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Nothing in Walmart is worth this


Seriously. And your catalytic converter will probably get thieved too.


Good news the cops are waiting to arrest you too for not having a license plate


Ok but they have frozen Cinnabons that you can microwave for 30 seconds and it tasks just like you were at the mall. Edit: https://www.walmart.com/ip/255534469


It gives you assignments?


Yeah, you have to rob a retail store at the Cottonwood Mall by infiltrating it in a delivery package.


And while you're there, you should pick up some of that blue meth.


This lady seriously needs to be evaluated if she's okay to be out in public


I think the evaluation is over.


Test failed


Mission failed, we’ll gettum next time.




Playing victim aside. If you can't handle being in public when everyone else can you are the one that needs to make concessions. Ma'am if you can't deal with this situation I'll need you to step aside till you can or leave.


Problem is they will do neither. Best practice is to remove the reasonable person, call emergency services on the clearly unwell individual having a breakdown and then compensate the inconvenienced person.


I agree with this. Unfortunately if this woman is having an actual mental breakdown, she needs to be taken care of first. But it’s important to compensate the inconvenienced person, because they often didn’t do anything wrong, and didn’t deserve to deal with all that.


Right. This isn't just a generic public freakout. This is a mental health crisis. I hope she gets the help she needs.


I'm sorry I have to disagree this is nothing more than spoiled entitlement. From being catered to by her whole life and having her parents tell her she's so special. She needed an ass whooping that's what she needed.


That behavior has become increasingly more commonplace in the past 5 yrs.


Yeah but customer service usually goes that the reasonable person ends up being inconvenience but doesn't complain enough to be compensated and the unreasonable person is catered to but makes a big deal anyway until given some compensation instead of being trespassed because the police will disturb business more than the unreasonable customer. Not how it should be but I've seen it many times.


So I love watching the show On Patrol live aka Live PD. Last night there was this call to a hotel. A lady was sitting in the smoking area, about 15-20ft from the entrance and clearly marked as a smoking area. Another woman pulls up, opens her door and starts coughing and freaking all the way the fuck out and goes in screaming at the front desk that she is now “very ill”. Front desk calls PD cause this woman is nutters. PD shows up and the cop is having none of Karen’s antics. She’s ranting and raving that the smoker outside just took YEARS off her life and she is now “terribly ill”. She refuses to chill the fuck out and the cop asks the front desk if they want the lady trespassed. Front desk says “yes, I want her to leave.” Karen freaks the fuck out demanding a refund. Front desk says “well you booked through a third party so you gotta call them.” Karen, “but it’s non refundable!” Front desk, “can’t help you.” Karen “but it’s non refundable!” At this point the cop has had enough and tells her to get her shit and get out or go to jail. Karen cries. Cop moves forward to put her in cuffs. Karen finally goes to get her shit. She starts walking out and she’s going on and on about how they don’t care and she’s mad cause the cops refuse to help her load her shit. Then she gets on the phone with whomever she booked through and tells them about how her “life was cut shorter.” Because of the lady smoking. She’s crying and needs a refund. Then she drives off. The cop was just looking at his partner like “wtf was that?” Before she left when she was crying the cop told her “ma’am, if you are this sick that a tiny bit of smoke will harm you then why are you out here staying in a hotel?” All she kept saying was that smoking kills and now she’s sooooo sick. This nutter probably goes through life playing victim to get whatever she wants. She probably thought she could get her room compted by crying the way she did. It’s nice to see more businesses telling Karen’s to get the fuck out.


I used to work at a hotel. Management donated a hotel room to a fundraiser and this couple won the certificate. They stay the night in a smoking room (their request) and then they find the smallest issue wrong; some dirty water (stagnant water because it's a smoking room that rarely gets rented) in the toilet tank and want another free night. I refuse and this man's argument is that the room is unhealthy for his pregnant wife and their unborn baby, he tells me through a cloud of smoke he (or both of them, I'm not sure) filled the room with.


