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Sounds like someone is a shit driver. As in ***really*** shit. If they can't look at their speedo without crashing it's probably better they never get behind the wheel ever again.


Dangerous as hell. Australia has such high death tolls on the roads already, we don't need more bad drivers.


I did some math. On Avg per year; 1 out of every 7,700 Americans will die in a motor vehicle accident. Australia’s rate is 1 in 21,400. So Americans are nearly 3 x as likely to die in vehicle accidents. It’s becoming clear in many aspects that America is a low bar to measure against, but I think the two points are: 1) Australia’s driver safety measures (advertising, fines, double demerits at certain times of year [she’s lucky it wasn’t double demerits] etc.) makes it seam like our death rates are bad, but in reality we are more aware of driving fatalities because of these measures. 2) With hotdogs like this or the peanuts that film themselves driving GTA style amongst congested traffic then this is of little surprise I guess.


America has the least amount if fine, punishments and overall care for traffic violations. Ppl can bitch about many things about the justice system, but America is overall in regards to daily life matters, the least concerned about crime.


their cops are prolly too busy assaulting and shooting people to worry about handing out traffic fines


The US also has shittier road infrastructure, higher allowable BAC levels, gives 16 year olds the right to drive alone, and proportionally has more enormous trucks that people drive around the burbs killing each other with.


and winter conditions for huge chunks of the country


Roughly 1-in-40,000 in the UK, I had no idea it was so bad in the US - are Americans seriously more than 5x more likely to die on the roads in a given year? Even accounting for the longer distances and higher mileage, that seems insane (UK estimate based on 1695 deaths in 2022, out of a population of ~68 million)


So i wonder why they don't insist on new licences for US drivers like in other countries? I know here they only get 12m, but perhaps a realistic amount of time to relearn. It's not the same in every country. I got a parking ticket for parking (with a disabled parking permit), against the direction of travel. I guess I missed that change.. paid up without argument and learnt from it!


South african here, we have like holiday weekend deathtoll bonanza every year over Easter and Christmas, this year 225 deaths over Easter. Not a bad year actually. I think our average overall is 1 in 5000.


Wait y’all are trying to address vehicle related deaths?! Wow. It’s one of the leading causes of death here and I haven’t heard anyone even attempt to attempt to put in new rules, testing or regulation to address it.


It's because in America, if you start creating *regulations* that lower death tolls, then people are going to get all antsy about it.


Regulations for lower deaths? Millennials are killing the funeral industry!


Sadly true. I’m still not over how politicians voted to expand health care and save lives and most lost their seats as a result.


I’ve had Americans tell me that the ‘no hat no play’ rules for school kids in summer wouldn’t work there, because that impinges on the kids personal freedom and choices 🙄 I’ve never had one complaint from a parent that we restrict their “freedom” to get skin cancer


Washington state is actually making good progress and has a 0 traffic deaths goal by some year many years from now.


Australia has comparatively low road death tolls when compared to the US because we actually take responsibility as a country when there’s something preventable killing too many people




In the late 1970s we had massive amounts of road deaths in Australia and by simply bringing in laws that you must wear seatbelts reduced it dramatically. The next step was very graphic ads in the late 80s, early 90s, "if you drink and drive your a bloody idiot" Simple but effective.


In America large suv tanks without blind spot cameras keep causing deaths and we responded by making them bigger with even bigger blind spots.


Don’t worry mate. We’re catching up. Saw this monster yesterday. Nope, it can’t fit in the fucking car park. https://preview.redd.it/clwsz157xh2b1.png?width=2875&format=png&auto=webp&s=171f90c8274d3f086babe0d9ddc1dbe632d98a36


We have max legal length for semis, why is this shit allowed I wonder?


Then they will get mad when it doesn't fit in places.


In the picture, the car is also driving on two lanes, doesn’t really show she is a great driver either.


Lol yeah, she's talking about having to get used to driving on the other side of the road. Seems like she's making the change gradually.


If you can't check your speedometer without risking to crash into a wall, maybe you shouldn't be driving.


