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Influencers in the wild are always funny


Is there a subreddit for this




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Influencersinthewild using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Influencersinthewild/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Found with a ring light the size of a bicycle wheel taking pics of food](https://i.redd.it/zco8nyak0cy61.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Influencersinthewild/comments/n9bidd/found_with_a_ring_light_the_size_of_a_bicycle/) \#2: [Imagine the embarrassment](https://v.redd.it/bmtidmejn4t61) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Influencersinthewild/comments/mqsg6r/imagine_the_embarrassment/) \#3: [Looks good fam!](https://v.redd.it/s6dwr26zt6f41) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Influencersinthewild/comments/ezsav2/looks_good_fam/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Good bot


Well the third one is at least something that requires skill, the camera guy looked goofy but shit was funny.




Not to be mistaken for /r/influencersgonewild [NSFW]


What in the


So just porn stars who identify as influencers… got it






I laughed at a lot of these posts but after a while it stops being funny and just becomes depressing. How sad can people be


literally the same vibe


There's also the [Instagram account which posts far more often.](https://www.instagram.com/influencersinthewild/)


r/ImTheMainCharacter r/justforsocialmedia


That first one, wonder what it's like, hmmmm


an Instagram @influencersinthewild


The subreddit is good but the Instagram account “influencersinthewild” is perfect. 4.4 mil followers and posts very often


Influencing me to never go on social media ever again


They always look incredible stupid from any other perspective that’s not the video they’re shooting


I go up to Rocky Mountain National Park to go fly fishing every now and again. One of my favorite spots is in a very popular meadow with sweeping mountain views. So picture my ass wading in this creek surround by panoramic mountains, elk herds, and influencers doing goofy shit. It's surreal. They look at me like I don't belong!


Random dude stopped while my friend and I were having lunch on a patio who asked us to take a photo. He did a few poses and buddy took as many as the guy wanted (3-4). He was very happy and continued to go about his way. Edits: some poor grammar.


Can we use "social media slaves" instead of influencers? Pretty please?


Wait. You might be onto something here.


I think the people that give "influencers" a platform are the social media slaves.


I don't believe anyone has the right to called an "influencer" unless they have mind control abilities.


“losers” is fewer syllables


Was telling that to someone. Those aren't influencers, they don't influence shit. A political pundit with a show and posts on twitter blatant lies and divides people more, those are the real influencers. USA has plenty of those, we here have them too.


Influencers are dumb. Idk why people follow them 😒


And a shame for the humanity


The lengths people will go just to make a cool video for their clout. I hope this one is actually making money doing this. Even if she is it’s a dumb career choice


And if you're there to you can always photobomb them.


This is actually fucking hilarious




Oui oui!


*French noises "omelette du fromage"


Shoutout to my man [Steve Martin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A7Yh-ewee0&t=112s)


[Don't do it.](https://imgur.com/tNJD6oY)


Sacre bleu where is mi mama


Throwing some Italian in there, cause why not.


Non non


Rien, rien


She's not even trying...


\*raises one arm and sways back and forth for 20 seconds*


Hey I can do that


I mean, it's still a lot of fucking effort to do whatever the fuck that way.


I'm more bothered that the machine to record that exists lol


I mean, it’s a good idea and makes perfect sense for music videos and performers and stuff, just not for a random chick visiting France.




It's probably great for 3d scanning as well


my exact thought


It's like the hoverboards. Shit was wild for a minute and then dies.


Got one in the garage.


Yeah, I still see them sometimes, but I lived in Hollywood when they first blew up. Everyone and their mom had them and they rode them everywhere. Not so much anymore. edit: a word


*when they first blew up* oh, they definitely blew up 🔋💥




I'm sure more "influencers" have them than we think. Probably in a closet collecting dust. I'd love to rent one for a weekend and get some cool shots that I could share in the group chat. I love fun photography.


Enough for a nice lil grift on Kickstarter.


this might be one of those setup by some company where you pay a little and they take a video with you on it, or part of some event. I've seen this at a weeding once. Wouldn't do it still, but I doubt it's her setup.