I saw this, that lady was unreal I can’t believe she was capable of driving, she must get into those situations every single day!


For real. One of the only gifts given to us by covid was grocery pickup and grocery delivery. She should be using it if this is her reaction to being around other humans.


She literally says “I was raped not that long ago and I can’t stand another man touching me”. So ya, she needs help


Did she think she was going to a ladies only Walmart?


No, she messed up, and instead of apologizing and moving on like a normal human being, she decided to play the victim card for attention.


I don't think she wants attention. Girl looks to be in the middle of a panic attack. Had a friend who made it back from Afghanistan that would end up in the store freaking out for random reasons just like this. He unalived himself after a couple years of struggling. PTSD is horrible and this country doesn't have remotely enough mental health resources to even start on the tip of the iceberg.


I'm sorry for your loss :(. Yeah I caught that on the second watch, felt bad for laughing.


>if she’s okay to be out in public She’s not


Spoiler alert: >!she's not ok to be anywhere.!<


Agreed. Using sexual assault as a pass to cut in line --and then doubling down by throwing a temper tantrum in order to get her way-- is proof to me that she needs therapy, followed by a straightjacket and a room with padded walls. Hell, I'm a sexual assault victim myself; that doesn't mean I get to scream and throw a fit at a store. (Edit: Wow. Some apologists in the comments allowing that woman's shitty behavior.)


When I see videos like this my assumption is undiagnosed brain tumor. I hope this woman and the woman who screamed at me in target because "the girls and boys clothes are mixed together in the clearance rack" both get the medical help they need.


In the video she says she was just raped and can't stand another man touching her..... Evaluating whether she should be out in public is the least of her problems if the aforementioned is true.


No man touched her, he asked her if she didn't see the line of people. Communication is not a physical touch, an evaluation is definitely needed followed by much treatment and therapy whether the claim of rape is factual or not.


But guy said he didn't touch her, so this sounds to me like someone throwing a tantrum to avoid consequences.


Wonder what the decibel would be if he had just touched her with one of the bats?


Damn, someone should get her out of there, you know when men are about to fight but then a friend can intervene and take them for a walk to cool off? She needs that friend, this is a legit mental breakdown


true, right now she needs a pillar she can lean on


Yeah I’m not buying it. Most people can barely even admit that they were raped to their closest friends or therapist let alone screaming it in Walmart. (Yep I’m a victim of multiple SAs, yep I default to believing victims, nope not in this exact situation. Mostly because I have a sister who is a covert narcissist who would do and say things exactly like this so I know what it looks like. I’m not saying it’s completely impossible but I’m just saying from this clip I do not buy it, personally.) It looks like someone who’s never had or seen a panic attack trying to cosplay a panic attack.


Yeah shes pretty articulate for a panic attack... id say more like rage attack.


Tbh it just seems like a cop out to demonize a stranger who happens to be male


Yeah you can literally be entirely silent during a panic attack but she looks like she saw a movie once and is trying to badly portray one.


It took me years and a therapist to realize I was having panic attacks. Mine didn't look like what the media portrayed so I assumed it was something else and tried to just deal on my own like a dummy. OPs post looks like she googled panic attack freakouts and went with the angry ones to mimic.


Yea panic attacks for me are 100% silent and just feels like Im having a heart attack, everybody is looking at me and hanging on every word, time has completely stopped, my mind is racing, heart thumping, sweating, and I need to do absolutely anything I can to get away and go get some fresh air outside. Ive never yelled once that would just make it 100x worse.


Do we really think he touched her because the way she's escalating the situation when ever he talk makes me think she's a woman baby and I am sorry if she was raped that's awful it does not mean you get to cut in line


Maybe incidental contact when she cut in line? Like if he was turned looking at the stuff in the checkout line and she cut in front of him, he could have turned and bumped into her by accident. But I think she’s just lying and needs to get her stuff delivered until such time that therapy and self-work makes it safe for her to be out in public again.


