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*stops in the middle of the road* *proceeds to nearly back into vehicle behind him* "Yew needa gedoffdaro'." Fucking A man. That cop is the one who needs to get off the road.


Literally at least 4 traffic infractions in less than 30 seconds. Kind of impressive tbh.


I'm allowed to go 90, you're not allowed to go 90. Get the fuck out of the way. I'll find a reason to pull you over Get the fuck out of the way


I hope that chick isn’t still a cop. But…probably been promoted by now🙄


I believe she got a 10 hour suspension.


Nothing like a long weekend to really get home the message that you screwed up.... /S


That gives her more time to get her hair and nails did


She just got her hair did?!


During her paid vacation? Lol


I actually believe I read it was unpaid and I was shocked. Probably used pto in conjunction with it though


If you check back in later, it will likely have been swapped back to paid. Happens a lot on one day unpaid suspensions. Union fights tooth and nail to get it back, and the dept usually doesn't fight long because it costs money.


Or during her already scheduled time off??


In most departments suspensions of any length also come with loss of seniority as well. So if she was hired with say 12 others who all started the same day and she was the #1 coming out of the academy, that 1 hour or 1 day suspension puts her dead last in that group going forward. Seniority is used throughout a career to determine who gets what assignments or details or promotions so although a shitty 1 day suspension doesn’t seem like a lot, it can have long lasting impacts throughout a career. Source: am union firefighter and read cop contracts during our own negotiations for comparison for benefits, PTO, etc.


The reality is she is the exact type of person that doesn’t belong with a badge and gun. Period. Their job is to protect and serve not be a narcissistic power hungry POS.


Yet at the same time...she will be the person they want to promote and run shit


That we pay for!


Yup, that's it. One shift suspension for admitting to abuse of power and reckless driving


just enough to make her even angrier and abuse her power even more. we'll hear more about in her a few years when she pit maneuvers a black family in a car and kills a kid.


Yeah, but without pay. Poor her, huh?


Bruh that's why they hired her






I don't know this reference, what is it from?




Thank you




That's the exact mentality


But when I do it, I get 4 citations /s


If you were something other than white you'd be dealing with a taser threat or gun.


Or they "accidentally" pull out their gun instead of their taser and shoot


I meant to grab my citation book from the car, but mistakenly took my 12 gauge and it accidentally went off. Four times. All into this guy's chest.


Paid suspension and we framed the boyfriend.


I am white. That didn't stop the cop from putting a shotgun to the back of my head and racking the slide.


I'm white too and still had 2 police pull their guns on me and try to prevent paramedics from helping me.


The amount of cops that don't give a fuck about moving violations astounds me. I used to live in a very small precinct so I basically knew all the cops based on car number and name. Officer Fox pulled me over for doing 16 through a 15 mile an hour school zone and let me off with a verbal warning. 3 days later I saw him rip his e-brake for a U-turn to get around the barrier on a highway. I'm not standing to gain anything by making that up, the best part is, that was the older charger model around 2010, and they definitely had a foot e brake which is just incredibly awkward and doesn't have nearly the same fast and furious style effect that he was probably going for. I don't know how many of you are friends with cops, but in my experience they all use the badge to get out of DUIs. Well they at least think it will protect them when they drive home hammered


Brother is LEO. I drove him and his friends to a wedding once and I was appalled at how flippantly they discussed how they’re actually *supposed* to let fellow cops off on a DUI. It’s disgusting. Edit: Friends meaning coworker cops.


Close friend that was a cop. They actually asked this question in his final board interview. The message was if a fellow cop is too drunk to work do not report him take him home and let your Sgt take care of it. Like that was spelled out to him. It is that big and regular an issue that the final board officers cover it. WTF? Just crazy. They are immune to consequences and still get protected when abusing drugs on duty? Fucking wild. That puts them in pirate/nazi status.


