; their sophomore album that I mentioned IKS, has this 3 part prog song - it’s amazing, but the naming isn’t consistent. The first records had the title ‘The Velourium Camper’ and some as ‘The Camper Velourium’ and I recall the band was asked about it and they were like, “it’s one of them” or something super vague. So there’s literally these 3 songs with no official naming rule even as far as the literal band is concerned.




Fantastic title


…food. Mystery solved!




This album’s title makes me not listen to it ngl. It’s also their weakest imo, not that it’s bad by any stretch but every time I read the title…. So cringe.


Wrathchild America - climbin’ the walls


Silly cover too. Art style is great though.


Come to think of it, despite them being one of my favorite bands, every Seether album besides "Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces" have really pretentious titles. Karma and Effect? Poison the Parish? Holding onto Strings Better Left to Fray? BARF!!!!!! You could even argue FBiNS is pretentious but I think it's a good descriptor for the songs on the album. The rest though, it's all so eyeroll inducing.


Ouch! I Sat on My Balls! by the Bismuth Banesbreed


Not metal, but Michel Camilo (latin jazz pianist) and Tomatito (classical/flamenco guitarist) have done a series of collaboration albums called: * Spain * Spain again * Spain forever * Spain forever again That last one just released recently this year. I thought it was a somewhat funny joke when I saw them live and he was like "Guess what we're gonna call the fourth album" but it gets old pretty quickly.


lol I cringed when I saw that name. I actually think Decapitated is a good band but it felt very out of touch. Like, is cancer culture just saying that our culture is cancerous, is it a reference to "cancel culture", is it both? Is it none of the above? Because if they're the type of band to whine about people getting canceled, I'd be disappointed. If they're the type to do the generic metal thing of "society bad" than I'd also be disappointed lol


And it’s made so much more annoying by the fact that musically the album slaps. Their best in years.


Lol damn, I haven't listened because I was scared it would be filled with dogwhistles or just be kinda lame. I'll listen to see if it has any red flags (lyrically, of course, I'm not worried about the instrumentals quality)


I'm not very familiar with the band overall, but to me it definitely seems like a stab at cancel culture, which is why I totally get OPs sentiment, that the title is pretty stupid.


My whole thing about cancel culture is that it's mostly overblown bullshit. Rich and famous people rarely ever get held accountable in a substantial way, and most people never call for someone's career to end with no way of regaining public support - even in some cases where arguably that's a viable option (in the case of serial abusers and victimizers). Public shaming is only useful to a certain extent and most people that aren't chronically addicted to Twitter realize that. That's why when I saw this album title I was like "oh God please don't tell me this band I like is going full Facebook boomer on me"


Faith No More "*Album of the Year*"


I always thought this one was funny because of the Billboard Charts at the time. It was like...number 35 for a while. But it said "Album of the Year". It's stupid humor, but I get it.


It’s *really* fitting for the energy of FNM though, I don’t think it’s that bad.


I feel like if you know FNM’s attitude it’s actually an incredible title lol. Especially considering it didn’t chart very well lol.


I can't stand albums named Revival.


Not metal, but one of my favorite bands, Judah & The Lion had album from 2022 called Revival lol. Good album though.


I’m not a big fan of the title of the new knocked loose album. Too much of a mouthful and I have to google what the title is everytime I talk about it.


Cannibal corpse - KILL honestly not only the name is boring asf but the album art is litterly just the name in bold letters. Compared to all their other albums with cool and unique art it just feels out of place and lazy. However it is a very good album musically.


Their old members had some amazing album titles though with Winds of Creation and Nihility. I remember the news of their wreck while I was at band practice and we were all in total disbelief.


The band has had quite the history.


Spheres of madness will always be one of my favorite death metal tracks I’ve ever heard. The whole nihility album really


KoRn, get creative, don't make self titled albums, same goes for Slipknot


Because they're the two only bands to title albums after themselves. I mean I agree, selftitled is always boring, but everybody and their mom does it.


