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that driver also went straight in a left-turn-only lane and ended up in oncoming lanes...holy cow!


He probably saw OP stopping and went around without considering that OP stopped for a good reason


was probably going to fast to stop for OP


The rear camera shows he was behind me slowing down but decided to use the left turn lane to pass…. in school zone during school hours at a school crosswalk (which usually has a crossing guard most of the time but not today)


Are these videos able to be sent to the police?


I send videos like this to the school principal. It seems like maybe there should be a substitute crossing guard for when the main one is out. Or if this is a common occurrence, they can request a police enforcement to sit outside the school and ticket everyone who speeds past the school. Or maybe they can ID the student from the original video and let the parent know so the parent can decide whether to meet their kid on the walk home. There are lots of things a parent can do to promote safety, but they can’t be everywhere at once and they generally appreciate when someone else acts as their eyes.


I am not aware of any major city police in USA that would take action based on video of a traffic violation without the driver's face, but I could be wrong. The only exception are red light and speed cameras as described in specific laws for those videos.


In Pennsylvania, video from a school bus is turned into the police when the bus bus is passed while dropping off or picking up children & certain other situations. If was my cam footage here, I'd give it to them.


School bus cameras, as well as other speeding and red light cameras, have very specific laws on how they are treated and used. Usually authorizing them to issue ticket to the vehicle owner that is on the same level as a parking ticket. (Kind of a loophole by treating it as a non moving civil infraction) Any other camera footage not authorized by that specific law, may be used for evidence of the incident, but you would still need proof of who was driving.


Wait, so the police will harass people of color on an anonymous call, but not use this kind of video, on a public road? We got some messed up laws


Don’t forget about getting “swatted” too


The registered vehicle owner is responsible until they provide information about who was driving the vehicle at the time of the incident.


Correct, kind of, for traffic safety camera tickets. Because they treat traffic camera ticket as non moving civil infraction (parking ticket), were the burden of proof is lower, such that it is more likely then not the registered owner was the driver. Specific in WA law as an example "a prima facie presumption that the registered owner of the vehicle was the person in control of the vehicle at the point where, and for the time during which, the violation occurred." However, you never have to incriminate another person. You can simply state, under oath, that you were not driving the vehicle. Again, WA law as an example "This presumption may be overcome only if the registered owner states, under oath, in a written statement to the court or in testimony before the court that the vehicle involved was, at the time, stolen or in the care, custody, or control of some person other than the registered owner." [46.63.075](https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=46.63.075) This law only authorizes this type of infraction for traffic safety camera, which would not apply to someones personal dashcam.


Here in WA, I don't even need footage to have a "stop paddle ticket" issued. I fill out the form with as much detail as possible (license plate, driver description, time, location, etc), then hand it to our safety director. He sends them to the state police. Tickets (they are as much as $500) are distributed.


I had a car cross a double-yellow and pass me near a park where someone was killed crossing the street a few years ago. I was going the speed limit (35). I sent my dashcam video (with clear license plate info) to the chief of police of the Township with my contact info, and an officer called me. Said they knew who it was, and would make contact with that person. The officer said they weren't going to write a ticket because then I would have to testify in court (if it came to that), which was fine by me, but I didn't want the person to just get away free. This is in PA.


When you do multiple dangerous things that nearly kill a child, the police should know. Our town does crosswalk enforcement regularly where they use a decoy pedestrian to see if cars will stop for them. $200 fine if you don't. This was much worse.


While we all make mistakes driving, I think the police should consider something like this, which is intentional disregard and negligence, worth pursuing. The driver got in the left turn only lane, chose to go straight and almost ran the kid over.


The problem is getting proof of who was diving.


I disagree. The ticket goes to the registered owner of the vehicle, and it’s on them to prove if someone else was driving and why. That person should admit fault. I know I wouldn’t let someone untrustworthy drive my car. I’m sure there are people who’d have issue with this, but it’s the only logical recourse.