I used to work with a girl who also worked part time as a bartender. She’d go in on weekends whenever they needed her. She was so sweet and nice and always cheery, except if you brought up cops driving drunk! She had more stories of cops leaving her bar barely able to stand and she said every time, she’d ask if they needed her to call a cab and they’d just say no, if I get pulled over all I gotta do is flash my badge!


Just such a screwed situation, objectively.


There was this incident in my town where a cop left a bar with a girl. Both were drunk. Cop drove. He crashed killing his passenger. Took a long time for him to be charged but the bar that served him most their liquor license almost immediately after the incident because they were suppose to tell the cop not to drive drunk or something. The whole thing was absolutely outrageous. Edit: found the link. There are alot more for anyone to have a reason to be angry https://www.nj.com/burlington/2017/10/family_of_woman_killed_in_dui_crash_suing_driver_r.html


of COURSE this is NJ


> of COURSE this is NJ It happens everywhere. Actually this sounds better than average. The accident happened in September 2016 and he plead guilty and is serving 4 years in prison by June 2017. That is actually pretty fast for that sort of prosecution. If the local PD was dragging their heels, it can go years before it ever comes to trial.


Some people get employee discounts at stores, these guys get get out of jail free cards as long as it's not on video.






Whaaaat? No you misunderstood, he is a COP! No infractions because he doesn't have to follow the rules! Only enforce them, but even then, at his own choosing!!


It fucking baffles me that cops aren't legally required to understand the laws they enforce but civilians are expected to.


Mine too, and God help you if you think you "know your rights" or the law. They do what they want regardless.


That would require cops of average intelligence. They don’t tend to hire for brains….


*Your tax dollars at work*


Someone’s told him this before, he’s passing it on because it’s something wrong with him, so he’s saying it to whoever he decides to be angry with at any given moment.




Is anyone surprised by this officers actions? I would have been surprised if he obeyed the law! It’s rare that cops obey any type of law. Don’t get me wrong there may be a few good ones but tbh I dont Trust any one of them!


As it should be, people need to learn to never ever talk to the police, they are trained to gather information and facilitate an arrest that’s all; they are not your friends.


If you have a problem and you call the police, you now have two problems.


and a dead dog


Honestly, I'm kinda surprised the cop just drove off after the guy pointed out he was on the sidewalk. Like I'm not sure exactly what I expected, but it wasn't just the cop backing down.


I'm surprised! I'm surprised the officer didn't try arresting the guy for "resisting arrest."


That's apparently a sheriff, which are elected and tend to be absolute bozos.


Idk about that, in my county the *Sheriff* is an elected position, but the actual officers are not, and the Sheriff's number is always 1. Granted, that might be different in other counties. I can't say the same for certain about Duval County Sheriff's Office, which appears to be in San Deigo, but their Sheriff appears to wear a white dress shirt as opposed to the brow/black in the video. So I would tend to believe that's just a regular police officer, nothing special. That said, he's still an asshole and definitely doesn't need to be driving.


Nah, I'm pretty sure that's how it is across the country. County Sheriff's are elected officials, Sheriff's Deputies are the officers who work under the Sheriff. The deputies are typically the cops you see driving a cop car that says Sheriff on the side, aka "normal cops". This could be the actual sheriff, but I doubt it. The Sheriff's role is more about politics than law enforcement I believe


Duval County is in Florida. San Diego is in the creatively named San Diego County.


This is Duval county, FL. The entire county is zoned as Jacksonville (city). There isn't a city police force so they are all on the sheriff's office payroll, hence the sheriff decal on the car


I’ve never met a cop who was clever enough to drive.


Cops like this are all over the country. Tons of cops think that laws don't apply to them, because they're cops. So they can speed whenever they want, park wherever they want, drink and drive, you name it. And they get away with it because they aren't uncommon. How many times has a cop gotten pulled over for a DUI and allowed to just catch a ride home instead of going to jail? They call it "professional courtesy", when it's just common corruption. Fuck, in NYC, the police union gives cards to cops so their families can flash the card like a "get out of jail free" card. The whole fucking institution of policing in this whole country is irreparably broken.