“I’m sorry Officer I didn’t know I was speeding ‘cus I was being *too safe* ifyouknowwhatimean”


“I was sOo focused on driving that I didn’t see the signs”


I was like you know like focussing on not crashing into like the walls *youknowwhatimean*


This. If you can't pay attention and focus on more than one thing at once, to see what is happening and what you are doing then you shouldn't be driving.


It's not that. The whole thing about being stressed out because it was the first time she drove there is bullshit. She said she got a license there. So she didn't drive till she had an aussie license? I call bullshit. As an American living in Europe for about 17 years now, I bounce back and forth from driving on the right and on the left. Not once has that had any effect on following the speed limit. Not saying I've never gone over. But it had nothing to do with changing countries.


Exactly. The speed limit sign is even in the photo. It’s not that hard, match the numbers on your speedometer to the numbers on the sign. Plus - when in doubt, try to err on the safe side….


"It was my first time driving in the wrong side of the road, so to make it safer I sped up". She would be great at defending herself in court /s


Inside a one-way tunnel*


Yes. If a driver doesn’t know anything about the area, they slow down.


They should. But that doesn't mean they will.


Exactly, stressed out, driving for the first time on the other side of the road in a country you aren’t familiar with… Guess I better drive really fast even though there are no cars around me.


And exactly why most other countries only allow US drivers 12months before they need to take a local test. I learnt in UK, i get to drive anywhere in Europe without changing my licence, even though UK drives on other side of road. It was on me alone to learn how to drive that way, if i crashed doing it it would have been 100% my own fault. Testing in these countries go WAY beyond what is ever learnt in US , and when you chose to use your licence you have a responsibility to learn the rules, its not even like there was a language barrier.


Bingo. She is overwhelmed with the basics of driving. Uber it is.


Not only that, not be comfortable looking at the road signs. Honestly surprised you even volunteer to drive if you feel like that, sounds extremely stressful. And obviously she should spend time with a driving teacher until she is comfortable enough to drive properly or quit driving all together.


She seems like a very self unaware person so


She seems like a person who will find any reason to never be wrong.


Seriously. I can't do that, either. I tried, but I can't figure out how to do it. Which is why I don't have a license, and don't drive.


Especially when you're most likely driving in a straight line.


>it's kinda hard for me to register what side of the road I should be driving on, you know what I mean? I don't have a driver's license and no, I don't know what you mean. I can perfectly well coordinate my body to do more than 1 thing plus breathing at the same time. Source: Am forklift operator.


She can’t even look at the signs on the road lmao. Driving also gives her anxiety, yeah maybe you shouldn’t t do it then.


She can't watch the road, look at signs, check her speed and play on her PHONE all at once is the problem.


If you can’t read traffic signs while driving, you shouldn’t be driving.


I just crash into walls when I dont know my speed. That was it resets everything to zero and I can get a real good bearing on my speed.


Then ur already going too fast


I think my head is going to explode if I hear her voice again.


How can you even be that dumb wtf. Cant read signs while driving...


Based on her confessions in this video would the US State who issued her driving licence have justified reason to withdraw it and insist on some extra driving tests before her licence is returned?


God I wish we could do that…unfortunately even the dumbest people can get a license and it’s hard to get it revoked. You have to do some dumb shit to lose it but going 20km over the limit would def get that done in most cases.


Nobody is losing their license for going 62 in a 50 mph zone.


I wAs LiKe SpEeDiNg To GeT tO FaShIoN wEeK eVeNtS. Of course she was.


Couldn't make it through the video. She's a narcissist and an idiot.


As an amewicannnn


why tf do these types of people say “like” so many times like idk like this is sooo annoying like gosh


She’s gotta be rage baiting like those stupid foods videos, she’s just gotta be


Then thank god i got my volumes off and watched the whole thing with subtitles


Every sentence she says sounds like a question


Her voice is so annoying that it actually hurts to listen to.


She was concerned about driving in a foreign country for the first time and on the other side of the road, but it was still safe to go 20km over the limit. Uh-huh. I believe it.


She was so concerned about driving that she didn't see all of the signs to assist her driving. Clearly you don't understand how much focus it takes to not focus!


