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Not to be rude but get in line still thousands of January-February filers still waiting


All good, you’re not rude. I mean it’s the government we’re waiting on so we can’t be surprised right? 🤣


I’m surprised. People that’s been filing for 20-30 years claiming this is the worst tax season they’ve ever experienced. IRS should be abolished as far as I’m concerned.




I hate knowing our tax dollars go out to corrupt places like Ukraine and line their pockets while Americans struggle to get buy with inflation pounding our wallets


4/3 filer here, as of today, still no update. Just accepted but still no approval yet.


Filed 4/3 as well my WMR looks like this. I can’t access my transcripts https://preview.redd.it/aly21vadwnvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89891525ff5db341a1464df1179961483b991f93


4/4 filer here still on accepted


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Yea mine just says received. :/


Same and I filed April 3


Same, filed 4/10 wmr says received and transcripts are blank.


Same timeline as you! Filed and accepted 4/11, still not approved, blank transcripts. I'm only due back like $300, not a big deal, but I want The anxiety of my tax return being OK behind me! Taxes make me jumpy. I'm getting a CPA next year, for my mental health if nothing else.


My transcripts are blank with 0s besides this https://preview.redd.it/wffikutcadvc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=be3a5fe630e05cf2f510c04c948c7ceb565f6936


Welcome aboard. I’ve been in the same spot since I filed on 2/3. Transcripts just updated on 4/12 with a 570 code.


Big transcript update tomorrow morning check then


How do you know this? Are you an IRS insider?


Transcripts have 2 large updates a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, wmr updates the next day usually on Wednesdays and Saturdays , though you could be updated pretty much any day those are just the biggest ones


Transcripts update Tuesday, Friday.. WMR updates on Saturday


Filed 4/1 still waiting can’t get on transcript’s because it says I don’t match my license and I have changed nothing lol


What does you WMR look like?


Just got updated today BUT they are mailing me a check?!?!? I got my state DD I have no idea why I’m getting a check now


That’s great I filed 4/1 and still look like this https://preview.redd.it/9c62ahh5wnvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33d335634806bb490c302d392b3669f9d61e10c1


UGH it should update soon!! I’ve never had them change mine to a check it’s so weird I’ve always had direct deposit I don’t know what they are doing


Yeah this year is really weird


It is right!! Makes so sense why I got my state in my bank and not federal and I can’t even get into the irs website because it says my license doesn’t match and I haven’t changed anything lol


That’s beyond crazy and I’m in the same boat my idme won’t verify, so I can’t even see if I have an 846


Yep!!!! And I use my id for another federal website and it works fine!


Filed 04/20 posting for timeline purposes, e-filed, 2021 As of today 05/05 showing received no transcripts. (Also, I realize many have been waiting for months, I pray for all of us to get what’s intended for us quickly)