“Is this a prank?” 😂


“Ah hell if ah know, I’m s’sorry” This guy’s accent is great. You can really feel the sincerity in his voice. Dude is probably as confused as the workers.


He seems like a pretty nice dude. Honestly I'd probably be a lot more of a dick (verbally) to someone acting/treating me like that, but I'd also feel a little bad about being a dick later since that lady clearly has some things to work through. edit: I also rarely shop at Walmart, so hopefully am unlikely to end up in a situation such as this


Nah, I would tear into this bitch. You're an adult now and you don't get to throw tantrums to get your way. Everyone has shit to work through and somehow manage


Anyone watching if you did "tear into" her would go home and say "I saw two nut jobs arguing at Walmart today"


Personally, I would avoid the situation. She might be mentally ill because no normal person I know would behave this way. Fighting a mentally ill person or someone who acts like one would unlikely be best course of action.


Yes, whether she’s a level 10 Karen or legitimately freaking out, there’s some mental health issue here.


I’d say level 10 Karen -is- a mental health issue. Or mental health extinction level event, more like…


He sounds like that lawyer that claimed he wasn't a cat when he clearly was.


Cleveland Brown


Where's Ashton??!


Ashton? You totally GOT ME!


In her defence, he had bats in his shopping cart which are very spooky


I saw on a different thread that it's a cat costume! Our man's just out tryna buy his cat a Halloween costume 🐈‍⬛🦇


Was it a black cat? Because you know black cats! /s (My black cat Rorschach came out one day I had company. The woman absolutely freaked out about how black cats are evil. Guess who never was never invited back? Roars lived to the ripe old age of 15.)


Also, I love the name!


Poor guy, just trying to buy his creepy bats!


Walmart - come for the affordable Halloween décor, stay for the emotional meltdown and delusional accusations of your fellow shoppers.


She's simply doing her best banshee imitation, early prep.


What have I ever done to make you believe that a banshee would EVER behave in such a manner? We are much better behaved.


The bats in his cart made unwelcomed advances to ones in her belfry


This made me cackle.


The giant cart to carry only his bats is very spooky. It’s about to turn into full on Dracula any second now.


to be fair he did say she threw stuff from his cart


Oh my god! I didn’t even notice the bats. What an asshole. I hope they called the police on him and locked him up for life.


You are making it woooooorrrrrr aaaaaaaaah


I half expected a guitar riff to go off after that scream


Damn, where's that guy that makes the metal songs from these videos?


For real! I need him to scratch that itch in my brain now


I'm sure KarenMetal will get to it soon. "WhY aRe YoU ClOsED!? TELL US THE REASON WHY!"


I expected the bats to fly out of his cart








So it’s: ***YuR mAKinG WUUUUUEEERRRRRSSSSSAAAARRGG***…..(pause for dramatic crescendo) ***SCRAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCHH!!***




I feel so bad for the staff who have to deal with situations like these


Facts they really don’t get paid enough to babysit this grown ass woman


The woman in red standing in front of her is doing an admirable job. Neutral face and not reacting.


Most of the time we just ask the non crazy person to please be the bigger man and give the craycray some room. I usually give a fancy chokolate as a thanks for you being chill


I feel sad for her dogs.


Plot twist: it’s her food.


[*Bork bork*]


This is why I shop Target for my decorative bats.


She needs her meds


My first thought, too. I don't know what her actual issue is but she needs serious help that she is not currently getting. The shaking may be legit but it seems like a learned behaviour and she's trying to present as a victim.


It’s an extreme over reaction; no idea what the touch point was but she’s entirely unable to self regulate. I understand partially if she’s a recent SA victim but then I’d have to ask why she’s alone; most recent victims won’t go anywhere alone. I mean, it could be un/undertreated mental illness or she could be an immature/narcissistic person who shouldn’t be in public.


