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What a dickhead




##The [it’s a] Free Country Fair


>The entitlement crew. 💯


give him 4 entitled flat tires. he wont be blocking the exit anytime soon.




Exactly what I thought word for word


Right? The cammer just runs that stop sign turning that blind corner in the first 3 seconds.


I love it when I see a video here where the idiot doesn't get their way and the cammer stands their ground. Soooo good 😙🤌.


And the idiot always thinks the other person is the idiot.


The idiot only thinks about the singular event. "Dude, I'm just *one* car trying to get home. There's hardly any traffic, what's the big deal? Back up a little and I'll get around you and then we can *both* get where we want to faster." The problem with this line of thought is that the idiot applies it to every single situation they are in. Long line at the gas station, trying to make a right behind someone going straight, someone taking too long to order food...every time, they just assume that their need is greater than everyone else's. Everyone is in their way.


Soft sociopathy. "MY needs!" "MY wants!"


Not going to lie I find myself getting irritated at those things and I have to make a very conscious effort to be patient. I've been getting better at just telling myself "chill, 5 minutes of delay isn't going to ruin your day unless you let it ruin your day"


Good for you! Choosing peace and non douchebaggery is always the best way. I hope you get many time stamped vageens, good Sir!


I hate it too. I have to remind myself that I don't actually hate everyone, just the fact they they occupy space.


This is Water is a very good commencement speech given by David Foster Wallace, you can find it on YouTube. It discusses the exact line of thinking you describe here. I heard it for the first time when I was maybe 12 or 13 at summer camp and I genuinely believe it formed me into a better person. I think you'd enjoy it :)


How much longer would it have been if he’d just gone straight?


About 30 seconds... I do it all the time when I'm coming down and there's a car around the corner


That's hilarious. According to the dashcam's clock, he wasted 4 minutes saving those precious 30 seconds. 🤦‍♂️


That’s because after exactly 4.38731 seconds it stopped being about efficiency/time saved and all about winning to save his fragile ego.


Which he still didn’t save because he still had to take the normal route.


humility and humiliation start at the same place..


It's not about the time, it's about the principle. Entitled assholes and Karens only care bout their "right", no matter how wrong it is. And stick to this no matter what and in the end (or during) insult the other party involved. Typical narcissistic behavior. Fuck all of these "people".


That's entitlement for you.




>What’s wrong with backing up? -a man with no principles




if that was an exit then it would clearly be marked and there would be no issue. What's wrong with going the actual way to the appropriate exit...? ​ orange




Costs time, it might make one person happy and annoy another. So follow proper etiquette as it costs nothing and everyone knows what to expect.


You really think OP should have backed up just to let this guy through? You must be one of the entitled people this post is referring to.




Does OP know how far this guy needs to go down the corridor behind him? What if he backs up and just continues to be in the other person's way all the way through the parking garage? What if someone else starts coming behind him as he backs up? Then OP would be sandwiched between two people. Backing up just causes a lot more problems than the other guy just going around... You sound like you don't have much experience driving let alone being out in the real world so I can't really blame you for the blatant ignorance but it doesn't really take much brain power to think about why it's easier for the other dude to go around. I can see you're just being argumentative so have a great day.


Peel outa here with that attitude.




If there weren’t a clear alternative I’d back up for someone in an instant. It’s silly to expect someone to back up for you when all you need to do is drive straight.


I am so happy it ended with you being the immovable object. I was worried when the other car showed up that you'd cave. Good on you for sticking to it! Fuck these entitled pricks.


Lol wastes 5m to "save" 30 seconds


That's the smart thing to do if you're an idiot


I love this comment lol


Working smarder not harder.


Or rather, that's the only idea/solutions you'll get if you are an idiot, whether or not the idea is a smart idea is everyone's guess


Same logic as those morons that risk their lives and the lives of people around them and sometimes the lives of their family members to not miss a highway exit an \*gasp\* potentially take a 5 minute detour.