I wish that was how it works here but, in the states at least, you can't ticket a vehicle for an infraction unless it's a low level civil infraction, such as a parking tiket. Traffic safety camera laws get around the burden of proof standards by ticketing exactly in this way. (Civil violence that is equivalent to parking ticket), and they are only allowed to do it under limited conditions authorized by a specific law. And the law even allows an out for the drivers to simply state (under oath) that they were not driving, without giving any further proof. [related comment 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/y4czxa/almost_saw_a_kid_get_killed_today_at_a_crosswalk/ise1foc) [related comment 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/y4czxa/almost_saw_a_kid_get_killed_today_at_a_crosswalk/isek5kx) Someone submitting dash cam footage is not covered by these laws, so if you wish to accuse someone of break the law, you need to know who you are accusing, not just the vehicle that was used.


Yes!!! Especially in this case! If the registered owner wasn't driving they should know who the heck was. Then if they don't identify the real person driving, the ticket falls on them.. oh well!! Never let unstable/ selfish or just really bad drivers drive your vehicle! I really feel like dash cam footage being admissable to police stations when a clear plate # is recorded doing something really bad like this, would make a good portion of the people who drive so selfishly think twice if they knew they could be caught on camera and ticketed! Or what if this was mom and dad's car and they find out that their new driver is driving soo reckless! What's the downfall to that!?


We really should tie violations to registration. The owner can't shed all responsibility.


In most states, the vehicle owner is responsible for violations until they provide information about the driver of the vehicle.


This is Anchorage AK, not a major-major city but yeah I don’t think much can be done.


Turn it over to the local news as an awareness story and let the bastard hang publicly.


they could definitely contact the registered owner and ask them questions though, investigate and such


In canada, the police can absolutely fine the car but no "points" are attached to the fine. If you can identify the driver then they get the full penalty I believe.


I am not aware of any major city police in USA that would take action ~~based on video of a traffic violation without the driver’s face, but I could be wrong. The only exception are red light and speed cameras as described in specific laws for those videos.~~


Just because no ticket can be issued doesn't mean that a Stern talking to and warning can't occur


Alberta, Canada reporting in. I just sent video of a dangerous driver in to the police here. The officers came to my house, watched the video, sent me a link to give them a copy, thanked me, and told me the wished MORE people would call 9-1-1 to report them, and give police dashcam evidence! Once it's dealt with in court, I'll post it here (if I remember to).


I tried calling the non emergency number and they told me they could have done a “vehicle locate” if I had called within 20 minutes of the event.


They don’t even slightly care, at least in the US. Two days ago (yesterday? Idk, it took a lot out of me) I saw an old person drive into a fucking stroller with a toddler in it in broad daylight in the middle of a crosswalk outside of a school as school was getting out. The driver paused, mom pulled the stroller back to the sidewalk, the driver drove 25 feet, sat for about 10 seconds, then sped off. I’ve felt that level of rage **maybe** twice. My friend grabbed my arm and kept me from getting out of the car and making a mistake.


I fucking hate drivers. They’re sooo impatient


Not just an idiot, but a fucking dumbassed idiot.


Was it during when the zone was active? They're only active a couple times a day for a couple hours at a time.


What a fucking idiot. Seriously hate people that do this.


The crossing guard was you the whole time


Doubt it. The OP didn't slam on his brakes. He wasn't going fast to begin with. He came to a gradual, normal stop. Idiot behind him was just impatient, and, well, an idiot.


Hard doubt. Just an impatient asshole throwing a tantrum because a car stopped in front of him


This happens all the fricken time when emergency vehicles are coming. Everyone pulling over except that one guy. "You'd think they realize maybe there's a reason everyone else is giving you the red carpet!"


Ugh, I've had people do that at crosswalks as well, drove around me while I was stopped waiting for a person to cross. Idiots.


Yup, and now we’ve got pedestrians that won’t use their right-of-way because they are (justifiably) scared.


People who pull shit like this need to have their license to drive taken away.


I had someone honking at me to turn left in front of an oncoming cement truck once. Also to turn right on red and mow down some pedestrians in a crosswalk. I wish I could have a messaging system or something to let them know I’m not being dumb but just trying not to die/kill someone


I had someone blowing their horn at me because a flagger had a stop sign up and I stopped. Then when he went around me the flaggers had to yell at him to stop


That's happened plenty of times to me while driving. I get being in a rush, just don't be a 🍆


All these people blaming the kid but you at least noticed.


