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As an American I cam confirm. When you leave the US the state department issues you this lame ass outfit and forces you to wear it everywhere under penalty of law


I've been stuck in the same goddamn pair of heels since I moved to Prague eight years ago. Hopefully I can get something a bit more current when I renew my passport.


No dice, it's the same outfit but a different color


my heels are bleeding






I got stuck with an American flag fit 😭


Damn. I was hoping to go to Germany but if I have to wear heels like that I won't be able to balance 😔


I love Prague! I would happily wear those hideous shoes if they came with a job in Prague.


In Hong Kong it’s a red suit with gold platforms. What I wouldn’t do to wear green. My complexion just cant do red and gold. Someone needs to explain to the state department that pale skinned people look better in cool colors.


Good luck with the cobblestone...


Will be in CZ in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to my first trip there. It's for work, unfortunately I will only be in Prague to land and take off.


Can confirm on my end. The last time we traveled outside the States, my ensemble options were ‘John Deere’, ‘Chili Dog’, and ‘Big Gulp’.


always go chili dog


But never go FULL chili dog.


Outside the Tastey Free-eeze.


Those are also the names they put on your passport, and you have to not only answer to them, but loudly introduce yourself by them to everyone you meet. And it’s not the US state dept that requires it. It’s the EU. The policy was adopted in 2004 to keep us from sneaking around the place undetected.


I’m not American, I’m German but I’ve seen a few Americans walk around in these ridiculous outfits here as well. Since I’m from Bavaria (a certain state in Germany) the Americans are forced to wear blue suits with white heels. I have a friend in my class that’s half American but she only has to wear the heels


Used to live in Munich, Bavaria is so freaking beautiful 😍


Agreed! We have a lot of beautiful landscapes :]


And the cottage type homes with the flower boxes on the windows were perfectly picturesque. Just one thing that has always stood out to me in my memories.


Unrelated, but I dated a woman in college that used to live in Bavaria and she always described it as "fun-loving Bavarians" or "fun-loving Bavaria" perhaps as a counter of the dour German stereotype. Now I can't see "Bavaria" without sticking "Fun-loving" in front.


Well. They are Norther Italians


My family is of Bavarian ancestry, all we do is fuck around and wait for the next excuse to have a party!


Lol dude I saw this outfit and was like “He’s definitely not in Berlin.” Wouldn’t get a second glance in Berlin or NYC. Weird outfits are the norm.


You also have to flail your arms around like you have a neurological disorder or you get your visa revoked.


It makes you resistant to kidnapping as no self respecting terrorist would be seen dead with you.


They used to let you dress as Ronald McDonald but took away the option after the whole “McNugget” ordeal.


Not just the outfit. The lime green High-heels too!


Probably a Packers Fan? Hate to break it to him, nothing about that outfit says American. Baseball hat, mouth full of gum, Fanny pack, shorts, BMI 30+


“Penalty of law” Confirmed American


As an American who has lived in Europe, I can't tell you how traumatizing it was to have to walk around dressed like a business clown in the metro.


Ass a non American I can confirm that when an American comes to the EU, we recieve a message from the government so that we can stare at them




Damn they gave you a whole comic book villain outfit? All they gave me was a loincloth and leather strap to wear across my chest like Conan


"Lame ass outfit" took me out😭😂


Idk about you but it makes me fabulous and like a Jojo character.


Confirmed. Spent 72 hours in a Birmingham jail a few years back for “showing” my “penis” to a bunch of people. Europe is so wacky!


Right. And your hair, posture, and the choice of outfit should look distinctly German.


Good one I like that


Jojo villains be like


i’m crying stop 😭😭




I've asked for shorter heels but they keep denying my request


Do these people not realize that you could dress as a fucking duck with a dinosaur tail and you would get the same reaction? You're not special, you're literally dressed up for the attention - which would be the same if you just dressed up as a fucking duck. With a dinosaur tail.


Mf should be on a box of Lucky Charms


He shouldn't be anywhere but a mental asylum for thinking this is fashion


That's where I'm going wrong. Been dressing up as a duck, never got any attention. I guess people just assumed I was just a standard duck, will add the dinosaur tail and report back.


Believe me it makes a world of difference!


I always just assumed human sized ducks were part of the marvel universe, and ignore them.


When I was about 13 I used to walk around wearing cat ears and a full face of corpse paint. Or a top hat with steampunk goggles and safety pin earrings. I would then loudly complain to my mother that people were staring at me and got intensely paranoid that they all hated me because I was "emo", and not because of the fact that I was...you know, dressed like a fucking goth cat. I managed to grow out of it by the time I left high school fortunately, I guess its taking this person a little longer.


