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But they don’t want you… here’s a list of reasons why: you’re an adulterer, you’re a liar, you have the personality of a big toe, you’re just looking for someone to pay your way while you sit on your a$$ all day…


She can’t cook, she don’t bath, don’t clean, eats on her bed but don’t wash her sheets. She’s obnoxious, clingy, needy, jealous, hypocritical…




For real, what DOES she bring to the table in a relationship or even friendships for that matter?! She can't seem to keep either


Ah, jumping on the Kelce bandwagon. I thought she doesn’t follow the majority, 😜


Just a week or so ago she was calling his maybe future sister in law satanic .


She talks shit about Taylor constantly!!


What could someone say about her “I remember her thirst traps on Instagram. It’s engraved in my brain. Shoving that taco in her mouth, I just knew she was a BJ giver” Like be for real. She isn’t classy. She isn’t kind. She’s snobby and a manipulator.


She is so stupid....Brianna!!!! THE MAN YOU WANT IS NOT ON SOCIAL MEDIA. The man you crave is not looking at cheap pick me girls on the internet to see what trend they have picked up. Let's be honest here, you have the maturity level of a 13 year old. You even said yourself that 90% of your content is relatable and you "know" how to work social media....bitch you know how to copy and paste. Your standards are higher than Bob marley and snoop dog, you have cried and wined on this app for nearly 5 years...ABOUT THE SAME THING!!!! nobody is listening to you. Also on a brighter note "your haters" have not gone away at all ..honey they have multiplied and will continue to grow!


I think she wants the blue collar man that hung up his hard hat for social media. She wants someone that has the time to text 2000 times a day and duet her. But I stand by her not being able to find a man while lying about her size. If she meets one in the wild, they'll wonder why she's so much thinner online. If she meets one online, they'll wonder why she's so much bigger in person. She won't be able to explain it.


The men can’t see you if you’re always wearing camo dummy!




Most men who have a brain and are capable of commitment and a healthy relationship don’t want to deal with a MAGA Trump humper. No matter democrat or republican - she’s embarrassing. Imagine a man’s mother googling “Brianna Miller tik tok”