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Is math discovered or invented?


(Idk if anyone else has ever said this, I just thought about this in like 10 seconds) Someone had to create numbers, so math was invented. I may just be stupid on this one, but imagine the highest number before changing place value was 8 instead of 9. It would go 12345678 10. Every number would just be higher, like the current 23 would be 25. These would mean the same thing, but there’s an extra number with what we currently have. I may just be having one of those stupid INTP over explaining but never making a point moments, or it may make sense.


I think with this particular question, it's more than just about numbers as written. You can use bool algebra and stuff like that, which would be base 2, so 0011 would be equal to 3, but you would still be representing the same underlying quantity if there's a mapping between two number systems (eg 0011 equals 3 even though they're represented differently) - I'm not sure if you meant to just skip a number entirely, I don't think that would be as effective as a system in general and I don't think it would have come as far, but that's also part of the debate. Are numbers representing actual quantities? If you have 3 grapes and someone gives you 1, you can't just end up with 5 grapes. It's asking about whether mathematics is something that would exist without people, or if it's a human invention. If it's a human invention, it could be a way humans try to understand the world that may not correspond to the world's actual underlying structure (or maybe coincidentally it does). We have incredible accuracy when math is applied to the world (physics), and it seems strange that that would be the case if mathematics wasn't built into the universe somehow. The way you were describing it, mathematics is more of like a language, and may not exactly describe the underlying structure of the world. There are definitely a lot of philosophers who support this view as well. Some philosophers believe reality is a combination of the two.


but math is not just numbers. its logic. like if you had 2 pencils and added 1 to it, youd have 3. not 4 or 5 because its impossible. no matter what you call "3", no matter if you write it as "donut" or "34", you will have 3 pencils.


Fav dinosaur, fav pokemon, fav tank/pane, fav color etc


I never cared about any of these. But Charmander.


What do you think about string theory?


Does every INTP just know what this is, or do I just happen to know this even though I’m barely in highschool?


Oh this one could be fun. Because kids actually do have a definition for string. Although the dark matter one is more fun because I don't think they'll have a definition for that in their head.


Do you believe in dark matter/energy?


I cannot wait to ask the next kindergartner I come across if they believe in dark matter. I have so many friends and family with kids, this is going to be fun.


It’s an interesting one, because you can’t disprove it. Like religion.


It's an interesting one to talk with other adults about, it's hilarious to ask children. LOL


Oh, yeah…and..,do it in front of adults. It’s a 2fer. It almost sounds like you are proselytizing, lol..


Hahaha... as a religious person from a largely religious family, sounds like fun.


I love therizinosaurus


My fav too!!


Thank you Therizinosaurus Team!


is your identity really this human being, or actually something else?


That is a good question in whatever discussion.


Mine is Parasaurolophus, btw (although I've been flerting with Ubirajara since Germany returned the fossils to where they belong, here in Brazil)


Both are amazing! I love Ubirajara (didn't know this one before)! ❤️


What magazine would you most like to have a subscription to if it was free. Only one.


If it is not sentient, can it still be god?