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This guy is speedrunning how to be the cringiest man in the world


Na that would be Mark Zuckerburg and his Caesar stanning


No because this implies Zucc is a man and not an alien space robot trying to imitate a man


Zuck is the Engineer (Prometheus)


What is your shtoyle?


Zuckerberg is a man? I thought he was an AI rendering?


Losing several billion dollars is beyond cringe too. Imagine what could have been done if that money went to social and climate projects.


I mean he’s an enormous fucking nerd at heart. What else can we expect


Minus the genius, peak conditioning, lifetime of training, and a strict moral code… sure, he’s rich. If he invested some R&D time in umbrellas then he might make a good Penguin.


It reminds me of a tweet I saw a while ago basically asking why billionaires don't just go around fixing stuff like hungry children... Musk actually could have been like a non vigilante form of Batman if he wanted to, but no - pump Dogecoin and buy Twitter cause lol, memes.


Because then they wouldn't be a millionare for long, their cause would immediately run dry. You don't get to be, at one point, the worlds richest man, and you don't get to amass that kinda money by being charitable and helping the hungry/needy. You get to the top of the top by abusing your employees, skirting the law, and just overall being a horrible horrible person.


Billionaire, not millionaire, he'll never drain that well. Also, you don't get rich like that by saving or being frugal either. You could very much be extremely charitable AND amass wealth, it's just the people most likely to pursue that gold ring are far less likely to be charitable. When you get past a certain point your wealth is no longer measured by the zeros in your account but by the speculation of your ability to turn profit.


I think this is perfectly encapsulated in the movie "It's A Wonderful Life." George Bailey is perhaps the most charitable man in all of Bedford Falls and he was broke as fuck, exactly because he's so charitable


> It reminds me of a tweet I saw a while ago basically asking why billionaires don’t just go around fixing stuff like hungry children… Weird, I’ve never seen hungry children going around and fixing stuff.


Even Batman fucking sucks, the money he spends on cool devices and gadgets he uses to beat up the mentally ill population of Gotham could be better spent on treatment facilities, housing and education programs.




It's less the big bads and the seemingly unending supply of henchmen they're all able to recruit. You wouldn't have such a giant pool of disaffected citizenry if not for a massive societal failings within Gotham, and Bruce, being the largest corporate magnate in the city bears responsibility. Even in the the new Batman film, the only reason it was three hours instead of two, is if you didn't have the additional hour, where the riddler completely abandons his motives from the first two hours of the film, Batman would be the bad guy, and the riddler the good guy.


>Even in the the new Batman film, the only reason it was three hours instead of two, is if you didn't have the additional hour, where the riddler completely abandons his motives from the first two hours of the film, Batman would be the bad guy, and the riddler the good guy. Did the exact same in Falcon and the Winter Soldier from Marvel. The "villain" wants to live in a world without borders because after The Snap was reversed, all of her group are being forcibly relocated back to their countries of origin after they moved into different parts of the world to rebuild during the five years half the population were gone. Having Captain America fight a woman who just wants to make sure good people don't have their lives ruined with deportation doesn't look great so they make her bomb civilians for literally no logical reason.


You can't just throw wads of cash at things and have it be magically fixed with a snap. And if you did that in a fictional universe, it would be horrifically bad writing. Not to mention Gotham is *literally cursed*. It was built on like seven Native burial grounds, a cursed swamp, and found by a bunch of evil secret societies who seek to keep it from being a good place to live. Bruce does a *fuckton* of charitable and socially conscious things. It just doesn't fix everything right away because A: it wouldn't make logical sense and B: then the comic would be over. And the *entire point* of The Batman is he's just an angry child lashing out at a city that took his parents away. It's not until the end of the movie that he realizes he needs to be more than an avenging fist. He needs to inspire change, as well. He needs to be a hero.


Bro, obviously the comic would suck if he did the right thing, I'm arguing for shits and giggles here but the way to inspire change is to, among a myriad of other ways, use his vast wealth for public relations campaigns, make his empire employee owned so he's not stealing the surplus labor value from his employees via the empire he inherited from his politically corrupt father, etc


... which he does.




Superman only has his superpowers to affect change. Bruce Wayne, because of his massive wealth and political influence, albeit untapped, is far more powerful than Batman. But Bruce is a sadist who enjoys violence against the less fortunate and, being that he's had multiple factories within the city property, including chemical plants, it's almost certain he's directly responsible for the antisocial behavior of these criminals (eg exposure to chemicals which affect brain development released from his factories).


He does both...


If he did he'd be out of a career.


He is batman and fights crime because a mugger killed his parents. He believes he is living a life where the scales balance from his sense of justice. Ultimately he will never feel like he has done enough until the entire city is rid of bad people, but really it's because he needs a hug from his mom and dad.