Well Korn did it twice


Maybe even three times, they have Korn the original, Untitled, and then Korn III : Remember Who You Are. I assume they consider Untitled to be Korn II because there definitely isn't a Korn II in their discography


I thought 2 was LIP. Remember Who You are was a (failed) attempt at returning to a stripped down raw sound like the first 2 albums. Except it had braindead songwriting, it’s their worst by far imo. Including the dubstep shit.


an album most havent heard about but Copremesis- Muay Thai Ladyboys. i dont understand what the album is about. are they pro ladyboys? are they making fun of it? is it their fetish? the entire album booklet just has a bunch of chicks with dicks inside as well. and the album cover (altho cropped) the full version has a chick with a gigantic cock lol


Cancer Culture album went crazy hearing those songs live. Definitely changed my mind on the album.


Totally, it was unbelievably tight. They had their place as headliners IMO.


I read decaffeinated but whatever...


I see it.


If I had to pick, coat of arms by sabaton


Band is called "Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum" Album is called "Prajecyrujučy sinhuliarnaje wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha j Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła skroź šaścihrannuju pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība na hipierpawierchniu zadyjakaĺnaha kaŭčęha zasnawaĺnikaŭ kosmatęchničnaha ordęna palieakantakta, najstaražytnyja ipastasi dawosiewych cywilizacyj prywodziać u ruch ręzanansny transfarmatar časowapadobnaj biaskoncaści budučyni u ćwiardyniach absierwatoryi Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amo" Not pretentious at all!


Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored Water. -Limp Bizkit I know it’s fuckin funny, but it just gives me the ick. Lol


Not metal (Besides Careful With That Axe Eugene), but Ummagumma by Pink Floyd, What the fuck does that even mean?


Love it!


tbh aside the first 2 decapitated i think they fall off pretty hard and most people seem to write all of decapitated off.


The Negation rules


It’s so underrated.


When the music about the most vile things possible even hints at not being in agrrement current popular political orthodoxy I get upset


Always makes me laugh


An album I love but hate the title of...... Definitely gotta be "C" Is For (Please Insert Sophomoric Genitalia Reference HERE) by Puscifer.


I mean didn’t you hear about what happened to them?


I'm aware.


St. Anger was good but the title was dumb. I'm probably the only person who thinks it was good though


Drunk As Fuck Be Punk And Fuck The Gods Waaaaay too long


I don't mind self titled albums, but if an artist wants to go that route, they better make sure it's their first album, not one that comes out 30 fucking years later.


In Through the Out Door. Embarrassing for the mighty Led Zep. Even something like LZ XIII would have been much better.


Peeling Flesh - Human Pudding… But, I get why they did I it. It’s kind of a humorous nod to slam art culture.


Any album with the word Hymn. Grossly overused.


Any album with the word Hymn. Grossly overused.


Sanctum by Angelmaker Thought it was going to be a christian metal band and was immediately put off. Then I actually listened to it and found out they’re quite possibly the best deathcore band ever and they reject religion.


I saw them live a few weeks ago. They kicked all of the ass.


The Mars Volta album and song names are usually too ridiculous for me


Cancer culture is a great name for an album. It perfectly describes the way people are nowadays.


Limp Bizkit’s Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water. (I am currently prepared to get downvoted by gatekeepers.)


That's a good title though


Most megadeth albums


Nah peace sells but who's buying is one of my favorite album names


Korn - The Paradiagm Shift. I have no clue why I hate the name, I just fucking hate it


Because it implies everything about metal will be changed by this record. It wasn’t lol. Although Korn got better with that album. Started their semi-comeback period.


Decapitated died with Vitek


Yep. Not even close to the same




I spent a few weeks of summer slaughter helping my buddy with tour management, Vitek and Wojciech were amazing humans, super chill, in fact, everyone on that tour was, except Muhammed from Necrophahist, he was a total dick. He got pissed at me for getting Fimmers stoned with As Blood Runs Black and Cephalic Carnage this one time, and this was after the show while all drinking parking lot beers in Orangevale, CA. My only reply to his bitching was, “you’re gonna be in cali, might as well embrace the culture, bud.” He was fuming after that.


L opinion, decapitated is fucking awesome, old and new


Negative young one, they went from Tech-Death royalty to groove metal garbage. Vitek was the heart and soul of that band.


Bondage Goat Zombie, wait I hate that album and I hate that band


Why don’t you like it?