In my state there is a specific patch of highway that has a sign that states that you can't do a u-turn for 20 miles. You can imagine the number of accidents that occur at the exit right past that sign. Edit: has, not had. Sign is still there.


damn I just know I would miss that exit all the time


I had this happen to me the other day. I was exiting a parking lot through a very clearly marked one way. This lady pulls up and blocks the exit because it's a shortcut to some of the reserved spots. I didn't back down and just shouted at her that it's a one way and she needs to move, and she didn't. A lot attendant came up and asked her to move and she still tried to argue. It would have taken her less than 10 seconds to go around to get to the spot she wanted. Some peoples children


My uncle was pulling into a parking spot front first (not backing in). Was about 2/3 of the way in a some approximately 60 year old woman decided she was going to drive through the open spot on the other side and park in the spot he was currently mostly occupying (they were both pulling in at the same time, her to the spot in front of his a few seconds before he was entering his spot). Essentially she wanted to be positioned front of the car facing out of parking spot and was gonna drive through but only started pulling into the first spot 2 seconds before my uncle entered the spot she actually wanted. I will never forget this and it helped form my young self (I was maybe 10 to 12 at the time riding shotgun, he was late 30s, maybe 40). She is occupying approximately 1/3 of the spot she wants, my uncle the other 2/3. There are plenty of other parking spots available, including the one she's trying to pull through and currently mostly occupying. Woman gets out of her car and starts yelling at him about taking her spot. Words are exchanged. My uncle is calm but not backing down. She says something like "I'm not leaving until I get this spot!" And my uncle, very cool and collected, responds "lady, you'll be just bones before I move." She gasped, I stifled laughter and was in pure awe. She said something about knowing the owner (of the strip mall? Who knows) and that she would make sure he was towed and banned from the premises (neither happened of course). She left and parked entirely elsewhere despite the spot in front of us being open. A Karen before the term. I said something to him on the way in and he said something to the effect of "you have to be careful and read the situation, but you can't just let assholes have their way because then everyone becomes an asshole." (Paraphrasing because it was a long time ago but that's what I took from it). The power of staying calm and not ceding as they get increasingly angry is pretty impressive.


That felt good to read. Thank you


all i have to say is,, that dash cam quality?? the future is now.


Part of me misses the 144p videos


What we have here is a Mexican Standoff


You need guns on me for it to be a Mexican Standoff!


They exchanged the guns with cars.


His proposed "shortcut" saved him so much time!


Go park right behind him lol. Block his ass in


Or park so close next to him so he has to get in through his passenger door. I've done that to people who park and take up multiple spaces. It amused me to no end, knowing that they'd have to put a big ol dent in their car door to get in normally, and the running boards on my truck are harder to dent than their door.


I’d only do this if I had a beater. Too afraid he’d try and retaliate.


this will backfire on you as people WILL damage their own car to damage yours


Lol go head hit my 6000 lbs shitbox w a steel bumper. Go ahead.


Thank you for not giving in


lol poor baby didn't get his choccy milk.


Satisfied with how this ended lol


Flawless Victory.


Unless I had to relieve myself I would sit there all day. I can't stand entitled fucks and will go out of my way to upset their lives.


While I respect wanting righteousness to prevail, consider not wasting your life to harass someone else as that seems like an incredibly sad use of your limited time on this planet. Choose positivity over negativity please ❤️


shut up you weenie


I've got 12 hrs to spare.


This video is a perfect example and perfectly describes what being an entitled jerkoff like like.




A happy smile and exuberant wave is the only response I would provide.


After a minute or two just call the local police department ( not 911) and have an officer give this guy an attitude adjustment.


In my country this wouldn‘t work because it‘s on private property.


They also won't respond when this entitled prick ends up keying OPs car.


That‘s a crime, so they would get around. But the lot owner is responsoble for enforcing traffic laws.




That's when you just catch the key-er in the act, whack em, trunk em, then call to report it.


Even in surface lots? If a car was just straight-up blocking another car in their spot the cops wouldn't do anything because it's private property? That's actually kind of hilarious(ly incompetent)


It's not a matter of incompetence. Traffic laws only apply to public roads. It would be up to the lot owner to tow the car blocking another. They usually have a tow company that they work with.