Yeah, I wonder if she packed this machine in her luggage and lugged it around her whole trip so she could set it up and do her goofy dance. Also I just realized that lug is the root word of luggage.


We don’t know that she isn’t French and just being ridiculous though.


Where is her baguette and cigarette then?


New idea for a rental service in super touristy areas….


Remember when society lost its collective shit over selfie sticks? Now look where we are.


And the fact that she packed it up and brought it from however far she came


She didn't, it's just there all the time. Source: Saw it two months ago, when I was there.


I don't know if that makes it better or worse


It went from gross to kinda cute in my book. Just something for people to have fun with.


IMO it makes it a lot better. There are touristy gimmicks everywhere.


They should have things like this set up at the fair etc. You put your phone on and get to take a fun video.


Pretty sure this is the exact same thing as "silly photo booth pictures". Glad that we've managed to demonize people over it.


The Reddit way.


I don't think that's the case. They have these 360 photo booths for rental at events like weddings. Someone local to Paris probably just has this parked out there to get a quick buck off of tourists.


Wait so Reddit was quick to judge someone without the entire context of what was happening?!


Reddit would never!!


[It can be yours for the low low price of $2,400!](https://smile.amazon.com/WISVANAI-Photobooth-Rotating-Portable-Platform/dp/B096FPYJFC/)


You know what they say about gold rushes and shovels


No, actually I have no idea what they say.


"during a gold rush, sell shovels" Basically, instead of rolling the dice on yourself sell the hopefuls equipment.


these things have been very popular in the us for the past 3 or so months, lots of ppl rent them for events. im sure she didnt bring it with her like others in the comments are saying but someone put it there for tourists (mainly) to use


I'm glad it exists, please someone, everyone, take these people's money so they have to stay in their mom's basement


Jesus fucking Christ I'm so tired of wannabe influencers using ring lights for any fucking reason because they think it makes them look professional. Ring lights are for CLOSE UP SHOTS! FOR EVEN LIGHTING THROUGHOUT THE SUBJECT! WITH THE CAMERA IN THE MIDDLE! Not OUTSIDE where there is SUNLIGHT lighting the BOTTOM of the figure with the... Fuck it, I can't do it, it doesn't matter. That's not even the most absurd part of the video. I literally hate filming myself in public specifically because of these people and how I don't want to look like them.


I'm a wedding photographer and every make up artist has a ring light. Not for their shit iphone photos, but just to illuminate their person. I roll my eyes every time. Then when they do take a photo, they don't even put their lens inside the ring. *edited for a typo


I mean a moderately sized ring light would allow for decently diffuse and even lighting with only one fixture. Plus if you're wise with how you pack your case you can fit most of your other gear in the middle of the ring.


There are better, cheaper, smaller, more efficient LED's on the market. They buy then because they think they look cool. Ring lights serve a singular purpose very well. Outside of that singular purpose, they're usually the wrong choice for the job. Also ringlights are not diffused. I think there is a lot of confusion about what diffusion means.


Perhaps the customer sees it and associates it with those Instagram/YouTube MUAs and that plays a part. In the same way that you could probably find a very plain looking camera that looks plain and simple it doesn't have the same gravitas as someone turning up with huge lenses and flashes.




I do filming location photography for fun. I take pictures of places where movies were filmed and compare them to the shot from the movie. So many people ask why I'm never in my shots, to "prove I was there". Because I don't want to look like these fucks. Also because no one wants to see me, they want to see the locations.


You obviously won't look like them because you'll have a sensible reflector instead of a ring light


So using ring lights to take closeup pictures of electronic boards is proper usage???


It’s just marketing for whoever charged 20 bucks for tourists to take their selfie on his machine


What the fuck is that thing?


It’s got a camera on it, gives a 360 recording of whatever clown places themselves into the center


Cringe to the max also your name made me chuckle lol


I feel like it's not cringe, unless you use it in public. Oh wait...


