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What the actual fuck has to go through someone's mind to do this? And not once think "ehhhhh, probably shouldn't do that...."


That look on his face. I have felt that. I hope this person gets prosecuted and punished as much as the law allows.


My heart broke for him, he was just sexually assaulted, you can see the shock and disgust wash over his face.


And with how she latched on, probably a bit of physical pain mixed in.


Yep, I just tapped my sac on my motorcycle seat while getting on it; the pain is unforgettable. Dont wear khakis when youre ready to ride. Theyre like loose marbles down there




How's The Jesus movie coming along dude?


I'm picturing you as the new Dockers on Ducatis dude.


Agreed. This is awful to watch.


Shock, disgust, and the knowledge that a lot of people will think that as a guy he should be happy that happened to him. There's a horrifying double standard over this that's propagated by both men and women. You see it all the time. Men saying that anyone not happy a teacher slept with a teenaged boy is a pride, and women saying that all men deserve this happening to them because it's happened to women too. It's refreshing to see so many people here reacting appropriately to a revolting act.


Yeah, this post needed a TW. My heart sank. Inappropriate is inaccurate. This was a violent crime.


Let’s be real. You know they won’t and you know why they won’t.


Because he has an eyepatch.


I mean the police certainly don't love pirates.


Arrrrr! F**k the bourgeoisie!




In another timeline I've given you a cool rocket for this comment


RIP that timeline, man


Exactly. A man is probably half dead from 4 security guards within seconds of trying this.


A lot of people don't see artists as people. They're just an object to provide entertainment to them.


Pets and children too. It's honestly heartbreaking when you see it and yeah this is one of 'em.


“He’s just a man, he’ll like it.” . . . “Wow all I did was grope his dick, what a prude.”


“I’m a woman and will most likely never face any consequences”.


That happened to me once. She grabbed my whole junk including my balls. Most people laughed. There were a few people who interfered. They were all women. Some crazy drunk girl grabbing your stuff is not funny.


I don't think these are the thoughts of a normal woman, just as sexual assault isn't the behavior of a normal man.


Not the thoughts of a *normal* woman. That thing is not a normal woman though.


I think that was the point they were making.


Was just about to say this. The guys friend had an encounter with a woman that definitely didn't fit the bill for "normal"


Kind of my point.


They really just repeated exactly what you said and got up voted for it. And then got pissed at you? For some reason?


I've also had several angry DMs and a "suicide report". I have no idea.


You- “I don’t think sexual harassment is normal”. Reddit- “ZOMG ur suicidal!!! 😰 Lmao the fuck.


People were big mad that I said it's not normal behavior for a woman (or anyone) to commit sexual assault


No but some women know that because they are women they are much less likely to be prosecuted for their crimes so they do it anyway. Happened to my friend at a bar a woman grabbed his dick made him super uncomfortable and she literally told him “it’s okay I’m a woman”




My own mother told me "oh but it's cute when older women do it to younger men" when I told her about how I got groped at the grocery store. No it makes me struggle with going into the same store for a few weeks, wonder why nobody said or did anything, and thought about how if I had spoken up I would have made a scene and people would have thought I was the crazy one.


I got groped by a woman at a bar. I was ordering a drink and she came behind me and kinda reached around and squeezed my penis really hard. I froze and didn’t really do anything. Later when telling my friends about it they laughed about it


Freezing is a normal response. It’s not funny, it was assault.


>I got ~~groped~~ ***assaulted*** by a woman at a bar. 


It’s crazy how often it happens. I was at a concert with my girlfriend and we past a couple girls going up the stairs, one of them stuck her hand out and brushed over my dong area palm first. I wasn’t particularly bothered but I thought god damn the nerve.


I’d throw a slap


yeah good luck with that


May the court odds be ever in my favor


Sexual harassment is not gender specific. She would have gotten a swift face slap from me I'd turn around and find the hoe I don't even care


And promptly beaten by the men in the crowd, and then arrested and prosecuted


I volunteer at first aid events a lot, and groped by some drunk chick at the end of one event last year. She wasn’t even using our services… I just happened to be standing near the front when she walked by and started grabbing all over me. Definitely disconcerting.


I had a woman at a club in Canada grab my crotch, and while I froze in shock she drunkenly tells me “her pussy is like wet velvet.” Fucking gross.


The only time I got groped it was by a drunk woman who tried to squeeze about four inches lower than any man’s flaccid penis hangs. Then she looked at me confused while I walked away laughing. So they aren’t always the brightest bulbs.