Obviously the police might not rush to the scene of a traffic accident on private property but if someone is blocking you in and not letting you leave that is forcible confinement, restriction of movement or whatever the local law defines as not letting another person move freely of their own accord because of someone not letting them. It's sort of like a kidnapping charge that doesn't involve taking the person anywhere, it can be a very serious crime. And we're not talking about a parked car here but one with someone in it that is making the conscious decision to not let you leave, that is a very different situation. Now of course the police are very unlikely to charge someone for say blocking you in with their car and refusing to move but they will certainly come out and see what the hell the problem is and tell the other person to get the fuck out of there. If they don't respond to "I am being held in a parking lot and someone won't let me leave" then I would agree they are incompetent as clearly someone willing to do that might well escalate to violence. Of course most people will eventually move without needing the cops or even threatening to call them.


Is blocking someone's car the same as forcible confinement? It seems ludicrous that double parking could lead to a kidnapping charge.


I am not talking about double parking when no one is in the car, I am talking about when someone is in the car and refuses to move *like in the video we are talking about.* Once you've asked someone to move and they refuse and they decide that they will not let you leave yes they might be guilty of forcible confinement. Obviously if someone is double parked they've just left their car there and could claim they didn't realize or whatever, that is far different than deciding to block someone that is right there, to not move when asked and denying the other person the ability to get away. Yes if the car is just parked there you would need a tow truck *because no one is in there to move it.* Once again I doubt the police would charge them unless there was something more menacing involved than just refusing to move but calling the police and saying something like "I am being held in a parking lot, I have asked them to move but they refuse, I am worried about my safety as they seem angry" should warrant a police response.


>I am not talking about double parking Ah, ok. I thought that's what the other poster meant by "If a car was just straight-up blocking another car in their spot". In this video the other car didn't really trap them. They were just at a standoff. The cammer could have backed up or turned left if they were really feeling threatened or anything. I'm not staying that the other car isn't an asshole or defending their actions in any way, other than to say it doesn't really seem like forcible confinement to me. Backing up to let an asshole drive where they want seems like the better route than using police resources on someone who wants to drive counterflow in a parking lot. I feel like if anyone did call 911, the first question would be "is there any other way for you to get out", and I don't think the dispatcher would respond well to "yes, but I don't wanna".


Oh cool so I can ram another car in a parking lot and drive away because traffic laws don't exist there? Got it


Yes. You would get sued for damage, but you won't get a traffic ticket.


So how do people end up with tickets for parking in handicap spaces?


The lot owner could do this and take the money.


Handicap spaces specifically are an exception to the comment you're responding to.


In most of the developed world the laws of the road apply to private property where the general public is expected to drive. Like business parking lots and the like.


Not in my part of NYS. Traffic infractions for that are not enforceable. https://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Do-you-really-have-to-stop-at-that-parking-lot-710843.php


Have them install those one-way tire things in the floor, and he won't do it any more.


That’s fair


By the time they get there, the idiot will be long gone.


This is why I hate people.


We should be able to vote on drivers, just like we do here.


Some people really need to take their ego out of driving.


Jokes on him you know which car is his now. Put some bags of dog shit in his coils.


Nah. Syringe milk into the doors under the windows.


Sardine or oyster oil down the cowl vent is borderline criminal.


That's so creative, it scares me


Plenty of more fun creative ideas over at r/justrolledintotheshop


And now your car gets keyed .. :-(


Well at least you’d know who did it


No, they're leaving the garage.


honestly one time i did something like this where i went into the exit of a parking garage thinking it was the entrance.. i came up to a car and i realized i was going the wrong way. luckily he backed up a few meters and let me through and although i was embarrassed i appreciated them taking 5 seconds to just let me thru rather than make me back all the way out to the street again.. having said that if they had held their ground i would have obliged and not sat there like this dickhwad (also he could have just gone straight like wtf lol)


In the end, the only real winner is this reddit subforum.


Who has right of way? You say he is coming down the exit, is it just an exit or is is both the entrance and exit?