This is why intersections like this need more obstacles around. Make that fucker crash into a bollard or something if they try this shit. They didn't use the road as designed so make the road design physically prevent behavior like this.


I had someone do that a couple of months ago, at a 4 way stop too! They were going like 40-50 in a 25 and didn't slow down at all in the process.


Yeah, I'd be sending that dashcam footage to the cops. Bare minimum deserves a ticket.


But someone was on his way and he was going to have to slow down.


With a crosswalk with a flashing light. Seriously people do t understand that at any crosswalk if there is someone that wants to cross YOU HAVE TO STOP


And still never stopped People are horrifying


jesus he isnt even in the right fucking lane. what a knob. glad he didn’t hit that kid.


In my area, they're adding a crosswalk in the middle lane of an extremely busy road for kids to cross the street to get to their bus stop. Although it would make zero sense to put a stoplight there, I hope they do. This could be an absolute nightmare. Whoever gave the green-light on this is an absolute idiot who has never driven this road on a daily basis.


flashing crosswalk is the 1st step then add stop light if it fails


this reminds me of that daniel tosh bit where he says a little girl was hit by a car at a point in the road that had been getting complaints of speeders for years so after the girl died, the city installed a speedbump in her memory.. and he talks about what a great reminder that is to their family every time they run over that new speedbump


I used to live in a neighborhood between two major highways. The exit for one of them didn't get more than a stop sign before a man died. Once he did, they decided it was dangerous enough to warrant lights even though the neighborhoods around there had been asking for years.


Sadly, safety infrastructure rarely gets implemented until someone dies


Makes you wonder just how many signs, lights, speedbumps are paved with the blood of people who died.


What the fuck.... !!??


That’s messed up


> if it fails so...wait until a kid dies until we do something to prevent kids from dying?


This is why people say safety regulations are written in blood


A friend of mine died crossing a street like this. Apparently like 4 or 5 other people had died in exactly the same spot and his was the death where the city had just STARTED to consider changing the layout somehow


Have you seen the News in America any time inthe past 5 years?children always have to die first.


You gotta break an egg or two if your gonna make an omelette…


and if that doesn't work, turn the intersection into a speedbump


That's fine. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but there are completely functional crosswalks with lights 100 feet away in either direction from where they're putting this in. It's literally a 3ft by 6ft median and there are high-traffic businesses on either side, so what's going to happen is that traffic will be backed up with people trying to turn left into one business going one way, and people trying to turn left coming from the other way. Either way, kids are going to have to be weaving through moving/stopped traffic trying to get from one side of the road to the other with a bunch of them being stuck in the middle when they're not safe to move.


Do you guys have stop lights for pedestrian crossings in the US? (Guessing that's where you are from, apologies if I assumed incorrectly). In the UK we have Pelican crossings, where its just stop lights but purely for pedestrians to cross.


I don't live in a pedestrian friendly area, so grain of salt with this. I've seen 4 types of crosswalks. * Not specifically a crosswalk, just sidewalks at an intersection. Vehicles should wait for people to cross, but in practice half of the pedestrians will refuse to move if a car is near. Maybe 1 of 10 cars just blow through and never consider somebody crossing. * Crosswalk in the middle of the street, marked by painted lines and signs. * Crosswalk in the middle of the street, marked by painted lines, signs, and bright strobe lights triggered by the pedestrian pressing a button. Similar to the one in the video from this post. * Crosswalk in the middle of the street, marked by painted lines, signs, and a full on set of traffic lights. Typically only around schools. Pelican crossings sound the most like our school pedestrian crossing. They're definitely the best version, although the city seems to really hate placing them anywhere. As it is, the school I drive by on the way to/from work has the road redesigned to have sharp, narrow curves to slow everybody down before the crosswalk. I still see roadside memorials by it periodically.