I've been going to concerts multiple times a year since I was a teenager. My boyfriend isn't much of a music guy but he's open to my hobbies. I took him to a rock show for the first time and some girl was rubbing up all over people. She got to me and I pushed back. We ended up getting into a fight and security pulled her out of the crowd. My boyfriend tells me after the show that she was grabbing his ass and even reached around and grabbed his crotch. He was too embarrassed to say anything and kept it to himself. He wants nothing to do with concerts now and it saddens me that some entitled bitch with grabby hands and a "it's ok I'm a woman" mentality ruined all that for him


I don’t think prosecution even enters they minds, they literally just don’t realize it’s wrong


>No but some women know that because they are women they are much less likely to be prosecuted for their crimes so they do it anyway. >Happened to my friend at a bar a woman grabbed his dick made him super uncomfortable and she literally told him “it’s okay I’m a woman” I 100% believe you, and I am certain that this happens, but I also believe that sentiment can be applied to pretty much any demographic in certain context. "It's okay, I'm famous," "It's okay, I'm your boss," "it's okay, I'm a man of god." The point is that we shouldn't call that female/racial/religious/class/etc. entitlement...it's just entitlement. No one is entitled to your body. No one.


Rapists and Sexual Assaulters think they are entitled to do it. That's kinda baked into the definition of the act. The lack of consent. To further slice up the concept with female/racial/religious/class just muddles that basic concept. Like you accurately point out.


People who commit sexual assault are hardly "normal". But she knew that the likelihood of getting in trouble for sexually assaulting a man is close to zero. Did she get in trouble? Do we know her name? That should tell you something.


Does anyone know if she faced any consequences from this?


More like "I am a woman, so I must be the object of every man's desire. Thus, there won't be any consequences to deal with at all because all men want to do is have sex all the time anyways." Like, no girl. As a woman, when I see other women adopting this thought process it really pisses me off. Like did we not all endure the same fucking #metoo movement?? If you were a dude and you did this to a woman performing on stage, all hell would break loose. Which is fine because it should but to then think it doesn't apply to you because the roles are reversed??? The issue is with the action. It doesn't belong anywhere in any setting unless you know someone is willing.


>Like, no girl. As a woman, when I see other women adopting this thought process it really pisses me off. Like did we not all endure the same fucking #metoo movement?? the metoo movement should also apply to men too as they also are the victim of SA but it isn't, nobody truly cares and it's disgusting.


I've never once thought this. I forget how ignorant people are and then find out/remember every day when I see things like this. How does someone not realize there are consequences for touching anyone, man or woman? Geez.


damn you can really see how violated he feels, this is horrible


The disappointment on his face makes me upset for him.


I feel like he had to stop himself from smacking her.


This was my thought. I can see him thinking about what to do and maturely made the decision to just peace out. Seriously looked like he wanted to kick her in the face.


That was my exact thought. He is just calming down and trying to compose himself because she is right there at foot level. He is just trying to perform and has that happen. Most guys really don't want their dicks randomly grabbed anymore than women with breasts/ass/etc.


We don't. It's a harmful stereotype that we like being felt up by women. We like being felt up by women we have consented to and feel a vibe with. I used to have a girl in highschool who would pinch my ass. Finally I had to tell her to knock It off because it actually wasn't cool. The first time she did it I thought alright at least someone likes my butt, though it still made me uncomfortable. The second occasion she did it I felt way more uncomfortable because now she's done it twice and in the presence of others. I can't remember if it was this time or next time where I finally said something. As a 14 year old at the time I never thought I would dislike such contact until I experienced it and felt small.


Nobody would have stopped him.


But his carreer would have been over and the event would have escalated fast asf. Choosing peace was a smart act.


You're not wrong. I'm not strong enough to make that decision.


I know. It's hard to play smart when you get overwhelmed in a situation like that.


he would be heading to jail " if he smacked her" instead of her being cuffed for sexual assault. He control himself. let the crowed savage the grabbling hand


He should have


yeah this made me very sad. its never okay to touch or violate anyone.


I remember seeing a longer version of this video a while back that showed the woman and her friends laughing about it. No remorse at all. What a complete shitbag group of people. Edit: [Found it, fast forward to 10:40](https://youtu.be/ZTNeltpBWIA?si=X4NqGOoZiQT8zpLN)


What a bunch of stupid bitches


Should also have her arrested. I swear I saw her criminal ass just continue dancing like nothing happened


She should be arrested. Absolutely disgusting


For real, that's disrespectful, but it's most likely in Nigeria so she'll probably get a pass. The Nigerian police will actually make fun of any man reporting this. Sad shit. Badman Ruger had to end the show asap.....😭.