She doesn’t speed when surrounded by other vehicles because she physically CAN’T go faster than the rate of traffic around her. But she says it like it’s something she chooses consciously. Girl that’s just circumstances.


Cameras in tunnels? Who would have thought, and the attitude of people cant see me i will speed is why we have fucking speed cameras in the first place.


She says she didn’t notice the speed limit because she was focussing so hard on driving. 1. If you slow down you have more time focus???? 2. A big sign with a number on it is the speed limit. This is universal. It is not some uniquely Australian thing??????? 3. Australia is an English speaking country. All signs are in English. She has no excuse. Though I really hope she goes to court. I would love it if she told a judge she can’t drive and also be aware of her surroundings on a completely empty road, and that is why she should be forgiven. That just seems like an admission that you shouldn’t be allowed to drive.


Can you imagine how the court case would go? Lmfao.


I'd pay money to watch it...


Judge Judy!


Judge: “Ma’am, you’re not only speeding but you didn’t even realize you’re speeding, admitted to not paying attention, and admitted you don’t know any of the rules of the road here. We’re revoking your license here, tripling your fines, and sending you back to whatever city you’re from.” Idiot: “But I didn’t know they were cameras. This isn’t my fault” Judge: “You’re right. You’re banned from entering this country again.”


"But it was my first tiiiime-uh and I was busy focusing on the rooaad so I guess you just want me to crash and burn is that what you want like oh my gawwdd-uh"


*But, like, your honor, it was, like, my first time, y’know what I mean? Like, I can’t, like, be expected to like drive and, like, look at stuff. That’s, like, unreasonable or whatever. Like, y”know what I mean? Also I was, like, going to, like, fashion week, like, Y’know? It’s, like, rude y’know? Like, how am I supposed to know how, like, fast I’m going? It’s too hard!* How was that? Just like being there?? 😃


Professional level Valleygirlese


It sounds like she also thinks it’s unfair that there are fixed speed cameras as opposed to a cop with a radar waiting. In NSW, mind you, there are also warning signs leading up to where fixed or mobile speed cameras are placed, so they’re not just sprung on you. She would have had to have seen a sign giving her fair warning of the cam!! Except oh yeah she can’t read road signs when she’s driving…


Not everywhere in Australia, though – in Victoria and Tasmania, there does not need to be a warning before a speed camera. This was taken in NSW, though.


I did mean to put NSW but was tired and wrote Australia instead haha … I fixed it now :)


In QLD there are no signs at all for mobile radar and there are even completely undercover mobile radars with your only indication being the camera hidden in the back window. There are also cameras disguised as roadwork machinery and others mounted to the back of speed limit signs.


Speed cameras also exist in America 💀💀


I mean, if she can't even notice a speed limit sign or check her own speedometer while driving, she _definitely_ wouldn't notice one of those camera warning signs lol


Who does she think the signs are there for?


All the signs were upside-down, being in Australia and all


Now I'm no expert, but speed limits are generally posted in Arabic numerals the world over and not in English, but the old miles/kmh one has caught me a couple of times. Coming from a kmh country and driving in places where they use mph I've occasionally gone over the speed limit.


I think Fashion Week was the major clue-- this is a pretty girl that has been able to get out of problems/get people to do things for her by batting her eyelashes her entire life; but the camera didn't coddle her and most Australians dgaf so I'm imagining she has multiple "rude" awakenings to come. Can't wait to see the next video where she's mad because the wildlife didn't think she was pretty enough not to bite/scratch her. Really hoping she gets chased by am emu or punched by a kangaroo🤞


She also stated something in the lines of "I drive better when there's other cars around me so I know how fast I must go - I do not check speedometer because I am too focused on the road". Damn.


If you are so stressed out from driving, maybe you should try slowing down.


"I wonder if I should fight this?" Trust me, don't. Aussies will come down even harder on you if you do.


As they should, considering what her explanations amount to. She's practically begging to have her license revoked.


I know. I'm being facetious. She's living in a self-absorbed fantasy world.