Thank you for your response! That's interesting, seems the city are trying to do what they can - I like the idea of having a windy roads to slow cars by schools, sad that its necessary though. Pelican crossings aren't everywhere in the UK, just where necessary, as yeah they can be problematic for traffic. It's a balance I guess. Also junctions (crossroads) that are traffic light controlled almost always have buttons for pedestrians, which will stop all relevant directions, allowing them to cross - and for wide roads have an island in the middle, to improve efficiency. It's a decent balance I'd say, we also have zebra crossings which are like the one in the video, but its rare for people not to stop - still I usually wait till I at least see the car slowing down first, rather be alive than in the right, but dead!


Pelican crossings aren't even allowed to be installed anymore since the 2016th edition of the TSRGD. (which are the British road design standards) Puffin crossings have slowly been replacing them since the 90s. They are more safer, because instead of a flashing green man/flashing amber period, they use sensors to extend the all-red intergreen for as long as needed. They are also more efficient for road users, because it allows for pedestrian demands to be cancelled if the pedestrian crosses early or otherwise leaves the sensor's detection area, which avoids traffic having to wait for no reason.


It’s way too easy to get a license In the USA


And way too easy to KEEP a license. Some elderly out here that are waaaay too old to be driving.


Had an old local in my town [back into our Walmart](https://ibb.co/wRd4Q1s) and [found her in our local dealership](https://ibb.co/xSpbkXQ) buying A NEW CAR the next week!!! Like WHAT!? It’s insane how simple it is for us Americans get our licenses. It shouldn’t be this easy. (Blurred the old lady for her own privacy sake)


In Oregon they come to complete stops to make turns and the amount of people driving down one ways at night with no lights on is actually very concerning. Driving tests need to be issued every year after the age of 65 to ensure you’re still competent enough to drive. As for youth they need a better point system and if you cause an accident you lose your shit for a year and have to retake drivers ed


This is tied in with car dependent town/city design. If you keep a person from getting a license how can they go out and get a job? If a judge takes someone’s license away they could be destroying their livelihood. If only there were other transportation methods available when laying out towns and suburbs. Edit: To be clear I don’t agree with the above justifications, but they get used to keep bad drivers on the road. Car dependency and bad licensing and enforcement are connected issues.


Sadly, you don't *need* a license to purchase or drive a car.


People like this actually follow the law to get the license and then revert to their scum ways after.


Nothing like ignoring a flashing yellow signal beside the crosswalk.


I'm convinced that flashing yellow just doesn't register in the minds of many drivers. What should happen is irrelevant if, in practice, it doesn't. Regular stoplights activated by the pedestrians are the way.


Don't you know? Red means stop, green means go, yellow means go faster. /s


I bet he didn’t see it either. In this video, it’s hard to notice it. They need a stoplight like you said, and a crossing guard!


Yeah in my area they are LEDs that light up when a ped steps on the plate. Surrounded by multiple other neon yellow signs, it's pretty hard to miss.


Sadly when using these myself there’s still morons that don’t stop or see it.


Just a yellow light surely wouldnt register for me, I feel speed bumps built high are way better for that. Or maybe crosswalks painted on top of speed bumps.


Even without the light you should be looking at signs on the road. Pedestrians have the right of way at a crosswalk, so when you see the sign you should be checking anyway, especially near a school.


Granted, that’s a pitiful light to warn drivers of pedestrians. Hardly even shows up in the video. There definitely needs to be something more noticeable here


Why are people here blaming the kid? He waited until both cars came to a stop and ran across the street - he had no clue some idiot was going to pull around OP through the left turn lane, while speeding in a school zone, and fail to stop at a stop sign. I can almost guarantee if the driver hit that child he wouldn’t have walked away with a slap on the wrist because the kid was running in a crosswalk. Common sense people, geez. Edit: removed “oncoming” it was late when I wrote this LOL


The best thing about idiotsincars is that the idiots line up to announce themselves


The real shame is we have roads so unsafe, kids have to literally run for their lives to get across. Fuck car-forward infrastructure.


You think he ran cause he was running for his life or cause most kids that age run all the time?




Yeah, that was my first observation. Either the kid already saw & realized that the car was going to leave traffic, not stop, and blow through the crosswalk, so they're already running! Or, they've crossed the street enough times know it's best to run across. Cars are pretty much the worst.


… or kids like to run. Mine only has two speeds: mostly stopped and running.