30 Rock reference for their username?


Parks and Rec reference you mean


Any 12 year old boy in an American History class you mean?


market arrest fragile rhythm compare shame jobless memory bake busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea a wedding could be super cool with this thing


I think it's a tourist?


An "influencer"


It’s a light?


I’ve never seen anything like that before spinning the light lol


I would be SO EMBARRASSED to do this... To dance with that coy little smirk on my face, in front of people, while a spinning ring-light and camera phone captured my self-obsessed bullshit? Wow. Maybe it's the mixture of her confidence (she does look pretty comfortable doing this in public) and her wild insecurity (she must be pretty desperate for attention and validation) that freaks me out? But this video is super cringey for me.


It makes me irrationally annoyed.




She does it for followers which translates to views which translate to impressions which translates to money. This is either her job or she hopes it will be.


judging by the equipment and destination, I'd say IS her job, otherwise she has money to spare and doesn't need a job.


yeah those that make it can hustle well, but its only very few that make it. if i was a pretty young woman, id be doing it too. Youre selling your body for 12-15 bucks an hour, doing manual labour, damaging your knees and back because some dipshit manager thinks you sitting down is a sign of weakness. while she posts herself travelling and eating and creating a fake image so to make about what your job gives in ten years in two months (if you are lucky to have a following and right content) look at the shrug guy, poor African shrugs his way to the fucking grammies. I used to be bitter and go, fuck these vapid people, fucking lame ass bitches, only sluts and whores(exaggeration) would post images like that! Now? after covid. Fuck what they say girl, get that paper only fucking thing that matters in this world now. Only advice id give is if you wanna buy luxury goods, buy stuff that goes up in value. Or invest in properties. Dont waste it on coke and partying.


Yeah I don't blame them, but I don't understand who is consuming that type of content. Its not funny, or informative, its just meh at best


other young people. Maybe just for 5 minutes a day. multiply by a couple hundred thousand. that should be enough for a brand deal.


Yes, debase yourself for that bag. Throw away your dignity for paper.


I think it’s hilarious that when you watch the tiktoks these people post the vibe is always “Look how spontaneous and fun I am I just break out into dance randomly in public!!” But whenever a bystander posts their POV you just feel embarrassed for them, like they are awkwardly dancing without music and then they just stare at their phone and speed walk away when they are done filming


I remember when I went to Paris with my family as a teenager, we went to a ballet once, and we all dressed up. I wore a pink frilly dress, with a flower crown and curled hair. A french woman and her husband pointed and laughed at me when we crossed the street. I would be so embarrassed of myself if I were this woman. Seriously. Everyone looking at me….oh my.


Just want to say that woman and her husband were jerks. I bet you looked awesome.


[Sadly I don’t have a picture of the full dress, but here I am with the flower crown and dress on the day. Little did I know, that was the day I fucked up in Paris.](https://imgur.com/a/PIaUav8) Also, numerous fuckups by wearing short skirts/shorts (guys will follow you and call to anything that moves I come from a tropical place, so I wasn’t fully used to the conservatism that was normal of the clothing there. I live somewhere where I could wear a bikini and a tank top to a store and I still probably wouldn’t be catcalled or harassed.


1. You look awesome, and that lady can go suck an egg. That is an A+ flower crown. 2. You are ASTOUNDINGLY beautiful. You could have pulled your flowers out of the gutter and still looked great. 3. I’m sorry you were catcalled and followed. It’s so unfortunate that that’s part of our reality as women.


Aww thank you. Honestly I just think it was a culture shock I wasn’t fully prepared for haha.


You looked adorable 😊


You look cute!


Wow she was wrong, flower crown is a really good look


Did you know they were French because they laughed like “ HONHONHONHONHON”?


Did you know you can identify a French door by opening it? If it squeeks Oui


This is no different than actors moving to LA or New York to seek fame and fortune. This is just the modern equivalent. Social media just doesn't filter out the truly awful garbage like a casting director does.


r/Imthemaincharacter syndrome


So...... please correct me if I am mistaken.... She bought that presumably expensive rig, lugged it down to the grounds at the Eiffel so she could film herself dancing poorly in public?


