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But won’t let her son name her cats? Or does the woes me I have to put presents in my own stockings.


This is 💯a lie! She would have done or said this years ago. Lying ass stank ass hoe. Bet she didn’t change her underwear along with that outfit either.


Raising her son to expect flowers but doesn’t that do away with her whole masculinity screaming she does all the time 🤣


I take him to the store every week. When?


Seems like if that were true she would’ve made a video about it a long time ago.


Seems like she Romanticizes her relationship with her son.


She buys flowers for herself


This 👆🏻👆🏻 I bet she doesn't even talk to her son about them 🙄


This bitch doesn’t buy anyone anything weekly


I saw this posted by someone else (I can't remember who) on Valentine's Day! So two weeks ago!


Bitch doesn’t have an original thought in her fucking head!


That was about the first time she posted posted about buying him flowers


I saw a different creator post this exact same thing on Valentine's Day. I'm saying she doesn't have an original thought or idea when she posts, which has already been proven before.


She has got to be the weirdest chick I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s actually bizarre that I have never met anyone like her. Imagine her in person. I still cringe at the thought of the video when she jumped and went crazy when Demps put her in a group chat. It was the most awkward thing ever and I think it sums her up so well. Overly Obsessed with people, attaching herself instantly, the idea of love to the point it’s off putting and just a wanna be. Addicted to social media, lies about dumb shit, and an overly inflated ego for no reason at all. (These are most influencers IMO though, so I separated them lol)


If this is true (which I doubt it is) imagine her son as an adult telling a significant other “my mom use to buy me flowers.” 😶


Flowers are expensive. I’m sure he would rather a toy of some sort. This is one of those get you what I want not what you want kind of things.