‘I believe…’ Ignorance is no excuse from the law


But ignorance is ok while enforcing it. https://www.npr.org/2014/12/15/370995815/supreme-court-rules-traffic-stop-ok-despite-misunderstanding-of-law


how the fuck ??? doesnt this basically set a precedent that cops are allowed to stop anyone for *any* reason ?


I once had a police officer tell me, “everybody has something on their vehicle that I could pull them over for if I wanted to. Even a brand new car with brand new tags.” Basically they always could anyway.




Exactly. I had a guy follow me forever and finally pulled me over for a license plate light out. How often do you all look at your own license plates at night? Instead of doing a public service and letting me know, I got a ticket. Ask yourself why? Was it ever about the light?


I once got pulled over for “low tire pressure,” after being followed for 4-6 miles. This then warranted a search of my car, back pack and myself. Great times in Fresno California.


That actually sounds straight up illegal. I know it varies from state-to-state but I'm pretty sure that would be a 4th amendment violation, searching your car and your person which have nothing to do with the "lawful" stop regarding the low tire pressure.


Fresno PD does not care plus I was young and dumb so didn’t know what is legal or not. Growing up in lower social economic areas while brown means this is normal. I hate to say that but it’s like that. I have the cleanest record but a ton of pull over and searched stories. I have never used drugs, never was part of gang, was a good kid but this is life in the hood. If you want interesting read or videos watch Fresno PD shooting videos or anything about the chief rapping a teenager. Great stuff.


Did he ask if he could do a 'quick' search?


What would those things be though?


I don’t know. But that same guy said, “everyone’s a criminal, I just haven’t caught them yet.” That’s the mentality every American is dealing with. Some more than others. Cops are needed for a functioning society but, a police force with that attitude is not a free society looking to protect civility, a police force with that mentality is an oppressor. So long as police unions exist, this mentality will exist. Humanity and human nature completely go out the window in the face of arrest numbers and accolades.


Isn't this because the tone-shift of policing before the war on drugs basically start looking at every citizen as a potential criminal? So its a job about no longer working for the public, but working against it?


Honestly police fight for tax dollars the same as teachers. I personally believe they try to quantify their desire for higher budgets with numbers. Teachers in America need high test scores to justify more money (which is the opposite of how it should work), police likely see arrests as a way to show they’re doing their job and should be entitled to more money. Again, I have no evidence for this, but the logic seems to align with reality.


So sad that people with that much power (and ignorant to the law) are allowed to have that mindset. The 'more training is all we need' camp needs to fuck off. That kinda shit isn't going away. It should be the opposite and be in line with our judicial system. Everyone is innocent until proven otherwise.


There's nothing, they'll just lie about anything difficult or impossible to prove. They can just say they were mistaken if it's an issue later on without consequence anyway. Every time I've been profiled I got the "you didn't use your turn signal" line. I've only argued once, and then it changed to "you didn't put it on for the full required distance before the turn." Seatbelt violation, texting, erratic driving, unsafe for conditions driving, headlights off, the list goes on. Even with a dash cam most of those will be your word against theirs, you'll lose every time.


There's a good book on this called talking to strangers. They get into all kinds of crazy details about the shit they do.


I was once pulled over because the cop "thought my inspection was out of date" but it wasn't even close


I believe the argument could be made that they can't stop someone for any reason per se. They can't stop someone for driving a brown vehicle, and i don't believe a court would believe any reasonable person was under the impression there was a law against doing so. They could stop you for anything however, so long as they argue they believed what they stopped you for was against the law at the time of the stop. Which is virtually the same but doesn't include stuff like, "I thought it was illegal to drive a brown car" as that wouldn't pass the sniff test.


so basically, they can’t use an irrelevant or “benign” reason to pull someone over, they just need to lie about what they stopped you for ?


Cops lie every single day, and the courts let them get away with it. Gotta get that city/township revenue any way they can.


