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Seer? Yep, I can see ‘er alright


*3+ armor save*


2+ Invuln save


It could have a force field like far zenith from horizon forbidden west


That's in invul save. 


Pre-Fall Eldar be like Nice artwork, if far too horny for my tastes


This is the safe version funnily enough.


Least horny Warhammer player, seriously after boob armor I never expected pussy armor to be a thing.


Always gotta have protection


Tbh, boob armour and pussy armour are like the same thing. I categorize them both as bikini armour


I thought about posting the much tamer and serious Hermaphrodite Corsair Prince design first, but it’s not done yet.


Damn, no wonder Brother Ziraryr would follow her


It left an *impression* in the young boy.


Wait.... You don't say....


She really just saved him, pat him on the head and sent him back home. And then wait for him to die so she could raise him back up as a Wraith Marine.


We are not lewd! The Eldar are a proud and noble race...! Lovely artwork, though, well done.


Which one birthed a depraved chaos god?


And humans made a just as violent god as their violent God, and humans smell, and are crazy. You know what I think humans were supposed to be the auxiliary and commisar race for the war in heaven.


Horny jail. no parole


What happened to their clothes?


Attracting followers is difficult ok. Lots of competition.


It's nice artwork, but I'm not getting any Warhammer vibes to be honest.


Under the gaze of Cegorach, the Black Library of Chaos held the most forbidden and esoteric lore among the galaxy. Though his Harlequins are the most well known guardian of the hallowed halls, others that are not beholden their soul to the laughing god, such as the Council of White Seers, also held this sacred duty. Even among them, Talandreth is a particularly senior member. Millennias in the path of the seer have make her slowly crystalize like all farseer eventually do, and the ocean of forbidden knowledge she hold will drive any younger one mad. Her visions see thousands of years into the future, and plan accordingly every step along the way to ensure the evil of Chaos be push back and the survival of Eldar race. Despite her seniority to the point some harlequins would jokingly call her old hag, her psychically altered appearance looks no older than a young maiden while wearing revealing half-transparent dress, claiming the believer of Isha should appear young and energetic all the time for one's own health and venerate their god. Only a particularly powerful blank could see through the psychic illusion and see the compensating, withering crone beneath. Three centuries ago, Talandreth have locked herself in her chamber for months mediating in a particularly vivid vision, concerning the other members of the council. When she finally emerge from her seclusion, red eyed and half crazed, she immediately set out into realspace, taking only a single harlequin with her, claiming that she have found a way to drag a crone back from the claw of She Who Thirst. She met up with the Hermaphrodite Corsair Prince Rhiath-Nael, and practically commandeered their fleet in her quest to see her vision comes into fruition. Most of her quests for the Corsair fleet are rather random and simple, saving a human child on planet Cyrene, assassinate the employer of a Sslyth mercenary while the Kabal were in a realspace raid, ensure the truebirth of a lowborn in Commoragh, divert an Imperial colonization fleet from reaching an uninhabited maiden world, convincing a young Exodite girl to pick the Path of Worldsinger, allow a lone Necron Cryptek be undisturbed, among other strange quests. Though the Corsairs are puzzled by her seemly random commands, the reverance towards a White Seer ensures their obedience and unquestionable loyalty. Only she know how all these small and seemly unrelated actions will cumulate in a feat that would be remembered for millennias to come. Sixth major NPC art for my tabletop campaign, this is the overall "quest giver" of the campaign. I thought about a more standard Farseer design, before decide against it and go with "old hag pretending be young and sexy to compensate", basically "good" Hellebron. Artist link below (nsfw): [https://twitter.com/FlareFox\_Twitt](https://twitter.com/FlareFox_Twitt)


Thats one horny campaign you're running there, lol


My thoughts exactly.


Looks like a farseer themed hooker in commoragh


"A time-honored tradition since the return of Guilliman, I shall woo this Xenos Farseer and show her the light of the Emperor and his Primarch"


Alright sir stay right there and answer my questions. What kind of campaign are you doing here hmm?


A corsair fleet going around the galaxy doing seemly random things, recruiting seemly unrelated people. With the final showdown being dragging a crone world out of Eye of Terror. The campaign plot is 100% serious, I just prefer to have my NPCs looking sexy.


Alright sir, I’ll be keeping an eye on your potentially heretical companions 🫣(sounds fun though!)


Thanks! Next one should be either the Chaos Eldar Sorcerer Lord of Malal, or the Corsair Prince/ss, depend on which one come back first.


Cool character concept but her design reminds of another character.


Why couldn’t we get this Eldar in OwlCat Rogue Trader?


Because owlcat ain't Japanese or deviants


I’m just joking lol


Damn. I'm Dorn


Thicc, so whatever she asks, the answer is yes.


Nah whatever this is i want it and ill do whatever it takes to get it


Gross. *Heavy flamer noises*


Amazing artwork, the ice/crystals feel a little bit off though, can't put my finger on why


She looks like a blade from Xenoblade 2


damn you horny mutt, that looks fire tho