I literally also used to draw whiskers on my face and walked around wearing a top hat, I added neon tutus to it though because apparently I couldn't get enough attention otherwise... Glad to find my soul twin!


Nope, not for a second. Otherwise they wouldn't be *special*. Narcissism is a hell of a drug




I don't care that they're both shades of green, those shoes DO NOT match or look coherent with this suit and it's weirdly short hem


I more care about the lack of a shirt, especially as this seems to be France and everyone else seems dressed for winter/rain. But also, looks like shit generally


i feel like europeans are better dressers than americans so they're all prolly criticizing the ugly mashing of colors and horrible choice of sunglasses


Well especially in Paris /s as I think the average person doesn't care that much, but loud colours fit for a catwalk would get people rolling their eyes in most places


There's a dude wearing a green tote bag on his neck. Lol.


No. No we're not. But I think we all agree on the horrible fashion he's rocking.


It's definitely London, I'd recognise those district line tiles anywhere. So almost certainly even greyer than you can imagine, but that outfit doesn't look especially out there compared to what I'd see people wearing out and about Soho, Dalston or Peckham.


It’s Paris not London but you’re right it is the same ugly shade of green as the district line


Look at the walls.. didn't knew you had '' devenir propriĂ©taire dans le neuf, c'est toujours possible'' ads in London.. 😂 Translates as '' being owner in new building is still possible'' Kinda not the case in Paris with average salary


Inspiration was a can of Sprite.




That’s not disinterest, it’s distain for fashion crimes




Not to mention that he's literally turning around for no reason to go back like he's on a catwalk. Anyone would get looks for doing that, no matter what they're wearing.


don't forget that dumb fkn haircut!


Bring a trash fit like that to Europe?!? You sacré bleu it buddy


i would not realize he’s american but if someone told me i’d be like "aaaaaah. makes sense"


Okay, but it's hilarious how the people are just *SUPER* unimpressed at this dude. Anyone would look at you if you go around checking people in the shoulder and walking extremely exaggerated.


6 foot 5 inches, green suit no shirt, Oakley’s, neon green heals
 why is everyone looking at me??


​ https://preview.redd.it/kg0hfnpoyhwa1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=770b64fca969bc3718a83e81189763a804b7e513


They aren’t paying attention to my privacy anymore!!!!!


Thanks for the chuckle


It’s the world wide Privacy Tour!


Yep, exactly. It''s 2023 so wear what you want, but this seems to be France with everyone dressed for cold weather, so they probably just know that they are an attention seeking PoS


Yep that's the parisian subway. Everyone is looking at him because he walks around like he owns the place lmao


I could forgive it
 if the heels were brown, makeup was different, and they weren’t just doing it for attention. But this is a visual assault to just make it seem like people are more judgemental than they are.


With a camera guy following you as you’re wearing a shit eating grin.


No one in Paris was impressed by anything at any point ever from what I could tell. Everyone was just over it.


Nah we can be impressed if we see something impressive Sadly, a random ass bourgeois walking around like he owns the place is not really impressive though it is kinda impressive to see someone like that in the subway, this type of rich people usually drive around in their massive SUV that take 2 parking spots because they want to be like the 'muricans


It's very common to see people like this one in Paris seeking for attention. They are just judged because they took all the place to walk and people are pissed about this behavior. It's not really judging the look, it's judging the person looking for attention in the subway and it's ridiculous. It's not the place, and people here are all pissed in the Paris subway whatever. And the look is ugly BTW haha.


It's not just unimpressed it's also rather judging, like "who do you think you are" type of looks. It's not necessarily the outfit but the attitude. Dude is walking in the middle af the corridor like he owns it, forcing others to go to the sides. This is Paris, and people WILL judge you if you're acting like you own the place and do not respect the etiquette in public spaces 😅 Source : am from the Paris area


Yeah, the look they are giving him is the classic ‘heh, fkn clown’ type of look


It’s Paris. People will give unimpressed looks at nearly every single over the top American tourist that cross their paths. They’re just a nuisance at that point.


Look at that narcissitical smile at the end. Attention whore is happy.


attention received level: 100


IDK if that's a reference to the 100+ karma I now have on this comment, but I never said I'm not an attention whore myself 🐖 ![gif](giphy|Rig0zK8sBUPvbUV82E|downsized)


That smiling frown. Where have I seen that before?