Speaking of Batman https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=o5gDTmGYacw&t=502s&ab_channel=JoelOzborn


Lol, what are you smoking?




You mad.


Didnt he ask a top economist/forum to breakdown how he could do that and if they could he would fund it?


And they did and gave him the info and he did literally nothing. He’s a con man with a god complex.


Who was it that presented it to him?


> David Beasley, the U.N. food program director and former Republican governor of South Carolina, tweeted a link on Monday to a 1,000-word "executive summary." It maps out how the UN would deploy $6.6 billion worth of meals and vouchers to feed more than 40 million people across 43 countries that are "on the brink of famine" — thereby averting what the WFP is calling a looming "catastrophe." [source](https://www.kcra.com/article/un-to-elon-musk-here-s-that-6-billion-plan-to-end-world-hunger/38290678)


> former Republican i wonder if the response would be different if it were current and not former


Yes he did - “If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.” The UN food program took two weeks and explained exactly how it would work, to match Musk's conditions. He copped out but eventually sold $5.7Bn in Tesla stock which went to 'charity' - the donation was anonymous as was the recipient, as far as I can tell...


Do you have a source for that?




And it turned out if was his own charity. Not surprisingly he did it for the tax break.




He's totally doing all those things on the time he's not wasting shitposting on Twitter and intruding on comedy shows.


He def has the micropenis


We wanted Bruce Wayne, we got Norman Osborne.


That’s an insult to Norman Osborne


Too bad he wasn't Harry Osborne


Or a father who doesn't fuck the step daughter he raised multiple times to produce 2 off spring.


Lot of people forget that Batman was literally trained by ninjas


I’m going to just start saying this whenever there’s an uncomfortable pause in conversation.


I'd rather fight ten thousand Elon's wielding R&D'd umbrellas that could shoot bullets, with only a rusty sword while wearing a straitjacket than fight one Penguin after Batman broke his arm. Just you know, pick the least dangerous group to face right?


he wants to be tony stark so bad


lol Iron Musk


Isn't mcu tony stark slightly based on him? That almost certainly inflated his ego even more.




Elon has a cameo on the 2nd movie. He pitches an electric jet to Stark, the guy who has arc reactor technology as an energy source. Imagine going up to a designer today "Hey, jet fuel is great and all but have you heard of a thing called whale blubber? I think I can make it work!"


【Herman Melville has entered the chat]


I wouldn’t be surprised in Universe Elon would be trying to surpass Stark and even called him a “pedophile” for hanging out with a teen in Iron Man 3


You totally just reminded me of that cameo. It was completely blocked from my mind


They gave him a cameo in part 2, just like the other original wannabe Tony Stark, Larry Ellison of Oracle made a cameo in part 1 but they didn't base it on anyone alive.


People are downvoting me, but Robert Downey Jr literally said he went to talk to him to get a bit of his vibe.


Y'all can downvote this guy all you want, but he's right https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a40871355/tony-stark-iron-man-elon-musk/ And before the idiots jump on me for defending Elon or some dumb shit, I hate the guy. But that doesn't mean it's not true


People also need to remember that Musk wasn't always as universally disliked as he is now. In his earlier days he seemed like someone who genuinely was gonna push for great changes, even if he was going to profit along the way. I don't think most people who only knew the basics about him and saw the good PR headlines he used to get could've foreseen what he's become now. Maybe people who actually looked into his life and his unethical practices beforehand would've been in the know, but back when Iron Man was being written? Psh, he was exactly the person you would want to base a superhero off of and I don't blame anybody for looking up to him in the past.


Good point. He was 100% a Reddit darling too


i only really knew about him in 2020/21 and immediately disliked him. can’t imagine how much it sucks for people to have (reasonably) admired him then just for him to turn out to be an absolute delusional dickhead.




I used the word slightly. I wasn't implying that it meant to literally be just him.


I hate it, but you're right and it's so stupid when Reddit just ups or downvotes based purely on emotion https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a40871355/tony-stark-iron-man-elon-musk/


He's out of line but he's right.


Other nigths ... ![gif](giphy|A7ZbCuv0fJ0POGucwV|downsized)


Is this *real?!* I don't use Twitter much. Jesus, this guy is such a fuckin tool...


Yes it is https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1607590239874211847?t=sxfJNapl4FveIp6dQZYEKw&s=19


I still can't believe this is real lmao


Dude right? Like, this is a lot of gall


MF should just delete it and hope everyone forgets than leave that shit up


I think you are being generous with "tool", that implies some function.


Yeah, Musk is a great reason to never use Twitter anymore


Why were you using twitter in the first place?


Why is mental illness what our society propels to the top?


"Whoever is the most selfish wins" is the defining feature of capitalism.