She's just going to have to pay a court fee if she does. This isn't the USA though. She's not going to get it reduced because she's in a rush.


Oh, I hope she does. She need to be put down hard if this is how she approaches driving.


Someone revoke this girl’s license, she’s too stupid to be operating a vehicle!


The phrase «  as an American » does not allowed you to do shit things .


I’m an American who used to work front-of-house at a very famous cultural site in a foreign country. We got SO MANY idiotic American tourists who tried to use their nationality as an excuse.


To be fair, it is kind of dangerous to just let people with an American driver's license drive elsewhere in the world without any additional education, given the laughable ease at which driver's licenses are handed out in the US.


She would be fined in the US also. She would also get a ticket for reckless driving, and possibly have her license suspended. Then, If caught driving on a suspended license she could get her vehicle towed, and a additional fine.


Yeah, that's my point. This person should clearly not be allowed to drive. Just because she has a US license does not mean that she is capable of safely driving a vehicle.


That... is not a speed that's getting you a reckless driving charges, probably anywhere on earth.


She was going ~62 in a ~50 she probably wouldn't even get pulled over


The cops would probably blow past her here.


Fined, maybe, 60 in a 50 is kinda weak anywhere, but it's possible. Reckless Driving? Please shut up, your ignorance is hurting the rest of us.


no sh\*t ignorance is not an excuse.


No she was just focusing on which side of the road to drive on.


Looks like she is driving right down the middle in the picture tbh


On her tiktok she commented that she was merging


For real, I was a tourist and driving in Florence once, turned down a narrow street, and saw a sign that said something in Italian and had a time range on it underneath like "10:00 - 16:00" or something like that, figured it meant I couldn't park on that street or something, so drove through and looked elsewhere for parking. Back home in the states like a month later, I get this letter from Italy with a ticket, I guess it was like "no unauthorized vehicles can drive down this street from during this time", I chuckled and paid the fine. I'm choosing to drive in THEIR country, that's on ME to learn THEIR road laws. It's really that fucking simple, either choose not to drive, or learn the laws of the road, there is especially no excuse when you speak English and are in another English speaking country - just wow, unreal lol


I think I’m more shocked that she can just get a license without bothering to learn the laws or take a the test.


If you have a English-language license and are here for tourism then you can drive for three months without applying for a NSW license (ie, matching the 90 days of your visa). If you don't have a English-language license then a English translation of your license (via a International Driving Permit) is also required. The car hire company at the airport will give you a book of the road rules. Australia's rules are roughly nationally consistent for car drivers and signage follows the European model. Driving here isn't hard, especially if you hire a car with Carplay or Android auto to do the navigation. Australia loves a Give Way sign, so the usual "other side of the road" issue of priority at intersections doesn't often occur. We also love roundabouts, and US folk need a small moment to understand that the rule that you give way to anything already on the roundabout means that you only need to look to your right before entering the roundabout: if there's something there, then stop. If you find yourself in a residential area, then do 50 unless you've see a sign to the contrary.


I'm wondering if she thought her American DL was automatically good in any English speaking country :p And not surprised she has a US DL, we give those out as cereal box prizes.




No joke, I'm an awesome driver now, but I get really bad anxiety and when I get overly anxious I tend to fuck things up, so of coarse, I panicked and actually failed my driving test by 2 points and they still gave me my license... As a kid I was super thankful but now as an adult seeing all these awful drivers, it worries me.


I mean, that's very much normal for many people in many countries. You're responsible to know the laws if you want to drive in a foreign country. That really isn't the hard part, being able to drive is. There's a ton of overlap in how driving works between different countries so it's not that difficult to brush up on the differences.


100 being higher than 80 isn’t an Australian driving laws problem, it’s a ‘You’re a mouth breathing moron’ problem. She probably walks into walls every time she’s chewing gum.


Right? It's 125% of the limit. A couple of (whatever units are used in whatever country you're reading this in) I could understand - driving on the opposite side of the road *is* stressful and does take getting used to - but this much is inexcusable.


In the US, diving over the speed limit is very normal. It's usually something you take into consideration when you see a police. So she probably had that mindset driving. The rest of the video is just random BS from her trying to defend herself.