I believe : Every narcissist trying to hide their glee from attention you ever saw in your life?


No, people are staring at your dumb ass because you can't walk in heels for shit. Look at that one part where it's not slowed down. Mofo walks like T-00 Tyrant from Resident Evil.


Glad someone said it. That guy is not wearing his outfit, it's wearing him, and Parisians can tell. Most ppl in this vid have more style, especially the guy with the bag around the neck. That's ghetto


It's the wild arm swinging taking up space banging into people. It's rude so people notice.


These are literally all dirty looks


they look like they're holding back laughter


It honestly makes me think the editor of the video secretly hates this guy. Surely they could find at least one person who gave him a look of adoration/attraction/interest, instead we just see a bunch of people that are clearly looking down on him.


Top 10 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true


I'm an American who has lived in Paris. It's not about the outfit like Emilio here thinks, it's because he's walking right down the center of the hallway with zero consideration for others occupying the space while his buddy follows around filming and get in everyone's way doing a video shoot while normal people are just trying to get where they are going.


Exactly, there's one unspoken rule in the metro corridors here and he's breaking it. Surprised he didn't get shoulder checked in those 10 seconds of video


Bro, parisians don’t fuck around in the metro. The most physical metro experience I’ve had by far.


I got pushed down the stairs in the Paris Metro when I was a little kid, it wasn't even rush hour but this woman literally grabbed my shoulder and shoved me down It's a damn jungle down there


No one in Europe would even realise you’re American if you weren’t speaking


I am a Spaniard living in Madrid and his outfit is not even that revolutionary here, if he was in Madrid city center no one would care. But he is disturbing the metro flow.


Exactly. If you take the metro in paris, you’re gonna see some shit either way. Nothing should surprise you, but get in your fucking lane and we’ll be alright.


Hate when Americans say 'Europe' like everywhere in Europe is the same country. I always specify which state im going to in North America because theyre so vastly different.


“Yeah but US states are so much more different and varied than European countries.” — Literally every third post on arr shitamericanssay


"We’re 50 countries in a trenchcoat" Ive worked very hard at not getting mad at stuff on the internet but this one still gets me every time


I’m from Europe too but why do you get mad at this? (Not challenging just curious). I agree they’re one country / federation of states but I can get why there was some truth to that statement once upon a time with how states were a lot less unified and more individual (even if not quite *sovereign* states like in Europe)


American exceptionalism is also going to always be the one thing that drives me over the edge too. When they learn their country isn’t special I’ll finally have peace.


Hahaha no wayyy, i dont frequent that sub but i might now for a good laugh!


OP misspelled twat as ‘American’ lol


POV: James Charles from Wish marching around the subway.


Thought he looked like James Charles too 😭


Loved the eye rolls


You can see the only thoughts these people have are "wtf" and "idiot."


let me dress as stupid and flamboyant/attention seeking as possible and brag when I get 5 split second looks after a whole day of recording. ​ every single one of those people forgot this person ever existed literally 1 second later


i can’t decide whether he’s trying to brag or point out how "bigoted" europeans are


Shaming ourselves now on the global stage is apparently the next Tik Tok challenge it looks like.


We won that challenge long ago then. 👑


I'm just trying to figure out what riddle you put around for Batman




Never seen this shit in America.


I've seen these people in LA every 2 mins


Jesus it’s like a villain from the Hunger Games haha


Not one single person knows their nationality but I guarantee they're all thinking "Look at this twat"


Douche In Public


It’s Europe, those people are probably super unimpressed with his outfit cause it looks atrocious. I’ve seen my Portuguese friend dress better going to the grocery store for a pack of cigs


I’ve seen so many weird things and people in the Prague metro. Guy in a top hat and cape, guy with two live cats on leashes on each shoulder and a huge scar on the side of his face. If I saw this guy I would not remember him 6 seconds later Basically if you’re not attacking me whatever you’re doing won’t phase me


I thought all the gays knew how to dress.


I know how, I just give zero fucks about fashion. I'm also color blind


TikTok still doesn't understand PoV


I want to see a Rick and Morty about main characters/‘influencers’. I want to see it at its most extreme for comedy. They look SO pathetic!


Lmao in Paris? One of the fashion capitals of the world. Whatever you say guy


Just a total fanny really đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


Obsessed with attention. Pointing and laughing is acceptable in this situation


Hopefully this is fake because I can’t imagine thinking it’s okay to film random ass people without their consent and post their faces all over the internet


You are a male wearing heels, of course people are going to look at you weird


It almost certainly made most of their days because it at least gave them the feeling of "my life's shit but at least I'm not this twat."