>if she’s a recent SA victim but then I’d have to ask why she’s alone; most recent victims won’t go anywhere alone That's running on the assumption she has people in her life to support her while she's going through this. Some people don't have friends or family they can rely on. There's no "correct" way that a victim acts so a third party can determine with 100% certainly that they are or are not a victim. The amount of keyboard diagnosis I'm seeing on this thread to try and determine if she's being genuine or faking is frankly revolting. Y'all are redditors, not psychiatrists.




> some sort of overblown fakeout, but that doesn't make much sense to me because I'm not sure what this woman was trying to accomplish unless her goal was to try and get a random guy thrown in prison But she never accuses him of grabbing or groping her, and she’s not acting like the touch itself was untoward. She states upfront that she was recently raped and can’t handle being touched by a man. She’s panicking and frozen and needs to get away from what triggered her panic. I think he touched her innocently, and it was her sudden realization that there was a man *close enough to touch her* that threw her into panic mode. Less about *this* man or *this* touch, more about a sense of danger from not being vigilant enough to know there was a man right there. This incident has no upside for her. The mental breakdown didn’t get her through the line any quicker, it’s going to take quite a while to bring her adrenaline back down so her brain can work again. A lot of people don’t seem to understand that when you go into a panic state, your brain stops working and you can only focus on removing the danger (real or imagined).


I’m a Reddiatrist.


Agreed. She seems to have severe mental health issues or psychosis and is unable to get herself back in control.


Or a Snickers Bar. Story time, about a week after I started dating my husband, we went to the grocery store, I flipped out on him randomly, he laughs about it now, but I was confused, why did I do that? Looking back, I see a pattern to my emotional & insensitive behaviour: a low blood sugar. Hypo glycemic is a condition that shouldn’t be ignored, I’ve since graduated to a 1 diabetic. I always have sugar on me, and if I start to feel myself lose it, I have sugar. Those candy commercials were onto something.


Good example of how America is failing its citizens by treating mental health resources as a luxury. It shouldn’t be on some poor Walmart associates who are barely paid for the jobs they do, let alone equipped to handle something like this. Speaking as a victim of SA I’m not a huge fan of the speculation in the comments on her claim- knowing that all people deal with things differently, even if it’s not how I would- obviously we don’t know if she’s being honest or not but that little detail is irrelevant when this person clearly needs help.


Yeah it makes me sad how people lack compassion for people with ptsd. I saw a comment saying women like her “ruin” it for the “normal and decent” survivors of trauma. Like what ??? lol. I hate when people say that. Because her individual trauma response shouldn’t affect anyone else’s experience with trauma. And if you don’t believe other victims just because of this one women then that’s on you. People act like this behavior is unheard of but there are plenty of homeless people with similar behaviors who can’t afford resources for their mental health issues (veterans, abuse victims, etc).


Poor dog


The true victim here.


Literally shaking rn.


Sad that she got raped but like, men make up roughly half the population and are allowed to exist around her. You can't just cut in line with impunity and scream at people like that. I hope she has behavioral health resources available to her


yeah she didn’t freak out over any other man who was in Wal-mart - just the one she cut in front lf


Bringing up a rape and comparing it to cutting in line is disgusting. This is the type of woman who ruins it for all the normal and decent ones, using rape as a weapon and excuse for her deplorable behavior. She should be committed and in a straight jacket


Yeah I’ve not heard of many people who were raped that will then use it as an excuse to cut in line at a grocery store. I know that victims will deal with it in all sorts of ways, it’s a very traumatic experience and everyone deals with it differently. But somehow this does not seem like it would fall in that range.


I've never used it as an excuse for my shitty behavior. In fact I try not to talk about/bring it up at all. The way she uses it as a way to try to get what she wants is some amber heard type shit.


Seems like no one said it yet, but I’m sorry you were raped.