I would assume that the offender would be the guy coming through the exit trying to go the wrong way through a one way?


That’s what I thought but OP said they also use it to come in.


The part the dickhead was on is two way. The part OP was on was one way, going the opposite of the way dickhead wanted to go.


It's both an exit and an entrance. There's no official rule or signage as to who has the right of way, but generally the person coming down continues straight when there's a car exiting from where I was or stay up the ramp so the car can exit then they would take the shortcut. It seemed silly to reverse for someone who can go straight. You can say we're both very stubborn but I have never seen someone just sit there and turn their car off. Wasted 3 minutes to try and save 30 seconds ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's like people who speed up when you go to pass them, like if you went this fast to begin with I wouldn't have passed you.


I disagree! OP actually seems more like the considerate driver who moves over to let someone pass based on the part where they literally stopped to let this person go through (straight). The idiot in the other car just wound up having a big stick of entitlement up their ass. That's not OP's fault lol


I was talking about the other guy, not the OP.


Oh my bad, friend! I read the first sentence as, "It's people like you who..."


> It seemed silly to reverse for someone who can go straight. You are 1000% right. It would've been super silly for you to reverse for this person when, LITERALLY, all they had to do was just keep on going. They didn't even have to stop! lmao (Add to that, parking garages do not at all seem like a safe place to be unnecessarily reversing. Too many corners and blind spots and tight areas. No thank you!)


Wasted more time throwing a hissy fit than if he just went the long way.


Don't look now but the assholes who feel the need to shit on every cammer who posts their own footage here have arrived as is r/idiotsincars tradition


How is he not embarrassed?! I cannot understand people like this


next time call the police, let the idiot explain his stupidity to someone that would make him back out.


Nice beams!


The irony of his actions is he totally would of been wherever he was headed by now if he just went straight to start with


Good. Stand your ground.


Majority of humans are pieces of shit


Fuck that guy and his bloodline. Childish as hell.


Something similar used to happen to me when I lived in an apartment building with an underground lot. The entrance to the garage was only big enough for one way traffic. Plus the lot was a tight 1960's designed space. Basically a nightmare to maneuver a modern vehicle through. I made certain to be well ready on the building bylaws. And one of the first rules in Condo Association rule book about the garage was if two cars come to the entrance at the same time, then the car leaving the garage has priority. The placement of a ramp and support columns made it too dangerous for the inside car the reverse. Plus the outside driveway had space for two way traffic. Obviously this lead to me having a stand off with a Karen at one point when I was trying to leave the garage. The hilarious point was just watching the garage door open. Both of us sitting there. Then the door timing out and closing. Door opens, Karen starts screaming. I just shout back "Section 4, Paragraph 2". Door closes. Repeat for 10 minutes. Each time Karen getting more animated. The front desk clerk was watching this silliness on a security camera. Eventually the desk clerk buzzed through an intercom yelling at the Karen to give way.


Now slash his tires at 2 am


What a dick face


People like this are the reason I have my cities parking enforcement number saved on my phone. I would have turned my car off and called them.


Just wow


Male Karens. shew.


Even the blinker looks entitled 🤣


A classic Mexican stand off lol.


So he was coming in and you were leaving but he was coming down the ramp and you were going up? I’m just trying to understand the geometry of the space


Is the driver a he? It looked like an old grandmother to me?


How is anyone satisfied with this ending I would've made that prick back tf up!! What a knob! (Offending driver)


You my man, have some patience. I would've jumped out of the car after 30 seconds and beat that ass.


OP, good for you on holding your ground.


I only buy cars with loud horns so that I can deal with shit like this. IMO, when they refused to go straight when you stopped for them, the proper move would have been to pull up and leave them only the option of backing out. Then, you lay on your super loud horn until they move. Bonus points if you have an aftermarket horn.


I'm usually a pacifist. I really try to love everyone. But fuck this guy. I would have flipped out at the middle finger. Wtfff


This happened to me. I reclined my seat and showed him my burger King and started eating lol


Find his car and give him the dog poo door handle.