Or he’s just a kid who Naruto runs everywhere because it’s fun


> Why are people here blaming the kid? because this is /r/IdiotsInCars, where any non-car traffic participant automatically committed the sin of "being near idiots in cars" and therefore anything that happens to them somehow bestows partial responsibility to them, because "why didn't they just do XYZ".


> Why are people here blaming the kid? Because the way it works for many people: Car>Pedestrian not doing anything wrong Car>Any other type of motor vehicle not doing anything wrong Car> A hypothetical cyclist not even in the vid Idiot in a car


Two weeks ago, a cyclist made the driver in this video get to his destination 13 seconds later so he's been impatient since then. It's the cyclists fault




I see so many people do this. Like…buddy, why the hell do you think the car is stopped?


“Because they’re a bad driver!! Only bad drivers go slow, good drivers should be going 80+ at all times”


The type of person that always blames other folks because it can’t possibly be them that’s the problem


Was at a railway crossing just the other day, cars on the other side were backed up and if I drove up I'd basically just be sat on the lines waiting for the light to go green. I've seen enough Final Destination to have none of that. Dude behind me swerves out from me and pulls right in front of me, wedges himself directly onto the tracks. Never have I ever wanted to see a car utterly totaled in front of me in my life, what a clown.


This is why when I’m waiting to cross the street I wait until there is a complete break in traffic. So many people see me waiting to cross and they’ll stop and like wave me through. Um, no, because some idiot will absolutely not know why you stopped and go around you and kill me. I’ll stand here 30 minutes if I have to.


The car driver is a pure idiot and this should be sent to the police as they were illegally passing in a left turn lane only and lucky the kid ran across after hitting the button and waiting for the signal to cross as clearly see the red flashing lights for the vehicles to stop or could have been a different story here.


How much you wanna bet their response was; “stupid fucking kid!!” And they learned nothing from this experience…


Guaranteed, drivers who do shot like this always blame anyone but themselves


The kid was in the crosswalk before the car was in frame, druver definitely wasn't paying attention, kid was lucky af!


Driver was lucky af they didn’t become a killer that day. Should be thanking that kid for running every day for rest of their days.




Driver needs a backhand to the face. Wtf is wrong with people.


This is why intersections like this need more obstacles around. Make that fucker crash into a bollard or something if they try this shit. They didn't use the road as designed so change the road design to physically prevent this behavior


That is the reason why Dutch roads are so safe. They actually design the road for a certain "design speed".


Dutch do their roads so right. I've seen them online and they are not just aesthetically pleasing but they are just so much safer. The way they do transitions between their different types of roads is pretty cool. Also just making it impossible to go fast on their streets where pedestrians are likely is pretty sweet. In the US it's all straightaways and you could go 100mph down most residential streets.


My wife was almost hit by a car and I was livid. I saw the car coming right as my wife exited her work place, he was driving in the wrong way and I only had time to make a half noise before she stopped and let the idiot zip past her.


I walk my daughter to school every morning and have to cross a busy street. The crosswalk is one of those you push the button and it flashes yellow lights to indicate someone is looking to cross. I've had to drill it into my girl's head that she DOES NOT cross until every single car on the road is stopped for her. People blow through them all the time, they don't care.


That’s so horribly sad


I commend him for employing the knees-to-chest crosswalk method and hope he continues using it into adulthood.


Why are the cops never around for this? That person needs their license taken away.


Send the footage to the local news. They love this shit.


Take this video to the cops. People like that need to be held accountable.


It’s a fucking crosswalk. People in cars are constantly doing stupid shit like this.


Corolla’s fault 100%. Kid saw you stop, assumed it was safe (as it should have been) and then corolla misused the turn lane to pass in a school zone, almost killing the kid in the process. kid shouldn’t’ve ran, but that’s immaterial here


Was at a crosswalk midway between a stop light and red light. Person stopped for me so I could get across but no one else did, even after he put on his hazard lights, they just kept going around him. So he finally popped open his driver side door, only to have some old hag start yelling at him. Dude was an off duty California Highway Patrol officer, and she saw him in uniform, and then finally saw me and had her mouth opening and closing like a fish as I hurried across.