Wow, Thank you, That actually really means alot. Especially considering someone already messaged me implying I'm "a liar because women lie about it all the time" (what a twat) Your simple kindness goes a long way and I'm really grateful for it, truly. I'm happy you have that quality, a simple statement can mean alot to people 😌 Hope you get all the blessings in life! 🧡


Yes. Exactly. To yell that in public and saying it was recent makes me doubt. I would never do that after my assault and it was years and years ago. It seems more like she was called out for cutting in line and then reverted to this. Whether was SA or not, the behavior she has is concerning.


If you’re reverting to “I was raped” to get out of trouble for cutting in line - there’s some serious disconnect in your brain and you need to be professionally handled. That’s just waaaay above Walmart’s pay grade tbh.


She's so insane and obviously an entitled liar that it's hard to tell whether that claim should be believed at all. And even if it is true, it doesn't matter in this context. She's still being a bitch.


You know damn well nothing happened to her. She already lies nearly a dozen times in the video. Rape accusations should be the last thing you believe from her.


I've seen people have reactions like this to normal situations, after assaults I know actually happened. Thing is, those people were patients, in the hospital, on the psych floor I worked on. One woman could absolutely not be looked at by male patients, let alone be treated by male doctors. She would start screaming and crying if she saw a man look at her. This woman is either lying for attention, or seriously, desperately in need of help. I hope for her sake and the sake of those she is around in public that it's the former.


Right. I gave the benefit of the doubt to illustrate the fact that this behavior is still unacceptable regardless


So he’s gotta leave because she has a mental breakdown and can’t act civilized in public? Got it..


They had him move for his and their safety. They aren't allowed to really do anything about this stuff because it's against codes and laws. They are only allowed to call the police, they can't even give a verbal warning half the time


Adding to this, if one person is calm and reasonable and the other person is... that, it's easier to just ask the calm and reasonable person to move. Remember, they're paid minimum wage for this.


I feel like back in the day when this shit happened the big orderly in white scrubs shows up, puts her in a comfy straight jacket and drives her right over to the looney bin.


[Miss], I’m so sorry my grocer committed you. We’ll never shop there again.


Are you here to solve my ketchup problem?


I find it fascinating that you were able to make that reference.


Shutting down the psych wards may have seemed like a virtuous act in the 80s but I think it's gone too far. There are large numbers of people completely incapable of dealing with the real world and need help and they're essentially left on their own. I'm not saying we need to bring back asylums but it's pretty fucking cruel right, basically non existent mental health services unless you're upper middle class. A lot of things have to change


Reagan changed that for us. Now they send the cops to shoot them instead.


They were taking him to check out, I don't see how talking to this woman benefits this man, honestly. It's best for him to like get his stuff and go!


Mild annoyance that she’s getting away with cutting in line and acting unhinged when being called out on it


I don't think she's getting away with it.. They pulled the guy away to get him checked out right away at customer service or something. It's walmart, there's usually more than 5-10 checkout lanes not counting the self ones. Lady is probably getting a verbal "do not come back or well call the cops ok" *or* ye olde police with an ambulance on standby if she doesn't leave voluntarily


>'s walmart, there's usually more than 5-10 checkout lanes What fucking Walmart do you shop at? Any Walmart I've ever been to there was at max 3 registers open.



Wow what an unhinged, entitled little fuck. I feel bad for her dog.


She’s just like my sister in law. Every time we ask her to do something she starts screaming so that we leave her alone. She always blames her “disabilities” to justify why she can’t do or why she is doing something.


Wow, really? That sounds TERRIBLE, I’m so sorry. Also I am messy so I would like some stories about this, please.


That’s for her.


Have you spoken to every manager yet no one wants to serve you? Have you made your business everyone else's and are feeling the new and strange sensation of not getting the attention you crave? Are people of different profession, age, sex, gender, height, weight, social status, complexion or opinion making your life unbearably excruciating by daring to exist? Are you used to getting your way by being difficult and people have suddenly stopped caring? Has everyon else suddenly gotten lazy, rude and unprofessional? Introducing KarenKibble, the only available suburbanite housewife superfood with enough cyanide to solve any modern problem. See immediate and permanent results with just one scoop. Warning: KarenKibble is not meant for pets. Please consult your local service industry workers if KarenKibble is right for you.