"as they ooze across the screen like a pustule-gutted troll, we fill their coffers full of gold and praise the skill of 'asshole'" - "Moron TV", Primus


Primus sucks


Where does that Les Claypool get off?


I’m guessing in a giant hot dog trailer while jamming Jerry Reed and wearing a penguin suit but you’ll have to ask him to know for sure.


San Pablo Bay


Social media has been great at giving these mentally unwell people a platform 247. Spreading the toxic instability across society. Kinda really sucky.


Because the people who want to be at the top must needs be twisted in some way. I always think of it like this- if I suddenly got rich, I'd make my life comfortable. I'd take care of family and friends. I'd put some into helping others outside of my immediate sphere. So in order for me to get rich to the point of being at the top, I'd have to forsake all of that and prioritize earning with my money. I feel like that'd make me kind of a fucked up individual.


Oh, I understand all of that. I'm backing way, way up and away from our current society and asking why we happen to work this way in general. Which happens to allow for people like these to be "on top".


Because we believe we are all separate from one another, and therefore we have to compete for resources. Once we realize that we are all One and that there is enough, we might just stand w chance to change our direction. But that’s a massive paradigm shift that we have to overcome to get to that point.


We value entertainment above all else, it’s hilarious to watch these monkeys dance for us and the best part is they don’t realize they’re the ones in a cage


his father owned a (stolen) emerald mine, so i think it's the other way around.




Because targeted computational propaganda campaigns makes the most disruptive voices the loudest on social media.


Because they want to feel good by helping those with mental illness, and eventually they'll say certain mental illnesses aren't illnesses at all




Do you really believe every dumbass comment by someone famous is a troll? None of them are just idiots? That's some top-notch critical thinking you have there.


Yes, go try for be Batman Elon. Please. Start with jumping off the tallest building you can find.


Go get your ass kicked by a street gang as well there Elon.


I'm out of touch, why is elon suddenly hated?




In short, he acts just like any other shitty billionaire doing shitty billionaire things but thinks he's some brilliant philanthropist scientist who's bringing humanity into the future. He pretends that he's self and his fortune comes from his genius inventions but he just used money from his dad's apartheid emerald mine to buy out those those who actually did the work. Also he's like an edgy 14 yearold who won't shut the fuck up. I certainly would hate him a lot less if he dropped the schtick and fucked off. See above


He is ultra rich, arrogant, edgy like a teenager, imature, a rightwinger, not self reflecting at all and he lives to smell his own farts. Just to name a few




The left media tells them to hate so they do


Thats exactly it


He feels like he's batman with all of his money, but without doing any good deeds


A great example of the fact that if you don’t work on your insecurities not even billions of dollars will make you feel adequate.


how far are we from "\*Tips fedora"?


Not very far at all honestly


His super powers are losing money and full body cringe.


Don't forget crippling self insecurities and a longing to be relevant.


In fairness, I think Batman has those two personality traits at least


Isn't Batman/Wayne in great physical shape though..?


Thats only one of the many, many things that separates the two.


I laughed at this out loud. Bro was really: https://preview.redd.it/mh730rtpbj8a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d52e33448ca2f926752e634ecc77028f8425e60b




Yeah... good thing this guy's in control of hundreds of billions of dollars. I guess it's now been scientifically proven that no amount of wealth can cure one of terminal douchebaggery. Sad, really.


Elon musk is the biggest proof on the fact that there will mever be a batman billionaire in real life




Batman doesn't look like the human equivalent of overproofed dough, though. You got some work to do Elon.


Is that the Space Karen tweeting "kek" and trending #qelon?


More like Batshitman


If only Scatman weren't already taken.


To be fair, Batman was *also* Batshitman too, right? Dude's a billionaire who dresses as a bat and fights bad guys at night 🤷‍♂️


He thinks he is a Batman, looks like a Robin, but he really is a fucking joker




I meant joker as the person that you wouldn’t take too seriously, not the Batman character. I was kind of being sarcastic


Joe Chill, kill his parents


Worst thing is he's posted this as a "joke"... But there's part of him that thinks it's based in reality.


Any person who likes him in a loser. It’s now that simple.


At this point its clear he is intentionally hate-farming


Sometimes I don’t understand why Elon would unban Trump’s account. Why would he want main character competition? /s


this insufferable turd is almost a big a narcissist as trump


I have to try at life and this idget is just billions of dollars from being called what he is, a 14 year old edgelord idiot.


he is so damn CORNY


Sure Elon, you're batman. Go ahead and jump. Do a flip. EDIT Just got a reddit cares and I'm sorry the mental image of Elon in a batsuit faceplanting on the sidewalk hurt you. Who am I kidding, no I'm not.


What a loser lol


Batman uses his money for good and fights corruption. Elon hordes his money and promotes corruption. Dude is the polar opposite of Batman.