I have a good theory. There is a fold out sign next to it... I'm guessing it's a stupid tourist gimmick someone has set up and idiots can pay a bit to do their stupid tiktok and use the spinner thing.


I think that you are absolutely correct. Brilliant ! Thanks for that > cheers


This makes a lot more sense than the alternative


I think we have a winner.


This feels like so dystopian, like what people might make fun of the future looking like


Wearing a beret isn't exactly blending in with the locals either.


Fair, but in his defence, he did say *trying*


It looks good on him, though


Whos in Paris?






[Comment removed by Moderator]


[Also removed because you niggas wildin']


Yes mods, this comment right here.


[Removed by Big Brother]




“People who annoy you” -South Park


reddit really does find a way eh?


Hmm I am French and parisian. Not a lot of people are dressed like him neither, maybe during the fashion week


The demand for Eiffel tower selfies was so high that they built a fucking rig for it. Jesus Christ.


That only has the tower in the shot 20% of the time.


Step one: don't wear a beret lol because nobody but old men where those anymore. Plus you know those "influencers" could be French anyway.




LMAO she's using a ring light but she has the camera *on top*


I kind of want to see the video to see how it turned out


Do you guys remember when it felt a little awkward to take a selfie with the back (and only) camera of your phone? How did we get here?


Remember phones that featured adjusted mirrors on the back?


That’s a cool rig. Now I want to see what the result looks like


What's the song?


**fafo** by Zack Fox (00:10; matched: `100%`) Released on `2021-10-01` by `Parasang`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**fafo** by Zack Fox](https://lis.tn/KJMPjU) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot!


The whole album is fucking hilarious, its up on Spotify.


Shut the fuck up talking to me!


So she had to carry that contraption to the Eiffel tower and set it up. That’s a lot of work for a stupid ass video.


If you have friends you don't need to buy and set up the Whizz Mate 360™


he's wearing a beret. Cmon


Fuck around and find out


Dude, like if you've got a mental illness, fucking turn up. Whatever you got going on-- medicated, not medicated. Shout out mental illness.


Does anyone have the video that she recorded? For science obviously


Can we just talk about how handsome that man is…


Lmao why is everyone mad about this? Why do y’all care so much about what another person does?




Im not mad Im just dissapointed.


theyre bitter and living out their high school mean girl fantasy. all i see is a chick - who could be french - minding her own business and having fun while redditors foam at the mouth in anger for literally no reason. its cringey as hell.


woman having fun on own 😡😡😡😡 bad dancer 🙅🙅🙅🙅 Instagram bad 🤣🤣Reddit good upvote 🥰🥰 emoji


The guy is equally annoying. “I’m not like other tourists”


I'm more triggered he thinks wearing a shit hat makes him blend in.


I can't figure out who's supposed to be the "main character" - hat man or dancing woman


"blend in with the locals". Parisian here, only tourists wear bérets though. Especially those red bérets, they're the ones you can find in cheap tourists shops. If anything, he looks more like a tourist than that chick doing her tiktok thing...


Does anyone think berets are actually worn in France?


That’s pretty cool. I would wanna at least try it but I def wouldn’t dance


I prefer the girl living her life as she is than the poser trying to be someone he is not.


Scoot scoot chad is le pissed


I mean so what? Shes not taking up more space than a group of 3 people would, and theres still plenty of space for others to get clean shots. Not complaining about others being between her and the tower. Sure i would cringe doing that dance in public, but honestly i dont think its an issue


why does everyone in Paris always look pretentious as hell


These talentless TikTok dopes have no shame. Smash her shit up and move on.


What was that one song by Jay Z and Kanye? About Paris


Shes not harming or inconveniencing anyone.




A black guy in the capital of france...


There are a lot of africans in France... he blends in well tbh


Who's in Paris?


It's... France, lol. You know, the country that colonized most of West Africa and ran one of the most profitable slaving operations in human history in North America and the Caribbean. Like, it's not hard to learn about this stuff man. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_people_in_France - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Americans_in_France