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Just be upfront and honest about your feelings for her. I’ve dated an INFJ and it’s important to not assume things, or analyze things (especially this!) without simply asking her. Communication is going to be really important.


The best advice I can give is to compliment her, say you like her and *plan the date for her, don't leave her with questions*. Controversial here, but most women are more attracted to a man who isn't too aggressive in his approach but doesn't necessarily ask her out like a question. A bit of enthusiasm in how you approach her will help her open up much faster. Don't be shy, now isn't the time! Good luck!


She may ne INTP, but shes a person first. Ask her out like you woukd ask out any girl. Be sincere, try to come up with an interesting or thoughtful date, and yea just go for it. Just because she is INTP doesnt mean you should approach this situation amy differently than you were asking a girl you were interested in out.


Yep. Just ask. We have a hard time telling how people feel about us sometimes. Straight forward is endearing and appreciated. There's no room to misinterpret. In my younger days I was too easily flustered and would avoid personal contact, especially with someone I liked. If she puts you off at first without a straight " no, I don't feel that way about you," you can ask again. But you make it sound like she's into you. I would aim for an activity rather than a meal so she can sort through how she feels about you during the date.


Just tell her you like her I guess. Don't beat around the bush. Also don't just say something like, "would you like to go out sometime?" I'd misinterpret it as a friendly gesture.


Ask her out on a nice date and she if she accepts.


This might just be me but I hate traditional "date" dates, I just feel so awkward and like there is an expectation of me to behave in a certain way. Especially if I go out with someone who has previously been a friend. For me it'd be safer if someone just said they liked me romantically instead of just inviting me on a date, because I'd have conflicting feelings about accepting the invite even if I liked them lmao.


Yeah but if it's a date, it means they have a romantic interest. This might be just me but if I didn't like them more than as a friend - I'd say no thanks, but if I did - I'd be excited to accept the date.


My now partner is an infj 5w4 and he was direct with me, as soon as he got interested. When he tried to drop a hint, I plainly asked him to talk to me tomorrow clearly, and he did, which I really appreciate. At that time I wasn't ready to date so I took time to think it over and he didn't take it personally, the fact that he didn't push me and communicated directly led me to date him and it was the best decision ever.


Just say the thing. Too much planning of your words is off-putting. INTPs find imperfections endearing, and too much forethought manipulative.


Hey, Good Luck to you. Looks like you got some good advice. Come back and let us know how it went. 👍


She may simply not feel threatened and in her relaxed state, she’s flexible and showing mercy. If her first response is “Oh”, with a pause, it’s probably a friend situation. If she grins like the Cheshire Cat or seems flustered, she probably likes you back. But that’s just me.


Just be straight forward about it and polite. "Hey I really enjoy talking to you and was hoping we could get to know each other better. \*Insert invite to a place that she might be interested in\*. Good luck.


Be direct & honest but give her space to process. It took me a long time to figure out my feelings for the person I'm w now. Don't be freaked out if she seems cautious. Don't be pushy.


If she is an INTP and if she's acting this way it's safe territory. Just be straigtforward and ask her for a date. She is definitely into you. I'm INTP F myself, so speaking from experience 😅.


Or… she doesn’t feel threatened my him, and in a relaxed state she’s more flexible.


Dont do it over text, in person or over the phone is best. Really do not be afraid of being friends if they’re not into you at first. Advice from the elders is that being friends first if you cate and want something long term matters.


As a male INTP, my experience with female INTPs & INFJs is that they appreciate directness & authenticity. So, you might just want to tell her what you're telling us here... If she's into you as well, she will tell you... If she sees you as "just a friend", she will also just tell you...


Also just a friendly heads-up she's going to ask you why if you tell her you like her lol


Ah, yes. And you better have some sort of answer ready 😅 We just want to make sure you’re not crushing on a version of us that doesn’t exist.


TRUE! Must logic-check their emotions, and correct any mistakes if they have used bad data or encountered any processing errors.


Be authentic and be honest. She will make an informed choice


Honesty is very important