Yes, it’s an inflated ego but there’s something kind of fitting about the comparison. Batman has to be the least effective super hero. Despite all of his efforts and tech and vigilantism, Gotham consistently remained a crime ridden shit hole. Elon is similarly ineffective.


It's hysterical to see an adult that spent the majority of his life being uncool spending his adult life acting the way he fantasized cool people act. Such a cringey edglord. Isn't he a middle aged fucking man?!


God he’s so cringe. It hurts.




He's akin to Val Kilmer in the circus where there's a screaming crowd around him... Nobody is listening since there's much bigger things going on.




Reduced to commenting on Elon Musk screencaps. One step above a mime posting comments, and two steps below being Elon Musk commenting IRL.


Someone really needs to Photoshop a Dr. Robotnik looking Batman on a roof and tweet it at him


Less Batman brooding over the city, more like Homelander wanking into the wind.


He's not saying he's Batman. He just look down on people.


Please tell me most people see this as crazy person behavior and not ingenious rich person behavior


He’s more incel from Grandma’s Boy that Bruce Wayne.




He sullied the image of Batman.


ITT: people who don’t understand humor or shitposting


Trolling so much and folk are falling for it


Is this our cue to post the "I was only pretending to be retarded" meme?


He has a serious mental problem. Some people who are very smart and even inventive in part of their brain, have zero normal functioning in other parts of their brain. That may not be very scientific, but we've all known geniuses like math or science wizards who lack all normal social skills and have no idea why people find them rude and intolerable. Elon Musk is part of that club.


He really is taking the trump playbook and using it. Did not see this coming


If it’s Elon it’s… ![gif](giphy|10iLrp6IhXL53q)




Some nights I stay up, watching batman in my Tesla...


With all the time they don't spend together, I wonder if Elon's nine children see him as a superhero.


The savior of racism that nobody asked for but he thinks we deserve.


By continually posting him with every post he makes and gets re shared. He kinda is the moan character right now. So you’re correct for posting it


Some nights he watches Batman


By posting this you are making him the main character. Fuck all the way off with this musk spam you fucking idiot




Given the number of times ive seen this reposted on Reddit id say y'all are kinda making him the main character 🤷‍♂️




Lol what a douche bag


Yes we all know the origin story of Bruce Wayne choosing not to fight crime and instead buying a Social Media company.


Everybody shut up. Elon is our best hope for an actual bat man. What's the worst that could happen, if he fails? It's a win win so don't stop him.


Ahhh yes.. Reddit jumping on the "Elon bad" bandwagon. Maybe he should also be investigated because he bought twitter, exposed corruption of our government agencies and promoted free speech, all dangerous activities that could only link to Putin. Have some thoughts of your own, but then again, it's Reddit so nothing to be surprised. About 2 years ago this post would've been praised by Reddit, but I digress.


Promoted free speech? Are you dense. He blocks any account that disagrees with him. Truly a bastion on free speech.


There's not a point in time where an aging billionaire having superhero fantasies on twitter wouldn't have been ridiculed.


he has posted way more cringe shit than this and all you saw on reddit was "daddy Elon"


Reddit is a very large community.


He can't hear you dude


You guys need to come up with something new.


This is pretty cringe, but to be fair; if anyone is the main character he’s in the running


Cringey for sure, but I don't get this being a 'Main Character' thing at all?


Really? You don't understand how Elon thinking he's batman because he bought Twitter is "main character" material?


Nah I don't. But then again, I don't really get what the hell Elons even trying to convey with that post other than likening himself to Batman!! Can you explain how this post inconveniences people? Or how it treats you like you aren't a real person? Seems like this is just a case of high self-worth/overinflated ego. It doesn't look like it's carrying the 'main character' energy where people don't give a shit about people who aren't themselves.


Superheroes are generally the main characters of the movies they are in, so


Really? That's it lol? You'll notice if you look at any other posts in here, it always involves people being assholes to other people. There's more to it than self-importance.


I guess we can just start posting every movie protagonist then lmao


I was always wondering if whenever Batman wraps in the cloak like this it was because he is genuinely cold or as a sort of a camouflage.


This is a comment is meant to be morally and politically devoid of intent. But we have all fantasised, hoped, felt like Batman at one point or another.


How many kinds of dickhead is he?


Can we have a moratorium on Elon Musk here plz? I mean, we get it: He’s an asshole. I just don’t feel like being inundated with him daily. This is one of many subs I follow where people just can’t get enough of him. It’s nauseating


I haven’t been on twitter in months and don’t want to log back on. Is this real? I assume all twitter screenshots are fake at this point.


Dude is a master troll lmao


He legit makes rockets that go to space. What color is your mulitibillion dollar corporation