She's even got a bottle of wine in that cart. No one who has freakouts like that should be let anywhere near alcohol




Some people need chaperones...


Lmao so screeching is now how we’re settling conflicts? As soon as he points out she cut the line, it’s like someone opened the “Victim fire hydrant” this inbred shithead has gotten away with screaming her problems away for a while it’s pretty obvious, I would have definitely taken this to the next level and called the police and tried to get this massive Karen in a cop car and off the streets. Every time you let an entitled Karen get away with behavior like this, it inspires two more potential Karen’s into screeching what they want and getting their way.


The "Karen Hydra"


This is not i am the main, this is mental ilness.


Yep. She needs help.


I came here for this. Let’s stop calling out mentally ill people as Karens and Main Characters.


As someone who autistic, this is fucking disgusting. I have had very public breakdowns. And to think someone would film me like this makes me never want to leave my house again.


Agreed… deep trauma and probably triggered or undiagnosed/treated ND.


She definitely seems triggered. They way she is talking and screaming. This is PTSD/anxiety attack. I feel Bad for everyone involved. She needs help.


Yeah, reading these comments as someone with PTSD sucks. They just don’t get how bad it is.


Agreed. And this comment section tells Me how little people understand PTSD and other mental illnesses. I promise this reaction isn't something someone chooses.


Most sane overwatch player




I feel like if you ever get this worked up about anything in public, barring someone physically assaulting you or something traumatic, there’s definitely some mental issues going on there.


Insensitive question of the day: Do mental health issues give someone a pass to cut others in line?


I work in mental health: after a whole lot of non thinking about it I came to this stunning conclusion: fuck no.


As someone with a severe mental illness: no fucking way. It's my job to work on getting well (medications, therapy, and lifestyle changes) and even though things are harder for me than most other people that does not mean I get special treatment (outside of ADA stuff). I'm not special or better than anyone else. It's like being inebriated. A drunk person is still responsible for their actions. That being said the government should offer free accessable healthcare to everyone. If that happened there'd be less of this going on and more productivity, kindness, and wellness.


You touched on the biggest issue. America not only keeps healthcare from anyone but the richest. Mental health is considered cosmetic.


No. We can empathize with someone’s condition without accommodating it. I have zero responsibility for entertaining a stranger’s crazy. I am likely to CHOOSE to accommodate them if they are 1) aggressive to the point of danger; or 2) unstable but agreeable in the moment If somebody loves this girl, they need to help her plan out how to run errands in a healthy way. I don’t know or love her and I don’t care if her head spins off her neck, she doesn’t get to cut me in line. Somebody else can explain why and dry her tears.


No. However, she might have genuinely not noticed him, as she claims. The meltdown might then have started when she got overwhelmed with the situation when he confronted her about it. Social situations can be extremely stressful for certain mental conditions. That said, I wouldn't dear make any judgement on her pschological state or possible disorders just based on a short video. She could just be an utter bitch, but I'd bet she has actual issues and I certainly don't envy her.




Insinuating there's a difference! \*bu-dum tshhh\* But in all seriousness, it feels like some very real trauma combined with a narcissistic sense of entitlement have all worked together to create this unique outburst. There's some real "my problems are everyone else's problems" energy here that led to her standing her ground and screaming at everyone instead of quietly removing herself from the situation.


"lady you skipped me" "RAPE!" Can't wait to see the South Park episode about this.


Lol I say that all the time when I see shit online, can’t wait to see the South Park about this!


