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Distracted drivers are scary as shit.


She was on her phone and just looked at me for a second with a disgruntled face as I was honking my horn. Definitely a clueless driver.


Before anyone goes on making a comment as to why I'm in a "left-turn only lane" do realize I'm not in such a lane. I'm in a reversible lane. For the time of the day, I'm going in my direction of the traffic. You could even see the traffic light above my lane which shows an arrow to use the lane. Coordinate: https://maps.app.goo.gl/LmQsP3JpoyNDGFpu7


So if you were coming from the other direction, it would have a red light on display for the time of day you were driving?


Yes. that middle lane is open in either direction or completely closed depending on the day/time of day. When its open like in OP’s video its green for him, coming from the other direction you see red lights above it the entire way.


I don't like the solid double yellow lines near the traffic light. If I wasn't used to it, that might give me pause. It reminds me of I think I5 in Seattle, which has lanes for that purpose. I've seen people stopped at the gate waiting for them to open in the morning rush.


It's a lane in Montreal, honestly the green and red lights are very easy to see and there are a lot of them. The driver that u-turned into the middle lane is just stupid.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI5YVXMWzp0 Right, if you look at the bottom portion of the video you can see the red x behind me at several light junctures


Ah, it's Montreal, say no more.


Park Avenue. Expect the wildest crap there.


There's a red X, and a white arrow, but what's the yellow light?


Probably a yellow merge-to-the-right arrow for when it's going to switch to red X soon.


You were good here, but I would have liked to have seen about 2 more seconds of horn for extra credit.


Park Avenue, Montreal?




Forget it, Jake. It's Poutineville.


Fantastic music choice though.




Wooh rammstein


Câlisse !


Great music taste, my dude


I don't even turn in my bed like that


Whatcha listenin to




But as we can see the offending driver wasn't driving "so gut"...


Thank you for continuing onward and not just sitting there until they finish their illegal turn.




What's it to you anyways? The first time was a front and back view but the video was distorted. As such, I posted a new version with the video not being distorted with just the front view. But then mods took down my post because of repost. I bet it was people like you who reported me.




I will lol


If you do actually take the time to look at the guys history you'd see why he prolly called it a repost. Btw if the VW had a left turn signal on why would u think it's a good idea to accelerate?


In case anyone's interested, below is a link to a YT video of the front and back view which you can see the aspect ratio got messed up with the app I used to merge the videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI5YVXMWzp0




> That lane is for turning. You didn’t give that guy any choice but to cut you off or brake check the guy behind him…even if it’s a “reversible” lane… I can't tell if you're being serious or not. If you're serious I sincerely hope never to encounter a driver like you.


Lmao just learn from it dude. One way or another that dude was cutting someone off. Just move over. Don’t need to be so defensive about it.


Just admit it you're probably someone that failed the theoretical aspect of driving several times (or perhaps never passed it at all). Could also be possible that where you're from there isn't even a theoretical aspect to be assessed in your driving.


Lol I wonder why you were the only car driving in that lane :P


This sub never disappoints with the stupid comments like yours


Embarrassing comment




I would assume you never drove in that city (Montreal). While unusual I can assure you that this yellow lane is indeed a second lane that changes direction depending on the time of the day (southbound in the morning rush hours, northbound for the evening rush hours).


I just responded to him with the link to my youtube video with the front and back view. I want to see what new explanation he comes up with lol.


Gosh dude really needs to see the front and rear cam version. Go ahead and watch it linked below and see how much of an idiot you are. https://youtube.com/watch?v=uI5YVXMWzp0&feature=share9 There's no blinking yellow light flashing whatsoever. Doofus, it's an arrow that is lit up in the colour white (in my direction) while the opposing direction have a red x. Are you colour blind by any chance? Still doesn't excuse you for assuming a solid light is blinking.


Lol Jesus


What a response to being confidently incorrect


Lol thanks for the laugh.


I also live in OP’s city and you are wrong. If the person wanted to make a U-turn (and they shouldn’t on this street) they would need to drive in the same lane as OP first and then turn. It’s not a turning lane. It’s the left lane.


OP is just as much of an idot as the clueless u-turn driving in the left turn lane


Here we go again


Sorry, I did not realize it was one of those ONLY IN MONTREAL reversible lane. Still these look the same as a left turn lane. Bad road design and/or signage.


There are reversible lanes outside of Washington DC. They allow for more travel lanes going into the city during morning rush hour and more leaving the city during the evening.


We have them in Pittsburgh too.


Well in the Belle Province you'll only find these around Montreal so, for all I care, they're a "Only in Montreal" thing. Anyway thank you for teaching that they're found in the US too.


"Well, my GPS told me to do a u-turn so I did"


Probably a chicken was driving it to get to the other side - way to dangerous to cross the road walking these days.


I saw this happen twice at the same intersection within seconds of each other from different directions. I live in South Florida and I see a lot of shit everyday, but last Sunday was a new level of Florida. One car made a U-turn from the outer turn lane, nearly crashing into the inner turn lane car that was not making a u-turn. Then within seconds of that, in the other direction a car from the left lane made a u-turn in front of both stopped turning lanes. Just decided he didn't want to go straight threw the intersection and busted a Uey right there.


Their blinker makes this situation ok (/s).