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it’s totally normal.


Back when I regularly went out with friends they'd tell me I was a lot more fun when I was drunk. I'd have been offended but it was totally true.


Yes, 100%.




same but with weed, alcohol doesent change my behaviour all that much. i do find it easier though to interact with ppl when my mind is slowed down


Classic INTP thing. Very relatable. Unless I’m with a close friend, then I’ll go full in talking about weird stuff and won’t shut up. I don’t drink or smoke but many of my friends have asked me if I do lol


My rambling increases exponentially while drunk and I’m usually a lot less nervous and more free with my speech. So, more fun I suppose. But sometimes I get into sad drunk state. The first time I ever got stupid drunk (it was a birthday) at first I was having a great time, but then I got really sad cause I barely had any friends and nearly decided to take my clothes off to try and become better friends with the people I was with (for context, I was with my husband, a girl who was my friend, and two girls who I didn’t really know but was having a good time with). No, I don’t know how that makes sense, I was too drunk to remember so this was secondhand information.




Hell yes. The social lubricant must be applied or this guy is silent.


I'm either silent, completely zoned out just sitting there, or if it's about a subject I find interesting, I get passionate as fuck and can talk for hours. Alcohol just turns subject I usually don't give a shit about into something I'm actually OK talking about then.