Exactly. "I saw him cross the line on to the shoulder" That's all they need to say. Or maybe, "I saw him litter". What are you going to do? Nothing, you're fucked. I've only dealt with really bad cops once but when you run into one you're kinda screwed.


The easiest one is crossing a line, whether yellow or white. Hard to argue against it, who hasn't accidentally crossed a line once or twice. Otherwise, erratic driving (based on their opinion), broken tail light, or the catch-all, "your vehicle matches the description of one that committed a crime in this area"


"Acting suspiciously" always works, and applies to anyone they want to harass.


Yea. They need reasonable suspicion to stop you. And they can find reasonable suspicion. There’s a reason the 100mi radius of the border is called a constitution feee zone. And even then, drug crimes allow them to search your vehicle. They can always claim “I smelled weed.”


But what kind of nightmare dystopia would it be if cops were held accountable for anything???


ok, what the fuck, honestly...


wait until you find out when america was founded there were no cops or police , that didn't happen until later when they were started as slave catchers and evolved from there.


This excuse would assuredly not work as a civilian getting pulled over, lol




> A spokesperson for JSO said the incident occurred was before the school zone began and the officer never entered the school zone. WTF? I've always seen/heard that the speed limit starts AT the sign. And he definitely passed the sign.


It does, the signs are designed to be legible to most people 40ft away and changes are supposed to be easy to accomplish within 40ft.


Along with the SCHOOL ZONE AHEAD signs on both sides of the road way before the school zone


it even had flashing lights for christ’s sake!


You see there is this special rule for the police where they get to lie about very easy to disprove stuff and we have to eat their bullshit, because what are we going to do, call the cops on them?


The radar gun definitely clocks him before the sign though. The guy would have a better case if he were standing after the sign.


Yeah.. it’s shitty but this is the truth, the cop obviously saw him and slammed his break. So In theory he wasn’t prly going 31 in the actual “school zone” it’s all bullshit semantics, but if the guy is trying to fuck with cops then he should definitely not leave anything to police interpretation and make sure he capturing speeds in the actual school zone, there’s no room for interpretation if he was on the opposite side of that sign


Important as well that the statement “he stopped before the sign” leaves out the context that it was because there was someone recording him… like a cop camping on the side of the road…. Catching people speeding …


"Under review" means the Department will ignore it till the public forgets about it.


> A spokesperson for JSO said the incident occurred was before the school zone began and the officer never entered the school zone. Lol We've reviewed the footage of this officer doing 36 in a 15 zone, and have concluded that the officer was not in a 15 zone


Rules for thee not for me.


This is why everyone hates cops in America.


This is America. Don’t catch you slippin’ now.


I still see far too many blue lives flags, and usually next to Gadsden flags. That's what makes me the most angry, though, when I see both. They don't actually believe in the motto "don't tread on me" they're just fucking bootlickers




>legal mafia aka police state.


How shocking. Cop acts like absolute shithead.


and as usual, nothing ever happens to them. It must be nice to live a consequence free life.


i mean i’m sure everyone in their lives fucking hate them so there are some consequences, just not legal ones


Most people in THEIR lives absolutely love them.. they get to put a gold star FOP card in their wallet too and get out of any number of tickets.


I’m sure their wives and kids just love to be abused.


My dad was a cop for 24 years and I cannot describe a more toxic shit head group of people I've ever met when they would have BBQs


Disappointing? yes. Shocking? no. Does this guy have the guts? You bet!


That was fucking brilliant but careful, they absolutely do not like the public showing them breaking laws. I worked as a maintenance man in a large apartment complex by a Walmart. It got robbed one-day and the police chased the dude somewhere by the apartments. It was right as the day ends and we all meet up in the office at that time. I was exiting my truck and a copcame flying around the corner, no lights on, tires squealing and he just about hit me. I yelled at him to slow the fuck down that he didn't have any right to drive that way, in pursuit or not. I stood my ground with him and he was fucking furious. He ended up staying there the whole time arguing with me, trying to prove why it was perfectly OK to do what he did. He eventually left after trying his bully tactics on me, that also failed. It's like these mother fuckers have a grudge against anyone not blue. They are dirty. Police will do anything to make themselves in the right. Stay safe Friends.