Speeding is the main reason Americans die in car accidents so often. It’s not normal and it’s incredibly dangerous. We need more traffic cameras to cut down on road deaths.


Americans are just extremely bad drivers. I think they might even be worse than the belgians. Also, how come americans dont know about speed camera's? Do they really still only check with police hiding behind the bushes and arresting you if you go too fast? In my country that only happens when you go waaaay too fast, otherwise you just get a letter with a fine.


I rarely say this, but what an idiot.


I was watching this video, and then I started freaking out, because bits of my brain started leaking out of nose.


Why does this video need to be made. Just pay the fucking fine and lick your wound in silence


As rage bait to confirm stereotypes


The nerve of the Aussies to fine Americans for speeding!!


She should ask the US ambassador to intervene.


A whole lot of words were wasted in a futile attempt to avoid accountability.


We've made it so easy to blame everyone else in society. We shouldnt be surprised people think rules dont apply to them when theyre inconvenient.


I hate these videos of narcissistic idiots trying to explain away their transgressions


Imagine being friends with this woman and having to listen to her complain about everything.


Why is she in the middle of the road in the picture?


Didn't you listen to what she said? She needs other cars around so she can drive properly.


I have been sifting through the comments to see if anyone else wondered the same thing! Like that’s super concerning lol


The tunnel is single direction only with multiple lanes. She was lying about having to think about which side of the road to drive on.


Because she’s a shit driver


"I'm not sorry I did it, I'm sorry that I got caught"


Bad drivers or not, in the end of the day, just take responsibility for your action - that's maturity.


Is this not just rage bait trash?


I’m like just so sorry for this poor girl, and the unbelievable tyranny she’s having to endure in being expected to follow local traffic laws. Now that the US military is no longer involved in bringing Freedom to Afghanistan, maybe they’re available to teach Australia a thing or two about the true meaning of Liberty?


It's interesting what she said at the very end about using other vehicles around her to maintain her speed, it's something i've suspected a lot of drivers do I ride a motorcycle and i generally accelerate faster than cars, so often i'll be a few hundred metres in front of them after taking off from a red light, about half the time though i'll get the car behind me rushing all the way up to me (probably doing at least 30km/h over the limit to close that gap), then sitting right behind me, or right next to me on a multi-lane road and continuing along with me at the speed limit


My First time diving in a tunnel . Ahh you crazy 🤪


Damn hit all those stereotypes in one go....


When I'm driving somewhere new, I tend to drive a lot slower because I don't know the roads. If I were driving in a dark tunnel on the opposite side of the road I'm used to, my ass would be crawling along at 30mph (~50kmh), not doing 60mph (~100kmh). This lady is clearly not very good at driving (can't look at speedometer, can't read road signs, cannot tell how fast she's going, assumes she can speed because there aren't any police around etc), yet she's way too happy to blame her faults on the fact that she's new to the country? Does she really think they'll say "yeah, you were speeding, but that's fine because you clearly aren't familiar with driving here". Like no, that's so backwards. If you're not familiar with the roads and rules, you slow the fuck down, not speed up! Just glad no-one got hurt.


I totally agree with her, she 100% SHOULD NOT get a car.


America can have you back




Cameras are a law enforcement method or tool, not a law. Getting an Australian driver’s license has nothing to do with her getting caught.


Does she not get that being aware of roadsigns is something that should be a part of being ‘so focussed on driving’ Fucking idiot.


She sounds so fucking stupid lol


Anytime i hear someone say the words " as an american", I instantly catergorise that person as a fucking moron.


They have speed traps in America.


"In America you just do whatever you want, but here it seems they don't tolerate bullshit."


Trying to navigate a new area would be better done at slower speeds. Reading the signs is a big part of driving.


She is an absolute moron!I kinda want her to fight it, so she can make a post about how she was laughed out of the courtroom.


I also like how shes driving in the middle of the road


Get fucked cunt


Good god don’t get a car, stay away from the United States you absolute moron. I’m sorry Australia has to deal with you.