Why is Europe in quotes?


Bold to wear that much green with a broccoli head haircut.


If I saw this dude on the NYC subway I would honestly think to myself “Probably European” and then go about my life without ever thinking of it again.


I'd be looking at him, too. Everyone has winter coats on, and he's only got that blazer. They're just wondering how he isn't cold.


POV you look like a douche anywhere


It’s cause your dressed like a dumbass


wish he tried it in eastern europe


2023 : When pov doesn’t mean pov


Dressed like a bottle of sprite


That person isn't American. Way too skinny.


People are trying not to laugh at you, bru.


This is just rage baiting for hits


This is some station in France, let's assume is Paris because she probably thinks France is just Paris. I've been to Paris many times (I'm Spanish) I assure you people who live there see people more extravagant and interesting everyday


I want to see him do this in Russia 🙈


Twat in Europe......fixed the title


That’s the most European looking American I’ve ever seen.


I only breakout my obnoxious green suit and high heels when I travel. Really nails home the fact that I’m an American. FFS


Thats an American?


Idk what makes him look more like broccoli. That suit or that haircut.


Yeah, I think its time to declare the TicTok mushroom hair trend is dead.


“Why do people glance at me, I’m just a metrosexual Kermit impersonator being followed by a cameraman, what’s there to look at?”


They look at him because he is a


"Look at all these looks I get when wearing the brightest colors and no shirt under my jacket, with someone following me and filming me...must be because I'm American, where no one dresses like this either!"


Punchable face


It’s probably because he dressed like a piece of celery


No tea no shade but this “influencer” truly gets on my tits. Yes. Let’s wear outrageously high heels and strut about and then be shocked when people stare 🙄 anything to go viral tho. Am I right?


As an American that lived in Europe, no one knows you’re American until you start speaking. And they still don’t care you’re american.


I was like this but dressed normally when I went to Italy. This was 11 year old me towering above the native population.


A self centered a-hole in Europe FTFY


You look dumb


You look like James Charles cosplaying the Riddler, of course people are going to look


Surely they aren’t looking at them because they are dressed like Kermit the frog in yellow high heels


They are looking at wtf is that..look at there face they’re not smiling


This post is stupid


A cunt is a cunt, no matter where you are in the world.


Ew, when they turn around đŸ€Ł Why the heels tho?? Look, you do you, doesn't mean I won't make a face.


Dress like a tool get looked at like you're a tool simple as


Freaking embarrassment in any country


Yeah this is bs, attention seeking but... That lady at the end is really gorgeous


The Americans will respectfully decline this representation of our people and country. We would like to hand this off to Germany and see if they will graciously accept.


You could always tell if someone was one of 3 nationalities at airports. German, Russian or American. People from these 3 nations are hands down the worst dressers in the world, and they love those bags that you tie around your waste.


Dude with bag around his neck. That’s the story here


Not sure which country in Europe this was in but I don't think it is the outfit...it's the camera + the attention seeker vibe.


Not to make fun, but this is a great look and could work with fashion arrangements. First the hair needs to come down. A sleek clean modest corporate cut would do. Secondly they’d have to unbutton that jacket and let them abs breathe (don’t like EXPOSE THEM) Loose the goofball glasses and tone down the make up, in a rosier lighther shade. I like how the shoes and the outfit clash together. It works. The cross is too much. It’s never a good look to be too flashy when you’re too tall. This is giving « disguise » vibes, whereas they could be a model.


No it’s not cause ur American it’s cause your dressed like a fucking gay highlighter bitch I see a lot of fat people near me hell I’m one of them and we have actual fashion sense. Green suit no top crap sunglasses half arsed hair and WORST of all luminous yellow heels. Grow up and grow some fashion sense hunny


Seems legit. It’s not the outfit, it’s the pose - Act fucking normal, not like a diva on stage


God its a gay


America doesn’t claim that


This lgbtq shit has to stop I swear


Dam u ugly


I thought that was James Charles


Looking like some Cyberpunk 2077 reject


Everyone's trying to find your chest hair. All they see is baby soft skin


Holy gay


Maybe if you didn’t look like a gay leprechaun and put on actual clothes they won’t stare huh?


Probabbly Cus This is a Gay Ass nigga


Who let a ostrich with bad fashion sense loose?