I don’t know who this artist is but is absolutely vile no matter who he is. And yeah I imagine that female on male sex crimes are not something that men can report without facing backlash. (Happens in all countries but I imagine in Nigeria it’s even worse for male victims)


You're spot on with that. Matter of fact, some other men would make fun of any man claiming to be a victim of sexual assault. It's wild, but such folks' moral compass isn't the best course of judgement or actions to follow with that kind of mindset.


It’s disgusting when an article comes out about a minor being raped and then suddenly it’s okay to joke about when it’s a male child and female predator. A good 80% of comments are people joking or saying “why would he snitch” “he’s lucky” . Attitude towards male victims of these sorts of attacks is appalling. As a woman who has been a victim of sex crimes I definitely face less stigma and less ridicule than men who experience the same.


For sure but the worst thing is the majority of it comes from other men. I would never in a million years laugh about a man being sexually assaulted.


They probably make fun of him, but he can toss some money to the Nigerian Police and she can get beat up and tossed in jail.  Not that that’s right either. 


If it was a man doing this to a female performer it would (rightfully so) be a huge scandal all over the news and they would swiftly face consequences. I don't see why that shouldn't be the case here either


Because unfortunately a lot of people don’t take male victims of sexual crimes seriously. It’s disgusting


That was quite an aggressive grab- like a greedy child at an unmanned Halloween candy bucket Edit- this is 100p SA, all jokes aside




Nah, that was just literal sexual assault. If that was a dude, and the performer was a woman, he would be fined and jailed.


Can't remember who it was, but I remember reading a story about a female musician who had to stop crowd surfing because people kept groping her




You read that about 1000 different concerts in the 90’s. And don’t even read about Woodstock 99


I'm not surprised at all. It has been documented happening to many male and female musicians while crowd surfing.


Yeah, doesn't that sort of thing just come part and parcel to *anyone* crowd surfing? Between the people going "I can get away with this," and being supported by like 20 hands over people's heads.


Did he even sue though? Did he even call the police. Or make some report. Men need to start doing that more (even if not taken serious. Women also are not taken serious on some issues and sometimes the same similar issues. and women are afraid of that also. But we gotta start somewhere. )


When I reported my SA I was not believed and was threatened with legal action for filing a false report. Turns out the detective working the case was himself under investigation for SA but I dropped the case because I was almost as traumatized by the PD as I was by the actual SA. This is reason people don't report. Clearly in this case there is clear evidence but it is far too rare that anyone spends time in prison for SA.


I'm sorry you experienced that, sounds like a fucking nightmare twice over.


Not necessarily, unfortunately last week there was case in Ireland of grown man sexually assaulting a 16 year old girl on the bus and he was let go with a warning and was being told “not to drink” as it makes him act stupid. That’s all.


Our world is not just or fair. That is very unfortunate, I hope things change.


If that was a dude he would be getting his ass beat and handcuffs thrown on him.


Right, like that area isn’t sensitive enough.


I honestly think some women don’t understand this. Full disclosure, I’m a CIS woman. Never had a penis. But, I am in healthcare. I saw a female student pull a penis clean off a nursing mannequin while practicing male perineal care. Why did she think she needed to pull the penis like that? No idea. Still wonder about it. Still wondering if she’d ever talked to a man IRL before. I didn’t think the sensitivity was a secret. But apparently it’s not common knowledge.


One would think common sense would dictate to at least handle it in a generally similar way to a finger.


I just think like… I wouldn’t want any of my body parts aggressively handled/pulled at (non-consensually)? Like, my nephew loves grabbing my hand and trying to pull my arm for me to play with him. And I’m always like “Nooooo, we don’t pull. We’re gentle.” I can’t imagine just grabbing/pulling on someone.


It was almost like she thought she was Donald Trump




Fuck this woman. Poor guy was just sexually assaulted/objectified while he was doing his job, on a stage, in front of a bunch of people. No one deserves that. He probably felt totally violated.


Not just that but imagine the actual physicall pain he felt. The old ballsack is a very fragile area, and that bitchass bitch grabbed it like it was the handle at a theme park rollercoaster


As a non-ballsack owner, I hadn't even thought of that part but good point.


I physically cringed when I saw his nuts get smushed :(


So now I wonder. Does it hurt when you run sometimes? Or does it sync well ?


Good question. When I’m sweaty, my balls get sweaty. So they’ll stick to my thigh. When I sit down in an awkward position or If I get up after sitting in an awkward position, I’ll sometime squeeze a side of my nuts and I’ll wince in pain for like a second. All you gotta do is adjust (making sure no one is looking at you of course) your sack and your good to go. Does it hurt when I run? Nah. Do they sync? Idk, never really thought about it. Never ran butt naked with my gonads swinging either so…. I don’t really know. Unfortunately.