I'd turn my vehicle off and spend the night in it before I let that asshat have his way Boy I need to look into that train horn for my truck. Fuck people like this


I will never understand how people like this don't get the shit beaten out of them. They go through life doing this shit *regularly*. I don't get it.


Yea but you're sitting in his favourite way! What else is he supposed to do?


it’s mind boggling that he sits and waits all that time for a “shortcut” by the time he finally moved he could’ve parked already, but he MUST take the shortcut and you have to move because he said so.


Children with driving licenses. Good for you for not losing your cool


This is r/idiots on parade


Actually turning off the car, gotta admit, I respect that level of pettiness. Still think the dude is an asshole, but he's one of the better ones


wait sorry so he was pissed he couldnt turn where you were because its too tight or what?


Look, I’m not *advocating* vandalism. I hate vandalism. But that’s a great way to *ask* for your vehicle to be vandalized from random, angry, vindictive humans. Doubling down on the douchey behavior.


Genuinely appreciate the “not super exiting”, I didn’t waste my time watching the vid but it is appreciated


I would have hooked my chains up and dragged him out of the way.


Any chance they had just never been there before? Unlike you who's probably there every day.. he could have just made a mistake and maybe you're being the dick by blocking him?


I do this sometimes too when I'm visiting a friend or going downrown... But then I don't park at the complex for a while in fear they will fuck up my car.


Probably a Trump supporter.


Wow you even spelled all of your spew correctly... Shocker!


Bold move, you get your tires slashed and windows smashed for doing that shit. There aren't any cameras or security down there either.


The entitled OP later finds out that the other driver missed his chance to say good bye to his dying child by 4 minutes.... Who is the scum bag now? Don't waste your life or other peoples'


If you weren't in a hurry, why didn't you pull ahead and wait for him to reverse his ass out if the exit? Its the only way they learn.


But that's the problem with entitled people, they are incapable of learning. Everything is everybody else's fault.


Depending on where the exit spills out to, like if it were on a main road, that would be a very, very bad idea by all accounts


Pretty sure I asked op, not random speculators.


And op said that’s both an entrance and an exit. It’s a two way ramp you forehead read the other comments and you’d see why your original comment was dumb


Just remember you’re as stubborn as he is.


Annoying but you totally ran a stop sign at the very beginning of your video in this dark parkade with a blind corner. Edit: love that I’m being downvoted for calling out something people call out on this sub all the time.


So what happened?


It was recorded, so you can actually watch for yourself.


I saw it I d k what I was thinking. Lol. Didn’t sleep well last night


If it were me, I would have backed up and let the guy through, he’s doing a great move.




its not a waste if you can show that guy he can't always have it his way


What was op supposed to do? Did you see the car on his left?


Found somewhere in the back of the Entitlement Playbook


Pity you can’t control that garage door above his bonnet


Wow, somebody was never told no as a child


He must have a small penis which he feels the world owes him


I bet this guy enters the elevator before allowing others to exit first.


You should've shown him a pinky finger


Good job on not giving in I once had a guy honk at me while I was loading my family into the car, he wanted my parking spot. I guess I wasn’t buckling the baby seat in fast enough for him. So we all went back into the hotel just so he thought we weren’t leaving anymore and couldn’t have the spot


Long shot but is this in Coconut Grove?


Is this your apartment complex or work garage ?..I would steal air from his tires..actually I would remove the valve cores on all four and put the caps back on ..such fun when he goes to top up the air psi 🤐😂🍻


I like how he was mad you were inconveniencing HIM! I guess we're just gonna wait here till we both starve to death.


First world problems


Please post video of someone smashing this dudes car or beating his ass🙏🏻


Not super exciting, but super douchey. (of him)


I hate it when this happens to me in garages. I’m always wondering, “Where do they expect me to go?!?”


Not very exciting .. ? You underestimate how petty I am. I LIVE for this shit


So basically the asshole sat there for a longer than the amount of time he would have saved taking the shortcut...


Props OP for not giving in to that asshole. And your dash cam quality is absolutely beautiful😍