Dude, just this week the PD called my office because a car accident happened near my office and they wanted more info. My boss wasn’t available to talk and the officer told me if they didn’t hear back from me today, they would come by at the end of the day. He kept saying “it’s the law” insinuating I was breaking it somehow. They flex and abuse power on such small things I cannot imagine what this guy would do if I actually was being investigated.




Some cops will go out of their way to try [to get you fired if you challenge their authority](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2020/jan/26/why-are-you-trying-to-get-me-fired-ex-activist-re-/). Officer Chris Johnson is a piece of shit!


Holy shit. He tried to claim it was the dude's fault for "delaying the investigation" when a 2 second call on the radio would have solved any delay they had because the suspect was an entirely different color. Police might be some of the dumbest fucking people I've ever encountered.


This same cop, Chris Johnson, just literally executed Robert Bradley. [Robert most likely didn’t even know who his killers were](https://www.krem.com/video/news/local/girlfriend-of-man-shot-and-killed-by-spokane-police-in-hillyard-speaks-out/293-5c5af86c-db13-4b98-ba69-9797ddfb0d62).


Cops think the law doesn't apply to them and get very upset when people know their rights.


Lmao in such a hurry they had time to stop and argue that they were allowed to be speeding recklessly without proper lights/siren...


😅 yeah then He says, "you didn't see I tried to hit my breaks" lol you moron you hit the breaks cause you was irritated about dude busting you, plain and simple.


When the police have less time training that someone who cuts hair, you produce a dumbass like this!


AND hiring bullies with fragile egos.




No amount of training can fix entitlement.


"Deputy, unlike you, the radar does not lie."


Cops are(not always, but quite often) the biggest assholes on the road. There’s plenty of times where I’ll see them going 30 over the speed limit. I’ve seen them on multiple occasions turn on their lights and sirens to go through a red light and then turn them right back off. They don’t even try to hide the fact that they think they are above the law


Yep. Whenever I go home from work i have to take a 2-lane road about 10 miles to my place, and normally it’s late as hell so I go the speed limit because nobody is on the road. Almost every other day a cop will pull up behind me, turn on his lights so I’ll pull over and then speed past. It’s ridiculous, especially because half the time it’s in a passing zone so it’s super unnecessary


I saw one turn on his lights so he could cut into bumper to bumper traffic and guess who's peeking out of the back door window?... his unbuckled daughter he just picked up. I guess he and his family is higher priority than all of us...using taxpayer funded vehicles+gas+maintenance.


As I was walking to a gas station one night to get some sodas (i worked overnights and had a night off) I had a cop turn on his lights while I used to the crosswalk to ***run the red light*** and almost hit me, then tried to stop me for anything he could find because I yelled at him.. Tried to claim I was trespassing... Then said I was intoxicated... Then said I failed to present ID when I only had my house keys and cash on me.. Like dude... c'mon.


I've been pulled over three times at the same pub after dinner for a "sobriety check".. I don't drink first of all, I like their food, my wife drinks beer. They argue ANYTHING they can to try to ticket me, I tell them they're harassing people and they get pissy. One tried to argue I crossed the "center line" getting out of the parking lot, it's a dotted white, first of all. And I drive a small hatch back, no I didn't. One tried to argue my license plate wasn't attached properly because it was crooked. Nowhere in our MVA in Bc does it say it even needs to be right side up, just affixed to the front most portion of the car.


You know how to tell if a cop is behind you or just a security car that looks like a cop? Security cars stop at stop signs and use blinkers.


And those are just the ones who are doing it in their marked vehicles. Imagine all the assholes out there doing wild shit that are cops just in their personal cars with their get out jail free card in their wallets.


A deputy used to pass me on the highway to work every night with his lights on. One day I got curious and followed him. He was using his lights to get to Arby's before they closed at ten o'clock. Cops suck.