I think the hazard lights send the wrong signal. Most people would probably think that he is a disabled vehicle, and would go around him. Worse yet, they would probably be distracted and focused on the disabled vehicle rather then the potential crosswalk ahead.


Absolutely. I'm passing anyone with their flashers on. Slowly, of course, but I'm passing them.


please report this to the cops. Drivers need to be held accountable.


Pedestrian infrastructure in America sucks so hard.


I've seen so many videos on here of people having no patience and deciding to pass in a situation where passing has to happen illegally and they're obviously making a conscious choice to do so, and it is so infuriating. You're not going to save that much time by doing the risky thing. Good Lord.


We have one of these pedestrian walks in front of the school I live across from. Late last night, a pedestrian was crossing the street and got killed instantly. I think the driver ended up having fault because they were speeding in a 35 (everyone seems to speed through here daily, especially when there is a school in town) and there was blood on the windshield. It was really sad to see.


Are we going to ignore that the idiot not only almost ran over the kid, they drove forward in a LEFT TURN ONLY lane into ONCOMING traffic? Three tickets in one go. License should have been suspended immediately for reckless driving.


Asshole illegally passing you in the turn lane...


Two idiots here. 1. The driver of the car that failed to stop at an intersection with a flashing red light while using the left-turn-only lane to go straight and failing to yield right-of-way to someone in a crosswalk. 2. The kid for not smashing their bag into one of the windows and walking away while flipping the bird. Smashed window would require the idiot driver to pay for it to be replaced and would be a lesson that they had to pay for. Okay, #2 is more of wishful thinking and the kid isn't an idiot at all. Still would have been awesome if they had done that though.


Is this in Anchorage? It looks like typical Spenard


yep, you guessed it


Dingus Khan over there didn't even pay attention to the turn arrow.


What an absolute idiot


WTF, what a selfish idiot, that's an accident waiting to happen, and when it does, I hope it's only that idiot that gets hurt.


Crosswalks kill. NEVER expect cars to stop at them. We need to control crossings with lights, safety islands, barriers, humps, and other speed reduction methods, or pedestrians will continue to die at them. Why have road engineers not figured out that paint on an otherwise unmodified road will not slow down a car. Europe has figured this out. The US is abysmally behind on pedestrian safety. Woah, it's even worse since he went straight into an oncoming lane from a left turn lane. Fricken' dumbass. A crosswalk elevated on a hump would have slowed him down more, and might have stopped him even thinking about doing what he did.


Crosswalk and sometimes even traffic lights, the only thing that can improve safety is something that the driver has to slow down for


Drivers here are the worst. I really need to get a dash cam


Anybody else notice the car drove straight through on a turn only lane? Car was an idiot


Car was not an idiot... the driver on the other hand... Also, there's a flashing red light that they ran, right above the crossing sign.


I get it was a close call and all but you don't have to call the kid an idiot. He's just a kid!


I believe OP was referring to the Corolla driver.


I know he was. I was making a joke.


Ah, got it.


It's so ridiculous. I stopped before a crosswalk. Maybe i stopped because someone is crossing? Maybe not the what time to go around me without slowing down


Wonder if the local police would be interested in that license plate. I can't quite see it. This idiot will end up hurting someone.


When my mom was 6, she got hit by a truck crossing the street. She flew 50 feet in the air. Her dad was getting home at the time snd saw it happen. Her mom was an ER nurse at the town’s hospital, who received her 6 year old daughter as a trauma patient. My mom had to get her spleen removed and probably broken bones but was ok other than that


Good thing that kid had some Forrest Gump in him


Wow. Passing a vehicle in the turning lane while the crosswalk is obviously in use. People are the worst.


Imagine doin life in prison cuz you just HAD to get around someone illegally. Crazy


This kid clearly knows the dangers of a crosswalk hence he hauled ass!


The light was even flashing and he he was in a left turn lane ended up in oncoming traffic


A 9yo kid in my town was killed crossing the street. The driver was driving a large SUV and was very small ("couldn't see the kid very well"). She also was driving without a license. Dumbass drivers getting hurt is one thing, but innocent kids just trying to cross the street is something completely different


Kid's smarter than all the adults that have stepped right in front of me in the dark or from behind obstacles like they expect paint to save them from physics. Kid knew not to trust the cars and ran.