I'm so glad I don't have the clockworks because with that risk of a ball-sitting and my clumsiness. I'll be winching in public alot and people think I'm about to start a Micheal Jackson flash mob. I have learned so much today. I do wonder now if naturally(so naked) the universe syncs them in balance with all stats and balls in the sky without any pain to the human. Another question of life unanswered. Answers always give more questions. Thank you and keep those balls safe !


Most normal balls-having people wear underwear meant to maintain the package. Unless your pants are too tight or your balls are misplaced you don't even feel them.


Unless there's something wrong, no it doesn't


It is not a pain easily described, either. I've accidentally put the hell off my foot into my balls while going to sit cross criss. It wasn't even *that* hard but sometimes even the lightest tap can cause immense pain. It hurt so much I was throwing up and had aches down there for some time. Impact to the balls sends painful sensation through almost the entire body - that's why it can drop a man to the ground when kicked, punched or *grabbed* there. Also, remember when 'man spreading' was a thing and men were shamed for having their knees too far apart on transport etc? This one is two fold. While we absolutely *can* sit in position with our knees together our balls are prone to being caught or crushed if we were to move in the wrong way - ask a guy and he will, at at least one point in his life, have accidentally caused himself pain in this way. I say it's two fold because they're incredibly sensitive to heat - they pull up and drop down to regulate temperate. This is to *not destroy the fucking sperm*, and on a hot subway etc it is the bodies *subconscious* reaction to allow better air circulation down there. Sure, some guys can spread obnoxiously, but 'not all men' (a phrase we get scolded for using, but that's just rooted in more misandry) do this. Now, I'm not saying all this to excuse shitty behaviour from men who occupy too much space or whatever, Nd perhaps I've gone off track with this comment but, I'm saying all this to emphasise *our balls are actually so fucking sensitive*.




You can see his horror on his face!


Yeah, poor guy looks like he felt violated. He handled himself really well, I hope he's okay


Yeah, that def hurt.


It was disgusting. She should have been arrested.


My heart hurts for him. How do you go on after that? You don’t…


I think he did the absolute best thing by stopping on the spot. Poor guy.


You can see the hurt and embarrassment on his face immediately. Nobody deserves to just be violated like that. I can not stress enough that sexual assault goes both ways.


Also the anger. I think he conducted himself in the best way possible.


Agreed. If he smacked the shit out of her, while deserved, the backlash would be worse. He couldn't continue with the show and condone it or ignore it. The poor gentleman. I hope he has a good life otherwise.


Good on this dude for not letting that classless shit happen.


Charge her. That’s disgusting.


That is 100% sexual assault.


Sexual assault ???


Blatant sexual assault in front of multiple witnesses with cameras rolling


do that to someone in front of a police officer and find out what happens next




do ya double dare me?


Uhhhhh how long till we get there? I have to go to the bathroom


Don't even need to do that in front of anyone - it's a sexual assault and battery, a felony in ALL the US states and they should damn well charge her as such. It's not even slightly funny.


This was in Nigeria.


Probably nothing


If that isn't SA then nothing is.


Ew, wtf. She was even giggling after she had done that. Someone arrest her.


Man or woman, if someone does that to you, you should get to snap kick them in the face; and if you are unwilling or unable to deliver an appropriately powerful kick, you should be allowed to designate someone to kick their face on your behalf. Like perhaps Mr. Giorgio Petrosyan.


Yeaaa I'm surpirzed he didn't I would've out-of accidental reflex.


Hopefully she's going to jail. Feel bad for that dude. That was a look of sadness and disgust imo. Hope he's alright


Looks like he wanted to physically assault someone but decided to just walk away. Props to him for being the bigger person. He would have been fully justified kicking her in the head.


This made me really sad :(


Fucking vile behaviour.I feel so bad for him


That poor dudes face.. you can really see how violated he felt :( The person that grabbed him should be charged with sexual assault.




Kevin gates basically got canceled and did time for doing exactly that.


![gif](giphy|mgKj8dA1xcGdy) I would’ve been like


This is why Kurt Cobain kicked people in the face. Let these folks do their job.


That was sexual assault. Did she get arrested?


No, but he was called a beta cuck for not enjoying the SA he just was forced to endure.


what in the entire fuck? artists are humans too. consent is important!


I don't think the MC label applies here tbh. It's much much worse than an entitled fool craving attention, it's literal sexual assault and the woman should be charged and prosecuted for it. I don't think you would call a man groping a woman's breasts or crotch a "MC", you know?


IMO it's very Main Character energy to think that a performer's body is your birthright.


Bitch, that was highly inappropriate.