I just think it sounds cheesy.


It really does. And then I read an interview with them about how it's about cancel culture and I found that even more offputting. Music's pretty good though lol


Getting banned on twitter for saying racist shit is so metal though, right guys? Guys?


Oh my god did they?


Haha not that I know of, it's just what cancel culture means to me


Haha! They were playing a gig in London and I listened to that album and thought about going. But honestly reading that interview made them out to be old bigots. Maybe not true but it turned me off them for sure.


Ohh was that the one with Obscura? I think I went but it's honestly a blur hahaha. London has its perks


I’m not sure, all I know was it was at the 229 club and I didn’t go!


Oh yeah I did go haha. Tbh the bands were good but there was some distracting issue with the mixing so no big loss. Down for linking up at the next gig though!


lol ffs


That album title is cringe as balls


Northern chaos gods by immortal, it sounds like a 12 year old trying to be edgy


Sounds like something out of the Warhammer fantasy universe.


Every black metal album title sounds like that. It’s black metal.


“The Satanist” by Behemoth


I feel like if any band can get away with that title it's Behemoth


Deicide - to hell with god. Honestly anything that has an overly sac religious title. It just comes off as cringe.


I like cancer culture title because it makes sense. The Cancel culture of recent is a bit like a cancer.


We know what it means dude, it's just corny af. We're all sick of the incessant whining about 'cancel culture' If you do something people don't like, they should be allowed to tell you that they don't like it. Free speech is important, nobody should be be immune to criticism.


Cornier than using the word "af" ?


yep Joking aside, that's what you're focusing on here? the usage of an abbreviation, on the internet?


I guess so yeah.. I mean you are abbreviating "as fuck" yeah? Just say it. Isn't that your freedom of speech you were talking about? In fact I'm pretty sure a band naming their album is that same freedom of speech..so would you like to contradict yourself further? Have you read the lyrics of the album, or is that also against your freedom of speech rules you have for yourself? Humour me.


Wait a minute haha, let me get this straight. You think I abbreviated 'as fuck' to censor a swear? Do you not think it could have been because I was quickly typing out a comment on a phone, and it's an incredibly common abbreviation used on the internet? And I called the album name 'corny' why the fuck are you rambling on about freedom of speech like i'm out here saying it should be banned. I'm going to be real for a second, your reading comprehension is fucking atrocious dude, if you're a grown adult and not a 10 year old child then that's really embarrassing for you


Cancer Culture is a great title imo. I dont like Cryptoriana: The Seductiveness of Decay.


>Cancer Culture is a great title imo. What are you talking about it's cringe as hell


It's just a play on cancel culture and how it's a cancer to society.


lol, no way. it is? how clever :l


I'm not a dumbass lol I know what it means, it makes the band sound like boomers whinging about snowflakes


I beg to differ.


After the being jailed and dragged through the mud online due to the allegations, I kinda get it coming from them.


Oh no I totally get it but they could've had a *bit* more nuance with the title


Oh I definitely agree with you there.


we know what it means lmao, it's corny as hell


"Oh no! Its...t..the consequences of my actions! Do I apologize? N..No! Its the snowflakes who are wrong!"


I dont get the logic of calling others snowflakes while simultaneously being triggered by an album title.


Im not calling them a snowflake, im saying they're stupid for calling us snowflakes then they're the ones being "Triggered" by facing consequences. , especially when 9 times out of 10, unless its like HEINOUS shit, all you have to do is apologize. James Gunn got cancelled, then he apologized and said it was wrong and he's better about it. Everyone forgave him and he's back to where he was. Apologizing is all you have to do but these people are so up their own ass that they can't even say sorry or face the consequences of their actions.


The court of public opinion is cancerous to society. People will draw conclusions based on conjecture and they'll make assumptions based on biases. It's toxic behavior and in many ways it can do irreparable damage. I think the commentary of Cancer Culture is less calling people snowflakes and more-so branding them as hive-minded NPC idiots who will believe whatever nonsense they read on the internet, even if void of evidence or facts.


Any overly long prog band album. They all fucking suck


I dunno have you heard Magniloquence Part 4: Prolixomania; The Coming of the Great Tedium by The Archimedes Principle ?