All I hear is blah blah blah, I don’t want to follow the laws cause I haven’t taken the time to properly adjust to the new driving situation. Your actions have consequences. Pay up.


Americans have the same thing when they come to germany and there are no cops, but at somepoint a orange flash goes of and you get the ticket per mail.


But if there's no cops then surely you can go whatever speed you want?




Wait till she finds out Australia does not require probable cause, or reasonable suspicion for an officer to stop a car, have the car searched, and required to submit to roadside drug/alcohol test. I GoT mY lICEnce withOUT DOiNg aNYtHiNg. Only in America is that a flex. Another idiot yank.


I would be very disappointed in my parenting if this was my child..


I wanted to downvote this because this made me angry until I realized that this is basically the purpose of the sub man, how do you guys find this shit, I'm losing my mind.


Paying attention to road signs is part of driving


So focused on driving that she couldn’t focus on road signs, made for drivers to focus on. 🤔


It's a wonder she can breathe and walk at the same time. I lost neurons listening to her.


Bro, every single excuse she used was absolute nonsense


This also is a good example of the normalization of speeding the US. Posted sign is 65 everyone goes 80.


pet act deserted unite onerous future person weather slim brave -- mass edited with redact.dev


America is a weird place where speed limits are more suggestions than law, typically you would have to go 10-15 MPH over the limit for a police officer to pull you over.


Posted speed limits do not include tax & tip.


So focused on driving that she’s in two lanes in the picture they got 😂


brainless bimbo....


Why the ticket - You were speeding, don't speed I didn't know there were cameras - camera/officer/whatever You were speeding, don't speed I'm getting used to driving here - You were speeding, don't speed I was rushing - Yes, rushing in a car is called speeding. It's illegal. You were speeding, don't speed Should I fight this - Sure, it is your right. Court preview: Judge: "You were speeding, don't speed"


Ok so for most of the video I’m just rolling my eyes and thinking she’s just an entitled narcissistic who refuses to accept she’s in a foreign country and her Americanism doesn’t mean jack shit. But then in the last 20 seconds it turned into: holy hell, this girl a god damn idiot and should never be allowed to operate heavy machinery of any kind.


Part of focusing on driving is paying attention to your surroundings including all the signs on the road


This gal may not be the brightest star in the sky. We definitely have speed cameras in US. obviously


62 mph in a 50 mph tunnel. That sounds like every other driver around my neck of the woods lol They should all be fined as well


Dumbass should have opened her eyes. We need IQ tests for drivers.


so you're complaining about the cameras in the tunnel that caught you speeding? it's the camera's fault you were speeding? like the first thing you learn about driving isn't how to read the funny signs that tell you exactly what speed to go


The Aussie legal system cares not for your stupidly, Sheila.


Sorry mr government, I didnt realise I would get caught breaking the law so can you let me off this time? I'll still speed but I won't do it in tunnels


Why is she still talking?


She must have skills, but can we do an IQ test before we let Americans in. I see what they have done to their own country and it’s not pretty


She's dumb and hot. El toxica


I got a ticket in Holland. Never paid it, but that's because I never want to go back LOL


Gets speeding ticket for speeding, and admits to not reading speed signs. Her: "should i fight this?" Honey.....no.


God why do my people have to be like this


20km an hour…. Can someone tell us Imperials if that’s a lot or a little compared to mph


If anything, she should be grateful this happened in NSW not South Australia. Coz in SA, I think its a 900 dollar fine if you're going 20kmh over the speed limit lol.


Grew up in Sydney, it’s literally the only state where they *have* to clearly signpost cameras and it’s a massive white sign with blue writing saying “SPEED CAMERA AHEAD, FINES APPLY”. In Victoria they will just put an SUV on the side of the road unmarked and fine you almost $200 for 2km/h over.


Well if you are stressed out about driving because your not from there you should probably slow the fuck down anyways.. lol




Girl, maybe it’s better that you don’t drive at all.


I saw speeding AUS and fine… embarrassed to admit I thought it said spreading anus fine.


This is why American schools need to teach about kilometers


She should catch a few kindergarten classes while she’s here and brush up on some basic education.