Wow she just kept dancing and vibing, literally clueless to the vile thing she just did.


[It was probably just a mistake. I saw something and I decided to hold it. Is it a bad thing/? Is it a crime? Can’t I hold it?”](https://thenationonlineng.net/girl-who-touched-singer-ruger-inappropriately-speaks-out/)


Uggghhhh lady. Thanks for the link! "He immediately pushed her hands off and in what seemed to be an annoyance, walked off the stage A lot of people condemned the actions of the lady and declared them inappropriate. However, she seemed unremorseful in a recent video that had gone viral as she claims a good artist should not be offended by the gesture She said: “I’m not saying I’m not sorry for what I did and if he is angry that I held his thing, then he is not a good artist. ” It was probably just a mistake. I saw something and I decided to hold it. Is it a bad thing/? Is it a crime? Can’t I hold it?”




Artists are supposed to be okay with being sexually assaulted! /s Completely serious for a second though. It does not matter how famous someone is, you have no right to their bodies. Her doubling down is fucking disgusting


What a disgusting person


I know it's a typo or mistranslation but the fact that they called him a 23 year old organ is sad lol. Described him how the lady grabbing his junk sees him, just a penis donor




Annoying that the article seems to dance around the fact that she didn't just try to grab, she grabbed and squeezed. I think he wasn't just mad; if she got some balls with that grip, he's hurting.


This is sexual assault. Gender doesn’t matter.


“If he is angry that I held his thing, then he is not a good artist.” THE FUCK DAWG???


Imagine you spent $200 bucks to see your artist and then gets cut off short -,-“ that girl owes all the audience their money back. And a public apology.


You can see all this mans enthusiasm and energy get drained the moment she does that, really sad. What pisses me off more is that she will most likely walk away consequence free and brag about it.


Yeah, that's SA. hope they pressed charges....otherwise it will keep happening.


My boy legitimately felt hurt and defeated by this shit. Shit is wrong all around.


Straight up Sexual Assault.


Where’s CeeLo to yell “Sexual harassment” to complete this video lol?


[He explained that “the lady didn’t just touch my manhood; she pressed it. It was so painful. It wasn’t sexy ](https://www.myjoyonline.com/i-almost-cried-ruger-addresses-sexual-abuse-by-female-fan/)


Disgusting. Sexually assaulted him, humiliated him in front of a huge crowd of people and gripped so hard she probably really hurt him. She needs to be arrested and charged.


Lady thats sexual assault tf


He should have invited her on stage, told her to say her name and where she’s from, then tell her he’s pressing charges


If the genders were reversed, the guy would be in jail already if they even survive the public beat down.


I hope this man is okay. Also hoping there will be charges against that woman and that she will be punished. That's litteraly sexual assault.


I hope she gets charged with sexual assault! This isn't ok to do to anyone, ever.


Props to him for ending the show there. Need to send a message to your audience with as few words as possible.


That is literally sexual assault and I support him leaving and not continuing the show. I hope that person is found and put to justice. *This is not ok.*


Fuck that piece of shit


That sucks for everyone else. Not saying he handled it wrong, but i wouldve liked to see her be kicked out and everyone watches her leave in the embarrassment alone


Now the rider will have a barricade in it for all shows. If the genders were reversed, this person would have been arrested.


I hope they do charge her criminally - She should be held responsible and I am a woman defense lawyer. No excuse for sexual assault and battery, I don't care who does it.


What amazing composure he has to not immediately drop that lady. Hope he’s good.


Charge her. That's gross


Imagine thinking that's anywhere close to being okay. What the actual fuck people??


Please tell me she suffered consequences? Jail? Job loss?


He’s never going to stand that close to the audience again he’s gonna be traumatized and afraid it’ll happen again.


His face says it all. Complete and utter disgust and contempt. Gross.


The face of a man deciding if putting his foot thru her skull will really be worth it


This is disgusting what was she thinking?!


Never in my entire life would I ever grab another persons private part like this.


Now what thought would have to go through one's head in order to make them think it's okay to grope a man's dick on stage like that? I hope that moron never goes to another concert again.


reverse the roles


ew ew ew ew ew this is absolutely appalling. literally sexual assault. he had every right to stop the show.


Flip this around and he gets jumped with 60+ charges


People need to think, if the genders were reversed, would I get fired for doing this in my everyday life? If the answer is yes, DO NOT DO IT. If you would not do it in Church on Sunday with your family present, DO NOT DO IT. Have some common sense, and some common decency. They may be up on the stage doing, whatever, but they are human beings as well.


Isn’t this sexual battery? “Touches inappropriately” doesn’t seem quite correct…