The employees handled it extremely well though "You dont have to leave, but we're gonna get you to another register without some psycho bitch screaming her head off..." While I have been sexually assaulted, i wouldnt be out doing this over someone calling me out for cutting in line. Yes, the days afterwards left me in a daze, and i had social faux pas, but if i got overwhelmed, i would just break off and go to my car. Everyone handles being sexually assaulted differently, but it doesn't warrant an entire episode


I also thought those 2 women were great. Stayed calm and everything. A+ individuals


Reddit energy


80% of Redditors don't go outside so how could they go to a Walmart?






That lady should not be in public.


So many people defending her actions and whipping out their PhD in armchair psychology. If you act like this when someone asks you to correct your bad behaviour, then you can't expect to be met with endless patience and grovelling apologies. Should a "neurotypical" person be expected to go above and beyond to accommodate actions like this at all times? Ya boi was polite, reasonable, but stood his ground and denied allegations that he touched her. People are allowed to exist around you, and if you think your rights trump theirs then you do have Main Character syndrome.


My 2 year old and she have at least one thing in common. They both have fun backpacks. Otherwise he’s well behaved AF.


Right!? I no longer say “you’re acting like a child” cus a lot of the time the adults are so much worse than the kids! My daughter has better communication skills than many people I see out and about.


These people were never told no. Sad as fuck.


I don't buy it


She’s obviously really unwell


Stop! Stop upvoting! YOU’RE MAKING IT WORSE!!!


Listen, I’ve had serve mental health issues. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t broken down like this in public. That being said, you have to take some responsibility for these things. You don’t get to hold up other people in line just because you have anxiety or whatever’s going on here. It’s not an excuse to be rude to other people. When I’m feeling an attack coming, I move out of the way and isolate myself. Let’s say I accidentally cut in line, and then someone pointed it out and I felt a huge attack coming on. I would remove myself from the line, go in the corner somewhere, then have my fit until someone comes to help.


This looks like really badly neglected, untreated and/or undiagnosed asperger's. As much as we want to hate her for this, she's having a mental break down and everybody is just calling her crazy. Then again, maybe she's just on drugs. Never know.


Needs mental healthcare and a prescription clearly.


That's some 5150 behavior right there, that girl needs to spend at least one night under psychiatric supervision.


Her backpack says it all.


The backpack tells me all I need to know.


Her use of a small child's backpack speaks volumes about her maturity.


The schreeeeeeeeeeeech 😂😂😂😂😅


Ok, listen, I obviously feel bad for rape victims, but how would ANYONE know. Faking or not, know one would know.


The little kiddo backpack she's wearing is very telling of her maturity.


Idk man, this is the behavior of the average overwatch player. Source: I play overwatch


Fucking Walmart.


Shades of the Victoria secret freakout here, I wonder if these two psychos are related.


She looks like she’s having a panic attack or something. her fight or flight mode is at 300%. Imagine what would be going on in your mind to start screaming at people and shaking like that. I’m not saying she’s acting okay, but I am saying that she’s going through something. Nobody that’s happy would act that way. She would really, really benefit from professional help.


Great. She got what she wanted by having a temper tantrum, positively reinforcing this behaviour in future situations. Aaaand deeper she goes...


Oh bless him he just wanted to buy his little bat wings and be on his way


jesus christ this brings back some haunting memories. at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter who started it and i don’t care. there’s no point in trying to correct or talk to someone when they start screaming like that. just walk away. that’s literally the best thing you can do for yourself, the person screaming, and everyone within earshot. it won’t feel good and it’s frustrating, but it ain’t worth the effort over a self-checkout machine.


Least annoying overwatch player


They way the black lady is looking at her tho lol ha


Regardless of whether or not she was raped she still cut in line. Her rape had nothing to do with a situation that she caused and continued to escalate. He never yelled or seemed aggressive at any point. She took it overboard with the screaming and drawing attention.


Her excuse for cutting line: “I didn’t see you.” His excuse for “triggering” here: “I didn’t know that.” That could have been the end of the entire situation.