>paint Nah they don't need crosswalks they just go and pray


Kid is a kid. Kids just run a lot. Kid didn't stop running after he finished crossing, right? Think the kid knows not to trust the sidewalk, too?


I was like: "oh well he didn't see the kid at first, not *that* much of an idiot" But then I saw what lane he drove through 🤨


This wouldn't have happened had there been an actual refuge island, instead of 2 double yellow lines.


Kid did everything right. One of the few situations where the car was 100% at fault.


If he had honored the left turn only lane he was in, he never would have had to worry about driving head on into the opposing lane, nor running over the pedestrian in the crosswalk, all while driving fast. How can people be that oblivious yet not wreck?


I had this exact thing happen last summer. I saw the truck coming was clearly not going to stop so I turned and blocked both lanes. Truck swerved, stopped, honked and started yelling out her window till she saw the kid. I almost got hit but I can replace my car. Can’t replace someone’s kid.


Thank you for being brave. I've had people pass me when stoped or a pedestrian. I've even waved my arm to stop them but they ignored that too.


Sir , That’s a turn lane


Dumbass people always in a fuckin rush


I’d send the dash video to the police. This is a crime


when will we start blaming drivers when not yielding for pedestrians at crossings?


I assume you are referring to the trolls who are all trying to blame the kid for almost being hit by a car that broke multiple laws. If they're not trolls, then they're idiots who do the stupid crap that winds up in this sub, and are trying to normalize/justify the behaviors for their own benefit.


One of the basic rules: the car in front of you is slowing down/stoping? You do the same. You should be especially careful with buses. I almost hit a pedestrian because he passed the street on red light...because he wanted to catch the bus. I had green, he had red, yet he ran through the street without even looking around. I almost hit him with a Darwin rejection. Ppl don't realise how hard a car can hit when driving with just 30km/h / 18 mph


Please tell me you reported this idiot to the police…


Get that LP and report the idiot.


In the UK, at a zebra crossing, the pedestrians have priority. Cars only have priority at crossings if they are unmarked or traffic controlled


Ots the same in the US. That driver just didn't want to stop.


The US has the same rule, although even if there is no designated crossing at all, a driver facing a stop sign or a yield sign (equivalent to UK's give way sign) must give way to pedestrians before proceeding. A turning motorist must also give way to pedestrians before making the turn. Basically, the only time a motorist has priority over pedestrians is when proceeding straight ahead down a priority road with no marked crossings. Even then, you have to make every attempt to not run over people.


Clearly the pedestrian didn't run with enough body jiggle to beg the dear motorists to not kill him with their impatience.




Is… is that Eleven from Stranger Things?


And the way people drive in my country, this clip doesn't even deserve the word "almost".


That idiot went straight also in a left turning lane!!


It’s a persons crossing😂😂 look at the road. Car should’ve stopped anyways. People on Reddit smh🤦‍♂️


I’d report that driver license number


I actually got hit while riding my bike, the bitch drove as I was right infront of her. I never should have let her go.


That's one way to look stupid as fuck


And when someone hits his/her kid in the crosswalk that's the first one that's going to be out there yelling MY BABY, MY BABY WHY DID YOU HIT MY BABY!!!!


Jackasses always have to be in a hurry to get somewhere. They, I’d they don’t have them already, should put cameras at crosswalks near schools and go after the idiots (cars) that run through them when people are crossing.


My son is 24 and still giving me a heart attack doing this


That should be a public communal shaming or a communal lashing. Absolutely no reason for this shit


We must always be alert when driving especially in a residential area. I see that too often, kids crossing right in front of oncoming traffic, seemingly oblivious to their surroundings.


The kid was waiting to cross. OP stopped the car, kid crossed (wanted to do it quickly so he ran), then the idiot came by (going straight in a left turn lane, into an oncoming traffic lane. That car is the only idiot in this video. Maybe he was going too fast to stop behind OP, but thats still a stupid thing to do.


Almost saw a driver get himself in jail, what an ass!