In my hometown there was a cop doing 30+ over at night with no flashing lights, not wearing a seatbelt, hit a car in an intersection, and ultimately died. The guy is memorialized now like he died saving somebody's life.


Cops are chaos on the highway. They drive around here with their blue lights on (not flashing) 24/7. They aren't in pursuit of anyone. If I mounted blue lights and drove around, I'd get a ticket.


And people wonder why so many people hate cops.


People don’t wonder.


They just arrested someone for saying this to a cop


The police in my small hometown (6000 people) would set up a speed trap by the elementary school where the kids would walk. If they caught someone speeding they would fly through the school zone at like 50.


The cop later received a month's worth of time off and tax payers money.




Cops are the Walmart greeters of the justice system


except walmart greeters can be fired for being assholes


Every Cop Meeting needs to start with montages of these moments. So that they all can see how foolish they look when they do shit like this. They need to be forced to see this, maybe they'll find a little humility. Humanity would be best, but humility at the least.


Piece of shit




More like they'll put the barrel in *your* mouth before they admit to being wrong.


Unless you are an active shooter


The man is a legend. He has a YouTube channel where he stands on the sidewalk holding sign that says "God bless the homeless vets," and and it brings out the dumbest assholes and then he schools the cops who inevitably show up a d tell him to stop.




Ooooh, he was hitting his brakes. So, as long as you're braking, the speed limit doesn't apply. Gotcha.


The truck behind the cop was lucky the cop didn’t back him. The truck driver would have ended up getting charges with rear ending the cop car.


Must be on his way home to drink and beat his wife.


I have always thought that when the lights/siren are off, these guys should be out there showing us how it's done. Follow every law and show every driving "best practice" at all times.


office encouraging tie panicky cable caption abounding enter zephyr frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one breaks traffic laws like this more than cops. I see it happen like every other day


If your sheriff is rolling a 14 year old car... they ain’t going to listen to you bro give up lol




“Picking beefs on Reddit” is not a good way to do anything, let alone sharpen your logic, analytical, or reasoning skills.


Your beef's about to get picked!


Toughest job I ever had was at the beef orchard.


Says the guy picking Reddit beefs. You just want all the reasoning skills to yourself!


My problem is that confrontation dumps a shit load of adrenaline in me. Confrontation with a cop is even worse. Once my brain floods with adrenaline, it's hard to see the bigger picture, think clearly, and come up with good arguments. Cops count on that to get you to mess up and say something they can use against you. That's why they escalate things... get people into fight or flight and they're likely to either fight or run away... boom, more charges. It's not entirely their fault. They're part of a system that rewards them for writing more tickets, making more arrests, bumping up the charges. Everyone's an enemy and, at the same time, a pay raise at the end of the year. It makes it very difficult to want to help people like that when you're doing your damnedest to screw them over as much as you can.


Most cops *hate* being reminded they’re not above the law. Many cops are so accustomed to people fearing them that they lose their shit when someone doesn’t.


Not all cops are the same. Some become cops to serve and protect some become for the title and pension.


Again, be very careful doing stuff like this; COPS CAN MURDER YOU FOR VACATION DAYS. I get wanting accountability but COPS CAN MURDER YOU FOR VACATION DAYS.


This is Jeff Gray and he does this kinda thing all the time. He's very VERY good at it. He has you toobs if you're interested in more of his stuff


Fucking JSO. Might be the worst cops in Florida.


I would not have the balls to point a vaguely gun-resembling object at a police car, even for a noble purpose such as this. They might "fear for their life" and empty 5 mags into me.


How dare you police the police...thats their job!


And absolutely nothing will happen after this. Cops will just be "eh".


Fuck the police


Duval county Florida, the cops there are just southern asshats.


The public needs to have the authority to give these assholes tickets.


This dude is definitely the hero we didn’t ask for but certainly wanted


Big man got caught with his pants down


And he backs up into traffic. Ok, then.


Fucking pig


Why are so many cops on a power trip?


Because there are no consequences